Democrat cowardice & philosophy will be the downfall of America.

Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.
Also interesting that open carry is not allowed at rallies for that same carry of the Constitution I mean.
What's interesting is the morons who are incapable of articulating an on topic response
I know!
Yeah that kind of thing started back in the Vietnam era when everyone was scared of hippies. Somehow I do not think the people who called out the dogs on war protestors were very liberal. My original post did not claim Bush invented free speech zones, he just made it standard procedure for the secret service and used it in a blatantly political way. It's when the term became a synonym for suppression of our first amendment right to protest.
Of course you didn't mind a bit when people with signs critical of Bush were pulled out the crowds along motorcade routes and confined to some fenced area blocks away. They said it was for the protection of the protestors. You are not going to find me defending the practice on campuses and yet it seems to me that I remember conservatives reacting with glee when protest activity outside these free speech zones was the excuse used to put down student protests for various leftist causes.

Just like I'm sure you were okay with the miles of fence put around a dem event to keep out the was like hillary's press roping event on steroids.
I didn't like that either, you are not going to catch me in some contradiction here.

So this discussion has degenerated into "but your side does it to"
Which of course holds a lot of truth from both sides.
But then you dont have hoards of conservatives crashing dem events and rioting,nor do you have conservative groups calling for free speech zones on college campuses.

You coopted the movement....own it.
This may come as a shock to you but it is possible to be a liberal and not agree with everything "liberal". We do not really have an ideological purity test like the "conservatives".
Of course you didn't mind a bit when people with signs critical of Bush were pulled out the crowds along motorcade routes and confined to some fenced area blocks away. They said it was for the protection of the protestors. You are not going to find me defending the practice on campuses and yet it seems to me that I remember conservatives reacting with glee when protest activity outside these free speech zones was the excuse used to put down student protests for various leftist causes.

Just like I'm sure you were okay with the miles of fence put around a dem event to keep out the was like hillary's press roping event on steroids.
I didn't like that either, you are not going to catch me in some contradiction here.

So this discussion has degenerated into "but your side does it to"
Which of course holds a lot of truth from both sides.
But then you dont have hoards of conservatives crashing dem events and rioting,nor do you have conservative groups calling for free speech zones on college campuses.

You coopted the movement....own it.
This may come as a shock to you but it is possible to be a liberal and not agree with everything "liberal". We do not really have an ideological purity test like the "conservatives".

I can say the same. But of course I'll back it up with my beliefs.
I'm okay with abortion as long as it's done early,i'm good with BC,in fact I think they should hand em out like Skittles,I'm good with legalizing pot.
I draw the line at hypocrisy.
Can? Sure. But when the information you have is on a former government official, the value plummets unless they become a current government official.

Which, if you're going to play the parlor game of hypotheticals, If I can blackmail Clinton with information I hacked off her server, wouldn't I be working day and night to get her elected...instead of what Putin is doing; favoring her opponent?

Thank you for admitting hillary is to big of a national security risk to run for president.
Now tell all your friends...

Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
And nothing was found in that info, except in New BS GOP world...

Yeeeeeah alrighty than......:cuckoo:
Ya disingenuous hack.
So what's the big deal then, dupe?
Thank you for admitting hillary is to big of a national security risk to run for president.
Now tell all your friends...

Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
And nothing was found in that info, except in New BS GOP world...

Yeeeeeah alrighty than......:cuckoo:
Ya disingenuous hack.
So what's the big deal then, dupe?

We all know shit was found since it's been all over the internet ya fucken moron!
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.

Yet you have no complaints about Hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the Russians.

The Russians didn't hack in to her server... no indication of such according to the FBI,
yet the Russians did hack in to the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, and probably Colin Powell and the State Dept .gov accounts 45 times last year but NOT Hillary's server...their cyber team at the FBI could not find a thing showing her server was hacked.

who would have thunk it?
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.

Yet you have no complaints about Hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the Russians.

The Russians didn't hack in to her server... no indication of such according to the FBI,
yet the Russians did hack in to the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, and probably Colin Powell and the State Dept .gov accounts 45 times last year but NOT Hillary's server...their cyber team at the FBI could not find a thing showing her server was hacked.

who would have thunk it?

Thats not what you morons claim.
Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
And nothing was found in that info, except in New BS GOP world...

Yeeeeeah alrighty than......:cuckoo:
Ya disingenuous hack.
So what's the big deal then, dupe?

We all know shit was found since it's been all over the internet ya fucken moron!
Shit is correct, dupe. lol
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.

Yet you have no complaints about Hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the Russians.

The Russians didn't hack in to her server... no indication of such according to the FBI,
yet the Russians did hack in to the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, and probably Colin Powell and the State Dept .gov accounts 45 times last year but NOT Hillary's server...their cyber team at the FBI could not find a thing showing her server was hacked.

who would have thunk it?

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?
And nothing was found in that info, except in New BS GOP world...

Yeeeeeah alrighty than......:cuckoo:
Ya disingenuous hack.
So what's the big deal then, dupe?

We all know shit was found since it's been all over the internet ya fucken moron!
Shit is correct, dupe. lol

So you agree hillary's emails were incriminating.
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.

Yet you have no complaints about Hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the Russians.

The Russians didn't hack in to her server... no indication of such according to the FBI,
yet the Russians did hack in to the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, and probably Colin Powell and the State Dept .gov accounts 45 times last year but NOT Hillary's server...their cyber team at the FBI could not find a thing showing her server was hacked.

who would have thunk it?

Thats not what you morons claim.
Huh? Claim about what?
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.

Yet you have no complaints about Hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the Russians.

The Russians didn't hack in to her server... no indication of such according to the FBI,
yet the Russians did hack in to the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, and probably Colin Powell and the State Dept .gov accounts 45 times last year but NOT Hillary's server...their cyber team at the FBI could not find a thing showing her server was hacked.

who would have thunk it?

Her server while secretary of state was NOT hacked by the Russians and if you had read my post in full I mentioned the DNC being hacked, and the Clinton campaign being hacked by the Russians, BUT HER SERVER as Secretary of state, her private server, the one YOU MENTIONED in her basement as opening us up, was NOT hacked.
As has been proven time and again in the last month or so, secure servers are hack-able so the existance of an alternate server is no more (or less) vulnerable. The argument could be made that the alternate server was actually less likely to be targeted--you have to know about it to target it.

Additionally, it's been 4 years since HRC had any government job...anything that was hacked is now old information and irrelevant.

Come on Cornhole.....are you really suggesting that 4 year old info of the shall we say embarrassing kind cant be used for blackmail and other nefarious uses?

Can? Sure. But when the information you have is on a former government official, the value plummets unless they become a current government official.

Which, if you're going to play the parlor game of hypotheticals, If I can blackmail Clinton with information I hacked off her server, wouldn't I be working day and night to get her elected...instead of what Putin is doing; favoring her opponent?

Thank you for admitting hillary is to big of a national security risk to run for president.
Now tell all your friends...

Admitted no such thing. In fact, I illustrated why the whole topic is nonsense.

No,actually you didnt.
You admit that further positions of power for someone who has been compromised is unwise correct?
No evidence suggest that she was hacked while SOS. Anything produced by the supposed "hackers" is suspect, since, you know, they are criminals. Or do you, all of the sudden, think the honesty of criminals is beyond reproach? Being a Trump supporter, I understand that you have no understanding of honesty or integrity but maybe where hackers are concerned, perhaps you can muster something amusing for us to read in that case???

You claimed Russia hacked Hillary's server
No. Did no such thing.

and decried the fact that Conservatives were gleeful and that we should be ashamed for encouraging it...while totally ignoring the content of the info. So you obviously believe Russia did penetrate Hillary's server.
Did not do that. I will say that the GOP being happy about Russian espionage is something voters should consider if they are patriotic Americans because, quite obviously, the GOP isn't.

On top of that you insist Hillary is going to win and you're alright with it and in fact encourage it....
She is going to win. She is the best candidate for the position to seek the office since Bush 41.

So tell me,where does that leave us when deciding Hillary's fitness to run,or your honesty?

Not sure. You haven't been truthful yet. You have to start to be honest with yourself before you can preach to others about their supposed dishonesty. You're far from doing that.
We are seeing the seedlings of their work as we speak.
Civil unrest
Terrorism on American soil
Cries for safe spaces
Defense of unpatriotic free speech

The world counts on us as a safe harbor & we are slowly dismantling that image

While they are creating safe spaces for people who have overdosed on the koolaid, there are fewer real safe spaces from the real evil.

The most vile hate speech against their political enemies is celebrated, but free speech showing love of America is treated like hate speech.

Terrorist attacks on our soil are the new norm and we're importing more of these radicals through the refugee program. The U.N. said they are economic refugees, not people running from danger. They are bringing in danger just so they can improve their economic status. And the left wants to increase the numbers, meaning increasing the chances of more attacks. Any time a refugee kills, it should reflect on those who bought them here without knowing anything about them.
Interesting that the GOP choice for President is a big fan of the KGB spymaster (and vice versa) and GOP posters are worried about the population exercising free speech as it would have a negative effect on America.

Yet you have no complaints about Hillary running a basement server that opened us up to a hack job from the Russians.

The Russians didn't hack in to her server... no indication of such according to the FBI,
yet the Russians did hack in to the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, and probably Colin Powell and the State Dept .gov accounts 45 times last year but NOT Hillary's server...their cyber team at the FBI could not find a thing showing her server was hacked.

who would have thunk it?


Yeah, you're reporting the DNC getting hacked. Not what you stated earlier...that Ms. Clinton's private server got hacked.

You do know those are two different things....right?

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