Democrat Dishonesty About Jan. 6 Is Ubiquitous/Pathological

Democrats aren't smart enough to devise policies that people would be happy to get behind. So they're forced to harp on stupid, meaningless shit to divert attention away from their incompetence.
So Jan 6th was meaningless?
No less than a fraudulent election.
Is that a "yes" or a "no"?
Since the fraudulent election caused the capitol break in, that would mean they're both important events. Hell, it even led to Democrats putting a 38th parallel style barrier around the capitol building. Tell me that doesn't make us look like a totalitarian country. There were dozens of riots last summer with far more damage for far less reason. I don't see anything consistent in the way our political, media and educational establishments reacted to these events.
Missing from the Democrat faux outrage on January 6th...

Who gave the order to have fewer capitol police on duty than even a normal day... despite warnings from three law enforcement agencies.
There are 2,200 members of capitol police.
Yet only a handful were on duty.

Quit your whining. The outcome should have been foreseen given Trump’s rhetoric. If you’ve got a problem, look in the mirror.
That will never happen. They are the ultimate victims, led by the nose by the eternal orange victim.

It's nice to see them put so much effort into downplaying this -- to the point of absurdity ("it looked like a tour"). That tells us all we need to know.
Instead of addressing the topic you go on a rant about TRUMP....

And you claim you don't have TDS lol
Republicans have a weird habit of denying reality, even about things that they have seen with their own eyes.
Now Democrats are unified in their talking points about the January 6 event (hard to know exactly what to call it). They are calling it >>

"the most violent and disruptive assault, breaching of the capitol, since the War of 1812." (MSNBC)
"The US Capitol suffered it's worst security breach since the War of 1812." (Joy Reid -MSNBC)
"Nobody's attacked Congress since 1812." (CNN)
"It was the worst attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812" (Kasie Hunt -NBC)

Wrong....wrong.....wrong.....and wrong.

As typical, reckless liberals adopt a talking point, no matter how ridiculous, and run with it - figuring most people don't watch Newsmax or other conservative news alternatives, where they could get the truth.

In fact, there have been numerous attacks on the the Capitol worse than Jan. 6, 2020, much more recently than the War of 1812.

1915 - dynamite exploded inside the Capitol (right outside the US Senate)

View attachment 491762

1954 - assassination attempts inside the House of Representitives by 3 Puerto Rican nationalists. 5 House members were shot.

View attachment 491770

View attachment 491772

1983 - a bomb exploded outside the US Senate. Shut down business.

View attachment 491776

1998 - 2 Capitol police officers were shot and killed.

View attachment 491778

Liberal fake news media exposed and debunked, once again. If only people would expand their viewing.

What matters is that the insurrection was a fuck fest for the attackers and deadly for those caught up in the mele, so let's not make a "lovefest" out of it since the photos and videos tell a different story. Maybe there were more violent attacks in the past, but they do not take away from the horror of Jan 6.
Now Democrats are unified in their talking points about the January 6 event (hard to know exactly what to call it). They are calling it >>

"the most violent and disruptive assault, breaching of the capitol, since the War of 1812." (MSNBC)
"The US Capitol suffered it's worst security breach since the War of 1812." (Joy Reid -MSNBC)
"Nobody's attacked Congress since 1812." (CNN)
"It was the worst attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812" (Kasie Hunt -NBC)

Wrong....wrong.....wrong.....and wrong.

As typical, reckless liberals adopt a talking point, no matter how ridiculous, and run with it - figuring most people don't watch Newsmax or other conservative news alternatives, where they could get the truth.

In fact, there have been numerous attacks on the the Capitol worse than Jan. 6, 2020, much more recently than the War of 1812.

1915 - dynamite exploded inside the Capitol (right outside the US Senate)

View attachment 491762

1954 - assassination attempts inside the House of Representitives by 3 Puerto Rican nationalists. 5 House members were shot.

View attachment 491770

View attachment 491772

1983 - a bomb exploded outside the US Senate. Shut down business.

View attachment 491776

1998 - 2 Capitol police officers were shot and killed.

View attachment 491778

Liberal fake news media exposed and debunked, once again. If only people would expand their viewing.

Democrats/snowflakes are pathological over 6 Jan, Democrat incitement of the assassination attempt against GOP politicians, Barry's failed coup attempt, Benghaxi, the massive election fraud / steal of 2020, Feinstein and Swallwell both facilitating CCP espionage, and the Bidens criminally engaging in influence peddling, Russian money laundering, taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP, and just helping Russia and Putin's pipeline power move over Europe....

And so much more.
And the worthless crying continues.
No one really cares. If they did, they'd do something about it.

"All that is required for tyrants to prevail is for men that call themselves "good" to do nothing"

Done and done
Republicans have a weird habit of denying reality, even about things that they have seen with their own eyes.

What you "see" is sometimes misleading. We saw it. We saw 911. Both were Zionist/media frauds brought to you by those who did both...
And the worthless crying continues.
No one really cares. If they did, they'd do something about it.

"All that is required for tyrants to prevail is for men that call themselves "good" to do nothing"

Done and done
Good to see you know you were defeated.... wasn't close.
Quit your whining. The outcome should have been foreseen given Trump’s rhetoric. If you’ve got a problem, look in the mirror.
That will never happen. They are the ultimate victims, led by the nose by the eternal orange victim.

It's nice to see them put so much effort into downplaying this -- to the point of absurdity ("it looked like a tour"). That tells us all we need to know.
Instead of addressing the topic you go on a rant about TRUMP....

And you claim you don't have TDS lol
Quit your whining. The outcome should have been foreseen given Trump’s rhetoric. If you’ve got a problem, look in the mirror.
That will never happen. They are the ultimate victims, led by the nose by the eternal orange victim.

It's nice to see them put so much effort into downplaying this -- to the point of absurdity ("it looked like a tour"). That tells us all we need to know.
Instead of addressing the topic you go on a rant about TRUMP....

And you claim you don't have TDS lol
Quit your whining. The outcome should have been foreseen given Trump’s rhetoric. If you’ve got a problem, look in the mirror.
That will never happen. They are the ultimate victims, led by the nose by the eternal orange victim.

It's nice to see them put so much effort into downplaying this -- to the point of absurdity ("it looked like a tour"). That tells us all we need to know.
Instead of addressing the topic you go on a rant about TRUMP....

And you claim you don't have TDS lol
Just basic honesty. I've said many times that our culture is at the base of most of our problems, and this is just another example.
Democrats hate truth and love fraud. None of their issues have any truth. There were no "white supremacist" attacks at poll stations, despite all of their warnings. Global warming is a fraud. HomO and Michael Robinson are frauds. Covid has been a total fraud for 12 straight months now. The election was fraud. Russia was fraud. Ukraine was fraud, a kickback of us foreign aid to traitor joe's drug addicted kid who never set foot in Ukraine, and trump and the DOJ and all Americans should demand total clarity on that issue.

Just with that on the resume....

Republicans have been lying to the American people since Reagan blamed “welfare queens” and “urban voters” for the problems of the nations.

Reagan told voters they’d all get a big raise if they got rid of the unions. So they got rid of the unions and they haven’t had a real raise since. American workers used to be able to support their families on their wages. Now they can’t even afford to buy a house.

Minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. A coffee at Starbucks costs $5. Why are we forcing taxpayers to subsidize shot wages to working people when the corporations are awash in cash.

Make the company pay their workers first. Shareholders should only get dividends after everyone else gets a fair wage. They should not be getting all of the income generated by the workers.
Quit your whining. The outcome should have been foreseen given Trump’s rhetoric. If you’ve got a problem, look in the mirror.
That will never happen. They are the ultimate victims, led by the nose by the eternal orange victim.

It's nice to see them put so much effort into downplaying this -- to the point of absurdity ("it looked like a tour"). That tells us all we need to know.
Instead of addressing the topic you go on a rant about TRUMP....

And you claim you don't have TDS lol

Your refusal to acknowledge that you voted for an idiot is touching. You have no comeback for this at all.
Not liberals, subversives.
Not subversives but...well, yes, Subversives!

And I'm referring to Joy Reid and the rest of the imbeciles in the lying class (CNN, MSNBC, NBC etc.). Not the criminals that tried to blow up the Capitol.

Anything to stir up the anger and idiocy of the dimwitted left.
Not liberals, subversives.
Not subversives but...well, yes, Subversives!

And I'm referring to Joy Reid and the rest of the imbeciles in the lying class (CNN, MSNBC, NBC etc.). Not the criminals that tried to blow up the Capitol.

Anything to stir up the anger and idiocy of the dimwitted left.
Reid is a subversive among subversives...And too stupid to know it.

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