Democrat Neighbor Electrocuted THEN Charged with Trespassing

Interesting, if real (not staged) then he got what he deserved however if real the homeowner would be facing charges and a civil law suit also for intentionally booby trapping the sign..........

Booby Traps Law & Legal Definition
Getting a minor shock isnt an "injury". He cant be sued for that.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. I suspect the video is staged (and funny) but why open yourself to a potential law suit and, or criminal charges unless one is seriously stupid? :dunno:
Trying to steal someone's property is also illegal.
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone have to help you?
. Sounds like some is losing the debate, and that someone is you... lol
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property? Or do you somehow think I've been arguing for the protection of criminals all of this time? Honestly, is that what your muddled mind came up with? :dunno:
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If you're referring to my posts then;
One: Show where I made a moral judgement one way or the other, where I was advocating for the right to intrude and vandalize.

Two: Show where I'm a lefty based on the actual political spectrum, not your belief that anyone to the left of Joe McCarthy is a commie..........

first off you say it was "staged" --LOL

then two if the shoe fits wear it

you are then posting rules of fair play for the treatment to folks taking or vandalizing private propterty

how about the guy would not have gotten shocked if he had dont just that

and kept his fucking hands to himself
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Let me guess, you never made it past the 2nd grade.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I said it might have been staged and (given the amount of staged vids on the internet) it most likely was staged. Possibly, I think it is and most likely is not and has never been "it was".
I posted legal fact only, no I agree, I disagree with those/that law, your "rules of fair play" you just pulled out of your ass and assumed.

Your reading skills are non-existent, at least you're consistently moronic. :thup:

yeah whatever

personally i perfer the keep your frikking hands off other peoples property

and there wont be any problems policy

te guy deserved every volt he got
Never said te didn't....... :eusa_whistle:
I prefer the (whatever that means in this context) keep your frikking ( I prefer figgin') hands off other people's (with the apostrophe it's possessive, without it's plural......) property. :eusa_whistle:

good for you
Well at least that response was understandable and in English. We're making progress. :thup:
Getting a minor shock isnt an "injury". He cant be sued for that.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. I suspect the video is staged (and funny) but why open yourself to a potential law suit and, or criminal charges unless one is seriously stupid? :dunno:
Trying to steal someone's property is also illegal.
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone have to help you?
. Sounds like some is losing the debate, and that someone is you... lol
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property? Or do you somehow think I've been arguing for the protection of criminals all of this time? Honestly, is that what your muddled mind came up with? :dunno:
. You know you've gone further than that in your projections here. Just saying. How many times did you say anything about the trespasser being wrong when he cased the property like he did, and then struck like a premeditated criminal does ? If you did I apologize, but I just don't think you would be on the side of the Trump supporter no matter what, so here we go. Might be illegal to energize the sign with a dog wire or such, but that was some funny crap right there, I don't care what anybody says, that was funny raught thar.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. I suspect the video is staged (and funny) but why open yourself to a potential law suit and, or criminal charges unless one is seriously stupid? :dunno:
Trying to steal someone's property is also illegal.
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone have to help you?
. Sounds like some is losing the debate, and that someone is you... lol
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property? Or do you somehow think I've been arguing for the protection of criminals all of this time? Honestly, is that what your muddled mind came up with? :dunno:
. You know you've gone further than that in your projections here. Just saying. How many times did you say anything about the trespasser being wrong when he cased the property like he did, and then struck like a premeditated criminal does ? If you did I apologize, but I just don't think you would be on the side of the Trump supporter no matter what, so here we go. Might be illegal to energize the sign with a dog wire or such, but that was some funny crap right there, I don't care what anybody says, that was funny raught thar.
I posted a fact about law, nothing more, nothing less. You and others assumed I was advocating for the criminal (I wasn't) and yes, I did said he got what he deserved at least 3 times including agreeing it was funny.
Basically an appropriate analogy would be me pointing out that a car is painted red and you assuming I was advocating that all cars should be painted red.
Apology accepted.
Likely was a Cruz supporter. :lol:
Yeah no kidding. Mark Levin-Glen Beck Cruz bots are even more bitter than Bernie fans who have more of a reason because the DNC screwed them.

Glen Beck and Mark Levin continue to send out their loyal minions.
Better to have a large, noisy but generally non-maniacal breed of dog and one of those invisible fences. A lot of vandalous liberals would piss themselves at the sight of a big boxer racing across the lawn at them, but the breed is usually much friendlier than they appear.

*Note, I am not advocating for those assholes who keep a loaded pitbull at hand but insist "my baby is harmless" just before it eats the neighbor.
Better to have a large, noisy but generally non-maniacal breed of dog and one of those invisible fences. A lot of vandalous liberals would piss themselves at the sight of a big boxer racing across the lawn at them, but the breed is usually much friendlier than they appear.

*Note, I am not advocating for those assholes who keep a loaded pitbull at hand but insist "my baby is harmless" just before it eats the neighbor.
. Good point, so why isn't it booby traping when a dog is placed in a yard to attack a thief when they least expect it (totally legal) ?????? Junkyard dogs are so sneaky, that even the owners have a hard time when they go into the junkyard themselves.
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Better to have a large, noisy but generally non-maniacal breed of dog and one of those invisible fences. A lot of vandalous liberals would piss themselves at the sight of a big boxer racing across the lawn at them, but the breed is usually much friendlier than they appear.

*Note, I am not advocating for those assholes who keep a loaded pitbull at hand but insist "my baby is harmless" just before it eats the neighbor.
. Good point, so why isn't it booby traping when a dog is placed in a yard to attack a thief when they least expect it (totally legal) ?????? Junkyard dogs are so sneaky, that even the owners have a hard time when they go into the junkyard themselves.

It should all be legal if someone is trespassing.
Democrat sheep sue all the time over the electric fences that keep them on the plantation....don't they?
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. ....
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property?
Then banks are violating booby trap laws for putting dye packs in with stolen cash?

Oooops, injury has to be established or no DA is going to take that case to court.
Getting a minor shock isnt an "injury". He cant be sued for that.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. I suspect the video is staged (and funny) but why open yourself to a potential law suit and, or criminal charges unless one is seriously stupid? :dunno:
Trying to steal someone's property is also illegal.
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone have to help you?
. Sounds like some is losing the debate, and that someone is you... lol
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property? Or do you somehow think I've been arguing for the protection of criminals all of this time? Honestly, is that what your muddled mind came up with? :dunno:
I'm calling bullshit. What laws are you talking about?

There was a time I worked at a call center and we had someone stealing the lunches of other employees. So I brought some Dominos Pizza for lunch and laced it thoroughly with a concentrated laxative a friend concocted at a lab. We found out very quickly who the thief was.

I technically booby trapped pizza. I just want to make sure there isn't a warrant out for my arrest.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. I suspect the video is staged (and funny) but why open yourself to a potential law suit and, or criminal charges unless one is seriously stupid? :dunno:
Trying to steal someone's property is also illegal.
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone have to help you?
. Sounds like some is losing the debate, and that someone is you... lol
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property? Or do you somehow think I've been arguing for the protection of criminals all of this time? Honestly, is that what your muddled mind came up with? :dunno:
I'm calling bullshit. What laws are you talking about?

There was a time I worked at a call center and we had someone stealing the lunches of other employees. So I brought some Dominos Pizza for lunch and laced it thoroughly with a concentrated laxative a friend concocted at a lab. We found out very quickly who the thief was.

I technically booby trapped pizza. I just want to make sure there isn't a warrant out for my arrest.
Well obviously the tard thinks you should be in jail rotting....roflmao

I was having a prank war with some college morons after I got out of the Army, and I booby trapped their bath door with some pennies wedged into the door frame and put Vaseline all over the door knob.

They stopped pranking me after that.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. ....
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property?
Then banks are violating booby trap laws for putting dye packs in with stolen cash?

Oooops, injury has to be established or no DA is going to take that case to court.
That's your professional opinion? Well counselor......?
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. ....
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property?
Then banks are violating booby trap laws for putting dye packs in with stolen cash?

Oooops, injury has to be established or no DA is going to take that case to court.
That's your professional opinion? Well counselor......?

No, that is your opinion applied to banks.

If it is illegal to booby trap property then banks violate the law by booby trapping the money they gave bank robbers using dye pack bombs that are able to cause serious injuries, unlike a small electrical charge..

Of course you realize that which is why you are trying to get away with this ambiguous hint that I am wrong without stating it openly.

That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. I suspect the video is staged (and funny) but why open yourself to a potential law suit and, or criminal charges unless one is seriously stupid? :dunno:
Trying to steal someone's property is also illegal.
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone have to help you?
. Sounds like some is losing the debate, and that someone is you... lol
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property? Or do you somehow think I've been arguing for the protection of criminals all of this time? Honestly, is that what your muddled mind came up with? :dunno:
I'm calling bullshit. What laws are you talking about?

There was a time I worked at a call center and we had someone stealing the lunches of other employees. So I brought some Dominos Pizza for lunch and laced it thoroughly with a concentrated laxative a friend concocted at a lab. We found out very quickly who the thief was.

I technically booby trapped pizza. I just want to make sure there isn't a warrant out for my arrest.
Call bull shit all you want. Funny thing is I posted a legal US federal link........... :dunno:
Again, I'm not making any judgement nor am I advocating protecting the criminal but some of you moronic hacks seem to have it in your head that I am......... Stupid is as stupid does. :dunno:
Call bull shit all you want. Funny thing is I posted a legal US federal link........... :dunno:
Again, I'm not making any judgement nor am I advocating protecting the criminal but some of you moronic hacks seem to have it in your head that I am......... Stupid is as stupid does. :dunno:
You are making an absurd claim that whether people get injured is irrelevant to the application of this law.

When I leave my house I booby trap it quite often to be able to tell if people enter my house when I am gone.

According to you that is illegal and I could go to jail whether anyone is injured or not which is ridiculous.

I am illustrating to you that the banks do far more without being punished for it, and you ignore that like you are just above the laws of Reason like Hillary is of the laws of the land, I guess.
That's not the point, the point is booby trapping personal property for any reason is illegal. ....
Loosing the debate? What debate, that there are laws against booby trapping property?
Then banks are violating booby trap laws for putting dye packs in with stolen cash?

Oooops, injury has to be established or no DA is going to take that case to court.
That's your professional opinion? Well counselor......?

No, that is your opinion applied to banks.

If it is illegal to booby trap property then banks violate the law by booby trapping the money they gave bank robbers using dye pack bombs that are able to cause serious injuries, unlike a small electrical charge..

Of course you realize that which is why you are trying to get away with this ambiguous hint that I am wrong without stating it openly.

I posted I link to the law at the very first. Problem? :dunno:
Call bull shit all you want. Funny thing is I posted a legal US federal link........... :dunno:
Again, I'm not making any judgement nor am I advocating protecting the criminal but some of you moronic hacks seem to have it in your head that I am......... Stupid is as stupid does. :dunno:
You are making an absurd claim that whether people get injured is irrelevant to the application of this law.

When I leave my house I booby trap it quite often to be able to tell if people enter my house when I am gone.

According to you that is illegal and I could go to jail whether anyone is injured or not which is ridiculous.

I am illustrating to you that the banks do far more without being punished for it, and you ignore that like you are just above the laws of Reason like Hillary is of the laws of the land, I guess.
There are more than a few contradictory laws and exceptions in this land, since when did reason and laws become one, especially in this modern age. I'm only arguing what the law said, nothing more, nothing less. As I stated once before with someone else, arguing with fools and all that and considering your normal input........ :thup:
I posted I link to the law at the very first. Problem? :dunno:

The problem isnt with the law but with your ridiculous spin to the law, dude.

This is an obvious point but you are going to do the Tar Baby Dance and keep up with all these idiotic responses while ignoring the obvious.

Standard libtard deflection bullshit.
There are more than a few contradictory laws and exceptions in this land, ...
Which has nothing to do with the mechanics of the current twisted spin you are giving this law against booby trapping where no injuries occur.

You are being absurd to cover your tracks about something you are obviously very incorrect about.

But you will keep going like some evil cousin of the Energizer Bunny, lol.

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