Democats Go Racist...card

Typical left logic if you don't vote for the black man you must be racist I suspect 92% of blacks maybe more voted for Obama by your logic they must be racist against whites. Or do you think maybe just maybe it might be the political ideology and policies of the people that those who vote against them have a problem with and not their race? I know this is a really radical concept but please consider it.
No. It's about race. It's more than obvious about race.

Look at the constant, irrational hatred towards Obama since he became President.
Look at the right wing response to the Travon Martin shooting.
Look at the threads in this very forum:
How intelligent are muslims?
What year was the first muslim attack on the US?
Lawyer writes about how stupid and weird black clients are
Foreign students beaten for being a 'white ho' in Chicago
Can black people tell time?
"I don't like blacks because..."
Black welfare queen gives tips on how to milk the system​
Those are just in the last 10 pages of "New Posts".

The right is racist and it's fucking god-damn obvious!
The left wing is just as racist once you get them behind closed doors. They just pretend they aren't when they're out in public.
And you base that on what?

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent." -Senator Joe Biden


Typical white person

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African American [Barack Obama] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy." Joe Biden again.

I can go on and on and that doesn't include the words I've heard uttered behind closed doors.
Typical left logic if you don't vote for the black man you must be racist I suspect 92% of blacks maybe more voted for Obama by your logic they must be racist against whites. Or do you think maybe just maybe it might be the political ideology and policies of the people that those who vote against them have a problem with and not their race? I know this is a really radical concept but please consider it.
No. It's about race. It's more than obvious about race.

Look at the constant, irrational hatred towards Obama since he became President.
Look at the right wing response to the Travon Martin shooting.
Look at the threads in this very forum:
How intelligent are muslims?
What year was the first muslim attack on the US?
Lawyer writes about how stupid and weird black clients are
Foreign students beaten for being a 'white ho' in Chicago
Can black people tell time?
"I don't like blacks because..."
Black welfare queen gives tips on how to milk the system​
Those are just in the last 10 pages of "New Posts".

The right is racist and it's fucking god-damn obvious!
Exactly the response I expected I will now leave you with a very old but very true statement that you should really think about but won't those who cry racist usually are. You have a good night.
"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent." -Senator Joe Biden


Typical white person

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African American [Barack Obama] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy." Joe Biden again.

I can go on and on and that doesn't include the words I've heard uttered behind closed doors.
Okay, I'll give you the first one. That was a racist comment by Biden.

I don't know what the 2nd and 3rd to comments have to do with racism, since you didn't show their relevence or the context in which they were used.

The 4th comment wasn't racist at all.

As for the last one, you gotta do better than coming up with one democrat who said something racist to brand the whole party that way.
Hymietown was Jessie Jackson talking about Jews in NYC and not in an endearing way.

Typical White Person was a term Obama used describing his racist (and dead and thus unable to refute)grandmother. He got a pass on it, but would someone have gotten a pass discussing a "Typical Black Person" under similar circumstances?

Biden saying that finally there's a mainstream black who doesn't look and sound like he just walked out of the 'hood isn't racist?
Hymietown was Jessie Jackson talking about Jews in NYC and not in an endearing way.

Typical White Person was a term Obama used describing his racist (and dead and thus unable to refute)grandmother. He got a pass on it, but would someone have gotten a pass discussing a "Typical Black Person" under similar circumstances?

Biden saying that finally there's a mainstream black who doesn't look and sound like he just walked out of the 'hood isn't racist?
Aside from Jackson's comment, the other two are not examples of rampant racism in the democratic party.

Why don't you go count all the threads bashing white people? I guarantee you won't get 10 threads in 10 pages.
I'm fed with Democrats playing the race divides the country.


Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who is known for lobbing over-the-top rhetorical bombs at his political foes, once again is being accused of taking things too far -- after his campaign sent an email that compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan while depicting a burning cross.

The email showed a large image of the flaming cross, with the letters "ea Party" etched in to the right of it. The caption read: "Now You Know What the 'T' Stands For."

Rep. Grayson blasted over anti-Tea Party email showing burning cross | Fox News
Well then stop being god-damn racists!

When you look at who voted republican in the last election, 92% were white, it's pretty obvious race is a big deal to the right.

99% of blacks voted for obie. Let me guess here but I'm sure you don't think that was about race. Never mind the fact that without close to 50% of the white vote this piece of shit would never have come close to being elected and I'm pretty sure that makes you the dumbass of the month.
I'm fed with Democrats playing the race divides the country.


Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who is known for lobbing over-the-top rhetorical bombs at his political foes, once again is being accused of taking things too far -- after his campaign sent an email that compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan while depicting a burning cross.

The email showed a large image of the flaming cross, with the letters "ea Party" etched in to the right of it. The caption read: "Now You Know What the 'T' Stands For."

Rep. Grayson blasted over anti-Tea Party email showing burning cross | Fox News
Well then stop being god-damn racists!

When you look at who voted republican in the last election, 92% were white, it's pretty obvious race is a big deal to the right.

99% of blacks voted for obie. Let me guess here but I'm sure you don't think that was about race. Never mind the fact that without close to 50% of the white vote this piece of shit would never have come close to being elected and I'm pretty sure that makes you the dumbass of the month.

I don't know, there's pretty stiff competition from the left...:omg:
AmeriKa doesn't have a black people problem, but it does have a ****** problem. Inner city thugs targeting white people for execution etc, and the MSM ignores it. Everyone ignores the intentional race war that the left has started. Fueled by Obama's buddies in Hollywood, the Weinsteins in particular, and despicable black popular culture as a whole. Leftist filth are no friend to the black man unless it serves their nefarious purposes.
Love it!!! :clap2:

3 cheers for Alan Grayson

Hip hip hooray!

At least you're taking ownership of the blatant racism in your party.
Gotta rep you for that!!
It is not racist to identify and speak out against a party that is racist. There is a reason the tea party is referred to as the Old White Man's Party.

Then you best take that up with the Black Tea Party groups and let them know!
I'm fed with Democrats playing the race divides the country.


Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who is known for lobbing over-the-top rhetorical bombs at his political foes, once again is being accused of taking things too far -- after his campaign sent an email that compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan while depicting a burning cross.

The email showed a large image of the flaming cross, with the letters "ea Party" etched in to the right of it. The caption read: "Now You Know What the 'T' Stands For."

Rep. Grayson blasted over anti-Tea Party email showing burning cross | Fox News
Well then stop being god-damn racists!

When you look at who voted republican in the last election, 92% were white, it's pretty obvious race is a big deal to the right.

Democrats have failed minorities miserably, race baiting is a must for them..I get your point...
See if you can resolve these facts.
1) Blacks have almost twice the unemployment rate that whites have.

2) Because of high unemployment rates Blacks are much more likely to rely on food stamps and SNAP than whites.

3) The republican House voted to cut funding for food stamps and SNAP.

4) A cut of food stamps and SNAP will disproportionally negatively affect the black community.

Now, with the above facts, explain exactly how Democrats have failed the black community regarding food stamps and SNAP benefits.
Well then stop being god-damn racists!

When you look at who voted republican in the last election, 92% were white, it's pretty obvious race is a big deal to the right.

Democrats have failed minorities miserably, race baiting is a must for them..I get your point...
See if you can resolve these facts.
1) Blacks have almost twice the unemployment rate that whites have.

2) Because of high unemployment rates Blacks are much more likely to rely on food stamps and SNAP than whites.

3) The republican House voted to cut funding for food stamps and SNAP.

4) A cut of food stamps and SNAP will disproportionally negatively affect the black community.

Now, with the above facts, explain exactly how Democrats have failed the black community regarding food stamps and SNAP benefits.

Start with #1 then #2 and be realistic on #3 and #4...

Obama/Democrats have vastly increased Black unemployment especially among the youth.

Making so many African Americans dependent on food stamps and government subsidies it great for getting Democrats votes but destroys families, hopes and future aspirations. In my opinion what Democrats are doing is akin to government backed economic slavery.
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Democats Go Racist...card

they always have been
they just picked a different race this time

Democrats, the party of the 3 S's
Slavery, Segregation and Socialism

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