The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Not only is there massive voter fraud in Democrat Controlled shitholes, but now you son of a bitches aren't even going to bother with hiding what you agenda is?

Give me a fucking break. Deport them and you, and shoot anyone that tries to cross back over in to THE US!

The only reason this vote was postponed is because despite Maryland council trying to keep it hush hush, the citizens (the ones with some common sense) found out about it. These goons need to be forcibly removed from office.

BIZARRO WORLD: Maryland City To Vote On Allowing Illegal Immigrants To Cast Ballots
Maryland city considers allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote

And we need to make Illegal Border Crossing so much of a hassle that these criminals just give up on getting in to the US. When a future criminal decides to try to sneak in to this country, the first thing he should hear in his hollow skull is that little marble rolling around in there saying:

"Dying Isn't Much of a Living Kid!"

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One party down, one to go. The donor class has "two" parties to represent them, the people have none.

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