Democrat Congresscritters Felt Threatened in the Protest?

They were cornered and about to be murdered by an unarmed woman!

Imagine when 20, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands of well armed people go into the Congressional building.

As a famous community organizer once said, ‘If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.’

Democrats wanted a war and ended the Republic. The next two weeks will be just a warmup. 9 billion rounds were purchased just last year.

Of course they didn't know just how armed the bat-shit crazy the blobbers were. You guys have a history of violence and savagery.

Where were the "heroes" of conservatism by the way? Oh yeah, hiding behind the democrats in their secure undisclosed locaitons.
So now we can just shoot unarmed peaceful women because I’m not sure!

From you same fuckhead NAZIs who said punching and choking a cop to take his gun was an unjustified shooting.
Protesters were smashing Windows so one person could crawl through and unlock the doors for the crazy mob to come through..... cop had no choice to stop the mob, and it did stop them.

I wish he would have shot her elsewhere but she was going through head first.

The whole thing is tragic....
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
Its my understanding that a thorough investigation was not done.
There were no subpoenas issued, no trials, no witnesses, and no reports issued disproving the various allegations.
A thorough investigation, similar to the Mueller Investigation would calm the waters.
If an investigation doesn't happen, then we all know that the election was rigged, and Biden is illegitimate.'s over.

Sometimes you sound like a reasonable person. I'll give you credit for that

Get over it. The election has been certified. The electoral votes have been counted.

It's not going to change.

NOTHING is going to change that

I get it. You're not happy. I felt pretty unhappy in 2000 and 2016.

Get over it. Breath. Life goes on

One big difference, in 2016 the democrats were polling ahead nationally, and didn't win because of the way the EC vote worked out.

In 2020 the incumbent president, who never polled above 50% job approval, and who entered the election with a 45% job approval (55% disapprove) thought he could win.
Sadly, you are using reason to deal with unreasonable people.

They START from the position where they believe they should have won and work backwards from there.
Why didn't the states have one for themselves.

STATES run elections, the only way to do it right is within a State, so they can get to the ballots, machines etc. A federal investigation will hit a wall.... and be just for show and 15 minutes of fame carnival barking....

Exactly. The states run elections, and the states have the mechanisms to investigate. The secretary of state can order recounts, he can impound machines, he is the one who has full control over the election. The state courts have jurisdiction over election controversies, and are often instrumental to how a state handles its elections.

The feds have no real roll. Except to oversee whatever reports come out.
Those things come AFTER a judge has looked at the suit and decided there is enough evidence to warrant moving forward with a trial. Trump's D-Team had plenty of time and opportunity to do this. Problem is, they were looking to build a narrative by manufacturing a long tale. That only takes place when you have time to manufacture it and string it together. They were hoping to find a pliant judge to take the suit and give them enough time to manufacture a case. But, 65 lower court cases and 2 SC cases later...nothing sticks.

Trumps lawyers also gave the republicans false hope. They spun yarns of massive voter fraud, with hundreds of affidavits to back up their claim. But when they went into court, in front of a judge, the judge asked them if they were claiming "fraud", and suddenly Trumps lawyers said they weren't claiming "fraud".

A judge does not accept affidavits that have nothing to do with the case Trumps lawyers actually presented to the judge.

If all those affidavits weren't submitted to the court, blame the lawyers.
Basic response: If a thorough investigation was done, publish the report. If one wasn't done, then do the investigation.
Trump has had 4 years to find the election fraud he claimed in 2016, and nothing has come of that allegation. Four years to investigate. With all the resources of the DOJ, FBI, US Attorneys, and even the Kris Kobach election integrity commission.

And they found Diddly.

Diddley is in Bronson Cemetery, Bronson, FL
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

I didn't hear about the Kobach commission before.
I do know that in FL they straightened out their voting system, and it should be a model for all states.
They did fix Broward County's issues
In 2020 the incumbent president, who never polled above 50% job approval, and who entered the election with a 45% job approval (55% disapprove) thought he could win.
Sadly, you are using reason to deal with unreasonable people.

They START from the position where they believe they should have won and work backwards from there.
Pollsters say that an incumbent president needs 50% job approval in order to win re-election.
Wouldn't a thorough investigation into probable voter fraud be a lot less bloody?

It would be a waste of time and money and just give further fuel to Trump supporters who have already made up their mind that the election was stolen. No investigation will satisfy them. It wasn't rigged or stolen. He lost. If there was anything at all to the allegations, then 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases would not have been dismissed out of hand.
Its my understanding that a thorough investigation was not done.
There were no subpoenas issued, no trials, no witnesses, and no reports issued disproving the various allegations.
A thorough investigation, similar to the Mueller Investigation would calm the waters.
If an investigation doesn't happen, then we all know that the election was rigged, and Biden is illegitimate.'s over.
Sometimes you sound like a reasonable person. I'll give you credit for that
Get over it. The election has been certified. The electoral votes have been counted.
It's not going to change.
NOTHING is going to change that
I get it. You're not happy. I felt pretty unhappy in 2000 and 2016.
Get over it. Breath. Life goes on
1. Agreed that the 2020 election is OVER.
2. We just want allegations of voter fraud, as documented in many sworn affidavits investigated.
3. The object is NOT to overturn 2020, but to fix the state systems to be more like FL. Free, fair, and results known on election night.
4. Why are they still finding votes in NY? Ridiculous. I want state voting systems tightened up, no mass mail-ins, requested absentee ballots only, and absentee ballots counted the day before the election so democrats won't know how many votes they need to "find". Election Day is just that, as per the Constitution. No more illegal extensions, or finding votes.
4. Why are they still finding votes in NY? Ridiculous.
Maybe you should ask the postmaster general that question.
I want state voting systems tightened up, no mass mail-ins, requested absentee ballots only, and absentee ballots counted the day before the election so democrats won't know how many votes they need to "find". Election Day is just that, as per the Constitution. No more illegal extensions, or finding votes.
If you want the absentee ballots counted ahead of time, have the states change their laws. Many states don't allow election boards to start processing mail-in votes before election day.

So the morning of election day, not only do they have to run all their polling locations, but they have to start the verification process of each mail-in ballot at the same time.
3. The object is NOT to overturn 2020, but to fix the state systems to be more like FL. Free, fair, and results known on election night.
If you want election night results, you'll have to have many of the states change their election laws. To have them pre-process mail-in ballots as they are received, instead of not being able to even start verifying them until election day.

And also have more states do early voting, so the number they have to count on election day isn't as big, and they don't have to stay open past their normal closing time, because people are still on line from an hour before the polls closed.
4. Why are they still finding votes in NY? Ridiculous.
Maybe you should ask the postmaster general that question.
I want state voting systems tightened up, no mass mail-ins, requested absentee ballots only, and absentee ballots counted the day before the election so democrats won't know how many votes they need to "find". Election Day is just that, as per the Constitution. No more illegal extensions, or finding votes.
If you want the absentee ballots counted ahead of time, have the states change their laws. Many states don't allow election boards to start processing mail-in votes before election day.

So the morning of election day, not only do they have to run all their polling locations, but they have to start the verification process of each mail-in ballot at the same time.
1. Agreed the states need to change their laws, hopefully to be more like FL
2. The day before the election absentee ballots should be opened, signature verified, and counted. Agreed laws need to be changed.
3. You are describing the current corrupt system. Mayhem for days and weeks. All votes need to be counted election day, NO new votes after polls close.
3. The object is NOT to overturn 2020, but to fix the state systems to be more like FL. Free, fair, and results known on election night.
If you want election night results, you'll have to have many of the states change their election laws. To have them pre-process mail-in ballots as they are received, instead of not being able to even start verifying them until election day.

And also have more states do early voting, so the number they have to count on election day isn't as big, and they don't have to stay open past their normal closing time, because people are still on line from an hour before the polls closed.
Shoe was on the other foot and the causers of the problem didn’t like feeling that way.
I'm sure the GOP congressmen were a little bit worried too. It's not like the insurgents would be able to tell one from another.

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