Democrat activist sentenced to 6yrs. in prison for attacking Trump supporter

I agree with his lawyer that six years is too much time, but I am glad to see him going to jail. This shit needs to stop.
Should have gave him the max (10 years $250,000 fine) unless he agreed to identify and testify against his comrade terrorists.
This happened in Oregon (Multnomah Country). Amazing! And I don't think six years for assault with a deadly weapon is too much time. A cop was also attacked and as pointed out it's a political crime designed to rob people of their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and assembly.

I hope has a real good time in prison. He's earned it.
It's good to see the legal system finally doing their job before upstanding citizens are forced to take matters into their own hands and use the same tactics as antifa.

I agree with his lawyer that six years is too much time, but I am glad to see him going to jail. This shit needs to stop.

What it comes down to is that the leftwingers want to replace the ballot box with violence and a coup d' etat.

Why the 'Alt-Left' Is a Problem
It's good to see the legal system finally doing their job before upstanding citizens are forced to take matters into their own hands and use the same tactics as antifa.


As much as they gate the term:.
Politicians in applies.
Obama did serious damage to the political nutrality of all government agencies as well as the court systems.

Judges are rendering almost 100% partisan decisions.

Obama did serious damage to the political nutrality of all government agencies as well as the court systems.

Judges are rendering almost 100% partisan decisions.

True...but obama left Trump with 142 judicial picks which president Trump reminded us of at the rally lastnight.

Trump has now appointed over 180 young conservative judges to the bench...that will be the gift that keeps on giving for DECADES!
Obama did serious damage to the political nutrality of all government agencies as well as the court systems.

Judges are rendering almost 100% partisan decisions.

True...but obama left Trump with 142 judicial picks which president Trump reminded us of at the rally lastnight.

Trump has now appointed over 180 young conservative judges to the bench...that will be the gift that keeps on giving for DECADES!

I hope so, and I suspect Trump's picks will be far to the right of an Obama pick, but I dont think Trump is really very far to the right in anything he does.
I hope so, and I suspect Trump's picks will be far to the right of an Obama pick, but I dont think Trump is really very far to the right in anything he does.

Welp, far to the right for judges means FOLLOW THE LAW (or constitution) as written. We are not like the filth that make & change the rules as we go. So it wont ALWAYS work in our favor.'s far FAR better than filth judges! And obama ;left us with 142 extra picks! Lazy fucker :)
6 years for attempted murder doesn't sound like too much. The only way to deter these animals is with stiff sentences or severe retribution. Antifa is a terrorist organization and I'm good with anything bad that comes their way. We'd probably be better off if somebody smoked that guy.
Looks like he was held accountable...instead of being praised.
Needs to happen more often. I think the Trump hating bike lock attacker only got probation

Exactly....just probation and he was a professor ...someone with enough maturity to know better....not just a young hot headed juvenile....but someone seasoned in his hatred...someone with a desire to actually ikill someone because they had a different political view.

He should have been charged with attempted murder.
6 years for attempted murder doesn't sound like too much. The only way to deter these animals is with stiff sentences or severe retribution. Antifa is a terrorist organization and I'm good with anything bad that comes their way. We'd probably be better off if somebody smoked that guy.

Certainly.....that organization must be dealt with in the most severe terms.

Violence begets far the right has been remarkably restrained....but if things continue the way they are going now....there will be a backlash.
This happened in Oregon (Multnomah Country). Amazing! And I don't think six years for assault with a deadly weapon is too much time. A cop was also attacked and as pointed out it's a political crime designed to rob people of their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and assembly.

I hope has a real good time in prison. He's earned it.

hehheh I wonder how he will come out of prison like what kinda shape?...if he comes out...will he still luv dem lil darkies. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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