Democraps always squuek out wins in Washington state

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Dino Rossi loses to Christine Gregoire for gov - on the 3rd recount in 2004.

Loses again in 2008.

Loses to Patty Murray narrowly in 2012 for US Senate. (get a clue - stop running..)

US Rep Rick Larson (D) Wa narrowly keeps his seat (comes from behind) against GOP challenger.

For Wash Supreme court - a flaming lib about to eak out-a win over common-sense/middle of-the-road incumbant Richard Sanders.

For Seattle mayor- far-left goon anti-car Mike McGinn out flanks moderate Dem candidate- who he was trailing in the polls - by promising not to opposse an underground tunnel to replace viaduct - then after he gets elected -fights the tunnel at ever turn.

And Bagdad Jim McDermott keeps his seat in the 7th Cong District. (surprise) I voter for his opp
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Not sure why I even bother to vote -so freaking rigged.......................

Same thingwill happen in 2012 when Maria Cantwell runs for re-election to US senate -another lightweight................
Good thing they do. Rossi would have been terrible for Washington State.
Bunch of criminals - brings to mind Cook Co Ill back in the days of the Daley Machine
2 major league sports titles in history: The Seattle Sonics in 1979 (now the Oklahoma City Thunder) - and Seattle Metropolitans around 1920 who won the Stanley Cup.

Really have to work hard to be that bad

U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi made the following statement regarding the Washington Senate race:

“This evening, I called Senator Murray to offer my congratulations on her re-election to the U.S. Senate.

“I ran for the Senate because I believe we need a basic course correction from where Washington, D.C. has been taking us and to make sure this country is as free, as strong and as prosperous in the future as it has been in the past to preserve the best of America for future generations.

“That was a message that found a very receptive audience all across this state, though not quite receptive enough.

“We’re sending at least one new person, maybe two, to Congress to represent Washington State. We elected a host of new people to the state legislature — all on the message of controlling spending and helping the private sector grow, saying no to government overreach and confronting some very difficult challenges in front of us.

You’ve heard me say during this campaign that the problems we face are too big for one political party. They are, and I can say that with absolute certainty.

“It is my hope that the new House and Senate will address them seriously, responsibly, and in a bipartisan way. I hope the President and Senate Democrats will join the new House majority to face these problems head on rather than leaving them for the next Congress or the next generation.

“My hope going forward is that our representatives in Washington, D.C. will be thinking about how an issue affects Bellevue, Bellingham or Bingen, not the D.C. Beltway.

“I hope they will be thinking about the small business owners struggling to stay open and the people that work there who are trying to pay their mortgage and feed their kids. 0 I hope the things that are done in D.C. make it easier for these folks, not harder.

The lesson I leave you with is one we learned as kids: we’re all in this together. If Washington, D.C. doesn’t act to help the economy grow and solve this massive ‘spending and debt, it’s going to hurt us all. It won’t distinguish by political party.

Let me close with one more heartfelt thank you to the people of our state. Thank you for letting me have an honest, straightforward discussion with you about our future.

“God bless you, our country, and this wonderful state we call home.”
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