Democrat Debate- Impressions and Tells

No, as I said before I appreciate his politeness and reasonableness, though I disagree on some of the details of what he says, like I do with most people.

I was talking about my post.

Well, you have also been more reasonable lately as well, and so I usually thank people for being mature and contributing useful thought to a discussion.

What you want me to take it back?

I'm always reasonable. Even now......I am thinking that you are completely out of your mind......but I'm being very reasonable. I say no crazy things. I just don't.
So much for showing respect.

Quit whining nutbag. .

But you are still always respectful to those you think deserve it?

roflmao, that's why ideologues like yourself cant see you own intolerance and closed mindedness.

I gave you a string of recessions and depressions that occurred since the founding of the Federal Reserve and each and EVERYONE of these economic downswings were allowed, yes ALLOWED, to happen only once a REpublican took office. Not a single exception and I left out the Tech sector implosion of 2001 just to not appear to be padding the numbers here.

Not only do you not respond or even acknowledge what I posted to be true, but you don't even have the decency to withdraw you claim that I am out of my mind.

For you facts and plausible theory has nothing to do with your view of Reality. You leave that completely to you ideological perspective and you leave no exceptions. This is why I think that you, sir, with all due respect, are the person who has lost their moorings in the sea of Reason, not me or 2A.
OK. Let me ask for clarification. You know that a financial crisis worse than 2008 is going to is inevitable. And...this will happen when the next Republican president is in office......because pro-Democrat financiers are going to force the crisis. On purpose. They are planning it now.

Is that it?

Kind of. The whole thing is teetering on collapse already with the Federal Reserve, mostly elite Eastern financial wonks with historic ties to the Democratic party from FDR on. They are propping up the markets by various shenanigans, whipping up confidence in the markets as much as possible. An interest rate increase is needed to encourage investment, but that could draw too much money from the stock market so they are keeping interest rates low for now and if a Republican wins I think they will be far more aggressive than if they have a Democrat that they sympathize with in the Oval Office.

And nothing is literally inevitable. We could have a nuclear war that makes a stock market crash irrelevant. But the financial leaders in the Federal Reserve have the means to pull the rug out from under the economy and to prop it up a bit longer and they have used this power they have to wreck Republican Presidents since Hoover.

The Federal Reserve is the dark evil heart of the greedy capitalists in the Western world, and thus in effect the entire world today. They have ruined more nations, stolen more wealth and created more enemies for our nation than any leftwing group ever did.

Economic and geo-political issues for the next 12 months will certainly be a huge factor in the election. Is the US economy teetering on the edge of collapse? You have to remember that economies are relative. If the rest of the world is even more thrashed and absurdly propped up than we are, investment flows toward the US.

What Bernie and Trump have tapped into, though, is anti-globalism. Economic patriotism. If Greece or China get a flu, we get a cold, and we can expect more of that in 2016. Americans sense that the time is not for more globalism, but for economic self-sufficiency. I think there's a formula where we can continue to attract investment from foreign billionaires while working toward ensuring that rising American productivity translates to rising wages.

Agreed and this would require renegotiating the NAFTA, GATT and TPP agreements, treaties whatever one wants to call them. Or maybe even withdrawing from them, but that would be a drastic measure if the negotiations don't work out., We could fare much better without them than they without us.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.

the fact that you think anyone would vote for Huckabee aside from the furthest right of the religious right tells me your recitation is off kilter.

Bernie did great. he can't win a general election with 50% of the country saying they would never vote for someone who calls himself a socialist.

webb did a horrible job.

Hillary proved that she's got the stuff to whup you guys which is why you keep talking up people who can't.
I was talking about my post.

Well, you have also been more reasonable lately as well, and so I usually thank people for being mature and contributing useful thought to a discussion.

What you want me to take it back?

I'm always reasonable. Even now......I am thinking that you are completely out of your mind......but I'm being very reasonable. I say no crazy things. I just don't.
So much for showing respect.

Quit whining nutbag. .

But you are still always respectful to those you think deserve it?

roflmao, that's why ideologues like yourself cant see you own intolerance and closed mindedness.

I gave you a string of recessions and depressions that occurred since the founding of the Federal Reserve and each and EVERYONE of these economic downswings were allowed, yes ALLOWED, to happen only once a REpublican took office. Not a single exception and I left out the Tech sector implosion of 2001 just to not appear to be padding the numbers here.

Not only do you not respond or even acknowledge what I posted to be true, but you don't even have the decency to withdraw you claim that I am out of my mind.

For you facts and plausible theory has nothing to do with your view of Reality. You leave that completely to you ideological perspective and you leave no exceptions. This is why I think that you, sir, with all due respect, are the person who has lost their moorings in the sea of Reason, not me or 2A.

recessions were allowed to happen? lol...

they happened because republicans can't manage the economy. they're too busy giving gimmee's to the top 1% and their corporate donors.
I was talking about my post.

Well, you have also been more reasonable lately as well, and so I usually thank people for being mature and contributing useful thought to a discussion.

What you want me to take it back?

I'm always reasonable. Even now......I am thinking that you are completely out of your mind......but I'm being very reasonable. I say no crazy things. I just don't.
So much for showing respect.

Quit whining nutbag. .

But you are still always respectful to those you think deserve it?

roflmao, that's why ideologues like yourself cant see you own intolerance and closed mindedness.

I gave you a string of recessions and depressions that occurred since the founding of the Federal Reserve and each and EVERYONE of these economic downswings were allowed, yes ALLOWED, to happen only once a REpublican took office. Not a single exception and I left out the Tech sector implosion of 2001 just to not appear to be padding the numbers here.

Not only do you not respond or even acknowledge what I posted to be true, but you don't even have the decency to withdraw you claim that I am out of my mind.

For you facts and plausible theory has nothing to do with your view of Reality. You leave that completely to you ideological perspective and you leave no exceptions. This is why I think that you, sir, with all due respect, are the person who has lost their moorings in the sea of Reason, not me or 2A.

You gave me a list of dates and called me a "Pollyanna" while using that word "tautology" incorrectly again. That list of dates isn't evidence of anything

You haven't proved your claim......and really haven't even tried. I think the idea that there are pro- dem financiers who will ruin the economy the moment a republican becomes president is CRAZY TALK. You don't. That's where we are.

I told AVGUYIA to stop whining. He gets zero respect from me. You get some.......but you are a passive aggressive feller. I don't appreciate that shit at all. Try harder.
the fact that you think anyone would vote for Huckabee aside from the furthest right of the religious right tells me your recitation is off kilter.

So the people of Arkansas who voted him into office are just religious nuitbags? lol, there's liberal tolerance for ya, roflmao

Bernie did great. he can't win a general election with 50% of the country saying they would never vote for someone who calls himself a socialist.

Bernie can win. I would vote for Bernie over Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Graham, or the rest. The root problem of our nation today is the control the Wall Street banks have over our political system and their network of dependent corporations they lead around on a leash with low interest loans.

webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%

Hillary proved that she's got the stuff to whup you guys which is why you keep talking up people who can't.

Hillary loses against any of our 'outsider' candidates from Trump to Carson and Fiorina, and maybe even Huckabee and Cruz. You distaff cultists seem to think that having a vagina qualifies Clinton for the Oval Office, but no, it really doesn't.
recessions were allowed to happen? lol...

So for seven straight recession/depressions they only just happened to happen within the first year or so of a Republican President taking office, except the 1932 and 2008 which happened in the LAST year?

Are you seriously THAT gullible? The Federal Reserve banks are long ago proDem and always will be.

they happened because republicans can't manage the economy.

Most of them happened in the first year of them taking office, how the hell does THAT happen because of their own policies when they haven't even had time at that point for any policies to be passed by Congress and put into law or executive administration?

Care to give any specific reasons that Reagan had a recession in 1981, his first year in office, just to see what kind of 'bad policies' you are talking about?

they're too busy giving gimmee's to the top 1% and their corporate donors.

If you think that the GOP is the only party that does that, you have been drinking the Dem Kool Aid for way too long, honey.
You gave me a list of dates and called me a "Pollyanna" while using that word "tautology" incorrectly again. That list of dates isn't evidence of anything

I didn't call you a Polyana, I asked if you were that Polyana. There is a difference.

And seven recessions/depression in a row, EVERY ONE OF THEM since the Federal Reserve was started only occurred during a Republican Presidency and you think that is no evidence?

You are irrational, and that is directed straight at you, with all due respect.

You haven't proved your claim......and really haven't even tried. I think the idea that there are pro- dem financiers who will ruin the economy the moment a republican becomes president is CRAZY TALK. You don't. That's where we are.

Yeah, that is where we are with me looking at what has happened and you closing your eyes and shouting with your fingers in your ears 'THATS CRAZY TALK!'

I told AVGUYIA to stop whining. He gets zero respect from me. You get some.......but you are a passive aggressive feller. I don't appreciate that shit at all. Try harder.

I call 'em like I see 'em and you are not an open minded person who follows the evidence, not even enough to initiate your own digging yourself. You simply reject it out of hand as crazy. I don't appreciate that shit at all. You try harder, dude.
webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.
webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

the wasserman-shultz crowd?


you people find the oddest ways of labeling people.

webb did a terrible stiff whiny unlikeable job.

that is just how it is.
webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

the wasserman-shultz crowd?


you people find the oddest ways of labeling people.

webb did a terrible stiff whiny unlikeable job.

that is just how it is.

Lol, OK, whatever you say, dear.
webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

Yeah, Webb isn't a polished debater with the aid of trainers all paid for by PAC financed by multinational corporations and Wall Street banks like Jebba the Bush and Clintonista.

But some think that made him look more authentic, as well as Bernie.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.

the fact that you think anyone would vote for Huckabee aside from the furthest right of the religious right tells me your recitation is off kilter.

Bernie did great. he can't win a general election with 50% of the country saying they would never vote for someone who calls himself a socialist.

webb did a horrible job.

Hillary proved that she's got the stuff to whup you guys which is why you keep talking up people who can't.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.

the fact that you think anyone would vote for Huckabee aside from the furthest right of the religious right tells me your recitation is off kilter.

Bernie did great. he can't win a general election with 50% of the country saying they would never vote for someone who calls himself a socialist.

webb did a horrible job.

Hillary proved that she's got the stuff to whup you guys which is why you keep talking up people who can't.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

because you've always been so correct...


poor muddy.
Anderson did a great job. He could have given Webb more time, but over all did fairly well.

The best performer was without question, IMO, Bernie Sanders. The man is a genius, and has the air of a Prophetic voice. If he gets the nomination, no Republican will win against him except maybe Huckabee. Sanders is not going to get the NRA out against him in force. He scored big points by stating he was sick to death of hearing about Hillary's emails. He kept pounding on the main two issues; the American middle class is disappearing because the Too Big To Fail banks and corporations have corrupted the political system and need to be put back in their place, and that college education should be free. These are two HUGE winning issues.

Clinton came across as a highly polished professional Politician and I think people are sick to death of that, over all. I don't think she can beat any of the GOP 'outsider' candidates. 'Vote for me because I have a vagina' is not going to win.

Webb did the best of the debate, other than Sanders, IMO, because he gave reasonable answers that took multiple sides to each question and the complexities of issue, and that takes courage in a political system that is dominated by single issue voters and special interests groups. He was the only won that asked how these plans were going to be paid for. Some smart asses commenting that he would do better in the GOP epitomized the losers of the Democratic Party.

OMalley and Chaffee were really irrelevant, OMalley running to the left of everyo0ne and Chaffee playing the wise old statesman in a party that despises both.

I would seriously consider voting for Sanders or Webb, but not the rest.

the fact that you think anyone would vote for Huckabee aside from the furthest right of the religious right tells me your recitation is off kilter.

Bernie did great. he can't win a general election with 50% of the country saying they would never vote for someone who calls himself a socialist.

webb did a horrible job.

Hillary proved that she's got the stuff to whup you guys which is why you keep talking up people who can't.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

because you've always been so correct...


poor muddy.
You believe everything Democrats say and nothing Republicans you're not in any position to judge.
webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

Yeah, Webb isn't a polished debater with the aid of trainers all paid for by PAC financed by multinational corporations and Wall Street banks like Jebba the Bush and Clintonista.

But some think that made him look more authentic, as well as Bernie.
I forgot that Webb also said he would rely less on executive orders than Obama. He talked about respecting the democratic process.

On the question of what differentiates the candidates from Obama, Clinton simply referred to her gender. Everything about her campaign (even her --> symbol) is staked to the successes or failures of Obama as perceived November 2016
On the question of what differentiates the candidates from Obama, Clinton simply referred to her gender. Everything about her campaign (even her --> symbol) is staked to the successes or failures of Obama as perceived November 2016

It is amazing to me, but Clintonista really seems to think she will win because she has a vagina.

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