Democrat Discrimination....

Under Obama the Dem. party dissolved into an exercise in fanatical, anti-white hatred and violence. They made it clear over 8 years that white males are their nightmare-bogeyman and in my official capacity as their nighmare-bogeyman, I wish about 80-85% of the Democratic party would die of cancer. SLOWLY.

Harsh, bro.....harsh.....

Can't we simply wish for them to become Americans?
Under Obama the Dem. party dissolved into an exercise in fanatical, anti-white hatred and violence. They made it clear over 8 years that white males are their nightmare-bogeyman and in my official capacity as their nighmare-bogeyman, I wish about 80-85% of the Democratic party would die of cancer. SLOWLY.

Harsh, bro.....harsh.....

Can't we simply wish for them to become Americans?

That would be nice, but it's not going to happen. Creatures like that are filled with such utter, raging destruction (who think it's perfectly acceptable to inflict violence on innocent people because they're butthurt over Trump) are simply beyond salvage, much like a rabid dog. Their minds, their souls, their conscience - all are gone forever.
Under Obama the Dem. party dissolved into an exercise in fanatical, anti-white hatred and violence. They made it clear over 8 years that white males are their nightmare-bogeyman and in my official capacity as their nighmare-bogeyman, I wish about 80-85% of the Democratic party would die of cancer. SLOWLY.

Harsh, bro.....harsh.....

Can't we simply wish for them to become Americans?

That would be nice, but it's not going to happen. Creatures like that are filled with such utter, raging destruction (who think it's perfectly acceptable to inflict violence on innocent people because they're butthurt over Trump) are simply beyond salvage, much like a rabid dog. Their minds, their souls, their conscience - all are gone forever.

"....much like a rabid dog."

We must be very careful not to fall into Leftist patois.
That phrase is exactly the way Rousseau referred to individuals who did not fall lock-step in line with government....

1. Although attributed to Rousseau, it was Diderot who gave the model for totalitarianism of reason: “We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68

2. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety").

3. This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

We are not like them...and must be vigilant not to become so.
As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation."

...only one racial group in America is subject to a system of codes, regulations and laws discriminating against members of its race when it comes to employment and education.

Affirmative action is an inescapably real and racist as segregated water fountains.

Affirmative action is racial discrimination, not as a matter of opinion, but as a hard objective fact. Racial preferences reward and punish people based on their race. These preferences, no matter how they are disguised, pervade not just one region, the way that segregation did, but much of the country. Diversity is a mandate on campuses and in corporations across the country. And it’s the very definition of racism.

Defenders of affirmative action claim that such measures are necessary. And we can have that debate. But it’s really a debate defending racial discrimination by the government, by the educational system and by many of the country’s biggest corporations. And so before we have that debate, we should clarify that we are debating whether racial discrimination is sometimes justified.

And the side arguing for racial discrimination should not be allowed to legitimize its racism through weasel words like “reverse racism”. Racism is racism. No matter who the perpetrators and victims are." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????
10. "The release of an NPR poll in which a majority of white people (55%) answered that they face racial discrimination ..."

This is due to, and planned by, the Democrat Party.

a. "The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

The Future of the Obama Coalition

b. "But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."

The Future of the Obama Coalition

c. Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO] Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]

"Racial discrimination against white people is embedded in laws, it’s reflected in hiring practices and educational opportunities, and pervades the culture. The discrimination perceived by a majority of white people is real.

The elites champion an unceasing battle against ‘whiteness’, yet ridicule the idea that white people might feel discriminated against. They legalize discrimination against white people, yet alternate between dismissing and justifying its existence. And then they act shocked that they lost the white vote." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real
c. Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO] Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]

"Racial discrimination against white people is embedded in laws, it’s reflected in hiring practices and educational opportunities, and pervades the culture. The discrimination perceived by a majority of white people is real.

The elites champion an unceasing battle against ‘whiteness’, yet ridicule the idea that white people might feel discriminated against. They legalize discrimination against white people, yet alternate between dismissing and justifying its existence. And then they act shocked that they lost the white vote." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
Democrats still support slavery through welfare. Also California wants to succeed, both are liberal. So I guess you are treasonous.
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
Democrats still support slavery through welfare. Also California wants to succeed, both are liberal. So I guess you are treasonous.

How many conservative states have no welfare?
Holy crap how many times do we have to go over the Dems of today were the “republicans “ of the civil war time ?

Why are all these far right gop republicans trying to save confederate monuments and the confederate flag?

"Why are all these far right gop republicans trying to save confederate monuments and the confederate flag?"

Racist Bill Clinton....the personificaiton of the Democrat Party...

a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

  1. (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

"Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of RacismJust to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used to represent the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritage is hate."
Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism | HuffPost


This Timmy makes it sooooo simple to shred the propaganda...
....because he is sooooo simple.

Anyone can make a button . That is not the official Clinton gore button.

More fake news from righty screwballs .

Now answer my question about the confederate memeorials and flags ?
Did you read her post, or just look at the picture? You must be young. Clinton would've sold his soul to the devil to become president. He ran his presidency on polls, because approval ratings was more important to him. Than what was good for the country.

Let's not forget that both Clintons sold out this country for cash

a. Bill Clinton sold our missile technology to Red China

b. Hillary Clinton sold our uranium to Russia

You try to sell to horseshit here every day. It appears to be the only job you're willing to do.
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Demagoguery by a charlatan (once again).
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
Democrats still support slavery through welfare. Also California wants to succeed, both are liberal. So I guess you are treasonous.

How many conservative states have no welfare?

red states get more welfare than. blue states. and they take more money from the feds than they pay in taxes. blue states get less than they pay.

amazing how the dolts are so fact-averse.
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
Democrats still support slavery through welfare. Also California wants to succeed, both are liberal. So I guess you are treasonous.

How many conservative states have no welfare?
How many have a choice?
Holy crap how many times do we have to go over the Dems of today were the “republicans “ of the civil war time ?

Why are all these far right gop republicans trying to save confederate monuments and the confederate flag?

"Why are all these far right gop republicans trying to save confederate monuments and the confederate flag?"

Racist Bill Clinton....the personificaiton of the Democrat Party...

a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

  1. (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

"Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of RacismJust to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used to represent the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritage is hate."
Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism | HuffPost


This Timmy makes it sooooo simple to shred the propaganda...
....because he is sooooo simple.

Anyone can make a button . That is not the official Clinton gore button.

More fake news from righty screwballs .

Now answer my question about the confederate memeorials and flags ?
Did you read her post, or just look at the picture? You must be young. Clinton would've sold his soul to the devil to become president. He ran his presidency on polls, because approval ratings was more important to him. Than what was good for the country.

Let's not forget that both Clintons sold out this country for cash

a. Bill Clinton sold our missile technology to Red China

b. Hillary Clinton sold our uranium to Russia

You try to sell to horseshit here every day. It appears to be the only job you're willing to do.
What she stated is totally true. Liberals always support anything anti American.
Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
Democrats still support slavery through welfare. Also California wants to succeed, both are liberal. So I guess you are treasonous.

How many conservative states have no welfare?

red states get more welfare than. blue states. and they take more money from the feds than they pay in taxes. blue states get less than they pay.

amazing how the dolts are so fact-averse.
I don't receive anything, but we do have a lot of minorities in South Carolina. Go ahead and take it, if you want to complain. No skin off my back.
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:

Clearly your lacunae extend to history, as well as all of the many other areas in which you've been proven to be a dunce.

Jefferson Davis was a Democrat U.S. Senator and also became the pro-slavery provisional President of the Confederate States of America, who led the southern state Democrats shameful fight to keep slavery alive.

Robert E. Lee was a Democrat and General of the Confederate Army, who led many men to their deaths in the name of keeping slavery alive. Even after losing the war, Robert E. Lee opposed the Republican proposals to give freed slaves the right to vote.

John Wilkes Booth was a Democrat who strongly opposed the abolition of slavery in the United States, and who assassinated President Lincoln as retribution for freeing the slaves.

Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrats to segregate public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks.

True History of Democrats Keeping Blacks in Slavery - Republicans Ended Slavery - USBACKLASH.ORG

And, of course, the very personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a life-long racist.
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:

Clearly your lacunae extend to history, as well as all of the many other areas in which you've been proven to be a dunce.

Jefferson Davis was a Democrat U.S. Senator and also became the pro-slavery provisional President of the Confederate States of America, who led the southern state Democrats shameful fight to keep slavery alive.

Robert E. Lee was a Democrat and General of the Confederate Army, who led many men to their deaths in the name of keeping slavery alive. Even after losing the war, Robert E. Lee opposed the Republican proposals to give freed slaves the right to vote.

John Wilkes Booth was a Democrat who strongly opposed the abolition of slavery in the United States, and who assassinated President Lincoln as retribution for freeing the slaves.

Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrats to segregate public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks.

True History of Democrats Keeping Blacks in Slavery - Republicans Ended Slavery - USBACKLASH.ORG

And, of course, the very personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a life-long racist.
Yes, good ole Bill said a few years back. Obama would be serving him coffee. Also I bet he was thinking, Michelle would be his body gaurd.
America....founded as a 'light unto the nations.'

Democrats ....the eclipse

1. While America-hating Leftists love to point to the infamous 'Three Fifths Compromise' at the Constitutional Convention as a priori evidence of discrimination by the Founders, deeper understanding proves that anti-slavers, those same Founders, were simply making certain that the South didn't dominate the government based on population.
Hence, setting the stage for ending slavery.

a. In 1860, the South had nearly 4 million slaves.
Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Were it not for the compromise, the South would have had an additional 30 members of the House of Representatives (out of a total of 233.)

b. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
In 1860, there were 116 Republicans, the party formed to oppose slavery, and 98 Democrats.
United States House of Representatives elections, 1860 - Wikipedia

Everyone must know that the Republican Party was specifically formed to end slavery.
What would 30 additional Democrat votes have meant in the battle to end slavery?

2. Even the Civil War didn't alter the Democrat belief in racial classes....classes based on melanin. The racist that redundant?....simply called it by a different name.
The new term was 'Affirmative Action' and, most Americans were convinced, based on this sort of eloquence:

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result." LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Hard to argue against that....until one recognizes that the man saying it voted against every anti-lynching bill to rise in the Congress...
....and that affirmative action created a class based on skin color.

3. Is it wrong to hold one's skin color against an individual?

Well....that's what Affirmative Action is.

And, folks are catching on.

As real as the discrimination against black people was under segregation." Discrimination Against White People: It's Real

Soooo.....ya' fer racism, or agin' it????

Haven't you heard? Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an honorable man!
Not bad.
View attachment 158140

and now, as a supporter of slavery and committer of treason, he'd be a republican.

why do lying rightwingnut loons keep spewing the same nonsense? :cuckoo:
Democrats still support slavery through welfare. Also California wants to succeed, both are liberal. So I guess you are treasonous.


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