Democrat platform committee member: no one should have guns...

You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

You just lied.

How so?

You know as well as I do that you will not surrender your firearms.

If guns are made illegal I will turn them in....unlike the left I obey the law. I will continue to work to have our rights restored...and will laugh my ass off as you enter the gas chamber......

I won't.
I'm pretty sure that the OP believes guns to be as vital to his survival as oxygen, food and water.

Not a fucking day goes by without a fucking gun thread.

It is vital to our freedom......

You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

Well then you're really totally full of shit afterall aren't you. "Freedom!" Until the power structure asks for it back.
There's no question, that if you're anti-gun, you're going to almost certainly be in the Dimocrat party.

There's no question, that if you're a gun nut, you're going to almost certainly be a teabagger.
If the Second Amendment is an important right to you, you likely would be a Republican.
If you believe in losing those rights, you are much more likely to be a Dim.
The 2nd doesnt really give you the right to have a gun. It only says you should have one if you are part of a militia.

As usual, reading comprehension isn't your strong point.The first part of the amendment grants the States the right to call up militias, i.e. maintain armed forces. The 2nd part makes sure the PEOPLE have the right to arms to make sure the militia can be called up as needed.
For a group that adamantly argues "No one is coming for your guns" it doesn't take them long to bring up the bans in Australia and England.
For a group that adamantly argues "No one is coming for your guns" it doesn't take them long to bring up the bans in Australia and England.

I bring them up only to say a confiscation would be much much harder to accomplish here compared to those places.
There's no question, that if you're anti-gun, you're going to almost certainly be in the Dimocrat party.

There's no question, that if you're a gun nut, you're going to almost certainly be a teabagger.
If the Second Amendment is an important right to you, you likely would be a Republican.
If you believe in losing those rights, you are much more likely to be a Dim.
The 2nd doesnt really give you the right to have a gun. It only says you should have one if you are part of a militia.

As usual, reading comprehension isn't your strong point.The first part of the amendment grants the States the right to call up militias, i.e. maintain armed forces. The 2nd part makes sure the PEOPLE have the right to arms to make sure the militia can be called up as needed.
You must be blind or stupid. Probably both. There is no second part. Its one sentence dummy. if it wasnt tied to the militia then it would just say everyone can have guns in a separate sentence.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

You mean who sometimes engaged in the initial sale to slave traders?

Who was the customer? The market? The reason? The slave master? The rapist? The wielder of the lash? The murder? The lyncher? The constitutional authority allowing the slave market and ownership in the land of the “free”?
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

No one sold them. The Arabs kidnapped them or whites paid sell out and even mulatto Africans to capture them.
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

No one sold them. The Arabs kidnapped them or whites paid sell out and even mulatto Africans to capture them.

Yes, but an alternative preceptual reality must be created to comport with the great american creation myth. A national conscious must be relieved.
There's no question, that if you're a gun nut, you're going to almost certainly be a teabagger.

If the Second Amendment is an important right to you, you likely would be a Republican.
If you believe in losing those rights, you are much more likely to be a Dim.
The 2nd doesnt really give you the right to have a gun. It only says you should have one if you are part of a militia.

Yeah yeah yeah, it's been argued for many many decades.
They should stop arguing and look at the reason guns are a states right.
Guns are a state right??? Is free speech a state right
You should research that for yourself unless you cant read. I'll give you a tip though. There is no mention of the word "state" in that amendment.
yes..the anti gunners tell one wants to take your guns....and they are one of a few things...naive, foolish, stupid, or lying........the democrat leaders want to ban guns...right now they don't think they can do it without loosing they chip and chip away at the right.....they want gun registration like no one's business...that will allow them to ban and confiscate guns in the future...yes..that is exactly what they want to do.....

They can't go straight to that...but they know they can use universal background checks to get there...that is why they are pushing so hard for universal background checks even though they know they don't stop criminals or mass shooters...

In fact...that is exactly why they want them.....pass universal checks...and when gun crime continues...then comes the call for registration...they will use the argument that of course universal checks don't work...we need registration to make them work.....

DNC Platform Committee Member: Nobody Should Own a Gun

DNC Platform Committee member Bonnie Schaefer says she does not believe “anyone should have a gun.”
She said this in a video aired by CSPAN and released on June 8.

Schaefer said the focus has to go beyond “keeping the guns out of the hands of mentally ill people and criminals.” She added, “I really don’t personally think anyone should have a gun. That’s just my own philosophy.”

These idiots are not going to disarm us.

yes..the anti gunners tell one wants to take your guns....and they are one of a few things...naive, foolish, stupid, or lying........the democrat leaders want to ban guns...right now they don't think they can do it without loosing they chip and chip away at the right.....they want gun registration like no one's business...that will allow them to ban and confiscate guns in the future...yes..that is exactly what they want to do.....

They can't go straight to that...but they know they can use universal background checks to get there...that is why they are pushing so hard for universal background checks even though they know they don't stop criminals or mass shooters...

In fact...that is exactly why they want them.....pass universal checks...and when gun crime continues...then comes the call for registration...they will use the argument that of course universal checks don't work...we need registration to make them work.....

DNC Platform Committee Member: Nobody Should Own a Gun

DNC Platform Committee member Bonnie Schaefer says she does not believe “anyone should have a gun.”
She said this in a video aired by CSPAN and released on June 8.

Schaefer said the focus has to go beyond “keeping the guns out of the hands of mentally ill people and criminals.” She added, “I really don’t personally think anyone should have a gun. That’s just my own philosophy.”

Hasty generalization fallacy.
If the Second Amendment is an important right to you, you likely would be a Republican.
If you believe in losing those rights, you are much more likely to be a Dim.
The 2nd doesnt really give you the right to have a gun. It only says you should have one if you are part of a militia.

Yeah yeah yeah, it's been argued for many many decades.
They should stop arguing and look at the reason guns are a states right.
Guns are a state right??? Is free speech a state right
You should research that for yourself unless you cant read. I'll give you a tip though. There is no mention of the word "state" in that amendment.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Hey, maybe it's a right that applies to "Beings"?
The 2nd doesnt really give you the right to have a gun. It only says you should have one if you are part of a militia.

Yeah yeah yeah, it's been argued for many many decades.
They should stop arguing and look at the reason guns are a states right.
Guns are a state right??? Is free speech a state right
You should research that for yourself unless you cant read. I'll give you a tip though. There is no mention of the word "state" in that amendment.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Hey, maybe it's a right that applies to "Beings"?
That isnt the first amendment goofy. You asked about free speech.
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

No one sold them. The Arabs kidnapped them or whites paid sell out and even mulatto Africans to capture them.
One African tribe conquering another and sellling them to Arab traders happened quiete often. Its called history
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

No one sold them. The Arabs kidnapped them or whites paid sell out and even mulatto Africans to capture them.
One African tribe conquering another and sellling them to Arab traders happened quiete often. Its called history
No. It didnt happen quite often but keep telling yourself that. The few that did it were sell outs like I pointed out.
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

You mean who sometimes engaged in the initial sale to slave traders?

Who was the customer? The market? The reason? The slave master? The rapist? The wielder of the lash? The murder? The lyncher? The constitutional authority allowing the slave market and ownership in the land of the “free”?
Never said any of that didn't happen, but the supply met the demand and that suppy came from other Africans selling their own people to Arab traders. People like yourself tend to ignore the parts of history that doesn't agree with your world view. White people wern't the only ones in the slave trade and they certainly didn't start the institution.
Hey Asseclipias, what was the black man's name that the Chinese stole the first guns (fire lances) from ?

Who brought guns, disease and genocide to america, wiped out a people already here and eslaved another group of people for centuries?
Who sold those slaves to Arab traders ?

You mean who sometimes engaged in the initial sale to slave traders?

Who was the customer? The market? The reason? The slave master? The rapist? The wielder of the lash? The murder? The lyncher? The constitutional authority allowing the slave market and ownership in the land of the “free”?
Never said any of that didn't happen, but the supply met the demand and that suppy came from other Africans selling their own people to Arab traders. People like yourself tend to ignore the parts of history that doesn't agree with your world view. White people wern't the only ones in the slave trade and they certainly didn't start the institution.
Nope. The supply came from Arabs kidnapping Blacks and selling them to europeans while europeans also sold or traded them white slaves.

“The calipha in Baghdad at the beginning of the 10th Century had 7,000 black eunuchs and 4,000 white eunuchs in his palace,” writes author Ronald Segal in his 2002 book, Islam’s Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora.

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