DemNazis Pathetically Hypocritical: Rapists, Misogynists, Racists, Fake Indians & Baby Killers

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
You know the headlines.

Time for The Democrat Party to
Put Up or STFU forever!

Burn these Mutha Fuckahs To The Ground.

Warren, Fairfax, Booker, Ellis, Northrum and anyone else like them need booted out of office.

Lastly clean up your own back yard and end your Racist War on White Men and European Americans and punish your members who play the race card in interviews and public statements and ban the word “White Privilege” ban calling your fellow Americans Racist, KKK members, or bigots just because they disagree with you.

Stop your war on Conservative Women, Quit Mom Shaming them, and slut shaming other women!

Then do something Noble for once in your pathetic lives, step out of your comfort zone and stand up and defend life for once instead of promoting a culture of death and infanticide!

Ken Cuccinelli: Got governor trouble? Here's how Virginia's succession law works
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Since you meant "I'm majorly butthurt about all the asswhuppings Democrats are handing out to my corrupt political cult!", you should have just said that straight out. There was no need to run down the whole list of cult buzzwords.
While we are at it, stand up and Defend American Citizens and stand with us Against Sex Traffickers, Drug Dealers and Coyotes.
Leftist Cowards “Only Brave Enough To Murder Babies” Suddenly are refusing to “Kavanaugh” their own Monsters.

Mengele For President 2020!
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If it wasn't for the drooling support of the MSM the democrat party would have been laughed out of town years ago.
If it wasn't for the drooling support of the MSM the democrat party would have been laughed out of town years ago.
I just want the Son of Bitches to quit being Hypocritical and put up or shut up!

Where is The Democrat Leadership speaking out on this?



I was expecting Democrats to participate in this thread and vow to make their own people accountable.

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