Democrat, moderates, liberals and moderate republicans must work together in large numbers to defeat this phony republican party.


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Democrat, moderates, liberals and moderate republicans must work together in large numbers to defeat this phony republican party. Stop voting republican and for status quo politicians because our quality of life does not improve with them in key positions.

Consider the following:
14th Amendment Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

The above most certainly does not need an opinion from any court. The 14th amendment speaks for itself thus any opinion only makes this a quagmire and provides alleged violators with cover to escape accountability.

As we speak Trump and lawyers are are insulting voters with massive stonewalling behavior ................... it's that simple. If Trump and his pals are not guilty why not get on with court proceedings to demonstrate such. Only guilty parties introduce stonewalling as a tool for delaying.

Is the so called candidate spending campaign money to pay lawyers and live high? Is this legal?

How about busting Capitol Hill insider trading?

Democrat, moderates, liberals and moderate republicans must work together in large numbers to defeat this phony republican party. Stop voting republican and for status quo politicians because our quality of life does not improve with them in key positions.

Consider the following:
14th Amendment Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

The above most certainly does not need an opinion from any court. The 14th amendment speaks for itself thus any opinion only makes this a quagmire and provides alleged violators with cover to escape accountability.

As we speak Trump and lawyers are are insulting voters with massive stonewalling behavior ................... it's that simple. If Trump and his pals are not guilty why not get on with court proceedings to demonstrate such. Only guilty parties introduce stonewalling as a tool for delaying.

Is the so called candidate spending campaign money to pay lawyers and live high? Is this legal?

How about busting Capitol Hill insider trading?

Democrat, moderates, liberals and moderate republicans must work together in large numbers to defeat this phony republican party.
There is only so much that can be done by anyone outside the GOP.

It was good to see that the GOP in Congress and even the blob's own cabinet essentially ignored Mara Lard Ass's agenda whenever it could and didn't directly benefit their goals.

In 2018 the voters returned Democratic Party Majorities to the House. Then in 2020, the Dems took the Senate as well; expanding the margin in 2022. They lost the House but did so at a manageable level to keep MAGA in check. You'll note during the last 2 CRs, MAGA got nothing except whatever got jammed up their wazoo.

2024 is looking good for Biden (if not congressional Dems). Trump is leading by alot but he's probably leading by too much. What I mean by that is that Haley voters aren't necessarily going to just vote from the blob if Haley bows out. They will likely not vote at all.

Even if Trump does win, VP Harris can just ignore the results too apparently. At least that what what the previous VP could do. I'm sure the rules are different for her...somehow.
Democrat, moderates, liberals and moderate republicans must work together in large numbers to defeat this phony republican party. Stop voting republican and for status quo politicians because our quality of life does not improve with them in key positions.

Consider the following:
14th Amendment Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

The above most certainly does not need an opinion from any court. The 14th amendment speaks for itself thus any opinion only makes this a quagmire and provides alleged violators with cover to escape accountability.

As we speak Trump and lawyers are are insulting voters with massive stonewalling behavior ................... it's that simple. If Trump and his pals are not guilty why not get on with court proceedings to demonstrate such. Only guilty parties introduce stonewalling as a tool for delaying.

Is the so called candidate spending campaign money to pay lawyers and live high? Is this legal?

How about busting Capitol Hill insider trading?

What a blind reading of the Founders. If the country votes Trump in THAT is the will of the highest authority in the country "we the people" would be 'we the minority' telling everybody else that you are above the law.

And Lincoln would scold you for trying to force people and avoiding actuallyl convincing people.

But I laugh: you are a lazy extremist :)
Democrat, moderates, liberals and moderate republicans must work together in large numbers to defeat this phony republican party.
There is only so much that can be done by anyone outside the GOP.
I think that's the bottom line here.

There are enough craven GQP politicians in key positions who are all-in on this. They're willing to sell their soul to an American Pinochet to get what they want.

Something there has to break. Someone needs to grow a spine, it needs to be a few of them, and it needs to create a momentum.

Unless and until that happens, this continues.
Phony GOP

I think that's the bottom line here.

There are enough craven GQP politicians in key positions who are all-in on this. They're willing to sell their soul to an American Pinochet to get what they want.

Something there has to break. Someone needs to grow a spine, it needs to be a few of them, and it needs to create a momentum.

Unless and until that happens, this continues.
I still wonder if the blob is going to get Bernied in the primaries. The Democrats have decided to actually grow a spine and try to win elections on a national level judging from how they took Bernie out in 2020 and played up MAGA in 2022 (make no mistake, the Senate races in GA and PA were national elections). They failed in Ohio. The difference is that if everyone who isn't MAGA got behind Haley or InSantis...would it be enough?
I still wonder if the blob is going to get Bernied in the primaries. The Democrats have decided to actually grow a spine and try to win elections on a national level judging from how they took Bernie out in 2020 and played up MAGA in 2022 (make no mistake, the Senate races in GA and PA were national elections). They failed in Ohio. The difference is that if everyone who isn't MAGA got behind Haley or InSantis...would it be enough?
It's very difficult to imagine that. The rubes have made a literal lifestyle around Trump. They think he is them, that they are him.

This guy, of all people. A flamboyant, hypersensitive New York City billionaire metrosexual.

This is far, far beyond politics for them. Their self worth is somehow tied to him.
It's very difficult to imagine that. The rubes have made a literal lifestyle around Trump. They think he is them, that they are him.

This guy, of all people. A flamboyant, hypersensitive New York City billionaire metrosexual.

This is far, far beyond politics for them. Their self worth is somehow tied to him.
Back when you were saying the democrats have "lost their shit"...I could envision the Democrats becoming the party of unisex bathrooms since Obama decided to wade into the issue late in his presidency. Thankfully they have decided to take a more sane approach to national politics since then. The GOP has a much harder road to hoe on that if they wish to veer back toward the middle...I agree.

At the end of the day however, what are Trump supporters going to for Biden if InSantis or Haley is installed? I doubt it. Their big worry is that Skeeter and Jethro will stay home on election day. Trump likely isn't going to win; independents have seen his act and he can't get anything done because he's a shitty well as being a shitty person. So those who aren't politically affiliated won't be attracted to the "I'm the only one who can fix it" argument this time around. He couldn't even get his wall built with Congress in his pocket. Folks are tired of the incessant whining about being robbed...nobody really believed/believes it. And, again, the Democrats are playing hardball these days. So whether they lose with InSantis/Haley/________ due to MAGA being a sore loser or lose with the blob...I don't think the GOP Corporate really cares that much.
Back when you were saying the democrats have "lost their shit"...I could envision the Democrats becoming the party of unisex bathrooms since Obama decided to wade into the issue late in his presidency. Thankfully they have decided to take a more sane approach to national politics since then. The GOP has a much harder road to hoe on that if they wish to veer back toward the middle...I agree.

At the end of the day however, what are Trump supporters going to for Biden if InSantis or Haley is installed? I doubt it. Their big worry is that Skeeter and Jethro will stay home on election day. Trump likely isn't going to win; independents have seen his act and he can't get anything done because he's a shitty well as being a shitty person. So those who aren't politically affiliated won't be attracted to the "I'm the only one who can fix it" argument this time around. He couldn't even get his wall built with Congress in his pocket. Folks are tired of the incessant whining about being robbed...nobody really believed/believes it. And, again, the Democrats are playing hardball these days. So whether they lose with InSantis/Haley/________ due to MAGA being a sore loser or lose with the blob...I don't think the GOP Corporate really cares that much.
Well, looking at the polls -- and I know it's early -- I don't see a lot of reason to believe Trump won't win. But, since I'm lousy at predicting elections, I'll just hope for the best. I lose regardless. If more than 5% of the populace supports a person like this, let alone adores him, this country is not what I thought it was. I really thought we were better.

The Dems have been smart to play things as low as possible while this disaster plays out, but I haven't seen any changes from the day I said they've lost their shit. They still absolutely refuse to admit the role they played in the rise of Trumpism, meaning they're still committed to the same PC/Identity Politics crap that so motivated Trump's voters.
Well, looking at the polls -- and I know it's early -- I don't see a lot of reason to believe Trump won't win. But, since I'm lousy at predicting elections, I'll just hope for the best. I lose regardless. If more than 5% of the populace supports a person like this, let alone adores him, this country is not what I thought it was. I really thought we were better.

The Dems have been smart to play things as low as possible while this disaster plays out, but I haven't seen any changes from the day I said they've lost their shit. They still absolutely refuse to admit the role they played in the rise of Trumpism, meaning they're still committed to the same PC/Identity Politics crap that so motivated Trump's voters.
Its all about 9 states. Those states recently elected democrats state wide in many cases. I think Georgia is gone. But I think the others send Biden back.

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