DEMo-Care a Laughing Stock..

That was corporate that screwed up the website, shytte for brains. Why you think they're smarter than gov't is beyond me...must be Pub gov't...THERE ya got a point...

Wow. A fascinating peek inside the mind of those who have a strong emotional attachment to the federal bureaucracy. "...why you think they're smarter than the government is beyond me... " I mean, what could possibly be smarter than the government!

This warm devotion -- this subservience, to a stronger higher power seems almost religious.

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That was corporate that screwed up the website, shytte for brains. Why you think they're smarter than gov't is beyond me...must be Pub gov't...THERE ya got a point...

Wow. A fascinating peek inside the mind of those who have a strong emotional attachment to the federal bureaucracy. "...why you think they're smarter than the government is beyond me... " I mean, what could possibly be smarter than the government!

This warm devotion -- this subservience, to a stronger higher power seems almost religious.


Great catch..dang I missed it...thank you
in 1986 Reagan signed a law requiring hospitals to treat ANYONE regardless of their ability to pay.

even illegal aliens.

Oh the Teaparty thinks only certain people should be allowed to live. You know, real Americans.
Some people actually consider the good of the country, ya braindead git...

Our people work full time and live in poverty, according to the definition of the rest of the world?


Spoken like a truly indoctrinated nitwit who has no concept of what poverty looks like in other countries. Now shut the fuck up, moron.

Butt kicking perfection..when will they learn...:clap2:
That was corporate that screwed up the website, shytte for brains. Why you think they're smarter than gov't is beyond me...must be Pub gov't...THERE ya got a point...

Yo was handpicked no bid award by your cocksucking Prez Obama that is responsible for this fuck up.

You resting?

Come spring you'll be picking in the Valley right?
Too bad we aren't talking about Reagan. Whenever you get cornered you deflect. Obamacare will cost us $120 billion a year until it collapses or is repealed. It will also give insurance to illegals aliens too, or it will.

They'll have an easier time climbing the fence than getting government subsidized healthcare.

sorry sis, but illegal aliens are not eligable for the ACA exchanges.

and the ACA will save the nation at least $30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills.

this will also help keep hospitals from closing.

Sis? First of all I'm a guy. Second, I am not your "sis." And if you can't link to that claim like I know you won't, then you are lying. Obamacare is going to cost us $1.2 trillion over ten years. Or $102 billion per year. Do the math you uneducated liberal.
My compliments to Intense on a job well done...:thup:
Illegal aliens cannot buy insurance through the exchanges.

The only way they could do it is by committing identity fraud, and taking on someone elses' name and SS number.
Illegal aliens cannot buy insurance through the exchanges.

The only way they could do it is by committing identity fraud, and taking on someone elses' name and SS number.

...or if they promise to vote Democrat of course..:D
You know what's even funnier?

ReaganCare. Costs the nation $30 billion a year in unpaid bills.

and it requires hospitals to treat illegal aliens.

What's even funnier than that is an asshat coming in at post 12 to look backwards, all the way back to Reagan, rather than seeing the trainwreck right in front of him
Illegal aliens cannot buy insurance through the exchanges.

The only way they could do it is by committing identity fraud, and taking on someone elses' name and SS number.

Who is gonna verify it?

hell, we had to make it a stipulation in the CR to require income verification....

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