

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I used to be democrat, a liberal. Even new communist groups spring up calling themselves the "antifa" or BLM is run by communists and funded by (ironical so is the MSM) the Chinese communist government. Really? The modern version of democrats/liberals I broke away from mainly because they frightened the hell out of me. The democrats have become like Mussolini's brown shirts , they certify everyone, they scrutinize everyone and everything to fit their parties constrictions. Or like the German NAZI party, they had their "Kristallnacht" and it lasted a day or two, the fucking democrats have burned our cities and terrorized us for months. What else can I say? I stop there.
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I used to be democrat, a liberal. Even new communist groups spring up calling themselves the "antifa" or BLM is run by communists and funded by (ironical so is the MSM) the Chinese communist government. Really? The modern version of democrats/liberals I broke away from because they frightened the hell out of me. The democrats have become like Mussolini's brown shirts , they certify everyone the scrutinize everyone and everything to fit the parties constrictions. Or the German NAZI party, they had their "Kristallnacht", the fucking democrats have burned our cities and terrorized us for months. I stop there.

At least you didn't make AOC's "Terror List".

Keep your head down and avoid any suggestions you have a problem with the "Party" when asked. :stir:
Democats or DemonRats?

There is a difference there! :laugh::laugh:
I used to be democrat, a liberal. Even new communist groups spring up calling themselves the "antifa" or BLM is run by communists and funded by (ironical so is the MSM) the Chinese communist government. Really? The modern version of democrats/liberals I broke away from because they frightened the hell out of me. The democrats have become like Mussolini's brown shirts , they certify everyone the scrutinize everyone and everything to fit the parties constrictions. Or the German NAZI party, they had their "Kristallnacht", the fucking democrats have burned our cities and terrorized us for months. I stop there.

I used to be a Republican. Then, in 1994, a fat, serial philandering gas bag came to power in a so called "Republican Revolution". His right wing views propped up by conservative talk radio led to divisiveness and rancor that I saw manifest itself in my own small NH town. A few years later, he led the charge to impeach a sitting President over lying about a sex act in the Oval Office. And so began the slow descent into hell that became the Republican party.

I stop there. You know how the story ends. "You're either with us or against us"..(after burning his post 9/11 popularity)"We intend to see that he is a one term President"!!
You have no one to blame but yourselves for this.
I used to be democrat, a liberal. Even new communist groups spring up calling themselves the "antifa" or BLM is run by communists and funded by (ironical so is the MSM) the Chinese communist government. Really? The modern version of democrats/liberals I broke away from mainly because they frightened the hell out of me. The democrats have become like Mussolini's brown shirts , they certify everyone, they scrutinize everyone and everything to fit their parties constrictions. Or like the German NAZI party, they had their "Kristallnacht" and it lasted a day or two, the fucking democrats have burned our cities and terrorized us for months. What else can I say? I stop there.

"Had their Kristallnacht"?

You mean "break their windows, break them NOW"?

I believe that was the Tea Baggeries. One of the victims thereof was Gabby Giffords. Another one had gas lines cut at his house. I guess that doesn't qualify as Kristal though.

Anyway I clicked in here because from the title I thought it was about cute li'l animals.
I used to be democrat, a liberal. Even new communist groups spring up calling themselves the "antifa" or BLM is run by communists and funded by (ironical so is the MSM) the Chinese communist government. Really? The modern version of democrats/liberals I broke away from because they frightened the hell out of me. The democrats have become like Mussolini's brown shirts , they certify everyone the scrutinize everyone and everything to fit the parties constrictions. Or the German NAZI party, they had their "Kristallnacht", the fucking democrats have burned our cities and terrorized us for months. I stop there.

I used to be a democrat, too.

My liberal beliefs include the following:

I am fiercely opposed to Authoritarianism and believe people should be afforded maximum freedom as long as the expression of their freedom does not infringe upon others.

I believe in free speech, freedom of association and freedom of assembly.

I believe in egalitarianism and affording not only the same rights but same responsibility to all people.

I believe in protecting the powerless from the ravages of the powerful. An example of this would be supporting the rights of small business people targeted for closure in order to facilitate the powerful.

I believe in the transparency of government, I oppose decisions made in secret and support free and fair elections held in the open and available for scrutiny.

I do not believe that might makes right or that the ends justify the means. The power to influence us now invested in a small group of technocrats is inimical to liberal values.

In all these areas, my liberal values places me squarely a odds with the authoritarian leftists who have now seized control. I don't care what they CALL themselves. I care what they ARE, and based upon my reading thousands of postings by scores upon scores of posters, I do not hesitate to call these fascist in nature, not liberal.
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The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy with a virus as deadly as the mumps. All of this sponsored by the Chinese government. Just like the Democratic party.
The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy all sponsored by the Chinese government.

"Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause".
Try to remove a standing president over lying about a BJ in the Oval Office?? LOL.
Stop. How much Trump goods are manufactured in China??
The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy with a virus as deadly as the mumps. All of this sponsored by the Chinese government. Just like the Democratic party.

Got any actual links to these "Democats burning down our cities --- fact"?

No I guess not.
The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy all sponsored by the Chinese government.

"Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause".
Try to remove a standing president over lying about a BJ in the Oval Office?? LOL.
Stop. How much Trump goods are manufactured in China??
Ok, and then there's the riots the Democrats and the media support. And then the Democrats just coincidentally support a economic shut down of our economy over virus as deadly as the common flu. What a coincidence.
The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy all sponsored by the Chinese government.

"Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause".
Try to remove a standing president over lying about a BJ in the Oval Office?? LOL.
Stop. How much Trump goods are manufactured in China??
Ok, and then there's the riots the Democrats and the media support. And then the Democrats just coincidentally support a economic shut down of our economy over virus as deadly as the common flu. What a coincidence.

I'm sorry. Can you point out for me who in these "riots" had Democrat...or BLM..or Antifa..pasted on their shirts identifying them as the rabble rousers?? :)
No one wants a shutdown. It was a result of a wannabe Prez who had no interest in the actual job.

Mortality rate as of today is almost 2.4%. Way above the flu....(sheesh).
The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy all sponsored by the Chinese government.

"Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause".
Try to remove a standing president over lying about a BJ in the Oval Office?? LOL.
Stop. How much Trump goods are manufactured in China??
Ok, and then there's the riots the Democrats and the media support. And then the Democrats just coincidentally support a economic shut down of our economy over virus as deadly as the common flu. What a coincidence.

I'm sorry. Can you point out for me who in these "riots" had Democrat...or BLM..or Antifa..pasted on their shirts identifying them as the rabble rousers?? :)
No one wants a shutdown. It was a result of a wannabe Prez who had no interest in the actual job.

Mortality rate as of today is almost 2.4%. Way above the flu....(sheesh).
Not going to argue. We aren't stupid. In a honest to goodness
real pandemic, nobody would be arguing the numbers. Spare us, this isn't a pandemic. Gaslight us. I see democrats practically destroying our economy and our society sponsoring by any means possible. Phoney virus lockdowns, bailing out and enabling rioters and supporting anarchist destroying our cities. Great. Kudos.
The Democrats are destroying our cities, one way or the other. San Francisco, Los Angeles. And so on and so on. What has Trump or republicans done...Lets see, there is the peace accords with the UAE and Israel, pulling out troops from the Mideast. What the fuck as democrats done? Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause. And for months they have burned down our cities. Fact. Lets see here, destroy our economy all sponsored by the Chinese government.

"Lets see here, try to remove a standing president without valid cause".
Try to remove a standing president over lying about a BJ in the Oval Office?? LOL.
Stop. How much Trump goods are manufactured in China??
Ok, and then there's the riots the Democrats and the media support. And then the Democrats just coincidentally support a economic shut down of our economy over virus as deadly as the common flu. What a coincidence.

I'm sorry. Can you point out for me who in these "riots" had Democrat...or BLM..or Antifa..pasted on their shirts identifying them as the rabble rousers?? :)
No one wants a shutdown. It was a result of a wannabe Prez who had no interest in the actual job.

Mortality rate as of today is almost 2.4%. Way above the flu....(sheesh).
Not going to argue. We aren't stupid. In a honest to goodness
real pandemic, nobody would be arguing the numbers. Spare us, this isn't a pandemic. Gaslight us. I see democrats practically destroying our economy and our society sponsoring by any means possible. Phoney virus lockdowns, bailing out and enabling rioters and supporting anarchist destroying our cities. Great. Kudos.

Oh, lighten up Francis. 100K+ infections for the last four days. What more do you want? More denials by your fake alt-right media masters?
I see San Francisco and LA turned into toilets. Nobody can stand living in that liberal rat nest, they destroy political diversity and create hegemony. Democrats destroy true diversity. They want to support left handed ginger gay midget cannibals rights...or fringe groups rights, and not so much the hard working middle class. Nope, they want to call us names, bourgeoise. The democrats are the party of the Chinese.
The Covington MAGA hat kid, that was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. The main stream media lied through their fucking teeth about him The media lied about George Floyd and Breanna Taylor. This is exactly WHY I call for a new government board of ethics, standards and practices to keep the media in check.
Biden is gonna win the election here. The writing is on the wall, so to speak. Trump was the bad guy. The party of haters and racists. I am surprised yall vote for a party that openly supports a party that supports riots and the level of hate and anger on the left..I could never openly support or have a Trump 2020 sign in my front yard, because of you...think about it.

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