Democrat mandated bathroom use causes more girls to be assaulted.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Once again, a transgendered male............female............................whatever the hell you want to call "it" walks into a girls bathroom and assualts a female.

And as we see the black teenager pour her heart out to the authorities that care more about their woke agenda than they do children or black females, it is just heart wrenching knowing it will never change.

People no longer have a voice.

The DNC rules with a rod of iron.

But as we all know, everything they believe is just and right and therefore should never even be debated, llet alone changed, since everything they believe is all settled science and the antithesis of perfection.

All hail the DNC!!
Liberalism destroys anything it touches. We used to have one of the best education system in the world. Then liberals took it over. Now one of the worst.
Where did they use the bathrooms in 2020, or 2010 or whenever it was you folks think trannies weren't invented yet

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