Democrat Party - Biggest Hate Group in America

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Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
The Democrat Party Is a Bigger Hate Group Than the KKK

QUOTE: ....the Democrat Party is not just the country’s biggest hate group now... ...They have more hate than any extreme right-wing group they claim to be afraid of or opposed to than you can count. They have more hate than any of the hate that was at Charlottesville. They’ve got more hate for us. The difference in the world is that their hatred for us is somehow justified and promoted....

...It is bigger than any group at all out there. And since they are a hate group, they are the kingpins of hate in the American political system. They are the biggest threat to civil liberties. They are the biggest threat to freedom of speech. They are the biggest threat to the Second Amendment. They are the biggest threat to the innocence of unborn life. They are the biggest threat to anybody who is not one of them. They are the biggest threat to prosperity. They represent the biggest threat to private property. They represent the biggest threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that exists in this country today. The Democrat Party is that. That is what they have become.

They are a bigger hate group than the KKK, which has always been the military, quote, unquote, wing of the Democrat Party anyway. There isn’t a right-wing group that can hold a candle to these people. The entire Democrat Party, there is no grandfather, there is no reasonable place to go in the Democrat Party where you get some wisdom. There are no adults in that party telling these kids to stop behaving this way.

They’re all on the same page now. Their attitude, their views on abortion and human life is just shocking. There isn’t any comparison to the pro-life view and the pro-abort view that the Democrat Party has. And if you’re gonna assign hate to one of those groups, you’re not gonna find hate on the pro-life side. By definition, you can’t. But you can certainly find it on the so-called pro-choice side.

They seek control over life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and they do so from a position of rage and anger. They are angry that the concepts of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness exist. And their mission is obviously to shut them down. Whatever it takes, for example, to save the planet from things human beings cannot and never have been able to control. But it will allow them to control people all over the country if they ever do achieve their climate change objectives.

We all saw it last night. We all heard that last night. You ignore what you saw and you ignore what you heard last night at your own risk. We are one election away from kind of a dangerous rhetoric and behavior. We saw last night tyranny taking over this country. One election away from it, folks. And it doesn’t matter which of those 20 people, if any of them, would win. It doesn’t matter which one we’re talking about.

They all are the same. They all represent the modern-day Democrat Party. They all hate us, and they all want to relegate us to a status of nonexistence and irrelevancy, and their hatred for us is propelling them. They believe that there is more hatred for us than support for us. They obviously think that they’re relating to a lot of people with these displays such as last night, because there’s no way that what happened last night is persuasive.

Nobody in their right mind would go out and try to persuade people to join their team with that performance last night. So they must believe they’re already the majority. They must believe that everybody hates Donald Trump the way they do. They must believe that everybody hates the NRA the way they do. They must believe that everybody hates big corporations the way they do. They must believe everybody hates the health care system the way they do.

They must believe that everybody wants to put the government in control of all of this the way they do. Because they certainly are not behaving in ways that would persuade people to the positions that they hold

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Without hate, what would radical partisans do with themselves?

The ruling class loves haters on the left and right. Is there a better way to divide Americans?
Without hate, what would radical partisans do with themselves?
The ruling class loves haters on the left and right. Is there a better way to divide Americans?
Bingo. The biggest hate group is the combination of left-wing and right-wing partisan zombies. They deserve each other.

Unfortunately, the messes they make with their food fights affect the rest of us.


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Coming from easily one of the most vulgar, angry, hateful people to post here.
Let's all pause for a moment, and allow the irony to wash over us like waves at the beach on a hot summer's day.
Quite an achievement to reach that lofty status in just one week.
I wouldn't be shocked to learn that she's a lefty, trying to make the GOP look as insane and ridiculous as possible.

The thread will be moved soon.
Bingo. The biggest hate group is the combination of left-wing and right-wing partisan zombies. They deserve each other.

Unfortunately, the mess they make with their food fights affects the rest of us.

Yeah, guy, you know, funny thing about that...

The Democrats usually get 48-55% of the vote every election.
The Republicans get 45 - 51% of the vote.

Third parties usually get less than 5% of the vote and most of the third parties like the Greens and the Libertarians are even more extreme than the major parties.

So the notion that there is this great swath in the middle that is just so tired of all the bickering... meh, not really.
Without hate, what would radical partisans do with themselves?
The ruling class loves haters on the left and right. Is there a better way to divide Americans?
Bingo. The biggest hate group is the combination of left-wing and right-wing partisan zombies. They deserve each other.

Unfortunately, the mess they make with their food fights affects the rest of us.



I disagree the biggest issue is fence post sitters that make their comments about partisan nutter while pretending they are better than the rest...

Wait, I do that...
When someone says something you hate it does not necessarily make them hateful.
Rush Limbaugh, another draft dodger who doesn't even support America in his auto purchases is hardly a source of honest information. Ask him what he has done for America sometime aside from stoking the resentment of white America. Sad human, even sadder American. For Americans, read about draft dodger Rushie below.

A thoughtful conservative on Rush

Uncouth Ruminations: The Fascism of Rush Limbaugh

'Rush, Newspeak and Fascism: An Exegesis' Newspeak Fascism.pdf
Without hate, what would radical partisans do with themselves?
The ruling class loves haters on the left and right. Is there a better way to divide Americans?
Bingo. The biggest hate group is the combination of left-wing and right-wing partisan zombies. They deserve each other.

Unfortunately, the mess they make with their food fights affects the rest of us.



I disagree the biggest issue is fence post sitters that make their comments about partisan nutter while pretending they are better than the rest...

Wait, I do that...
It's almost too easy, y'know? It would be funny if it were not so destructive.

And by the way, THAT IS a side of the fence - against the zombies.
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