Democracy winds, MAGA loses!

Virginia’s election result is a loss for Donald Trump

Joe Biden Declares 'MAGA Lost' As He Celebrates Republican Election Woes

Last night, the country rejected the Trump MAGA candidates. To the MAGA faithful, that's what you get when you make this anti-abortion, anti-Constitutional bed! You people want to do away with abortion, against the will of the country? 70% of Americans, believe in abortion rights. In addition, all REAL Americans, like our Constitution. So, when Trump says he's going to eliminate our US Constitution, consolidate government power in the executive branch and exact retribution on his political enemies, Americans, from sea to shining sea, stood up at the polls last night and rejected this authoritarian platform.

So now you MAGA faithful, get to sleep in the bed you made. You are going to lose election after election, because your platform sucks! Wake up and smell the big, blue Democrat coffee! This country has rejected your policies once again.

Ooh-rah! This country IS great again!
Yeah, democracy broke wind alright.
A person gets to pick their doctor. Who better to make medical decisions for them?

And it's only vague, because that takes abortion decisions out of the hands of legislators, and puts it into the hands of trained medical professionals.
Whether we like it or not, abortion is in the hands of legislatures. Democrats own the messaging on abortion and if that doesn't change, we will have Democrats in power again in 2024.
I know what's coming across our borders, I'm saying its not the problem you claim it is! The last thing I fear, is someone making minimum wage!
Really? Tell that to NY Mayor Eric Adams who once WELCOMED them personally off the busses and is now screaming Bloody Murder, telling them there’s “ no more room at the Inn” and condemning Biden!

Democracy winds …​

Our resident board scumbag retard, Dildo-really, thinks that a form of government is a movement of air.

Anyway, back to reality now.

We also have drug laws. When somebody breaks a drug law, we don't call them "illegals".
When you’re here illegally, we call you an illegal alien.
Like Canadians, they come here many different ways. Are you talking about people showing up at our borders asking for asylum? People who sneak in? There's also people who come here on vacation and never leave.

We need to get stricter on corporations who hire illegals. We used to go after them. We don't. If we did you'd see they'd stop. And when they get caught stop buying the lie they were given good fake id and they didn't know. They know. And they don't use the federal system sometimes. Shady. This is very unpatriotic. Treasonist. And Republicans are complacent.
There are people sneaking in
So ANYONE on this planet can claim “ asylum?” Don’t think so!
Really? Tell that to NY Mayor Eric Adams who once WELCOMED them personally off the busses and is now screaming Bloody Murder, telling them there’s “ no more room at the Inn” and condemning Biden!
Reality smacked even him across his face.
That’s why. 😎
Trumpsters don't believe polls or elections that show they lost. Lately Trumptards have been blowing up the internet with polls showing Trump ahead even though voters prove them wrong.
Truly conservatives have a hard row to hoe with blue city/county voter fraud.

Virginia’s election result is a loss for Donald Trump

Joe Biden Declares 'MAGA Lost' As He Celebrates Republican Election Woes

Last night, the country rejected the Trump MAGA candidates. To the MAGA faithful, that's what you get when you make this anti-abortion, anti-Constitutional bed! You people want to do away with abortion, against the will of the country? 70% of Americans, believe in abortion rights. In addition, all REAL Americans, like our Constitution. So, when Trump says he's going to eliminate our US Constitution, consolidate government power in the executive branch and exact retribution on his political enemies, Americans, from sea to shining sea, stood up at the polls last night and rejected this authoritarian platform.

So now you MAGA faithful, get to sleep in the bed you made. You are going to lose election after election, because your platform sucks! Wake up and smell the big, blue Democrat coffee! This country has rejected your policies once again.

Ooh-rah! This country IS great again!
Democracy winds?

If democracy won in America, when Trump was elected by a fair and square election, the Left wouldn't have chanted, "Not my president".

Just saying if you're confused.
It is so odd...take for instance in a big town, jewish owner and his liberal college educated staff quit unexpectedly over his support of Israel. oh...that's eduated smart alecks working as barristas...must be a college degree for THAT, huh. LOLOL There will be. Customers and people hear about this and they line up around the block to support the Jewish coffee shop. does this happen? This many americans come out to support what is RIGHT...YET.... things happen in virginia, ohio and other places where voters cast ballots in support of killing the unborn and messing up their brains with marijuana. Something stinks aside from Rashida Tlaib's personal hygiene.

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you know...there might be a really good reason for democrat voting choices, beliefs and support...and anger....oh...and off the chart unreasonable hatred of DJT and his supporters.


Vaxx psychosis.

Hell of a lot of it in this board.

Thank God I'll never be a victim of this horrible malady.


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