Democrat Debate- Impressions and Tells

webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

the wasserman-shultz crowd?


you people find the oddest ways of labeling people.

webb did a terrible stiff whiny unlikeable job.

that is just how it is.

Webb sounded too Republican, that is the reason many conservatives are claiming that he did a good job at the debate....truth is, he and Chafee won't be around too much longer and most Democrats won't even miss them.
And that is a crying shame. Webb is a Democrat because he dissents from the GOP consensus on neocon Pax America and the forced promotion of democracy, as well as his identity with the working class he came from.

There was a time when that was all you had to believe to be a Democrat.
On the question of what differentiates the candidates from Obama, Clinton simply referred to her gender. Everything about her campaign (even her --> symbol) is staked to the successes or failures of Obama as perceived November 2016

It is amazing to me, but Clintonista really seems to think she will win because she has a vagina.

Quit claiming that you can get into our minds. We are not anything like the Republican women who were drooling over Sarah Palin. I'm voting for Hillary because she has the experience, she is strong, a good speaker, can remember details and events and explain herself clearly, and most of all because she doesn't take any shit from the Republican party.

Obama will be considered one of the best Presidents, regardless of what the biased Republican/conservatives claim, but he tried too hard to involve the recalcitrant Republicans in Congress who weren't interested in making the country better, but were just interested in getting their way. Which, by the way, went against the majority of Americans. So quit flattering yourself and claiming that we are voting for Clinton because she has a vagina....unless you are saying that because you yourself are only voting for Trump because he has a penis, and thinks that everyone else operates like you.

You do realize that that is all total bullshit, right? You need to quit drinking the DNC Kool Aid
I think either Trump, Carson, or Firorina will take the nomination, and certainly not the designated heir Jebba the Bush.

I will be very surprised if that happens. I personally think Fiorina, Carson and Trump will flame out, in that order, too....and Jeb's money will keep him going until he emerges as the top contender, just like Romney did, and the Republicans will lose, again.

If Jebba the Bush, Rubio or Kasich gets the nomination the party will lose, no doubt.

But I think the rank and file GOP is so sick of the party establishment that there will be a violent revolt at the convention if the establishment pulls some of the bullshit that they did in 2012 like driving delegates around in a bus for hours keeping them from the convention, having some delegates forcibly removed and simply ignoring points of order by anti-Romney elements in various committee and rules meetings.

The rank and file are serious about Jeb NOT being the nominee and if the Establishment still pulls it off, I seriously think the GOP faces a major split like the Conservative Party had in the 80's.

You may be spot on that one....but I'm still thinking the establishment is going to try to prop up Jeb.

Check this out.

No more ‘shock and awe’: Jeb Bush now just another presidential aspirant
You believe everything Democrats say and nothing Republicans you're not in any position to judge.

Let's see.......the Republican party forms a committee to supposedly get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and claims that Hillary is not trustworthy.....and then we find out from the same committee members, who happen to be Republican, that the committee was not about Benghazi as much as it was to try and bring Hillary down....I think it's pretty clear who the ones that aren't trustworthy here are.

And how much tax-payer money have the "party that wants to cut spending" spent on this psuedo Benghazi committee investigation, that has yielding "NADA"?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

When you are biased, you are going to see everything in a negative way........probably the same way we see Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, etc., but you've got to admit, Hillary is way more educated, intelligent and is a hell of a lot better speaker than T-Chump. T-Chump is about the same caliber as Sarah Palin, why he sounds so appealing to so many uninformed conservatives, and I hope he becomes the Republican candidate, it will be funny to see him get all flustered and start slinging mud much like his followers do on this Forum.
The problem is, the facts are already coming Hillary was talking like she was talking to a child that didn't know what's going on. If you keep informed it's pretty tough for Hillary to get away with the BS she keeps repeating. All of the laws she broke, according to her, was a bad choice, but just evil Republicans trying to destroy her for purely political purposes, and she'll never do it again.....PROMISE.

From the most reputable media sources, Clinton won the debate, hands down. If you only listen to Faux News, of course you're going to hear negative things about her, but then, Faux News has already been caught many times making shit up. She didn't break any laws........Collin Powell also used a private e-mail account and no conservative has ever commented negatively about that. Bush and Cheney destroyed over 1 million e-mails trying to cover their ass over the circuit judge fiasco and Democrats didn't bitch and whine for years and waste tax-payer money trying to investigate them.

And, even Republicans have come out and admitted that this latest Benghazi committee investigation was nothing but a, are they lying? What's their motive? You've just been brainwashed way too long to recognize the truth.....Sad.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

When you are biased, you are going to see everything in a negative way........probably the same way we see Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, etc., but you've got to admit, Hillary is way more educated, intelligent and is a hell of a lot better speaker than T-Chump. T-Chump is about the same caliber as Sarah Palin, why he sounds so appealing to so many uninformed conservatives, and I hope he becomes the Republican candidate, it will be funny to see him get all flustered and start slinging mud much like his followers do on this Forum.
The problem is, the facts are already coming Hillary was talking like she was talking to a child that didn't know what's going on. If you keep informed it's pretty tough for Hillary to get away with the BS she keeps repeating. All of the laws she broke, according to her, was a bad choice, but just evil Republicans trying to destroy her for purely political purposes, and she'll never do it again.....PROMISE.

From the most reputable media sources, Clinton won the debate, hands down. If you only listen to Faux News, of course you're going to hear negative things about her, but then, Faux News has already been caught many times making shit up. She didn't break any laws........Collin Powell also used a private e-mail account and no conservative has ever commented negatively about that. Bush and Cheney destroyed over 1 million e-mails trying to cover their ass over the circuit judge fiasco and Democrats didn't bitch and whine for years and waste tax-payer money trying to investigate them.

And, even Republicans have come out and admitted that this latest Benghazi committee investigation was nothing but a, are they lying? What's their motive? You've just been brainwashed way too long to recognize the truth.....Sad.
Drudge held a vote among CNN viewers and Bernie kicked her ass in their opinion.

I think she did well. I expected her to. Being a good debater is one thing. Being honest is something different.

FYI, I felt she kicked Obama's ass......but then she lost the nomination. I figure as long as Obama doesn't indict her...she'll win it this time. Winning the general election won't be so easy.
I think either Trump, Carson, or Firorina will take the nomination, and certainly not the designated heir Jebba the Bush.

I will be very surprised if that happens. I personally think Fiorina, Carson and Trump will flame out, in that order, too....and Jeb's money will keep him going until he emerges as the top contender, just like Romney did, and the Republicans will lose, again.

If Jebba the Bush, Rubio or Kasich gets the nomination the party will lose, no doubt.

But I think the rank and file GOP is so sick of the party establishment that there will be a violent revolt at the convention if the establishment pulls some of the bullshit that they did in 2012 like driving delegates around in a bus for hours keeping them from the convention, having some delegates forcibly removed and simply ignoring points of order by anti-Romney elements in various committee and rules meetings.

The rank and file are serious about Jeb NOT being the nominee and if the Establishment still pulls it off, I seriously think the GOP faces a major split like the Conservative Party had in the 80's.

You may be spot on that one....but I'm still thinking the establishment is going to try to prop up Jeb.

Check this out.

No more ‘shock and awe’: Jeb Bush now just another presidential aspirant

Some are still holding out hope for him........from your link:

Kaufman added: “There’s a long way to go, it’s a long slog, and Jeb is built for the long haul. He is not going to win right now, there’s no question about it. But in the end, I think people want someone who’s actually governed something and signed the front of a check, not just the back of a check.”
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

When you are biased, you are going to see everything in a negative way........probably the same way we see Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, etc., but you've got to admit, Hillary is way more educated, intelligent and is a hell of a lot better speaker than T-Chump. T-Chump is about the same caliber as Sarah Palin, why he sounds so appealing to so many uninformed conservatives, and I hope he becomes the Republican candidate, it will be funny to see him get all flustered and start slinging mud much like his followers do on this Forum.
The problem is, the facts are already coming Hillary was talking like she was talking to a child that didn't know what's going on. If you keep informed it's pretty tough for Hillary to get away with the BS she keeps repeating. All of the laws she broke, according to her, was a bad choice, but just evil Republicans trying to destroy her for purely political purposes, and she'll never do it again.....PROMISE.

From the most reputable media sources, Clinton won the debate, hands down. If you only listen to Faux News, of course you're going to hear negative things about her, but then, Faux News has already been caught many times making shit up. She didn't break any laws........Collin Powell also used a private e-mail account and no conservative has ever commented negatively about that. Bush and Cheney destroyed over 1 million e-mails trying to cover their ass over the circuit judge fiasco and Democrats didn't bitch and whine for years and waste tax-payer money trying to investigate them.

And, even Republicans have come out and admitted that this latest Benghazi committee investigation was nothing but a, are they lying? What's their motive? You've just been brainwashed way too long to recognize the truth.....Sad.
Fuck your sources. Drudge held a vote and Bernie kicked her ass in their opinion.
I think she did well. I expected her to. I felt she kicked Obama's ass......but then she lost the nomination. I figure as long as Obama doesn't indict her...she'll win it this time. Winning the general election won't be so easy. sound a little most of your candidates....start slinging the mud. Bernie did well, but Clinton did better. And, she has the Hispanic vote, something that the Republican party wants to have but can't quite quash their deep rooted hatred for them and will continue to insult them, and will not win them over. Sad.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

When you are biased, you are going to see everything in a negative way........probably the same way we see Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, etc., but you've got to admit, Hillary is way more educated, intelligent and is a hell of a lot better speaker than T-Chump. T-Chump is about the same caliber as Sarah Palin, why he sounds so appealing to so many uninformed conservatives, and I hope he becomes the Republican candidate, it will be funny to see him get all flustered and start slinging mud much like his followers do on this Forum.
The problem is, the facts are already coming Hillary was talking like she was talking to a child that didn't know what's going on. If you keep informed it's pretty tough for Hillary to get away with the BS she keeps repeating. All of the laws she broke, according to her, was a bad choice, but just evil Republicans trying to destroy her for purely political purposes, and she'll never do it again.....PROMISE.

From the most reputable media sources, Clinton won the debate, hands down. If you only listen to Faux News, of course you're going to hear negative things about her, but then, Faux News has already been caught many times making shit up. She didn't break any laws........Collin Powell also used a private e-mail account and no conservative has ever commented negatively about that. Bush and Cheney destroyed over 1 million e-mails trying to cover their ass over the circuit judge fiasco and Democrats didn't bitch and whine for years and waste tax-payer money trying to investigate them.

And, even Republicans have come out and admitted that this latest Benghazi committee investigation was nothing but a, are they lying? What's their motive? You've just been brainwashed way too long to recognize the truth.....Sad.
I listen to everything. Fox is only a small part of my political news sources. After Fox bushwacked Trump.....I don't trust them much.
She sounded very convincing when she was lying.

Pretty pathetic that you still trust her.

When you are biased, you are going to see everything in a negative way........probably the same way we see Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, etc., but you've got to admit, Hillary is way more educated, intelligent and is a hell of a lot better speaker than T-Chump. T-Chump is about the same caliber as Sarah Palin, why he sounds so appealing to so many uninformed conservatives, and I hope he becomes the Republican candidate, it will be funny to see him get all flustered and start slinging mud much like his followers do on this Forum.
The problem is, the facts are already coming Hillary was talking like she was talking to a child that didn't know what's going on. If you keep informed it's pretty tough for Hillary to get away with the BS she keeps repeating. All of the laws she broke, according to her, was a bad choice, but just evil Republicans trying to destroy her for purely political purposes, and she'll never do it again.....PROMISE.

From the most reputable media sources, Clinton won the debate, hands down. If you only listen to Faux News, of course you're going to hear negative things about her, but then, Faux News has already been caught many times making shit up. She didn't break any laws........Collin Powell also used a private e-mail account and no conservative has ever commented negatively about that. Bush and Cheney destroyed over 1 million e-mails trying to cover their ass over the circuit judge fiasco and Democrats didn't bitch and whine for years and waste tax-payer money trying to investigate them.

And, even Republicans have come out and admitted that this latest Benghazi committee investigation was nothing but a, are they lying? What's their motive? You've just been brainwashed way too long to recognize the truth.....Sad.
Fuck your sources. Drudge held a vote and Bernie kicked her ass in their opinion.
I think she did well. I expected her to. I felt she kicked Obama's ass......but then she lost the nomination. I figure as long as Obama doesn't indict her...she'll win it this time. Winning the general election won't be so easy. sound a little most of your candidates....start slinging the mud. Bernie did well, but Clinton did better. And, she has the Hispanic vote, something that the Republican party wants to have but can't quite quash their deep rooted hatred for them and will continue to insult them, and will not win them over. Sad.
Yet she's a felon and very easily could be a convict.....and you support her.

What does that say about you?
You believe everything Democrats say and nothing Republicans you're not in any position to judge.

Let's see.......the Republican party forms a committee to supposedly get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and claims that Hillary is not trustworthy.....and then we find out from the same committee members, who happen to be Republican, that the committee was not about Benghazi as much as it was to try and bring Hillary down....I think it's pretty clear who the ones that aren't trustworthy here are.

And how much tax-payer money have the "party that wants to cut spending" spent on this psuedo Benghazi committee investigation, that has yielding "NADA"?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.
None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
I listen to everything. Fox is only a small part of my political news sources. After Fox bushwacked Trump.....I don't trust them much.

So, you admit you are a slow learner. We've been telling you for years that Faux News lies and cheats. How long will it take for you to figure out that the Tea Party is going to kill your party?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.

The GOP is apparently gaming the email and Benghazi investigation. If they were serious about bringing charges I think they could have already, but they seem to want to purposely drag this thing out into the elections and that is just wrong, to subordinate justice and national security to partisan advantages. I think she is guilty of far more than Petreaus ever did, but you will never convince the KoolAid Kids in the Democratic Party of any of it even if you had it on video. Remember how Clinton's purjury was just dismissed as understandable?
When you are biased, you are going to see everything in a negative way........probably the same way we see Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, etc., but you've got to admit, Hillary is way more educated, intelligent and is a hell of a lot better speaker than T-Chump. T-Chump is about the same caliber as Sarah Palin, why he sounds so appealing to so many uninformed conservatives, and I hope he becomes the Republican candidate, it will be funny to see him get all flustered and start slinging mud much like his followers do on this Forum.
The problem is, the facts are already coming Hillary was talking like she was talking to a child that didn't know what's going on. If you keep informed it's pretty tough for Hillary to get away with the BS she keeps repeating. All of the laws she broke, according to her, was a bad choice, but just evil Republicans trying to destroy her for purely political purposes, and she'll never do it again.....PROMISE.

From the most reputable media sources, Clinton won the debate, hands down. If you only listen to Faux News, of course you're going to hear negative things about her, but then, Faux News has already been caught many times making shit up. She didn't break any laws........Collin Powell also used a private e-mail account and no conservative has ever commented negatively about that. Bush and Cheney destroyed over 1 million e-mails trying to cover their ass over the circuit judge fiasco and Democrats didn't bitch and whine for years and waste tax-payer money trying to investigate them.

And, even Republicans have come out and admitted that this latest Benghazi committee investigation was nothing but a, are they lying? What's their motive? You've just been brainwashed way too long to recognize the truth.....Sad.
Fuck your sources. Drudge held a vote and Bernie kicked her ass in their opinion.
I think she did well. I expected her to. I felt she kicked Obama's ass......but then she lost the nomination. I figure as long as Obama doesn't indict her...she'll win it this time. Winning the general election won't be so easy. sound a little most of your candidates....start slinging the mud. Bernie did well, but Clinton did better. And, she has the Hispanic vote, something that the Republican party wants to have but can't quite quash their deep rooted hatred for them and will continue to insult them, and will not win them over. Sad.
Yet she's a felon and very easily could be a convict.....and you support her.

What does that say about you?

Your butt hurt is showing up big time, now. Hillary has not committed any crime.....quit your sorry-ass whining, T-Chump is not going to be our next President, she is.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

I hope to God that the GOP doesn't face Sanders; I hope and pray that Clintonista gets the nomination fo sho dude!
I listen to everything. Fox is only a small part of my political news sources. After Fox bushwacked Trump.....I don't trust them much.

So, you admit you are a slow learner. We've been telling you for years that Faux News lies and cheats. How long will it take for you to figure out that the Tea Party is going to kill your party?

FOX lies and cheats like they all do, but at a much lower frequency, like say Brian 'the Liar' Williams on one of those libtard networks.
The GOP is apparently gaming the email and Benghazi investigation. If they were serious about bringing charges I think they could have already, but they seem to want to purposely drag this thing out into the elections and that is just wrong, to subordinate justice and national security to partisan advantages.

Bingo.....I'm glad at least some conservative besides the ones that blabbed about it that were part of the latest committee investigation are able to admit what is and has been so obvious. Republican/conservatives are scared shitless of Hillary and they will try their chicanery to try and bring her down....instead, it has just help boost her up.

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