Democrat Debate- Impressions and Tells

Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
The first impression?

There was three old white guys and one old white chick up on the stage.....

Now that's diversity!!!

Compare that to the Republican debates......2 Hispanics, a woman, a black man, and a few white guys.

Looks to me that the Democrats are all talk. They've had their token black and they don't have a blacks and Hispanics got shit-canned last night.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Webb looked like a republican, and whined about not getting enough time.
Did anyone notice the commercials. I always pay attention to stuff like that. There was the sappy one about that Suffragette movie and the Walmart one about low wages. Then there was an immigration one asking whether 1 million legal immigrants per year is the right number. The first two were targeted to a Dem audience. Not sure what to make of the last one
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Webb looked like a republican, and whined about not getting enough time.

Why was he there if not to inform the public on his positions? CNN needs to provide that. And Webb was higher in the polls that OMalley so why was OMalley by Clinton instead of Webb? He cant stand her?
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Yes, I saw an interview today where the news guy asked a couple of millennials whether they had rather live in a capitalist society or in a Socialist society. Both the fools said they had rather live in a Socialist society. It really galls me. A lot of guys died or got maimed fighting that ideology. The idiots are so brainwashed that they don't realize that there is not now nor has there ever been a Socialist government that has served its people well.

Did they mean Socialism or Democratic Socialism?

And of course, only a fool would say they want to pay the taxes that Democratic Socialist countries pay but get nothing in return - except of course, more for the Ruling Class.


The question was "Socialist" and their answers were "Socialist". No one mentioned the word "Democrat". That was probably because the word "Democrat" is a profanity.

Actually it was mentioned several times but there are some things that ...


... go over the heads of the dumb RWs.

Even if it had not been mentioned, doesn't mean you can't educate yourself.

Or not.


No. You want someone to say something that you need them to say but like most people, they simply responded to the question as it was asked of them.

It was just Nuddleys rude way of saying that we should note that there are multiple forms of socialism and not all of them require dictators and death squads.
Did anyone notice the commercials. I always pay attention to stuff like that. There was the sappy one about that Suffragette movie and the Walmart one about low wages. Then there was an immigration one asking whether 1 million legal immigrants per year is the right number. The first two were targeted to a Dem audience. Not sure what to make of the last one

It was from NumbersUSA and they were targeting everyone to bring some commons sense to immigration policy.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Maybe you are right, maybe not, but since these people vote, does it really matter if they are stupid?

I think people have a right to vote for what they think are their own interests.

You seem to think that they do not, why?
Did anyone notice the commercials. I always pay attention to stuff like that. There was the sappy one about that Suffragette movie and the Walmart one about low wages. Then there was an immigration one asking whether 1 million legal immigrants per year is the right number. The first two were targeted to a Dem audience. Not sure what to make of the last one

It was from NumbersUSA and they were targeting everyone to bring some commons sense to immigration policy.
Walmart just projected disappointing earnings for the 4th quarter (due to rising wages). Maybe counter-propaganda to debate commercial.

Last night's Numbers USA commercial tried to appeal to poor Americans who are most hurt by immigration. So, I guess you could say it was targeted to the audience, just with a different slant than your typical Dem position that anti-immigration is racist
Did anyone notice the commercials. I always pay attention to stuff like that. There was the sappy one about that Suffragette movie and the Walmart one about low wages. Then there was an immigration one asking whether 1 million legal immigrants per year is the right number. The first two were targeted to a Dem audience. Not sure what to make of the last one

It was from NumbersUSA and they were targeting everyone to bring some commons sense to immigration policy.
Walmart just projected disappointing earnings for the 4th quarter (due to rising wages). Maybe counter-propaganda to debate commercial.

Last night's Numbers USA commercial tried to appeal to poor Americans who are most hurt by immigration. So, I guess you could say it was targeted to the audience, just with a different slant than your typical Dem position that anti-immigration is racist

Yeah, they seem to be trying to make an unemotional appeal to limit immigration to a calculated number of people based on what would be a good estimate for EVERYONE and not just corporations looking for black market labor.
Webb may be more like the democratic Party was in 1972....but the Republican party is no longer the party it was back in 1972 either.

And I think that was an improvement. The Rockefeller wing of the party had to change tactics and cooperate with traditional conservatives, though George Herbert Walker Bush reversed that largely while maintaining the Reagan labeling.

The radical Teabags are trying to control everything and claim it is what the people want, but the polls show the majority of people don't support their ideas.

Most of the Tea Party I have known are basically people who want to restore the Republic to the version of what Washington put down along with the other Founding Fathers. That was a low key, decentralized government that was not as intrusive into peoples lives nearly so much as this one today is.

The catch is that this is not an agrarian society any more and the modern urban environment requires some changes to have an orderly society and they are not tuned in to this kind of thing, though increasingly more are thanks to QE for Wall Street and other forms of corporate welfare and the bad economy.

In the end they just end up causing the Republican party to fold and give us Dems what we want.

What like in 2010 and 2014? Yeah, I really like that kind of folding, dude.

Webb is too far to the right for most Democrats to vote for....

that is sad

Democrats have had to move more to the left to just maintain a middle ground since the Republicans seem to be moving so far to the right they are about to fall off into the abyss.

Ah so you think that there is some mathematical balances that need to be maintained?

I think the only balance is the ones the corporate media maintain to keep people voting in a rigged two party system that has become a shame.
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I will never hire H1B people. Companies that hire H1 are just pure greediness. Good lord how can we stop this...
Well, no one is enforcing the law for H1-Bs, so electing a president that will do this and not let corporate America steamroll the rest of us into the pavement would be a good place to start, it would seem anyway.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.

What a great debate.....Democrats showed Republicans how a debate is done. They discussed issues that Americans are concerned about instead of attacking each other like the "food fight" debate the Republicans held. They talked about supporting programs that help Americans unlike the Republicans, whose main topic was getting rid of programs that help Americans. What a difference.

The best performer was Hillary........Bernie was okay, but your idea that Huckabee would beat him is hilarious. And none of the Republican candidates are going to be able to debate Hillary.......she's way more polished and experienced than any of your "outsiders" who are still wet behind the ears.

The only reason you think Webb did the best was because he was the one that sounded more like a conservative than any of the others. He doesn't have a chance against Hillary, though.
The Republicans, like the Democrats, answered the questions asked of them. It is not their fault that the Republicans were asked questions about their opinion/opposition of another candidates action/stated platform and the Democrats weren't asked any of those questions.
I absolutely have respect for those who I disagree with. When they merit said respect.

If you will stop and think about it that is a tautology, dude.

Hmmmm. A tautology. A new word.

  1. the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g., they arrived one after the other in succession ).
    synonyms: pleonasm, repetition, reiteration, redundancy, superfluity, duplication
    "avoid such tautology as "let's all work together, everyone, as a team" by saying simply "let's work together""
    • a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.
      plural noun: tautologies
    • LOGIC
      a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.
I looked it up. Still not sure what you are trying to say. Wanna try something else?

Ask around, chief. If I show a person with whom I disagree..... disrespect.....they have earned it. In every case.

You said "I absolutely have respect for those who I disagree with. When they merit said respect."

Most people tend to have respect for people who tend to agree with them, so what you said is in practice a kind of tautology in behavioral terms. Sounds good at first but in practice it is self fulfilling expectations almost always.

Respecting people that agree to converse in polite tones and using reason and fact is I think the best standard and just expect there to be a lot of people in that group with whom I do not agree on almost anything. Maybe their experiences in life are just so different from my own that they are not psychologically equipped to see my points, and me theirs? It has happened several times in my life that people I thought just bizarrely wrong turned out later I found agreement with them as my experiences grew to match theirs more.
The mainstream news consensus is that Hillary won the debate. Fervent Sanders fans disagree, of course. Bernie said that media corporations have too much power. That could be partly behind the Chris Mathews' post-debate love fest for Hillary.

The word is that Bernie won on social media. I've seen comments like Hillary is in bed with banks, Wall Street, PAC's, Monsanto, the billionaire clique, etc..

I stick by my comments in post #7. Hillary won by stemming her hemorrhaging campaign and assuring her donors that she's viable, and by boxing out Biden. She refused to break with the Obama administration, so a lot will depend on how the economy and foreign policy plays out between now and November 2016. It didn't fall apart economically for Bush until the bitter end.
The mainstream news consensus is that Hillary won the debate. Fervent Sanders fans disagree, of course. Bernie said that media corporations have too much power. That could be partly behind the Chris Mathews' post-debate love fest for Hillary.

Well, I am certainly not a Sanders 'fan' but I think he had some valid points regarding the over reaching power of international corporations and Wall Street banks. And I think when most average people look at the $17 trillion the banks lost in capital and witnessed the more than $4 trillion bailouts and QE the banks got from the Federal reserve, they ask, why no us too? IT would have been cheaper to just give a million dollars to every family and let the economy recover than to feed it all in a trickle down approach to the nit wits that caused the problems to start with.

The word is that Bernie won on social media. I've seen comments like Hillary is in bed with banks, Wall Street, PAC's, Monsanto, the billionaire clique, etc..

That is why I think Hillary loses to any 'Outsider' Republican. She is in bed with the elites, the banks and international corporations and anyone really interested and thus a contestable vote, can see how she is so connected.

I stick by my comments in post #7. Hillary won by stemming her hemorrhaging campaign and assuring her donors that she's viable, and by boxing out Biden. She refused to break with the Obama administration, so a lot will depend on how the economy and foreign policy plays out between now and November 2016. It didn't fall apart economically for Bush until the bitter end.

Hillary did not fall on her face, but she did the standard 'wonk word salad' approach, highly polished no doubt that many if not most voters have come to identify with the inauthentic Professional Political Class, and almost everyone I know is sick to death of these people because they are running the middle class into the ground and letting this country sink into mediocrity, malaise and defenselessness.
JB you are,right that repubs need to address people's pocketbook issues more,fully but you go overboard on the corporation thing. Dems are as deep up,the ass of corporations as repubs as Obama has proven. Let's,not,forget,that,polls,show that a vast majority of citizens feel,the country is headed in the wrong direction. The narrative of tea party as extremists is a media myth. The tea party wants rule of law, the constitution and smaller govt. the dems want socialism by whatever name you want to call it, a failed system, and a totally unamerican animal. They are the extremists even with geniuses like Mertex telling us the only reason the liberals have gone so far left is cause the repubs are so far right. Liberal logic for dummies. Mertex is wrong that repubs have not accomplished anything in congress, they have accomplished far more than Harry Reid, but she is,right that repubs have done everything Obama wanted. And you wonder why we want a change of leadership. Carson, trump, Rubio, and especially Fiorino would eat Hilary's lunch in a debate, and I'll take all bets on that one. In a general election Hilary would lose big with freebies for everyone especially illegals. She is already losing core support among women, and is behind most of the top,tier repubs in head to head matches. With her lengthy public exposure her flip flops are legendary and documented. She is the whore,of expediency and the country sees it.

The best review of the debate was the notion that this was an exercise for the democratic base. If you look at it that way it explains the extreme leftist rhetoric.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.

Those are different things altogether. You really believe the House of Reps will pass a new tax on the American public? In your dreams. Obamacare was a tax onto the American public but it was passed when Dems had control of both houses.

How are they different? It was things that your Teabags were willing to shut the government down for. And the Dems aren't trying to pass a new tax on American public....where did you get that idea? That the tax laws need to be changed is a given.....especially all the loop holes that T-chump is able to take advantage to pay less than a poor schmuck barely making enough to live on.

Oh, and that's another one your "control group" hasn't been able to do.....repeal's that working for the ones that are in control?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you. How can Sanders force Trump to pay more taxes unless the tax code is changed? A President cannot do that.

You're the one that is stupid......of course Presidents can make changes. They don't actually go to the IRS and physically type in the changes, idiot. If Presidents can't have the tax codes changed, explain to me then how Reagan was able to raise taxes, several times.

Oh, and Mr. Stupid....also explain how Reagan is going to build a beautiful he going to get the bricks and stack them himself? And another thing, how is he going to "force" Mexico to pay for're the one that is really stupid.

And you quit avoiding my is it your party, who is in control of both House and Senate and can't keep Democrats from getting what they want?

Well, you just showed that you're the typical right-wing nut job that can't debate had to go and start insulting, so go fuck yourself, idiot, I don't debate with idiots that can't hold back their anger and butt hurt and have to resort to insults.
The Donald is a fucking genius in PR! Gained 60,000 followers during that DemocRAT kiss the Hildebeasts ass yesterday!

  • Donald Trump Won Twitter During the Democratic Debate
    Time ^ | Oct 14 2015 | Maya Rhodan
    While political watchers were tuned in to the Democratic Debate on CNN, folks tuning in on Twitter found Donald Trump a bit more interesting than the five candidates who took the state at the Wynn Las Vegas Resort. According to data compiled by Voactiv, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gained about 60,000 followers halfway through the Tuesday night debate.
  • Donald Trump's Twitter Sideshow Disrupts Democratic Presidential Debate
    Forbes ^ | Oct 14 2015 | Emily Canal
    Last night, as five democratic presidential hopefuls took to the CNN debate stage, another show was airing live online: The Donald Trump show. The bombastic billionaire took to social media to share his thoughts about the event, diverting attention away from the other party and adding a fresh bulb to his waning spotlight. While Trump’s comments were tame in nature — compared to his past zingers and Republican candidate Mike Huckabee’s offensive tweets — he still managed to rival the leading democratic candidates with mentions on Twitter TWTR +1.09%, Facebook FB +0.00%, Instagram and Google GOOGL -0.41% Plus, according to...
Compare that to the Republican debates......2 Hispanics, a woman, a black man, and a few white guys.

Actually the real comparison is:

"5 Adults at the Democratic Debate who discussed real issues civilly, that are important to the American people and how they can make existing programs that help Americans, better, without insulting or attacking each other"


"11 Clowns (2 Hispanics, 1 woman and 8 sexist males) at the Republican Debate which included a food fight, candidates attacking each other and one candidate making fun of one of the candidate's looks and trying to outdo each other on how they will demolish programs that help Americans".

Compare that to the Republican debates......2 Hispanics, a woman, a black man, and a few white guys.

Actually the real comparison is:

"5 Adults at the Democratic Debate who discussed real issues civilly, that are important to the American people and how they can make existing programs that help Americans, better, without insulting or attacking each other"


"11 Clowns (2 Hispanics, 1 woman and 8 sexist males) at the Republican Debate which included a food fight, candidates attacking each other and one candidate making fun of one of the candidate's looks and trying to outdo each other on how they will demolish programs that help Americans".

What did they discuss civilly?

Mrs. Clinton Unchallenged Isn't a Debate
October 14, 2015

RUSH: It was clear that last night was not a debate, that none of those candidates was gonna go after Hillary, and the media was not gonna make that happen. The media was not gonna treat these people as Republicans and try to create controversy or fights between them. So, you know, you shouldn't look at this thing last night as a standard, ordinary debate where every candidate up there is trying to win the thing.....

Mrs. Clinton Unchallenged Isn't a Debate - The Rush Limbaugh Show

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