Democrat Pleads Guilty To Ballot Box Stuffing In Pa

you just don't want to hear about news you don't agree with. you don't accept objective views by others. We get it.
I really don't have a dog in America's fight. And right at this point in time I think that Trump could 'possibly' same the world from a nuclear war being started by America.

I'm willing to look at anybody's POV objectively. In fact, I'm offering most likely the only opportunity for objectiveness on this board.

I'm just going to have to insist on politeness! I've run out of patience with the childish spamming!
Hardly wide scale... Actually it shows that the system works...

He had the most access and all the connections and he couldn't get away with it...

Explain how stopping people getting water in a line is going to stop this...
Explain how closing polling stations in Urban areas is going to stop this?

You have shown jackshit... Except the system works and if there is a dishonest player, he can't get away with it..

With very rare exceptions, in-person voting with an ID resolves 95% of the issues. Democrats are thoroughly against his idea and anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows exactly why. It really has absolutely nothing to do with voter disenfranchisement and everything to do with severely limiting the possibility of fraud.
What they are actually showing, is how actual hard it is to cheat in elections....

They are making the case that wide spread systematic voter fraud is impossible..
I disagree.

They catch one, and the other 50 get away with it.

Much like the southern border of the US, the numbers they catch are but a small fraction of the numbers they don't.
With very rare exceptions, in-person voting with an ID resolves 95% of the issues. Democrats are thoroughly against his idea and anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows exactly why. It really has absolutely nothing to do with voter disenfranchisement and everything to do with severely limiting the possibility of fraud.
Election integrity must be in the top 10 of every citizen's issue tree.
Agreed, but the real problem is what is considered "political extremism". I was once considered moderate, holding traditional conservative views.

Today, people like Mac1958 and about a dozen others, call Me the extreme right. Hell, they would call JFK the extreme right. The media has lost any pretense of trying to cover up that they work directly for the Democrats and the progressives. They do not hide their hatred, they do not temper their rhetoric, and they excuse violence done against the right. Is it any real wonder we have mentally unstable and immature young people shooting up society?
I won't judge you on past practice of which I'm not aware.

I can only offer a politically non-biased opinion as a Canadian.
Election integrity must be in the top 10 of every citizen's issue tree.

It should be, but Democrats don't care. They just want to win. Democratic voters are far too shortsighted to see just how dangerous election fraud can be for our country.
With very rare exceptions, in-person voting with an ID resolves 95% of the issues. Democrats are thoroughly against his idea and anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows exactly why. It really has absolutely nothing to do with voter disenfranchisement and everything to do with severely limiting the possibility of fraud.
yep, limits the ability to commit fraud.
I won't judge you on past practice of which I'm not aware.

I can only offer a politically non-biased opinion as a Canadian.
Okay, I'll resist making the standard Canadian joke here. lol

The nature and depth of the propagandistic nature of the US Corporate Media have become so obvious I don't really understand why it is that others don't see it, even as I do understand why the American left defends it.
There's a long list of irregularities in America's election system that wrongly benefit both parties.

But nobody wants to step back from their extremist views and start working to correct them.

Fascism threatens.
I would agree that everybody should be cautiously selective, but I don't think that's applicable here. Political extremism and lunacy seem to be most people's only priority.
There have been some questionable election results in Philadelphia over the decades.
To the extent that PA is corrupt? Yes, many of them. I would place only New York, Maryland, and California as more corrupt. I have lived in all of them except Maryland.
I'd say Chicago leads the cheaters.
Okay, I'll resist making the standard Canadian joke here. lol

The nature and depth of the propagandistic nature of the US Corporate Media have become so obvious I don't really understand why it is that others don't see it, even as I do understand why the American left defends it.
No, you don't want to make a joke out of this is you want a discussion.

The bulk of the media is slanted toward the left and considering that it's somewhat dictated by the corporation, it's a bit mysterious.

One would assume that the corporation would direct their frontline broadcasters to take a position that is most pleasing to the audience.

Maybe this can help to get a discussion started, but I fear that any progress will only be seen as a threat to many.

Two issues that stand out to me:

Long lines that discourage voters in D favoured polling places.

Lack of registration of all qualified voters.
Congratulations! You finally uncovered the evidence showing Trump won the election. How proud you must be.
They stole the election to destroy this country. Look around because it is exactly what they are doing.
Wait a minute.... you mean to tell me the message "You're going to own nothing, including guns, and you're going to like it", doesn't sell itself and requires election theft?

I'm thunderstruck.
No, you don't want to make a joke out of this is you want a discussion.

The bulk of the media is slanted toward the left and considering that it's somewhat dictated by the corporation, it's a bit mysterious.

One would assume that the corporation would direct their frontline broadcasters to take a position that is most pleasing to the audience.

Maybe this can help to get a discussion started, but I fear that any progress will only be seen as a threat to many.

Two issues that stand out to me:

Long lines that discourage voters in D favoured polls.

Lack of registration of all qualified voters.
Well, let us start with the third sentence you have there.

One would assume that the corporation would direct their frontline broadcasters to take a position that is most pleasing to the audience.

The truth should not care what is or is not pleasing to the audience.

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