Democrat City Council passes resolution justifying Hamas attack

I don't know. Do you know they didn't?

Even if that is the case maybe just maybe the difference is that America is supplying weapons to Israel to help them carry out their genocide.
Look at the ANTISEMITE


It's just too bad there is so little sanity in this forum, and that Hamas propaganda is protected speech.

Standing up for human decency is an uphill battle here.
I had requested a separate forum to discuss antisemitism, given the horrific increase in the last few weeks with leftists clamoring to “Kill the Jews“ and half of young adults thinking genocide against Jews is justified, but it was denied.

I was told to put it in the racism forum, where you-know-who resides. Jews aren’t a race, and blacktivisits resent when antisemitism is brought up - saying don’t play the ”Jew victim card.”

So, what should Jews who find themselves transported to a parallel universe that is eerily similar to Germany of 1937-1938 do?
I had requested a separate forum to discuss antisemitism, given the horrific increase in the last few weeks with leftists clamoring to “Kill the Jews“ and half of young adults thinking genocide against Jews is justified, but it was denied.

I was told to put it in the racism forum, where you-know-who resides. Jews aren’t a race, and blacktivisits resent when antisemitism is brought up - saying don’t play the ”Jew victim card.”

So, what should Jews who find themselves transported to a parallel universe that is eerily similar to Germany of 1937-1938 do?
and don't forget -- you getting called a "princess" (as in Jewish American Princess) by official representatives of this site.


Why is a city council passing a resolution against Israel and why are they championing an act of terrorism as they targeted women and children?

WTH is wrong with democrats?

Oh, that's right, they are Nazis.

My bad.
California needs to fall into the ocean.


Why is a city council passing a resolution against Israel and why are they championing an act of terrorism as they targeted women and children?

WTH is wrong with democrats?

Oh, that's right, they are Nazis.

My bad.
How far have we fallen as a country when some people think it is okay to kill innocent people?


Why is a city council passing a resolution against Israel and why are they championing an act of terrorism as they targeted women and children?

WTH is wrong with democrats?

Oh, that's right, they are Nazis.

My bad.

I can appreciate the idea that a majority of the liberal city's political leaders are in favor of terrorism. They are certainly entitled to their opinions, even if those opinions are stupid.

But what I don't understand is why a city council is voting on this, instead of dealing with issues like collecting the city's refuse, plowing its streets in the winter and making sure the grass in the city parks remains mowed.

Aren't they a bit out of their lane, neglecting the important parts of city governance?
As we see Republicans would rather do make believe than answer simple questions about reality. 😄
The council should be ashamed. HAMAS is a butcher and needs to be put down.

Not just for their moronic resolution (if it is true--given the OP who knows) but because of the poor politics. Look...the City of Richmond or the City of New York or the City of Jonesboro doesn’t have to swing at every pitch. Who is the clerk on this council that allows this resolution to even come to the floor? I mean...lets assume for a moment that it’s a 50/50 proposition (which it isn’t). Why would you want to align with one half and lose the other on a topic as sensitive as this? As I said though; this is not 50/50. The average guy in Richmond sees this and has to just be shaking his head. What if you’re a family thinking of re-locating to the Bay Area and see this proclamation? You start looking more and more at the South Bay. Not only is it infuriating...the politics is idiotic.
The council should be ashamed. HAMAS is a butcher and needs to be put down.

Not just for their moronic resolution (if it is true--given the OP who knows) but because of the poor politics. Look...the City of Richmond or the City of New York or the City of Jonesboro doesn’t have to swing at every pitch. Who is the clerk on this council that allows this resolution to even come to the floor? I mean...lets assume for a moment that it’s a 50/50 proposition (which it isn’t). Why would you want to align with one half and lose the other on a topic as sensitive as this? As I said though; this is not 50/50. The average guy in Richmond sees this and has to just be shaking his head. What if you’re a family thinking of re-locating to the Bay Area and see this proclamation? You start looking more and more at the South Bay. Not only is it infuriating...the politics is idiotic.
Where did the council express support for HAMAS?
Where did the council express support for HAMAS?
Thats just it...I don’t know. First the OP is a known, habitual liar. And the source is FOX news...nothing more need be said about their integrity.

But why even address it? Does a resolution between two non-US nations made by a city council (I assume they did refer to it in some way) in the Bay Area remotely matter? You don’t need to swing at every pitch.

It reminds me of the apocryphal story of the cab driver in Atlanta. The Yankees were playing the Braves in the World Series and this guy picks up his fare from his home some place way out in the outskirts of Atlanta. The driver brings up the game and mentions how the Braves are going to destroy the Yankees and how they are going to need dental records to recognize them when it’s over. They arrive at the Yankees team hotel on Peachtree and the fare doesn’t give the driver a tip? Why? The rider was Joe Torre who still had a home in Atlanta. Why even bring it up?

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