Democracy winds, MAGA loses!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005

Virginia’s election result is a loss for Donald Trump

Joe Biden Declares 'MAGA Lost' As He Celebrates Republican Election Woes

Last night, the country rejected the Trump MAGA candidates. To the MAGA faithful, that's what you get when you make this anti-abortion, anti-Constitutional bed! You people want to do away with abortion, against the will of the country? 70% of Americans, believe in abortion rights. In addition, all REAL Americans, like our Constitution. So, when Trump says he's going to eliminate our US Constitution, consolidate government power in the executive branch and exact retribution on his political enemies, Americans, from sea to shining sea, stood up at the polls last night and rejected this authoritarian platform.

So now you MAGA faithful, get to sleep in the bed you made. You are going to lose election after election, because your platform sucks! Wake up and smell the big, blue Democrat coffee! This country has rejected your policies once again.

Ooh-rah! This country IS great again!

Virginia’s election result is a loss for Donald Trump

Joe Biden Declares 'MAGA Lost' As He Celebrates Republican Election Woes

Last night, the country rejected the Trump MAGA candidates. To the MAGA faithful, that's what you get when you make this anti-abortion, anti-Constitutional bed! You people want to do away with abortion, against the will of the country? 70% of Americans, believe in abortion rights. In addition, all REAL Americans, like our Constitution. So, when Trump says he's going to eliminate our US Constitution, consolidate government power in the executive branch and exact retribution on his political enemies, Americans, from sea to shining sea, stood up at the polls last night and rejected this authoritarian platform.

So now you MAGA faithful, get to sleep in the bed you made. You are going to lose election after election, because your platform sucks! Wake up and smell the big, blue Democrat coffee! This country has rejected your policies once again.

Ooh-rah! This country IS great again!

And last night those 3 red states that voted for pro choice weren't rigged.
Republicans say in Kentucky a gas leak caused a key polling station to close and cost the Republican.
odd isn't it that every other republican office won but the governor. Same in Virginia...Youngkin it was queried..'Can he pull off turning virginia red?' I don't know that he even tried. I don't trust the guy, never did although i voted for him rather than that ratthole McAuliffe.
odd isn't it that every other republican office won but the governor. Same in Virginia...Youngkin it was queried..'Can he pull off turning virginia red?' I don't know that he even tried. I don't trust the guy, never did although i voted for him rather than that ratthole McAuliffe.
That's because of gerrymandering. When everyone in KY gets to vote for 1 person, they voted for a Democrat.

No way white Republicans in KY were going to vote for this guy
It was a free and fair election that went against the GOP.
Yes; Let those Illegals keep pouring in, let the Dems set up Housing near you or your kids School, Love those NO BAIL Laws, etc etc . Love the idea that big retail stores like Target and others are moving out of High Crime Dem Controlled states
You know who’s moving out of his state because he can’t stand the High Crime?

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