Democracy winds, MAGA loses!

u care. ur surprised and upset. opposite of me
You’re wrong. As always. You aren’t intelligent enough to know how anybody else views anything.

And nobody cares how you view the election results.

Face it sillybozo. You’re still just a turd in a cesspool.
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Your wrong. As always. You aren’t intelligent enough to know how anybody else views anything.

And nobody cares how you view the election results.

Face it sillybozo. You’re still just a turd in a cesspool.
Well despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage.

I'm doing alright. No matter how bad the Republicans are for the middle class, I'll be alright. I think I'm old enough. And my white nephews were born into money so they agree with your politics completely.
Well despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage.

I'm doing alright. No matter how bad the Republicans are for the middle class, I'll be alright. I think I'm old enough. And my white nephews were born into money so they agree with your politics completely.
I don’t care how you’re doing. I can’t imagine anybody here (other than you) actually cares.
It was a free and fair election that went against the GOP.
Democrats have women duped on "Abortion Rights". That is literally the only reason they won. And they will win in 2024 unless the GOP clearly defines unconditional abortion rights as what it is: MURDER. Unconditional abortion ban is also a non-starter, pick a number 10 weeks, 12 weeks 15 weeks and stick to it.

Virginia’s election result is a loss for Donald Trump

Joe Biden Declares 'MAGA Lost' As He Celebrates Republican Election Woes

Last night, the country rejected the Trump MAGA candidates. To the MAGA faithful, that's what you get when you make this anti-abortion, anti-Constitutional bed! You people want to do away with abortion, against the will of the country? 70% of Americans, believe in abortion rights. In addition, all REAL Americans, like our Constitution. So, when Trump says he's going to eliminate our US Constitution, consolidate government power in the executive branch and exact retribution on his political enemies, Americans, from sea to shining sea, stood up at the polls last night and rejected this authoritarian platform.

So now you MAGA faithful, get to sleep in the bed you made. You are going to lose election after election, because your platform sucks! Wake up and smell the big, blue Democrat coffee! This country has rejected your policies once again.

Ooh-rah! This country IS great again!
This is a bigger loss for the hypocrite Young King. This squashes his presidential dreams. But he is MAFA light. He will spin and blame others.
Like Canadians, they come here many different ways. Are you talking about people showing up at our borders asking for asylum? People who sneak in? There's also people who come here on vacation and never leave.

We need to get stricter on corporations who hire illegals. We used to go after them. We don't. If we did you'd see they'd stop. And when they get caught stop buying the lie they were given good fake id and they didn't know. They know. And they don't use the federal system sometimes. Shady. This is very unpatriotic. Treasonist. And Republicans are complacent.
bobo you try that in S.Cal and you will be labeled as a racist by the activist out one likes to be called a racist.....
The winds of death and destruction.
oh hold it. I need to make you understa
They're starting to panic. First there was the "red wave" election of 2022 that went from tsunami, to a heavy rain.
Now they look at 2023, and say don't read too much into the results.

Hell, 2020, 2022, 2023 - There's a trend here.
truly we aren't happy with the results...and you won't be either once the full impact of what the globalists want to do comes to fruition. you won't be fearing the'll be living the consequences of your own decisions. as it should be.
Democrats have women duped on "Abortion Rights". That is literally the only reason they won. And they will win in 2024 unless the GOP clearly defines unconditional abortion rights as what it is: MURDER. Unconditional abortion ban is also a non-starter, pick a number 10 weeks, 12 weeks 15 weeks and stick to it.
How about letting the doctor decide. After all, he knows what the medical dangers are on an individual basis to save the life or health of the mother.

Picking a number says that everybody's medical conditions are to be treated exactly the same. Whether they're 16 or 60.
How about letting the doctor decide. After all, he knows what the medical dangers are on an individual basis to save the life or health of the mother.

Picking a number says that everybody's medical conditions are to be treated exactly the same. Whether they're 16 or 60.
Letting the doctor decide is too vague and Democrats will have a field day propagandizing that message. Election 2024 is critical to the future of this country, we can't keep the Democrats in power over the abortion rights issue.
Letting the doctor decide is too vague and Democrats will have a field day propagandizing that message. Election 2024 is critical to the future of this country, we can't keep the Democrats in power over the abortion rights issue.
A person gets to pick their doctor. Who better to make medical decisions for them?

And it's only vague, because that takes abortion decisions out of the hands of legislators, and puts it into the hands of trained medical professionals.
Democrats have women duped on "Abortion Rights". That is literally the only reason they won. And they will win in 2024 unless the GOP clearly defines unconditional abortion rights as what it is: MURDER. Unconditional abortion ban is also a non-starter, pick a number 10 weeks, 12 weeks 15 weeks and stick to it.
They used to say the GOP was for limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus, then they are all up in that cavity with a ton of government! And you can say the same for same sex marriages.

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