Democrat extortion & greed policies vs conservative policies

Economic policies take years to play out and for us to see an effect. I think most of what you see is the cumumlative effects of several years or even decades worth of policy and many factors that arent even under a presidents control.
Investors make plans based on current events and prospects for returns based on the current & near future climate.
They do but they take the longview and they look for stability. They dont make rapid changes. Remember Obama's tax cut done as a stimulous? And Bush's? Neither had any appreciable effect did they?
Businesses don't hire based on 10 year trends or prospects. They hire based on their current needs. Thanks to the tax cuts MANY businesses see the opportunity for expansion & are responding appropriately to maximize their profitability. Which will & has resulted in New jobs created & new revenue streams for the irs
One other question...if business have been able to increase efficiency through automation, making it work with automation, fewer employees and using freelancers (no benefits, health insurance, or pension costs)...why would they start adding jobs and cutting into profits? One reason I am skeptical of the rainbows and unicorns infesting these claims.
Not every business uses automation lol.

And for every automation job someone has to create the robots, program the electronics, build facilities or expand, feed the programmers, build houses or apartments for the programmers, etc.. on & on & on
For YEARS the left have condemned businesses. Tried to force ridiculous pay raises on them. Tried to force Americans to buy their products (ACA) Tried to tax them more. Regulated many of them to near extinction. Created unions that bankrupted them.

All in an effort to "help American workers" and the results? 8 years of stagnant growth at a snails pace. Higher poverty. Lower wages. Anemic GDP, etc...


The conservative ideals of tax cuts, appropriate deregulation & personal freedom. All of which has been achieved under Trump in the past year.
The results? Rapid growth. A GDP that doesn't need a blood transfusion. Tax cuts for near all Americans. Increased wages. Millions receiving bonuses from employers because of the tax cuts. Freedom to buy the insurance you want rather than what the government demands. The lowest black unemployment in recorded history. Businesses bringing back revenue the irs could never tax. American businesses bringing some of the jobs back. Foreign companies investing inside American borders.

Conservative principles in one year have achieved what Democratic extortion couldn't in 8.

I hope Americans are paying attention to results rather than rhetoric. What we are witnessing is the rebirth of American Exceptionalism. The left would have you believe these first steps are "crumbs"

That is so much garbage. Trump and Republicans are catering to the extremes of their base. The so-called tax cuts were a sop to the rich. The rich kept their loopholes and got new loopholes. Trump, Ryan and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes got bought off with a massive break on real estate tax trusts. There is nothing conservative about that. Deregulation does not mean throwing out all regulations. Some should have gone but some should have been kept. just because Obama did it does not mean it is automatically bad. You have no freedom on insurance. Insurance costs have skyrocketed under Republicans even more than under Obama. The tax cuts are not causing wages to rise. The unemployment rate which has fallen under Trump and Obama is responsible. Businesses can no longer keep wages down and crediting the tax cut for raising wages is a way of staying on Trump's good side.

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