Democrat Demands Tax Cut for Wealthy Blue States in Infrastructure Bill


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrat Demands Tax Cut for Wealthy Blue States in Infrastructure Bill

7 Sep 2021 ~~ By Sean Moran
Rep. Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) said Tuesday he would not support the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill if Democrats would not increase the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, which primarily benefits wealthy Democrat states.
“No SALT, no deal,” Suozzi, a House Ways and Means Committee member, said Tuesday. The committee, which writes tax policy, will have large sway over the crafting of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill.
“I’m pushing for full repeal,” he added.
Republicans limited the SALT deduction to decrease most Americans’ taxes with the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Trump tax bill limited the SALT cap to $10,000. Increasing the SALT cap would primarily benefit taxpayers making more than $100,000 per year in many wealthy blue states such as California, New York, and New Jersey.
Many prominent Democrats support the raising of the SALT deduction, which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).
Progressives have decried any Democrat attempts to raise the deduction.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the deduction a “giveaway to the rich” and a “gift to billionaires.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said this spring that raising the SALT cap would send a “terrible, terrible message when you have Republicans telling us that this is a tax break for the rich.”
However, the Democrats passed the budget resolution, which contains language that would allow the Democrat-controlled chambers of Congress to raise the SALT deduction.
Pelosi only has a three-vote majority in the House and cannot afford to lose many of the moderate Democrats clamoring for an increase in the SALT deduction. She also cannot alienate progressives that oppose changes to the SALT deduction.
Suozzi said, “I’m certain that we have enough people interested in this topic” to block the reconciliation infrastructure bill.

It didn't take long for the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists to reward their wealthy patrons.
Let the proletarians pay the bills as usual. Eh?
The increase of the "Salt" will not stop the exodus from California and New York especially those making high six figures figures or more.
If they are going to increase "SALT" then the need to cut taxes for ordinary folks by an equal or better percentage should be made, but that will not happen..

Democrat Demands Tax Cut for Wealthy Blue States in Infrastructure Bill

7 Sep 2021 ~~ By Sean Moran
Rep. Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) said Tuesday he would not support the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill if Democrats would not increase the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, which primarily benefits wealthy Democrat states.
“No SALT, no deal,” Suozzi, a House Ways and Means Committee member, said Tuesday. The committee, which writes tax policy, will have large sway over the crafting of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill.
“I’m pushing for full repeal,” he added.
Republicans limited the SALT deduction to decrease most Americans’ taxes with the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Trump tax bill limited the SALT cap to $10,000. Increasing the SALT cap would primarily benefit taxpayers making more than $100,000 per year in many wealthy blue states such as California, New York, and New Jersey.
Many prominent Democrats support the raising of the SALT deduction, which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).
Progressives have decried any Democrat attempts to raise the deduction.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the deduction a “giveaway to the rich” and a “gift to billionaires.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said this spring that raising the SALT cap would send a “terrible, terrible message when you have Republicans telling us that this is a tax break for the rich.”
However, the Democrats passed the budget resolution, which contains language that would allow the Democrat-controlled chambers of Congress to raise the SALT deduction.
Pelosi only has a three-vote majority in the House and cannot afford to lose many of the moderate Democrats clamoring for an increase in the SALT deduction. She also cannot alienate progressives that oppose changes to the SALT deduction.
Suozzi said, “I’m certain that we have enough people interested in this topic” to block the reconciliation infrastructure bill.

It didn't take long for the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists to reward their wealthy patrons.
Let the proletarians pay the bills as usual. Eh?
The increase of the "Salt" will not stop the exodus from California and New York especially those making high six figures figures or more.
If they are going to increase "SALT" then the need to cut taxes for ordinary folks by an equal or better percentage should be made, but that will not happen..

You mean the way Trump cut them for red states?

Cry me a river asshole. The red states are the taker states. A lot of them third world shitholes.

The blue states account for 3/4 of the entire US GDP. I say all of the blue states should stop sending any money to Washington, and let those Fentanol, meth addled hillbillies in those shit hole red states can fend for themselves.

Fuck 'em.
You mean the way Trump cut them for red states?

Cry me a river asshole. The red states are the taker states. A lot of them third world shitholes.

The blue states account for 3/4 of the entire US GDP. I say all of the blue states should stop sending any money to Washington, and let those Fentanol, meth addled hillbillies in those shit hole red states can fend for themselves.

Fuck 'em.

Trump did not such thing... Congress and the Senate passed Bills to cut taxes primarily on the middle class and slightly for the "rich". That was for all fifty States and all working Americans..
Democrats are now attempting to give specific States SALT relief. That is wrong, biased and should not be allowed.
BTW if Joey Xi and his Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies didn't create this immigration crisis at the border, I'm sure that the amounts of Fentanyl, Meth, Heroine, Cocaine and Marijuana coming across the border would be cut by three quarters.
But you're right in that 70% of the drugs are sold in Blue Plantation Cities and the 30% is being sold in suburban and rural areas.
You mean the way Trump cut them for red states?

Cry me a river asshole. The red states are the taker states. A lot of them third world shitholes.

The blue states account for 3/4 of the entire US GDP. I say all of the blue states should stop sending any money to Washington, and let those Fentanol, meth addled hillbillies in those shit hole red states can fend for themselves.

Fuck 'em.
the Frisco shit map ....

Democrat Demands Tax Cut for Wealthy Blue States in Infrastructure Bill

7 Sep 2021 ~~ By Sean Moran
Rep. Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) said Tuesday he would not support the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill if Democrats would not increase the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, which primarily benefits wealthy Democrat states.
“No SALT, no deal,” Suozzi, a House Ways and Means Committee member, said Tuesday. The committee, which writes tax policy, will have large sway over the crafting of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill.
“I’m pushing for full repeal,” he added.
Republicans limited the SALT deduction to decrease most Americans’ taxes with the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Trump tax bill limited the SALT cap to $10,000. Increasing the SALT cap would primarily benefit taxpayers making more than $100,000 per year in many wealthy blue states such as California, New York, and New Jersey.
Many prominent Democrats support the raising of the SALT deduction, which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).
Progressives have decried any Democrat attempts to raise the deduction.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the deduction a “giveaway to the rich” and a “gift to billionaires.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said this spring that raising the SALT cap would send a “terrible, terrible message when you have Republicans telling us that this is a tax break for the rich.”
However, the Democrats passed the budget resolution, which contains language that would allow the Democrat-controlled chambers of Congress to raise the SALT deduction.
Pelosi only has a three-vote majority in the House and cannot afford to lose many of the moderate Democrats clamoring for an increase in the SALT deduction. She also cannot alienate progressives that oppose changes to the SALT deduction.
Suozzi said, “I’m certain that we have enough people interested in this topic” to block the reconciliation infrastructure bill.

It didn't take long for the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists to reward their wealthy patrons.
Let the proletarians pay the bills as usual. Eh?
The increase of the "Salt" will not stop the exodus from California and New York especially those making high six figures figures or more.
If they are going to increase "SALT" then the need to cut taxes for ordinary folks by an equal or better percentage should be made, but that will not happen..
I have long thought that blue states, which pay more into the tax pool than they take in, should be able to keep more of their money away from red states, who in general get more federal tax dollars than they pay in.
Fine, Texas shouldn't have to pay out to the shitty little backwaters that make up the GOP's core either.

Those shitty little backwaters as you call them feed this country.
And they supply you with petroleum products that you use every day.
And those shitty little backwater places could stop sending food to your shitty blue states.
Just take a look at whats happening in Australia.
The fact of the matter is those red states dont need you to survive.
And those shitty little backwater places could stop sending food to your shitty blue states.
Lol sure deprive them of their only form of income. If those red states don't need blue states to survive, they should send back the tax money the accept, which is the only thing keeping their dying economies afloat.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Cult uses the SALT deduction to force the low tax states to subsidize their high tax backwards uncivilized states.
Can you provide information which supports your assertion?

Since Blue states carry red shithole ones like MS, AL and KY.

Democrat Demands Tax Cut for Wealthy Blue States in Infrastructure Bill

7 Sep 2021 ~~ By Sean Moran
Rep. Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) said Tuesday he would not support the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill if Democrats would not increase the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, which primarily benefits wealthy Democrat states.
“No SALT, no deal,” Suozzi, a House Ways and Means Committee member, said Tuesday. The committee, which writes tax policy, will have large sway over the crafting of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill.
“I’m pushing for full repeal,” he added.
Republicans limited the SALT deduction to decrease most Americans’ taxes with the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Trump tax bill limited the SALT cap to $10,000. Increasing the SALT cap would primarily benefit taxpayers making more than $100,000 per year in many wealthy blue states such as California, New York, and New Jersey.
Many prominent Democrats support the raising of the SALT deduction, which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).
Progressives have decried any Democrat attempts to raise the deduction.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the deduction a “giveaway to the rich” and a “gift to billionaires.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said this spring that raising the SALT cap would send a “terrible, terrible message when you have Republicans telling us that this is a tax break for the rich.”
However, the Democrats passed the budget resolution, which contains language that would allow the Democrat-controlled chambers of Congress to raise the SALT deduction.
Pelosi only has a three-vote majority in the House and cannot afford to lose many of the moderate Democrats clamoring for an increase in the SALT deduction. She also cannot alienate progressives that oppose changes to the SALT deduction.
Suozzi said, “I’m certain that we have enough people interested in this topic” to block the reconciliation infrastructure bill.

It didn't take long for the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists to reward their wealthy patrons.
Let the proletarians pay the bills as usual. Eh?
The increase of the "Salt" will not stop the exodus from California and New York especially those making high six figures figures or more.
If they are going to increase "SALT" then the need to cut taxes for ordinary folks by an equal or better percentage should be made, but that will not happen..
It's funny how these liberal states want their SALT back, giving the rich huge tax breaks.
One would assume limiting the SALT deduction which in itself is a tax increase on the wealthy would be acceptable, apparently not. Now ask yourself who are the. beneficiaries of increasing or repealing the SALT deduction which conversely equates to a tax cut? Are people actually that stupid? Apparently this rant of tax the rich is nothing more than sound bites to convince the morons to vote for them and it works!

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