Democrat Arguement: The World Is Better With War In Ukraine...

I fully understand your need to change the subject, but wiping up the floor with you has become my afternoon enjoyment.

Soooo.....let's review today's embarrassments for you:

1. You claimed Biden the better choice, wherein I listed facts that prove you you punted.
2. You claimed that Trump was removed at the ballot box, I stated both that that was a lie, and offered to prove it a declined the offer.
3. You claimed something about Trump being a danger to the Constitution, whereupon I proved you have no respect for the Constitution, voting for the party that opposes the first amendment......and other amendments, too.
4. You tried to lie about Trump's world wide reputation, and I rammed that lie down your throat by providing Democrat testimony that Putin feared attacking Ukraine while Trump was in power.......not so with Democrats in power.
5. I rubbed your face in it with dozens of examples of the entire world laughing at the one you called god, Jesus and the messiah.

Now, have you, as a masochist....ever had a more delightful afternoon?????

I fully understand your need to change the subject, but wiping up the floor with you has become my afternoon enjoyment.

Soooo.....let's review today's embarrassments for you:

1. You claimed Biden the better choice, wherein I listed facts that prove you you punted.
2. You claimed that Trump was removed at the ballot box, I stated both that that was a lie, and offered to prove it a declined the offer.
3. You claimed something about Trump being a danger to the Constitution, whereupon I proved you have no respect for the Constitution, voting for the party that opposes the first amendment......and other amendments, too.
4. You tried to lie about Trump's world wide reputation, and I rammed that lie down your throat by providing Democrat testimony that Putin feared attacking Ukraine while Trump was in power.......not so with Democrats in power.
5. I rubbed your face in it with dozens of examples of the entire world laughing at the one you called god, Jesus and the messiah.

Now, have you, as a masochist....ever had a more delightful afternoon?????

Probably neither, but that is who was running, and trump needed to be removed at the ballot box, making Biden the best choice to do that. In the long run, much better to have Joe in office, than to have Donald possibly wreck our constitutional form of government.

Now, know that that is far from the truth: you can't live without me.

You get up every day, see that I have posted, and go on to hoping your other two wishes are also granted.

Admit it.
One variation on the argument that the world is better with a nuclear armed Iran.

And you voted for them?????

"Fiona Hill accidentally reveals that Putin intentionally waited on Trump to leave office to invade Ukraine…

.... Hill accidentally admits that Putin intentionally waited on Trump to leave office for his invasion of Ukraine because he thought it would go better and he wanted someone more predictable in the Oval Office.

Via Yahoo News:

Must be the same reason that Little Rocket Man waited 'til Biden stole the election before starting to test nukes again.
So Putin got on well with Trump but thought he was too ignorant and unpredictable to deal with. I guess Putin doesn't really want nuclear war after all.
Now, know that that is far from the truth: you can't live without me.

You get up every day, see that I have posted, and go on to hoping your other two wishes are also granted.

Admit it.
So Putin got on well with Trump but thought he was too ignorant and unpredictable to deal with. I guess Putin doesn't really want nuclear war after all.

You are invaluable in proving the mantra "Democrats lie about everything."

Anti-Russia Actions by Trump…things that have directly and indirectly effected Russia

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.

10. And, of course, you dunce, first and foremost.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.


12. Biden administration to waive sanctions for head of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin leads the company that is building the gas pipeline.

Now we know the reason for this:

"Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

“Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman."

Selling-out America has become the cottage industry for Democrats.

You are invaluable in proving the mantra "Democrats lie about everything."
You are invaluable in proving the mantra "Republicans lie about everything so they accuse the Democrats of the very same thing."

Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.
This was a report released by Senate Republicans. Were there any public hearings that I missed or is that not the way the GOP smears people?
You are invaluable in proving the mantra "Republicans lie about everything so they accuse the Democrats of the very same thing."

This was a report released by Senate Republicans. Were there any public hearings that I missed or is that not the way the GOP smears people?

Who'd you vote for????

It wasn't a comic meme. That was who I voted against.

But when we consider reality.....truth, it is Democrats who have been wedded to the Kremlin since the 32nd President.....

And, of course, Hillary got the Russians to author the dossier, aimed as sinking the Trump campaign.

Once again, you fulfill the role you were born to fill: lying scum.
But when we consider reality.....truth, it is Democrats who have been wedded to the Kremlin since the 32nd President.....

Was Obama stating fact or not? I realize you may have to look up the word but it's never too late to expand your vocabulary.

And, of course, Hillary got the Russians to author the dossier, aimed as sinking the Trump campaign.
Didn't Don Jr. meet with Russians to do that very thing? Didn't Trump ask the Russians to help him get elected by finding Hillary's 'lost' emails?
Was Obama stating fact or not? I realize you may have to look up the word but it's never too late to expand your vocabulary.

Didn't Don Jr. meet with Russians to do that very thing? Didn't Trump ask the Russians to help him get elected by finding Hillary's 'lost' emails?

Was Obama licking the boots of the Russians?

Are you nothing more than a Democrat Party bootlicker?

Did the Kremlin provide the dossier for Hillary to use against Trump?

Are you tasked with lying every day?

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2​

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Was Obama licking the boots of the Russians?
No. I guess you never bothered to lookup the word "fact" like I suggested. Surprise, surprise. I guess to you facts are transactional. If you want to see Putin's boots being licked, watch him and Trump together.

Did the Kremlin provide the dossier for Hillary to use against Trump?
I don't think that has ever been proven.

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2​

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Summary: "Iiiiiiiissssss Nnnnnnnnooooooooooottttttt"

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