Democrat Debate- Impressions and Tells

Here's thing. Nobody except the fanatic liberal crazies are going to vote for any of these candiates.

Oh, Gawd, Rook you are so wrong, fatally wrong on that one.

Millions of Americans are out of work after decades of their lives avoiding criminal activity, working hard and saving and now they are on the edge of being wiped out totally while the fat cat bankers on Wall Street and corporations make windfall profits hand over fist. They watch while their hard working kids graduate from college and cant find a damned job because Republicans have been signing free trade treaties that are exporting their jobs and their futures. Many of them cant afford to put their kids through college and so bright energetic talent is simply lost to us while some H1-B serf takes the job instead so once again corporations can make bigger profits.

And the American middle class workers are seething with rage from it all. And Republicans just don't seem to get it.

I will never hire H1B people. Companies that hire H1 are just pure greediness. Good lord how can we stop this...
Webb is more like the democratic Party was back before 1972 when it normally and regularly commanded higher turn outs in elections and ran Congress for 40 straight years.

It is a shame that Democrats like you seem to think that running away from that is somehow a good thing.

Webb may be more like the democratic Party was in 1972....but the Republican party is no longer the party it was back in 1972 either. The radical Teabags are trying to control everything and claim it is what the people want, but the polls show the majority of people don't support their ideas. In the end they just end up causing the Republican party to fold and give us Dems what we want. Webb is too far to the right for most Democrats to vote for....

Democrats have had to move more to the left to just maintain a middle ground since the Republicans seem to be moving so far to the right they are about to fall off into the abyss.
There were a few realities that I thought might have been considered by all of the Democrats last night. First, totally absent from any of their points was any mention at all about CUTTING any expenditures anywhere. All I heard was massive increases in spending. I liked when Bernie slammed his fist down and declared that were he President, Donald Trump would pay a lot more taxes than he is currently paying.

Does not Bernie and the rest fail to realize they are running for President only? The President does not make tax policy. Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.

Those are different things altogether. You really believe the House of Reps will pass a new tax on the American public? In your dreams. Obamacare was a tax onto the American public but it was passed when Dems had control of both houses.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.


Useless bunch of impotent Benghazi pubs has control and email they're still not Benghazi doing email anything. Nothing.

Well, they did Benghazi stop a couple of jobs email bills and jobs/housing for vets. And they keep Benghazi passing those email phony repeal insurance for 80 million Americans bill.

Republicans are not called the Do Nothings for nothing.

Meanwhile, President Obama is governing.

If a pub were to get into the WH, nothing would change except the working/poor classes would lose more.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Yes, I saw an interview today where the news guy asked a couple of millennials whether they had rather live in a capitalist society or in a Socialist society. Both the fools said they had rather live in a Socialist society. It really galls me. A lot of guys died or got maimed fighting that ideology. The idiots are so brainwashed that they don't realize that there is not now nor has there ever been a Socialist government that has served its people well.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.


Useless bunch of impotent Benghazi pubs has control and email they're still not Benghazi doing email anything. Nothing.

Well, they did Benghazi stop a couple of jobs email bills and jobs/housing for vets. And they keep Benghazi passing those email phony repeal insurance for 80 million Americans bill.

Republicans are not called the Do Nothings for nothing.

Meanwhile, President Obama is governing.

If a pub were to get into the WH, nothing would change except the working/poor classes would lose more.

You saying under Obama the middle class is expanding? LOL!! The middle class is shrinking under Obama.
Here's thing. Nobody except the fanatic liberal crazies are going to vote for any of these candiates.

Oh, Gawd, Rook you are so wrong, fatally wrong on that one.

Millions of Americans are out of work after decades of their lives avoiding criminal activity, working hard and saving and now they are on the edge of being wiped out totally while the fat cat bankers on Wall Street and corporations make windfall profits hand over fist. They watch while their hard working kids graduate from college and cant find a damned job because Republicans have been signing free trade treaties that are exporting their jobs and their futures. Many of them cant afford to put their kids through college and so bright energetic talent is simply lost to us while some H1-B serf takes the job instead so once again corporations can make bigger profits.

And the American middle class workers are seething with rage from it all. And Republicans just don't seem to get it.

Who are you and what did you do with the real jim Bowie1958 ?

So how come RWs don't care that two of their faves have sent jobs to other countries and one continues to do so?

How do they feel about millions of jobs going unfilled in the US because we don't have the trained people?

And, is it okay that Repubs very openly say they want to keep US citizens from getting an education but want to waste billions on their endless "wars"?
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Yes, I saw an interview today where the news guy asked a couple of millennials whether they had rather live in a capitalist society or in a Socialist society. Both the fools said they had rather live in a Socialist society. It really galls me. A lot of guys died or got maimed fighting that ideology. The idiots are so brainwashed that they don't realize that there is not now nor has there ever been a Socialist government that has served its people well.

Did they mean Socialism or Democratic Socialism?

And of course, only a fool would say they want to pay the taxes that Democratic Socialist countries pay but get nothing in return - except of course, more for the Ruling Class.

Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.

Those are different things altogether. You really believe the House of Reps will pass a new tax on the American public? In your dreams. Obamacare was a tax onto the American public but it was passed when Dems had control of both houses.

How are they different? It was things that your Teabags were willing to shut the government down for. And the Dems aren't trying to pass a new tax on American public....where did you get that idea? That the tax laws need to be changed is a given.....especially all the loop holes that T-chump is able to take advantage to pay less than a poor schmuck barely making enough to live on.

Oh, and that's another one your "control group" hasn't been able to do.....repeal's that working for the ones that are in control?
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Yes, I saw an interview today where the news guy asked a couple of millennials whether they had rather live in a capitalist society or in a Socialist society. Both the fools said they had rather live in a Socialist society. It really galls me. A lot of guys died or got maimed fighting that ideology. The idiots are so brainwashed that they don't realize that there is not now nor has there ever been a Socialist government that has served its people well.

Did they mean Socialism or Democratic Socialism?

And of course, only a fool would say they want to pay the taxes that Democratic Socialist countries pay but get nothing in return - except of course, more for the Ruling Class.


The question was "Socialist" and their answers were "Socialist". No one mentioned the word "Democrat". That was probably because the word "Democrat" is a profanity.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.

Those are different things altogether. You really believe the House of Reps will pass a new tax on the American public? In your dreams. Obamacare was a tax onto the American public but it was passed when Dems had control of both houses.

How are they different? It was things that your Teabags were willing to shut the government down for. And the Dems aren't trying to pass a new tax on American public....where did you get that idea? That the tax laws need to be changed is a given.....especially all the loop holes that T-chump is able to take advantage to pay less than a poor schmuck barely making enough to live on.

Oh, and that's another one your "control group" hasn't been able to do.....repeal's that working for the ones that are in control?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you. How can Sanders force Trump to pay more taxes unless the tax code is changed? A President cannot do that.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.


Useless bunch of impotent Benghazi pubs has control and email they're still not Benghazi doing email anything. Nothing.

Well, they did Benghazi stop a couple of jobs email bills and jobs/housing for vets. And they keep Benghazi passing those email phony repeal insurance for 80 million Americans bill.

Republicans are not called the Do Nothings for nothing.

Meanwhile, President Obama is governing.

If a pub were to get into the WH, nothing would change except the working/poor classes would lose more.

You saying under Obama the middle class is expanding? LOL!! The middle class is shrinking under Obama.

Thanks to President Obama, we've just about regained all that we lost under the Cheeney administration.

Was just looking at my TIA-Creff. We are retired and will live out our lives in comfort but we lost a lot under Bush. We're now at the Bush recession point - thanks to Obama.

But then, our economy always does better with a Dem in the WH.

Everyone lost under Bush and it takes time to get that back. But, you never really get it back.
Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.


Useless bunch of impotent Benghazi pubs has control and email they're still not Benghazi doing email anything. Nothing.

Well, they did Benghazi stop a couple of jobs email bills and jobs/housing for vets. And they keep Benghazi passing those email phony repeal insurance for 80 million Americans bill.

Republicans are not called the Do Nothings for nothing.

Meanwhile, President Obama is governing.

If a pub were to get into the WH, nothing would change except the working/poor classes would lose more.

You saying under Obama the middle class is expanding? LOL!! The middle class is shrinking under Obama.

Thanks to President Obama, we've just about regained all that we lost under the Cheeney administration.

Was just looking at my TIA-Creff. We are retired and will live out our lives in comfort but we lost a lot under Bush. We're now at the Bush recession point - thanks to Obama.

But then, our economy always does better with a Dem in the WH.

Everyone lost under Bush and it takes time to get that back. But, you never really get it back.

Not if you're smart. I've made money under Republicans and Democrats.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Yes, I saw an interview today where the news guy asked a couple of millennials whether they had rather live in a capitalist society or in a Socialist society. Both the fools said they had rather live in a Socialist society. It really galls me. A lot of guys died or got maimed fighting that ideology. The idiots are so brainwashed that they don't realize that there is not now nor has there ever been a Socialist government that has served its people well.

Did they mean Socialism or Democratic Socialism?

And of course, only a fool would say they want to pay the taxes that Democratic Socialist countries pay but get nothing in return - except of course, more for the Ruling Class.


The question was "Socialist" and their answers were "Socialist". No one mentioned the word "Democrat". That was probably because the word "Democrat" is a profanity.

Actually it was mentioned several times but there are some things that ...


... go over the heads of the dumb RWs.

Even if it had not been mentioned, doesn't mean you can't educate yourself.

Or not.

Apparently, all of them forgot that it is the Republicans who control BOTH houses of the Congress. I couldn't contain my laughter.

Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.


Useless bunch of impotent Benghazi pubs has control and email they're still not Benghazi doing email anything. Nothing.

Well, they did Benghazi stop a couple of jobs email bills and jobs/housing for vets. And they keep Benghazi passing those email phony repeal insurance for 80 million Americans bill.

Republicans are not called the Do Nothings for nothing.

Meanwhile, President Obama is governing.

If a pub were to get into the WH, nothing would change except the working/poor classes would lose more.

You saying under Obama the middle class is expanding? LOL!! The middle class is shrinking under Obama.

Thanks to President Obama, we've just about regained all that we lost under the Cheeney administration.

Was just looking at my TIA-Creff. We are retired and will live out our lives in comfort but we lost a lot under Bush. We're now at the Bush recession point - thanks to Obama.

But then, our economy always does better with a Dem in the WH.

Everyone lost under Bush and it takes time to get that back. But, you never really get it back.

Not if you're smart. I've made money under Republicans and Democrats.



My TIA-Creff lost money with the bush crash and others I know say the same thing.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.
Sanders is a socialist and Hillary is a proven liar. Either one running wouldn't win without the dim witted voters voting them in.

Yes, I saw an interview today where the news guy asked a couple of millennials whether they had rather live in a capitalist society or in a Socialist society. Both the fools said they had rather live in a Socialist society. It really galls me. A lot of guys died or got maimed fighting that ideology. The idiots are so brainwashed that they don't realize that there is not now nor has there ever been a Socialist government that has served its people well.

Did they mean Socialism or Democratic Socialism?

And of course, only a fool would say they want to pay the taxes that Democratic Socialist countries pay but get nothing in return - except of course, more for the Ruling Class.


The question was "Socialist" and their answers were "Socialist". No one mentioned the word "Democrat". That was probably because the word "Democrat" is a profanity.

Actually it was mentioned several times but there are some things that ...


... go over the heads of the dumb RWs.

Even if it had not been mentioned, doesn't mean you can't educate yourself.

Or not.


No. You want someone to say something that you need them to say but like most people, they simply responded to the question as it was asked of them.
Yeah, well how's that working for you? Same-sex marriage, the Iran Deal, funding for Planned Parenthood.........that is funny, they only think they control both houses of Congress.


Useless bunch of impotent Benghazi pubs has control and email they're still not Benghazi doing email anything. Nothing.

Well, they did Benghazi stop a couple of jobs email bills and jobs/housing for vets. And they keep Benghazi passing those email phony repeal insurance for 80 million Americans bill.

Republicans are not called the Do Nothings for nothing.

Meanwhile, President Obama is governing.

If a pub were to get into the WH, nothing would change except the working/poor classes would lose more.

You saying under Obama the middle class is expanding? LOL!! The middle class is shrinking under Obama.

Thanks to President Obama, we've just about regained all that we lost under the Cheeney administration.

Was just looking at my TIA-Creff. We are retired and will live out our lives in comfort but we lost a lot under Bush. We're now at the Bush recession point - thanks to Obama.

But then, our economy always does better with a Dem in the WH.

Everyone lost under Bush and it takes time to get that back. But, you never really get it back.

Not if you're smart. I've made money under Republicans and Democrats.



My TIA-Creff lost money with the bush crash and others I know say the same thing.

I said "not if you're smart". It's not my problem when someone is not smart enough to make money in their environment.

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