Democrat Congresscritters Felt Threatened in the Protest?

They were cornered and about to be murdered by an unarmed woman!

Imagine when 20, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands of well armed people go into the Congressional building.

As a famous community organizer once said, ‘If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.’

Democrats wanted a war and ended the Republic. The next two weeks will be just a warmup. 9 billion rounds were purchased just last year.

Of course they didn't know just how armed the bat-shit crazy the blobbers were. You guys have a history of violence and savagery.

Where were the "heroes" of conservatism by the way? Oh yeah, hiding behind the democrats in their secure undisclosed locaitons.
So now we can just shoot unarmed peaceful women because I’m not sure!

From you same fuckhead NAZIs who said punching and choking a cop to take his gun was an unjustified shooting.

You're not for stand your ground? I thought you mistake.

Where were the conservative lawmakers during the invasion of the Capitol they were hoping for?
They were cornered and about to be murdered by an unarmed woman!

Imagine when 20, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands of well armed people go into the Congressional building.

As a famous community organizer once said, ‘If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.’

Democrats wanted a war and ended the Republic. The next two weeks will be just a warmup. 9 billion rounds were purchased just last year.

Of course they didn't know just how armed the bat-shit crazy the blobbers were. You guys have a history of violence and savagery.

Where were the "heroes" of conservatism by the way? Oh yeah, hiding behind the democrats in their secure undisclosed locaitons.
So now we can just shoot unarmed peaceful women because I’m not sure!

From you same fuckhead NAZIs who said punching and choking a cop to take his gun was an unjustified shooting.

You're not for stand your ground? I thought you mistake.

Where were the conservative lawmakers during the invasion of the Capitol they were hoping for?
DC is a stand your ground location!
Fire away coming!!!
They were cornered and about to be murdered by an unarmed woman!

Imagine when 20, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands of well armed people go into the Congressional building.

As a famous community organizer once said, ‘If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.’

Democrats wanted a war and ended the Republic. The next two weeks will be just a warmup. 9 billion rounds were purchased just last year.

Of course they didn't know just how armed the bat-shit crazy the blobbers were. You guys have a history of violence and savagery.

Where were the "heroes" of conservatism by the way? Oh yeah, hiding behind the democrats in their secure undisclosed locaitons.
So now we can just shoot unarmed peaceful women because I’m not sure!

From you same fuckhead NAZIs who said punching and choking a cop to take his gun was an unjustified shooting.

You're not for stand your ground? I thought you mistake.

Where were the conservative lawmakers during the invasion of the Capitol they were hoping for?
DC is a stand your ground location!
Fire away coming!!!

Where were the conservative lawmakers during the invasion of the Capitol they were hoping for?
They were cornered and about to be murdered by an unarmed woman!

Imagine when 20, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands of well armed people go into the Congressional building.

As a famous community organizer once said, ‘If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.’

Democrats wanted a war and ended the Republic. The next two weeks will be just a warmup. 9 billion rounds were purchased just last year.

Those people live in a ruling class bubble out of touch with reality.
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
They were cornered and about to be murdered by an unarmed woman!

Imagine when 20, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands of well armed people go into the Congressional building.

As a famous community organizer once said, ‘If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.’

Democrats wanted a war and ended the Republic. The next two weeks will be just a warmup. 9 billion rounds were purchased just last year.

This is why we call the bunch of you traitors. Planning armed insurrection against the government.
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?
I have no problem with another one....

But you and other trumpets


we had a gazillion recounts, audits, court cases, DOJ in every state investigating at orders of Barr, who said no widespread voter fraud was found, and our homeland security Cyber chief said there was no electronic voter fraud, as secretary of states ...
Both republican and democratic said no fraud in their states, same with republican governors, 59 court cases in state and federal courts, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

You'll have to forgive us liberals for believing that all you want is another investigation and this is not to just double down on the fake, the
Election was stolen bull crap.
1. If Barr had every instance of "voter fraud" investigated and disproven, then why not issue a DOJ/FBI report proving the results?
2. The Cyber Chief is up to his ass in alligators after the Russian hack of US agencies, that his agency missed.
3. Agreed that the democrats like Stacy Abrams finessed Republicans in 2020, she outworked and outsmarted the GA Governor and Secretary of State.
4. There was never a real investigation with subpoenas, into all of the allegations. If there was, publish the report.

Basic response: If a thorough investigation was done, publish the report. If one wasn't done, then do the investigation.
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

Less bloody, and completely futile.

They find less voter fraud in the 2020 election, than they found WMD's in Iraq.
70 million think the election was rigged. The actions of those accused of the fraud shows they’re guilty as hell.

And they got the idea from a president who can't tell the truth from a lie. 2020 was one of the closest watched elections in history, both from watching the polls, to watching the count, to watching the internet for foreign interference.

Explain why you think Trump won, when he never polled over 50% job approval. Going into the election Trump had 55% of the people disapprove, and only 45% approve. As they say, do the math.
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
Its my understanding that a thorough investigation was not done.
There were no subpoenas issued, no trials, no witnesses, and no reports issued disproving the various allegations.
A thorough investigation, similar to the Mueller Investigation would calm the waters.
If an investigation doesn't happen, then we all know that the election was rigged, and Biden is illegitimate.
we had a gazillion recounts, audits, court cases, DOJ in every state investigating at orders of Barr, who said no widespread voter fraud was found, and our homeland security Cyber chief said there was no electronic voter fraud, as secretary of states ...

Both republican and democratic said no fraud in their states, same with republican governors, 59 court cases in state and federal courts, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

They want to think that somebody who never polled over 50% job approval, and entered the election with a 45% job approval (55% disapproving) was going to win.
Basic response: If a thorough investigation was done, publish the report. If one wasn't done, then do the investigation.
Trump has had 4 years to find the election fraud he claimed in 2016, and nothing has come of that allegation. Four years to investigate. With all the resources of the DOJ, FBI, US Attorneys, and even the Kris Kobach election integrity commission.

And they found Diddly.

Diddley is in Bronson Cemetery, Bronson, FL
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
Its my understanding that a thorough investigation was not done.
There were no subpoenas issued, no trials, no witnesses, and no reports issued disproving the various allegations.
A thorough investigation, similar to the Mueller Investigation would calm the waters.
If an investigation doesn't happen, then we all know that the election was rigged, and Biden is illegitimate.'s over.

Sometimes you sound like a reasonable person. I'll give you credit for that

Get over it. The election has been certified. The electoral votes have been counted.

It's not going to change.

NOTHING is going to change that

I get it. You're not happy. I felt pretty unhappy in 2000 and 2016.

Get over it. Breath. Life goes on
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?
I have no problem with another one....

But you and other trumpets


we had a gazillion recounts, audits, court cases, DOJ in every state investigating at orders of Barr, who said no widespread voter fraud was found, and our homeland security Cyber chief said there was no electronic voter fraud, as secretary of states ...
Both republican and democratic said no fraud in their states, same with republican governors, 59 court cases in state and federal courts, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

You'll have to forgive us liberals for believing that all you want is another investigation and this is not to just double down on the fake, the role tion was stolen bull crap.
Is that why Democrats oppose a bipartisan investigation?
You useful tool.

Why didn't the states have one for themselves.

STATES run elections, the only way to do it right is within a State, so they can get to the ballots, machines etc. A federal investigation will hit a wall.... and be just for show and 15 minutes of fame carnival barking....
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
Its my understanding that a thorough investigation was not done.
There were no subpoenas issued, no trials, no witnesses, and no reports issued disproving the various allegations.
A thorough investigation, similar to the Mueller Investigation would calm the waters.
If an investigation doesn't happen, then we all know that the election was rigged, and Biden is illegitimate.

Those things come AFTER a judge has looked at the suit and decided there is enough evidence to warrant moving forward with a trial. Trump's D-Team had plenty of time and opportunity to do this. Problem is, they were looking to build a narrative by manufacturing a long tale. That only takes place when you have time to manufacture it and string it together. They were hoping to find a pliant judge to take the suit and give them enough time to manufacture a case. But, 65 lower court cases and 2 SC cases later...nothing sticks.

So, nothing to investigate. Republican and Democrat election officials saying there was no evidence of voter fraud. Trump's own election officials stating that this was the most secure and smooth election in our lifetime. So, time to move on and accept that he lost. He lost because he was a terrible President. Simple.
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
Its my understanding that a thorough investigation was not done.
There were no subpoenas issued, no trials, no witnesses, and no reports issued disproving the various allegations.
A thorough investigation, similar to the Mueller Investigation would calm the waters.
If an investigation doesn't happen, then we all know that the election was rigged, and Biden is illegitimate.'s over.

Sometimes you sound like a reasonable person. I'll give you credit for that

Get over it. The election has been certified. The electoral votes have been counted.

It's not going to change.

NOTHING is going to change that

I get it. You're not happy. I felt pretty unhappy in 2000 and 2016.

Get over it. Breath. Life goes on

One big difference, in 2016 the democrats were polling ahead nationally, and didn't win because of the way the EC vote worked out.

In 2020 the incumbent president, who never polled above 50% job approval, and who entered the election with a 45% job approval (55% disapprove) thought he could win.

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