Democrat Candidate Rep. Tim Ryan Stands Down National Anthem, No Hand on Heart


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
They are pandering to those that are Anti-American.

Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) stood with his hands locked in front of him while the other nine candidates on stage put their hands over their hearts during the National Anthem at the opening of the second Democrat debate in Detroit on Tuesday.

After the ten candidates were introduced at the start of the debate — in addition to Ryan, Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, John Delaney, Amy Klobuchar, Steve Bullock, Marianne Williamson, and John Hickenlooper — the colors were presented and a local choir performed the National Anthem.
Dem Candidate Rep. Tim Ryan: No Hand over Heart for National Anthem
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
You can bet that at least 7 of the other candidates would have preferred kneeling but they were afraid it would look bad. Everything about these debates is an act. Hell, Warren even scolded her competitors for telling the truth, explaining that they shouldn't under any circumstances use Republican talking points. Viva Trump.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
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Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.
Obama traded 5 terrorist generals for a traitor.
Obama put in place ROEs that handcuff our troops and puts their lives at risk.
Obama gave billions to our enemies, including Iran.
Obama armed and funded ISIS.
Obama cut back on weapons development.
Obama pussified our military to the point that leaders can't upset their troops without risking their careers.
These are all issues that cannot be denied.
They are pandering to those that are Anti-American.

Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) stood with his hands locked in front of him while the other nine candidates on stage put their hands over their hearts during the National Anthem at the opening of the second Democrat debate in Detroit on Tuesday.

After the ten candidates were introduced at the start of the debate — in addition to Ryan, Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, John Delaney, Amy Klobuchar, Steve Bullock, Marianne Williamson, and John Hickenlooper — the colors were presented and a local choir performed the National Anthem.
Dem Candidate Rep. Tim Ryan: No Hand over Heart for National Anthem

He’s not just pandered to anti-Americans, he is anti-American, just like all high level Dems.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.
Obama traded 5 terrorist generals for a traitor.
Obama put in place ROEs that handcuff our troops and puts their lives at risk.
Obama gave billions to our enemies, including Iran.
Obama armed and funded ISIS.
Obama cut back on weapons development.
Obama pussified our military to the point that leaders can't upset their troops without risking their careers.
These are all issues that cannot be denied.
Was there ever a war that the losing side didn`t whine about ROEs? No.
Cutting back on weapon development? Whether it`s true or not I have no problem with it. On 9-11 we were defeated by people using $5 box cutters.
It was Gomer Bush who gave us ISIS with his criminal invasion of Iraq. His Jr. partner in crime Tony Blair has admitted as much.
Tony Blair Admits Iraq War Led To Rise Of ISIS, Says “Sorry”
I`m aware of Reagan arming terrorists. The Iran-Contra scandal was real. Are you saying that Obama sold them weapons too?
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Dude, I doubt that you have a single member of Congress or President since Reagan that loved and treated the military better than President Trump.
Seek medical help.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.
Obama traded 5 terrorist generals for a traitor.
Obama put in place ROEs that handcuff our troops and puts their lives at risk.
Obama gave billions to our enemies, including Iran.
Obama armed and funded ISIS.
Obama cut back on weapons development.
Obama pussified our military to the point that leaders can't upset their troops without risking their careers.
These are all issues that cannot be denied.
Was there ever a war that the losing side didn`t whine about ROEs? No.
Cutting back on weapon development? Whether it`s true or not I have no problem with it. On 9-11 we were defeated by people using $5 box cutters.
It was Gomer Bush who gave us ISIS with his criminal invasion of Iraq. His Jr. partner in crime Tony Blair has admitted as much.
Tony Blair Admits Iraq War Led To Rise Of ISIS, Says “Sorry”
I`m aware of Reagan arming terrorists. The Iran-Contra scandal was real. Are you saying that Obama sold them weapons too?
There is so much wrong with your way of thinking it's a target-rich environment.

Obama gave them weapons....with the help of John McCain. It wasn't an exchange to go around congress to help freedom fighters. It was an intentional attempt to create and expand a war that decimated huge swaths of cities and townships.

When it comes to Iran /Contra.....Iraq was considered at the time to be a greater threat because of their air power.
So Reagan made a tactical decision to sell Iran 1500 surface to air missiles to help balance the power in the region. It didn't cause all that much of a problem because Iraq was threatening their neighbors with their air power and this was thought to help in keeping that in check.
On the other hand Obama armed the old Iraqi Republican Guard and former al Qaeda members which quickly started butchering Sunnis all over the region. They showed so much disregard for human life that it cause millions to flee the region and flood Europe with refugees. The chaos and genocide they committed rivaled the days of Genghis Khan.
It was a total undeniable disaster.
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Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.

Unless you were in a coma - 2009 to 2016-
You already know.

Candidate Trump won because the bulk of the country was starving for a return to - Love of Country.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.
My proof is in his speeches abroad even before he took office.
I also looked at his actions.
You have to be a really screwed up motherfucker not to notice his penchant for worshiping foreign governments (other than the UK) and his constant complaints about the founding of this country and it's history.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.

Unless you were in a coma - 2009 to 2016-
You already know.

Candidate Trump won because the bulk of the country was starving for a return to - Love of Country.
Candidate Trump won with 3 million less votes. Is spitting on POWS and Gold Star families a show of Love for your country?
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.
My proof is in his speeches abroad even before he took office.
I also looked at his actions.
You have to be a really screwed up motherfucker not to notice his penchant for worshiping foreign governments (other than the UK) and his constant complaints about the founding of this country and it's history.
Right me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that placing your hand over your heart has to be done with the anthem is being put out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It is however asked that all hats be removed, right?
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.
My proof is in his speeches abroad even before he took office.
I also looked at his actions.
You have to be a really screwed up motherfucker not to notice his penchant for worshiping foreign governments (other than the UK) and his constant complaints about the founding of this country and it's history.
So you have NO proof that Obama armed terrorists. Dismissed!
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.

Unless you were in a coma - 2009 to 2016-
You already know.

Candidate Trump won because the bulk of the country was starving for a return to - Love of Country.
Candidate Trump won with 3 million less votes. Is spitting on POWS and Gold Star families a show of Love for your country?
Trump was leading on the day following election night by half a million votes....and then Blue States got to work creating fake votes to push Hillary over the top. It took them over a week to generate close to 4 million extra votes so they could crow about how Hillary was so God Damned popular.......strange how her events never reflected that. Trump would pull in 100,000 forcing most of them to be turned away while Hillary was only pulling in a few thousand at best with plenty of empty seats.
I'm totally shocked the Democrats allowed the Nation Anthem to be played at the debate.

Because most members of their party view the song as racist, and xenophobic, and homophobic, and misogynistic, and etc, etc, etc. ... :cool:
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.
My proof is in his speeches abroad even before he took office.
I also looked at his actions.
You have to be a really screwed up motherfucker not to notice his penchant for worshiping foreign governments (other than the UK) and his constant complaints about the founding of this country and it's history.
I don't place my hand on my heart. I spent too much time in uniform to do that.
I either salute or I stand at parade rest.
I don't think you should be forced to place your hand on your heart if you don't want to.
Why you don't do it is more important.
Obama didn't it because he hates America.
I don't do it because I always saluted the flag because I served in uniform.
Obama hates America because some loser on the internet said so? I`ll bet you`re one of those disgraced vets who voted for a man who spits on our POWs and Gold Star families. That GOP supposed love of our military died on that November day in 2016. You can`t walk that one back.

Obama hated America, as constituted, because Obama said so.
Your proof that Obama said he hates America is where? Show us something or admit you`re a liar.
My proof is in his speeches abroad even before he took office.
I also looked at his actions.
You have to be a really screwed up motherfucker not to notice his penchant for worshiping foreign governments (other than the UK) and his constant complaints about the founding of this country and it's history.
So you have NO proof that Obama armed terrorists. Dismissed!
Yes....nothing that you would acknowledge though.
Obama admitted he was arming Syrian Rebels....but what he was really doing was arming ISIS.

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