Democrat cowardice & philosophy will be the downfall of America.

Are you somehow not familiar with the legal concept of "free speech zones" championed by the Bush administration? It is so commonplace now that you may not even be aware that setting up enclosed areas where protest is permitted but criminalized elsewhere is a relatively new thing.

Go ahead and type "free speech zones" into google and get back with us.
I'm back it seems it became the norm during the Bush administration, It became so blatantly restrictive of protest rights that the ACLU had to sue the secret service to quit putting protestors way out of sight of the president while letting supporters much closer..

Funny...99% of the info on my search was about college free speech zones.
You guys apparently love the idea.

I guess you have the liberal version of Google.
Yeah that kind of thing started back in the Vietnam era when everyone was scared of hippies. Somehow I do not think the people who called out the dogs on war protestors were very liberal. My original post did not claim Bush invented free speech zones, he just made it standard procedure for the secret service and used it in a blatantly political way. It's when the term became a synonym for suppression of our first amendment right to protest.
Of course you didn't mind a bit when people with signs critical of Bush were pulled out the crowds along motorcade routes and confined to some fenced area blocks away. They said it was for the protection of the protestors. You are not going to find me defending the practice on campuses and yet it seems to me that I remember conservatives reacting with glee when protest activity outside these free speech zones was the excuse used to put down student protests for various leftist causes.
I pledge allegiance to the Rightwing Flag

and to the Rightwing republic for which it stands,

one Rightwing nation, under the Rightwing God,

divisible by Secession,

with Liberty and Justice for all Rightwingers.

I see you're finally coming around.....

High five!


Are you the one holding the bouquet of flowers?

Dang the rules won't allow my killer response, lol.
We are seeing the seedlings of their work as we speak.
Civil unrest
Terrorism on American soil
Cries for safe spaces
Defense of unpatriotic free speech

The world counts on us as a safe harbor & we are slowly dismantling that image

And it never occurred to you that it's as a result of right wing policies?

Funny how in more liberal countries in the west there is less civil unrest and the like than in the US, and terrorism seems to all be about what the US caused by going into Iraq in 2003.
Terrorism existed before 2003 dummy. Muslims have been trying to exterminate humanity since the beginning of time. The scum still live in mud huts for fucks sake. Their ideology has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with world domination via insane religious ideology.

Pull your head out of your stone age ass

Wow, insults.
We need to put a stop to that free speech dammit!!!

Lol! You righties are such drama queens !

You people do exactly that, stopping free speech, when you create bullshit concepts such as "hate speech" and then remain inconsistent in its enforcement. You just called someone a queen. If someone on your side is called a queen, you immediately pull the hate speech card.
More ignorance and stupidity from the right.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations.

One private person cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of another private person; only government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on speech, consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence; and when government acts contrary to that jurisprudence, those unlawful restrictions are invalidated by the courts.

That a private person might denounce or oppose your bigotry and hate is not to ‘deny’ you ‘free speech,’ the notion is ignorant idiocy.

Last, hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, and no one seeks to prohibit through force of law you or any rightwing bigot from expressing your ignorance and hate.

Bigotry is not a crime. I have no bigotry. I am Mediterranean, part Negro, and married to a Mexican. By actions and judgments of the Left, it is not possible for me to be a bigot. Further, free speech does not equate to a mandate to be heard.
Are you somehow not familiar with the legal concept of "free speech zones" championed by the Bush administration? It is so commonplace now that you may not even be aware that setting up enclosed areas where protest is permitted but criminalized elsewhere is a relatively new thing.

Go ahead and type "free speech zones" into google and get back with us.
I'm back it seems it became the norm during the Bush administration, It became so blatantly restrictive of protest rights that the ACLU had to sue the secret service to quit putting protestors way out of sight of the president while letting supporters much closer..

Funny...99% of the info on my search was about college free speech zones.
You guys apparently love the idea.

I guess you have the liberal version of Google.
Yeah that kind of thing started back in the Vietnam era when everyone was scared of hippies. Somehow I do not think the people who called out the dogs on war protestors were very liberal. My original post did not claim Bush invented free speech zones, he just made it standard procedure for the secret service and used it in a blatantly political way. It's when the term became a synonym for suppression of our first amendment right to protest.

Thats we all know you rarely go past page one of a search. Doing so shows desperation for validation.
And these all appear to be current...and at colleges?
What gives?
Don't look at me to defend this stuff, I think it's bullshit that has shut down a shitload more leftist protests than anything you would give a shit about.
Yet you have no complaints about hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the russians.

As has been proven time and again in the last month or so, secure servers are hack-able so the existance of an alternate server is no more (or less) vulnerable. The argument could be made that the alternate server was actually less likely to be targeted--you have to know about it to target it.

Additionally, it's been 4 years since HRC had any government job...anything that was hacked is now old information and irrelevant.

Come on Cornhole.....are you really suggesting that 4 year old info of the shall we say embarrassing kind cant be used for blackmail and other nefarious uses?

Can? Sure. But when the information you have is on a former government official, the value plummets unless they become a current government official.

Which, if you're going to play the parlor game of hypotheticals, If I can blackmail Clinton with information I hacked off her server, wouldn't I be working day and night to get her elected...instead of what Putin is doing; favoring her opponent?

Thank you for admitting hillary is to big of a national security risk to run for president.
Now tell all your friends...

Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.
Also interesting that open carry is not allowed at rallies for that same carry of the Constitution I mean.
What's interesting is the morons who are incapable of articulating an on topic response
You’re an ignorant conservative, Gramps – wrong again as usual, particularly the idiotic notion of ‘unpatriotic’ free speech.

Americans have the right to engage in all manner of protected speech, including speech perceived to be ‘unpatriotic’ or unpopular.

Indeed, the intent of the First Amendment is to protect unpopular speech from the likes of you and other cowardly rightists fearful of diversity, dissent, and expressions of opposing viewpoints.
Except when that free speech is deemed hateful by the left. Excuse me hypocrite
And that's all the Dems do. BFD. What are you talking about, safe spaces? A mountain out of a molehill, as usual.
Go ahead and type "free speech zones" into google and get back with us.
I'm back it seems it became the norm during the Bush administration, It became so blatantly restrictive of protest rights that the ACLU had to sue the secret service to quit putting protestors way out of sight of the president while letting supporters much closer..

Funny...99% of the info on my search was about college free speech zones.
You guys apparently love the idea.

I guess you have the liberal version of Google.
Yeah that kind of thing started back in the Vietnam era when everyone was scared of hippies. Somehow I do not think the people who called out the dogs on war protestors were very liberal. My original post did not claim Bush invented free speech zones, he just made it standard procedure for the secret service and used it in a blatantly political way. It's when the term became a synonym for suppression of our first amendment right to protest.
Of course you didn't mind a bit when people with signs critical of Bush were pulled out the crowds along motorcade routes and confined to some fenced area blocks away. They said it was for the protection of the protestors. You are not going to find me defending the practice on campuses and yet it seems to me that I remember conservatives reacting with glee when protest activity outside these free speech zones was the excuse used to put down student protests for various leftist causes.

Just like I'm sure you were okay with the miles of fence put around a dem event to keep out the was like hillary's press roping event on steroids.
We need to put a stop to that free speech dammit!!!

Lol! You righties are such drama queens !

This coming from the safe space crowd...
I gotta say thank you Timmy,you make me laugh everyday.
You are part of the "free speech zone" crowd, so you might want to laugh at your own pathetic self.

Free speech zone?
Everywhere is a free speech zone,just like concealed carry should be.
And the rightwing ignorance just keeps on coming…


There are time, place, and manner restrictions on speech and free expression which are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way ‘violate’ free speech.
We are seeing the seedlings of their work as we speak.
Civil unrest
Terrorism on American soil
Cries for safe spaces
Defense of unpatriotic free speech

The world counts on us as a safe harbor & we are slowly dismantling that image

And it never occurred to you that it's as a result of right wing policies?

Funny how in more liberal countries in the west there is less civil unrest and the like than in the US, and terrorism seems to all be about what the US caused by going into Iraq in 2003.
Terrorism existed before 2003 dummy. Muslims have been trying to exterminate humanity since the beginning of time. The scum still live in mud huts for fucks sake. Their ideology has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with world domination via insane religious ideology.

Pull your head out of your stone age ass

Wow, insults.
You butthurt over the word dummy? Get off the internet pussy.
I intentionally used a benign insult because you were respectful despite being STUPID.
We need to put a stop to that free speech dammit!!!

Lol! You righties are such drama queens !

This coming from the safe space crowd...
I gotta say thank you Timmy,you make me laugh everyday.
You are part of the "free speech zone" crowd, so you might want to laugh at your own pathetic self.

Free speech zone?
Everywhere is a free speech zone,just like concealed carry should be.
And the rightwing ignorance just keeps on coming…


There are time, place, and manner restrictions on speech and free expression which are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way ‘violate’ free speech.

Well no shit dumbass....most of us understand that yelling fire in a movie theatre ain't covered.
But your intent was to paint Bush in a bad light for trying to stop yahoos from protesting on the capital steps and the like.
You morons have bastardized it to mean places where only YOUR voice can be heard.
We are seeing the seedlings of their work as we speak.
Civil unrest
Terrorism on American soil
Cries for safe spaces
Defense of unpatriotic free speech

The world counts on us as a safe harbor & we are slowly dismantling that image

And it never occurred to you that it's as a result of right wing policies?

Funny how in more liberal countries in the west there is less civil unrest and the like than in the US, and terrorism seems to all be about what the US caused by going into Iraq in 2003.
Terrorism existed before 2003 dummy. Muslims have been trying to exterminate humanity since the beginning of time. The scum still live in mud huts for fucks sake. Their ideology has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with world domination via insane religious ideology.

Pull your head out of your stone age ass

Wow, insults.
You butthurt over the word dummy? Get off the internet pussy.
I intentionally used a benign insult because you were respectful despite being STUPID.

Wow, insults.
We are seeing the seedlings of their work as we speak.
Civil unrest
Terrorism on American soil
Cries for safe spaces
Defense of unpatriotic free speech

The world counts on us as a safe harbor & we are slowly dismantling that image America is a "safe space" you're "crying" for? Um...did you think your post through?
Your vibrator goes in the other hole

Ooh, how many drinks did it take to come up with that zinger?

So is America a "safe zone" or not Gramps?

How would you like to see NFL players punished for being "unpatriotic"? You want to make them stand like some schools are doing now? Want to force that patriotism?
No. I want Americans to act like Americans. Enough of the divisive bullshit.

Forgive me for seeking harmony

You can't be serious.

You start a thread entitled: "Democrat cowardice & philosophy will be the downfall of America," which is itself a divisive lie, and then claim to be 'seeking harmony' - you're as pathetic as your are ridiculous.
We are seeing the seedlings of their work as we speak.
Civil unrest
Terrorism on American soil
Cries for safe spaces
Defense of unpatriotic free speech

The world counts on us as a safe harbor & we are slowly dismantling that image

And it never occurred to you that it's as a result of right wing policies?

Funny how in more liberal countries in the west there is less civil unrest and the like than in the US, and terrorism seems to all be about what the US caused by going into Iraq in 2003.
Terrorism existed before 2003 dummy. Muslims have been trying to exterminate humanity since the beginning of time. The scum still live in mud huts for fucks sake. Their ideology has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with world domination via insane religious ideology.

Pull your head out of your stone age ass

Wow, insults.
You butthurt over the word dummy? Get off the internet pussy.
I intentionally used a benign insult because you were respectful despite being STUPID.

Wow, insults.
Ignore button.....

Use it and stop wasting my time crybaby
I'm back it seems it became the norm during the Bush administration, It became so blatantly restrictive of protest rights that the ACLU had to sue the secret service to quit putting protestors way out of sight of the president while letting supporters much closer..

Funny...99% of the info on my search was about college free speech zones.
You guys apparently love the idea.

I guess you have the liberal version of Google.
Yeah that kind of thing started back in the Vietnam era when everyone was scared of hippies. Somehow I do not think the people who called out the dogs on war protestors were very liberal. My original post did not claim Bush invented free speech zones, he just made it standard procedure for the secret service and used it in a blatantly political way. It's when the term became a synonym for suppression of our first amendment right to protest.
Of course you didn't mind a bit when people with signs critical of Bush were pulled out the crowds along motorcade routes and confined to some fenced area blocks away. They said it was for the protection of the protestors. You are not going to find me defending the practice on campuses and yet it seems to me that I remember conservatives reacting with glee when protest activity outside these free speech zones was the excuse used to put down student protests for various leftist causes.

Just like I'm sure you were okay with the miles of fence put around a dem event to keep out the was like hillary's press roping event on steroids.
I didn't like that either, you are not going to catch me in some contradiction here.
We need to put a stop to that free speech dammit!!!

Lol! You righties are such drama queens !

This coming from the safe space crowd...
I gotta say thank you Timmy,you make me laugh everyday.
You are part of the "free speech zone" crowd, so you might want to laugh at your own pathetic self.

Free speech zone?
Everywhere is a free speech zone,just like concealed carry should be.
And the rightwing ignorance just keeps on coming…


There are time, place, and manner restrictions on speech and free expression which are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way ‘violate’ free speech.

Well no shit dumbass....most of us understand that yelling fire in a movie theatre ain't covered.
But your intent was to paint Bush in a bad light for trying to stop yahoos from protesting on the capital steps and the like.
You morons have bastardized it to mean places where only YOUR voice can be heard.
We should be able to protest on the capital steps or anywhere else it will be noticed by the powerful.
And it never occurred to you that it's as a result of right wing policies?

Funny how in more liberal countries in the west there is less civil unrest and the like than in the US, and terrorism seems to all be about what the US caused by going into Iraq in 2003.
Terrorism existed before 2003 dummy. Muslims have been trying to exterminate humanity since the beginning of time. The scum still live in mud huts for fucks sake. Their ideology has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with world domination via insane religious ideology.

Pull your head out of your stone age ass

Wow, insults.
You butthurt over the word dummy? Get off the internet pussy.
I intentionally used a benign insult because you were respectful despite being STUPID.

Wow, insults.
Ignore button.....

Use it and stop wasting my time crybaby

Fine, you can't make a point without insulting. So ignore list it is.
As has been proven time and again in the last month or so, secure servers are hack-able so the existance of an alternate server is no more (or less) vulnerable. The argument could be made that the alternate server was actually less likely to be targeted--you have to know about it to target it.

Additionally, it's been 4 years since HRC had any government job...anything that was hacked is now old information and irrelevant.

Come on Cornhole.....are you really suggesting that 4 year old info of the shall we say embarrassing kind cant be used for blackmail and other nefarious uses?

Can? Sure. But when the information you have is on a former government official, the value plummets unless they become a current government official.

Which, if you're going to play the parlor game of hypotheticals, If I can blackmail Clinton with information I hacked off her server, wouldn't I be working day and night to get her elected...instead of what Putin is doing; favoring her opponent?

Thank you for admitting hillary is to big of a national security risk to run for president.
Now tell all your friends...

Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
And nothing was found in that info, except in New BS GOP world...
Funny...99% of the info on my search was about college free speech zones.
You guys apparently love the idea.

I guess you have the liberal version of Google.
Yeah that kind of thing started back in the Vietnam era when everyone was scared of hippies. Somehow I do not think the people who called out the dogs on war protestors were very liberal. My original post did not claim Bush invented free speech zones, he just made it standard procedure for the secret service and used it in a blatantly political way. It's when the term became a synonym for suppression of our first amendment right to protest.
Of course you didn't mind a bit when people with signs critical of Bush were pulled out the crowds along motorcade routes and confined to some fenced area blocks away. They said it was for the protection of the protestors. You are not going to find me defending the practice on campuses and yet it seems to me that I remember conservatives reacting with glee when protest activity outside these free speech zones was the excuse used to put down student protests for various leftist causes.

Just like I'm sure you were okay with the miles of fence put around a dem event to keep out the was like hillary's press roping event on steroids.
I didn't like that either, you are not going to catch me in some contradiction here.

So this discussion has degenerated into "but your side does it to"
Which of course holds a lot of truth from both sides.
But then you dont have hoards of conservatives crashing dem events and rioting,nor do you have conservative groups calling for free speech zones on college campuses.

You coopted the movement....own it.
Come on Cornhole.....are you really suggesting that 4 year old info of the shall we say embarrassing kind cant be used for blackmail and other nefarious uses?

Can? Sure. But when the information you have is on a former government official, the value plummets unless they become a current government official.

Which, if you're going to play the parlor game of hypotheticals, If I can blackmail Clinton with information I hacked off her server, wouldn't I be working day and night to get her elected...instead of what Putin is doing; favoring her opponent?

Thank you for admitting hillary is to big of a national security risk to run for president.
Now tell all your friends...

Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
And nothing was found in that info, except in New BS GOP world...

Yeeeeeah alrighty than......:cuckoo:
Ya disingenuous hack.

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