Democrat platform committee member: no one should have guns...

I'm pretty sure that the OP believes guns to be as vital to his survival as oxygen, food and water.

Not a fucking day goes by without a fucking gun thread.

It is vital to our freedom......

You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

You just lied.
Oh my god, the EVER sacrosanct 2nd Amendment makes all any questions of firearms abuse just go away? We can make the second amendment go away as easily as it was created, you know. It's time to make America safe from guns.

How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

yes. It took Britain and Australia a long time to finally ban and confiscate guns.......but they did. didn't take as long.....and it ended in mass murder.
I'm pretty sure that the OP believes guns to be as vital to his survival as oxygen, food and water.

Not a fucking day goes by without a fucking gun thread.

It is vital to our freedom......

You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

You just lied.

How so?
Oh my god, the EVER sacrosanct 2nd Amendment makes all any questions of firearms abuse just go away? We can make the second amendment go away as easily as it was created, you know. It's time to make America safe from guns.

How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....
How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?
That's not what you have been saying.

yes. It took Britain and Australia a long time to finally ban and confiscate guns.......but they did. didn't take as long.....and it ended in mass murder.

It is exactly what I have been saying...over and over in my posts...I have detailed how I think it will go several times...first the judges, then the rulings and later the dumb laws, and finally the bans of whole types of guns and then the confiscation...exactly how it happened in Britain......
Oh my god, the EVER sacrosanct 2nd Amendment makes all any questions of firearms abuse just go away? We can make the second amendment go away as easily as it was created, you know. It's time to make America safe from guns.

How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.
How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

That is exactly what I have been saying.....over and over...check my posts. I have studied the history of gun banning...and that is how it happens.....and has Germany, Britain and Australia.....
How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

Do you actually read my posts....?
How is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment making people safe from guns....Russia, Mexico, Germany, Britain and rid of guns....and their criminals still use guns......didn't work for them, won't work for us......

Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

Notice......this is from wikipedia......

1966....self defense is deemed to not be a reason for gun ownership in Britain......they didn't confiscate guns until 1996....

Firearms policy in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the Jacobite rebellions of 1715 and 1745, harsh laws providing, amongst other things, for disarming the Highlands of Scotland, were enacted by the Parliament of Great Britain: the Disarming Acts of 1716 and 1725, and the Act of Proscription 1746.

The first British firearm controls were introduced as part of the Vagrancy Act 1824, which was set up in a reaction against the large number of people roaming the country with weapons brought back from the Napoleonic wars. It allowed the police to arrest "any person with any gun, pistol, hanger [dagger], cutlass, bludgeon or other offensive weapon... with intent to commit a felonious act". It was followed by the Night Poaching Act 1828 and Night Poaching Act 1844, the Game Act 1831, and the Poaching Prevention Act 1862, which made it an offence to shoot game illegally by using a firearm.
Hilary has stated she wants 25% tax on guns.....which is a violation of the 14th Amendment...since it will help place guns out of the price range of the poor...the ones who need guns the most as democrats get the police to stand down....
Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

That is exactly what I have been saying.....over and over...check my posts. I have studied the history of gun banning...and that is how it happens.....and has Germany, Britain and Australia.....

Nope. Go back and reread your own posts. you express lots more urgency than for something decades in the future. I suspect you are embarrassed because Hillary hasn't been indicted "any day now" like has been repeated for months and you don't want to chance being caught in something so silly again. You're full of shit. Your crazy fears are unfounded, and you really need to stop listening to whoever you have been listening to. You are a little more nuts than you think you are.
Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

Notice......this is from wikipedia......

1966....self defense is deemed to not be a reason for gun ownership in Britain......they didn't confiscate guns until 1996....

Firearms policy in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We just codified self defense as a reason for "bearing arms" in 2008. Shit is going in your direction.
I'm pretty sure that the OP believes guns to be as vital to his survival as oxygen, food and water.

Not a fucking day goes by without a fucking gun thread.

It is vital to our freedom......

You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

You just lied.

How so?

You know as well as I do that you will not surrender your firearms.
Do you really think Hillary's upcoming election will cause the repeal of the 2nd? How quick after her inauguration do you think that will happen?

The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

Do you actually read my posts....?

Some of the best entertainment on the interwebs. You and fury, and dale keep me in stitches
The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

That is exactly what I have been saying.....over and over...check my posts. I have studied the history of gun banning...and that is how it happens.....and has Germany, Britain and Australia.....

Nope. Go back and reread your own posts. you express lots more urgency than for something decades in the future. I suspect you are embarrassed because Hillary hasn't been indicted "any day now" like has been repeated for months and you don't want to chance being caught in something so silly again. You're full of shit. Your crazy fears are unfounded, and you really need to stop listening to whoever you have been listening to. You are a little more nuts than you think you are.

Nope....I understand history....and how anti freedom people act.....stopping hilary is important now because she will appoint judges who just can't wait to overturn Heller and Mcdonald....

I read should too....only unarmed people are victims of mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing.......our Constitution is the first time in human history where normal people were protected in their Right to self defense against criminals and their own government....weapon control laws have been the feature of every ruling government up to our period of history...

Try reading some.....

From Japan and their laws about training with the sword, to the Serfs in Europe...the people in power have always tried to keep the people they control unarmed.........and they are still doing it....and you are helping them.
It is vital to our freedom......

You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

You just lied.

How so?

You know as well as I do that you will not surrender your firearms.

If guns are made illegal I will turn them in....unlike the left I obey the law. I will continue to work to have our rights restored...and will laugh my ass off as you enter the gas chamber......
The first thing will be anti gun judges on the Supreme Court....and then an anti gun legislature in a state will pass a stupid, unConstitutional law that will make it's way up to the Court...and they will use this state law to nullify Heller and Mcdonald.....then will come the constriction of the right as anti gun states pass more and more laws making exercise of the 2nd Amendment impossible by all but the rich and the politically connected.....then.....decades from that...they will ban and confiscate the guns.....

So decades off then?

Slavery didn't end over night.....Rights don't disapear overnight..usually.....

That's not what you've been saying.

Notice......this is from wikipedia......

1966....self defense is deemed to not be a reason for gun ownership in Britain......they didn't confiscate guns until 1996....

Firearms policy in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We just codified self defense as a reason for "bearing arms" in 2008. Shit is going in your direction.

Wrong.....self defense is a Right that existed when the first human walked the left wing morons are just slow on the uptake...
You are a clown.

Is anyone ever going to take your guns from you? You personally? Are yiu ever going to forfeit your firearms?

If they become illegal..of course. And when the two of us are on the train to the camps...I will laugh in your face...

You just lied.

How so?

You know as well as I do that you will not surrender your firearms.

If guns are made illegal I will turn them in....unlike the left I obey the law. I will continue to work to have our rights restored...and will laugh my ass off as you enter the gas chamber......

So now you think we will have gas chambers. It must be terrifying for you to face the world every day. Seek help.
I've reached my limit. I can't communicate with the OP for more than two or three posts at a time.

I really can't imagine a life with so little going on that I could devote every waking moment to a single issue. I feel honest pity for the guy.
yes..the anti gunners tell one wants to take your guns....and they are one of a few things...naive, foolish, stupid, or lying........the democrat leaders want to ban guns...right now they don't think they can do it without loosing they chip and chip away at the right.....they want gun registration like no one's business...that will allow them to ban and confiscate guns in the future...yes..that is exactly what they want to do.....

They can't go straight to that...but they know they can use universal background checks to get there...that is why they are pushing so hard for universal background checks even though they know they don't stop criminals or mass shooters...

In fact...that is exactly why they want them.....pass universal checks...and when gun crime continues...then comes the call for registration...they will use the argument that of course universal checks don't work...we need registration to make them work.....

DNC Platform Committee Member: Nobody Should Own a Gun

DNC Platform Committee member Bonnie Schaefer says she does not believe “anyone should have a gun.”
She said this in a video aired by CSPAN and released on June 8.

Schaefer said the focus has to go beyond “keeping the guns out of the hands of mentally ill people and criminals.” She added, “I really don’t personally think anyone should have a gun. That’s just my own philosophy.”
I think even though you quoted it, you must have missed the part that said. “I really don’t personally think anyone should have a gun. That’s just my own philosophy.

I agree with her. If no one had a gun no one would get shot.
You live in a delusional world, fucking socialist progressives... clueless. Lol

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