Democrat Coup Attempt #2 (ON-GOING) Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Dem court filing suggests Trump impeachment probe began before Mueller submitted report

"Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee suggested in a court filing Monday that they have been carrying out an impeachment investigation of President Trump since before Robert Mueller’s report was even submitted, which appears to contradict previous statements by committee chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Nadler first claimed earlier this month that “formal impeachment proceedings” were underway when he filed a petition to get secret grand jury information from the Mueller report. But Monday’s filing in a separate case looking to compel testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn suggested that it had already started on March 4 -- weeks before Mueller sent his report to Attorney General Bill Barr on March 22."

Before the 2016 election President Obama had already decided to protect Hillary, to do what ever had to be done to prevent Donald Trump from winning, and to put Hillary in the WH as his successor. it was his mission form the start to keep Trump out of the WH, and afterwards Obama's mission changed from to 'Prevent' to a 'Coup'.

The goal of the Democratic Party - who admittedly controlled / manipulated their own nomination process to give Hillary the nomination - was to ensure Hillary won the WH. After Trump won the WH the Democratic Party immediately began undermining the new President / government and launched their own secret coup attempt.

Dem court filing suggests Trump impeachment probe began before Mueller even submitted report

It seems the biggest part of the Democrats' strategy to defeat President Trump is to do anything they have to do to make sure he never makes it to 2020 as President...because they know if Hillary could not beat Trump it is almost guaranteed that the 'clown car' full of extremists and senile flakes they have now can't do it.
The Sloth Coup Two!!!!!

So slow, you'd think they're going backwards.
The Sloth Coup Two!!!!!

So slow, you'd think they're going backwards.

Everything regressive democrooks do is moving the country backwards.

Unless the goal is decline, poverty, and third world status. (Which is exactly what I believe the democrook agenda is.)

Nadler is a great example of a Democrat.

HE got fat, was told by his doc to exercise and go on a diet, didn't do either, and got fatter.

He got SO FAT that he needed an intestine and stomach reduction surgery, all at taxpayer expense.

Democrats = lazy, unmotivated, always billing the taxpayer
Nadler is a great example of a Democrat.

HE got fat, was told by his doc to exercise and go on a diet, didn't do either, and got fatter.

He got SO FAT that he needed an intestine and stomach reduction surgery, all at taxpayer expense.

Democrats = lazy, unmotivated, always billing the taxpayer
You might have a good point there....oh wait. Never mind.
I forgot about Crisp Krisco.
Chris Christie is another one from the "post 1998 GOP" who is not one bit fiscally conservative....

Indeed, Christie is also another Jew masquerading as a "Christian..." (who from NJ is not?)

Mother's last name is GRASSO....

The Christie ideology:

Support going to war in the ME to help Israel

a post 1998 "Republican" to the letter....
Chris Christie is another one from the "post 1998 GOP" who is not one bit fiscally conservative....

Indeed, Christie is also another Jew masquerading as a "Christian..." (who from NJ is not?)

Mother's last name is GRASSO....

The Christie ideology:

Support going to war in the ME to help Israel

a post 1998 "Republican" to the letter....

I don't watch corporate news.

I'm behind. Why are the Dems impeaching Trump now? :dunno:

Has "Orange Man Bad," risen to the level of High crimes and misdemeanors?
Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg would agree that Democrats have been attempting to overthrow Trump for the last 2 1/2 years. Since treason is a hanging offense, they better order a shitload of rope..
Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg would agree that Democrats have been attempting to overthrow Trump for the last 2 1/2 years. Since treason is a hanging offense, they better order a shitload of rope..
Whoa!...Ginsberg, another J-o-o!

They're everywhere, they're everywhere!! :auiqs.jpg:
I don't watch corporate news.

I'm behind. Why are the Dems impeaching Trump now? :dunno:

Has "Orange Man Bad," risen to the level of High crimes and misdemeanors?

An inquiry isn’t impeachment. It’s looking into whether or not to impeach. You know, like an investigation prior to indictment.

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