Democrat Perpetual Lies


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Those with "half a brain" have long known that the American Left promulgates a constant stream of lies, then tries to make them "true" by constant repetition - but as with the Emperor with no clothes, the lies are obvious, patent, and transparent. A few examples:

"Hands up Don't Shoot!" This is a ridiculous lie about the late Michael Brown that was debunked by no less than ERICK FUCKING HOLDER, who could find no criminal actions on the part of Officer Wilson. The Lie is that Michael Brown tried to surrender to Officer Wilson, and was shot simply BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. The fact that no credible person or organization supports the lie does not stop moron-Leftists from repeating the phrase, as though it is something other than total bullshit.

"Black Lives Matter!" Another ridiculous slogan, intended to illustrate the (false) point that police shooting innocent Black Yoots in the U.S. is a problem about which the Black community deserves to be outraged. No credible source concludes anything of the sort. First of all, the number of Black Yoots who are killed by police is a tiny fraction of BY who are killed by other BY's, and in fact, under comparable circumstances, a WY is more likely to be shot by police than a BY. But those are only facts; not a real concern to Lefties.

"77 Cents to the Dollar!" This whopper is STILL being spouted by the apparent Democrat Nominee, despite mountains of data proving that it is total nonsense. All of the available data indicate that given similar resumes, similar work, similar working hours, and similar work commitments, women ACTUALLY MAKE MORE, especially in the professions. The reason for the apparent advantage to men can be found in the fields of work (teaching vs engineering; Surgery vs pediatrics, etc), and the actual hours worked.

But we have a whole generation of Public-School-"Educated" Americans who believe that a woman with an accounting degree will make 1/4 less than a man with the same degree. Why it does not occur to them that every sane employer would make it a point to hire only women if that were true...well, we're talking about kids and democrats here, so...

"Carbon 'Pollution' Is the Biggest Threat!" What utter rubbish! We are long past the time when the first alarmists were claiming we would be seeing catastrophic climate changes and the best they can point to is a couple unusual droughts.

"Income Inequality is the problem!" Actually, poverty is the problem that requires a solution. Income inequality is, like every other kind of inequality (intelligence, talent, height, perseverance), an unavoidable and BENEFICIAL aspect to normal existence. But "income inequality" has the insidious "benefit" of engendering envy of people who are successful because they "make too much money."

Think about that.

Lies, lies, lies.
Those with "half a brain" have long known that the American Left promulgates a constant stream of lies, then tries to make them "true" by constant repetition - but as with the Emperor with no clothes, the lies are obvious, patent, and transparent. A few examples:

"Hands up Don't Shoot!" This is a ridiculous lie about the late Michael Brown that was debunked by no less than ERICK FUCKING HOLDER, who could find no criminal actions on the part of Officer Wilson. The Lie is that Michael Brown tried to surrender to Officer Wilson, and was shot simply BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. The fact that no credible person or organization supports the lie does not stop moron-Leftists from repeating the phrase, as though it is something other than total bullshit.

"Black Lives Matter!" Another ridiculous slogan, intended to illustrate the (false) point that police shooting innocent Black Yoots in the U.S. is a problem about which the Black community deserves to be outraged. No credible source concludes anything of the sort. First of all, the number of Black Yoots who are killed by police is a tiny fraction of BY who are killed by other BY's, and in fact, under comparable circumstances, a WY is more likely to be shot by police than a BY. But those are only facts; not a real concern to Lefties.

"77 Cents to the Dollar!" This whopper is STILL being spouted by the apparent Democrat Nominee, despite mountains of data proving that it is total nonsense. All of the available data indicate that given similar resumes, similar work, similar working hours, and similar work commitments, women ACTUALLY MAKE MORE, especially in the professions. The reason for the apparent advantage to men can be found in the fields of work (teaching vs engineering; Surgery vs pediatrics, etc), and the actual hours worked.

But we have a whole generation of Public-School-"Educated" Americans who believe that a woman with an accounting degree will make 1/4 less than a man with the same degree. Why it does not occur to them that every sane employer would make it a point to hire only women if that were true...well, we're talking about kids and democrats here, so...

"Carbon 'Pollution' Is the Biggest Threat!" What utter rubbish! We are long past the time when the first alarmists were claiming we would be seeing catastrophic climate changes and the best they can point to is a couple unusual droughts.

"Income Inequality is the problem!" Actually, poverty is the problem that requires a solution. Income inequality is, like every other kind of inequality (intelligence, talent, height, perseverance), an unavoidable and BENEFICIAL aspect to normal existence. But "income inequality" has the insidious "benefit" of engendering envy of people who are successful because they "make too much money."

Think about that.

Lies, lies, lies.
Opinion, opinion, opinion
Yes it is very sad that such a large percentage of America can be manipulated so easily by relentless lies, disinformation and a media that happily pushes the Bullshit 24/7.
Those with "half a brain" have long known that the American Left promulgates a constant stream of lies, then tries to make them "true" by constant repetition - but as with the Emperor with no clothes, the lies are obvious, patent, and transparent. A few examples:

"Hands up Don't Shoot!" This is a ridiculous lie about the late Michael Brown that was debunked by no less than ERICK FUCKING HOLDER, who could find no criminal actions on the part of Officer Wilson. The Lie is that Michael Brown tried to surrender to Officer Wilson, and was shot simply BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. The fact that no credible person or organization supports the lie does not stop moron-Leftists from repeating the phrase, as though it is something other than total bullshit.

"Black Lives Matter!" Another ridiculous slogan, intended to illustrate the (false) point that police shooting innocent Black Yoots in the U.S. is a problem about which the Black community deserves to be outraged. No credible source concludes anything of the sort. First of all, the number of Black Yoots who are killed by police is a tiny fraction of BY who are killed by other BY's, and in fact, under comparable circumstances, a WY is more likely to be shot by police than a BY. But those are only facts; not a real concern to Lefties.

"77 Cents to the Dollar!" This whopper is STILL being spouted by the apparent Democrat Nominee, despite mountains of data proving that it is total nonsense. All of the available data indicate that given similar resumes, similar work, similar working hours, and similar work commitments, women ACTUALLY MAKE MORE, especially in the professions. The reason for the apparent advantage to men can be found in the fields of work (teaching vs engineering; Surgery vs pediatrics, etc), and the actual hours worked.

But we have a whole generation of Public-School-"Educated" Americans who believe that a woman with an accounting degree will make 1/4 less than a man with the same degree. Why it does not occur to them that every sane employer would make it a point to hire only women if that were true...well, we're talking about kids and democrats here, so...

"Carbon 'Pollution' Is the Biggest Threat!" What utter rubbish! We are long past the time when the first alarmists were claiming we would be seeing catastrophic climate changes and the best they can point to is a couple unusual droughts.

"Income Inequality is the problem!" Actually, poverty is the problem that requires a solution. Income inequality is, like every other kind of inequality (intelligence, talent, height, perseverance), an unavoidable and BENEFICIAL aspect to normal existence. But "income inequality" has the insidious "benefit" of engendering envy of people who are successful because they "make too much money."

Think about that.

Lies, lies, lies.
Opinion, opinion, opinion

There seems to be an awful lot of desperation in the constant stream of posts whining about "Democrats". Lumpy's got one up at the same time claiming Democrats build ghettos (in his term, "ghetto's" -- doesn't say how. In the past he claimed they invented slavery. Then there's one earlier today whining about how anyone can support the Democratic Party "in good conscious".

They seem to have a certain flair for, shall we say, creative use of English.... not unrelated I suspect.
A) Lots of other shootings were without doubt bad cops...cameras EVERYWHERE!
B) the rest is splitting hairs. Pander to the rich Pubs have wrecked the nonrich and the country.

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