Democrat Debate -- July 30th -- Official Thread...

Bernie Sanders just destroyed Tim Ryan... "I do know, I wrote the damn bill!"

we are Democrats. we're not trying to take away people's health. that's what Republicans do!
Debate was tonight. 2nd debate is tomorrow night and the analyst will be on Thursday night when the President
holds a campaign rally in Cincinnati. That'll be prime time viewing.

Dems ought to get use to this, that Trump will follow their debates around the country. He's going to define them
before anybody starts counting votes.
Crazy Bernie's "Bill" is simply a laundry list of tax increases along with fuzzy math. Here is a specific though that I found odd since Crazy Bernie seems clueless about math, economics, taxes, accounting, the English language, etc...

Repeal Corporate Accounting Gimmicks

Theoretical Revenue raised: $112 billion ten years

This option would eliminate the “last-in, first-out” (LIFO) accounting method that allows corporations to manipulate their inventory and make it appear like they have lower profits. They do this by deducting the higher cost of newer inventory, rather than the lower cost of older inventory, resulting in lower profits and lower taxes. Democrats and Republicans have both supported repealing LIFO in various budget and tax reform proposals.

Public companies value inventories to be consistent with the "Matching Principle" among other generally accepted concepts for accounting. Back at the company I used to work at, LIFO was used to determine the cost of corn and tobacco which are raw materials that vary in price daily depending on supply, demand, and other factors like inflation. Average Cost and FIFO were used on other inventories not subject to potentially dramatic market swings. Crazy Bernie could propose other anti-GAAP stuff also if he wanted to inflict damage to public companies. But then the stock price of the companies would flounder or decline as net income declined and since many "1%ers" get their wealth from stock options which rely on rising stock prices, Crazy Bernie would not have anyone to point his deformed, shaking finger at and thus nobody to pay the taxes he so desperately desires.
The Democrats are such a hot mess right now that Marianne Williamson won the Drudge straw poll on this debate.

I repeat: MARIANNE WILLIAMSON. The nutball.
Under his plan Crazy Bernie says, "Senior citizens will now get dental care, hearing aides and eyeglasses."

Most seniors have been victims of dentists, probably relations of Bernie, who drilled the fuck out of their real teeth (for the money) when they really did not have cavities and now wear dentures. Eyeglass are like $1.50 when imported from China. Hearing aides? Crazy Bernie proves some senior citizens do not want to hear anything! :p

Personally I have not visited a dentist or optometrist since the early 90's. I do have some tinnutis or whatever since I enjoy playing and listening to loud music.
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I thought Klobuchar was going to say stuff but she kept turning down the opportunity and that ending with the one little girl--I was done. No, it really doesn't show that she is listening to the people. I'd like to hear what she has to say but I don't think this is doing her any good.

I checked out her website. Not much there either.
All these democrat “ideas” will surely bankrupt the country. Fuck them.
Well shit. I was playing the free stuff drinking game and fell asleep before the end.

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