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Democrat politicians set to rob the public to pay reperations to slaves.

I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist

I'll condemn fascists. I condemn you and the Democrat party who are endlessly using threats, intimidation and violence to silence your opposition.

You have never condemned fascists, what about it? You want to start turning over a new leaf and move away from your racism and hate?

Trump recently tried to stop the publication of the book "Landslide". Do you have a double standard?
You mean Globalists like yourself trying to stop MAGA Trump?

Trump paid $750,000 in taxes in China.. That kind of globalist?

That makes no sense. You literally don't know what a globalist is, not remotely. If you did you'd laugh at your own sentence and ask WTF that has to do with globalism

Globalism has been rwith us since the Bronze Age.

Dude, you're embarrassing yourself. You seriously have no clue what globalism means. None

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates declined in May for teenagers (9.6
percent), Whites (5.1 percent), and Hispanics (7.3 percent). The jobless rates for adult
men (5.9 percent), adult women (5.4 percent), Blacks (9.1 percent), and Asians (5.5
percent) showed little change in May. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.
Affirmative action does not appear to be hurting whites
Try getting a government job. When I was in college i the late seventies I took the CHP dispatcher's exam. I scored in the 99th percentile, I scored in the 95th percentile of my oral board. When I asked where I would be on the waiting list to be hired, I was told that for the foreseeable future, no non-minorities would be hired. That's just one example. Affirmative action has removed many jobs from
I have an anecdote-----in my college years circa 1970 I applied for scholarship. The
scholarship lady was a very sympathetic black person----she agreed that I needed
a scholarship------but I was UNFORTUNATELY not ----well...black. She urged me to
claim to be a DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (a very white wasp
group----bordering on nazi) -------well------I laughed-----she tried----but NO WAY
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
What about fascists like the oath keepers and proud boys?
I do not know their agendas. Do you know of any violence and
crime organized by either group? I live in an epicenter of the
fascist filth of BLM. I have never had conversation or interaction
with a "proud-boy" or an "oath keeper"

Violence has been a key component of the Proud Boys since the group’s creation.

On August 22, 2020, members of the Proud Boys fought with counter-protestors in Portland, Oregon. This clash between right-wing and left-wing activists was one of many in Portland and other American cities throughout the summer, and Proud Boys had been a fixture at most of them.

Ahead of the August 22 brawl, one prominent member of the group, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, who is barred from taking part in any protest in Portland as a condition of his probation following his sentencing for assault, explained that the Proud Boys were in the streets because they were “pissed off and didn’t want to see this country burn.” This is part of a trend of far right vigilantism where Proud Boys self-deputize in order to “assist” law enforcement. Armed with bear mace, clubs, paintball guns and in the case of one Proud Boys member, an actual gun, the Proud Boys engaged in multiple acts of violence against counter-protestors and members of the media. One journalist suffered a broken finger when Proud Boys member Travis Taylor allegedly attacked him with a club.

Patriot Prayer, frequent Proud Boys collaborators, organized another protest that turned violent, on August 15, 2020. The event was attended by Proud Boys, including Alan Swinney, who would later brandish a revolver at the August 22 protest, and who came to the August 15 event armed with a paintball gun, which he used on counter-protestors. One person was injured after being hit with a paintball pellet, although it is unknown if Swinney was the shooter. At least two gunshots were reported during the protest; the shooter remaining unknown. One day earlier, Proud Boys clashed with counter-protestors in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

No members of the Proud Boys were arrested in the aftermath of these protests although a Multnomah County judge issued a new warrant for Tusitala Toese following his appearance at the August 22 protest.

McInnes has repeatedly advocated brutal tactics when dealing with the Proud Boys’ sworn enemies -- anti-fascist counter protestors, otherwise known as antifa -- and leaked chats from social messaging app Telegram reveal a clear pattern of inciting violence. In a June 2016 episode of the “Gavin McInnes Show”, McInnes warned his enemies, “We will kill you. That’s the Proud Boys in a nutshell. We will kill you.”

And yet, the group’s leaders have repeatedly attempted to distance themselves from violence, both threatened and actual. In the aftermath of the 2018 brawl in Manhattan, McInnes stated in an interview with NewsmaxTV that he does not “control these guys” and described himself as “the founder, not the leader.” Similarly, Tarrio has repeatedly insisted that the Proud Boys organization is nonviolent.

Again, real world events belie the claims made by various Proud Boys leaders. Not only have there been several instances where Proud Boys have engaged in unprovoked violence, their social media conversations also demonstrate how inciting violence and responding to small slights with brutal force is key to the Proud Boys’ strategy. In fact, while the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK) was formed to serve as a “tactical defense arm” (italics ours) of the Proud Boys, its leader, Kyle Chapman AKA Based Stickman, is a violent felon who has repeatedly encouraged violence against anti-fascist activists, and whose persona stems from his history of threatening counter-protestors with a heavy iron stick. Similarly, Proud Boys and their allies purposefully organize and act in a manner that will all but guarantee violence. In advance of the August 2019 “End Domestic Terrorism” rally in Portland, Oregon, organizer and outspoken Proud Boys ally, Joe Biggs, posted videos of himself holding a spiked baseball bat with the words “Make America Great Again” emblazoned on it, telling the camera that “We’re going to put this to good use.” He also posed wearing t-shirts reading, “I’m Just Here for the Violence” and “Death to Antifa.”

Screen shots of conversations on Telegram reveal how members of the Proud Boys consider any provocation to be a direct assault that legitimizes any use of force as acceptable retaliation. In advance of an April 2019 rally in Rhode Island, a poster wrote, “If any contact is made with you, that’s assault. If they take your hat, spray you with silly string, spit, push… It’s assault. We need to have all our guys there before we retaliate though if we can. The cops aren’t going to let us fight long. We need to inflict as much damage as possible in the time we have.” In the same chat room, a Proud Boy member using the name “Jason Cardona” posed with a hatchet, writing, “Group, meet Kindness.” Later he posed with a large knife and wrote, “If they want to meet wisdom all they have to do is ask.” Poster “Col. Kish” wrote, “It’s a prior service Marines [sic] to get out and continue beating the fuck out of communists, semper Fi ooh ra.”

At the rally in Rhode Island, among others, there have been instances of Proud Boys engaging in unprovoked attacks, as well as groups of Proud Boys attacking single counter-protestors.

In January 2020, Proud Boy member, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge for an attack on a man in Portland. Fellow Proud Boy Donovon Flippo had earlier pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault for the same incident.

In August, 2019, former Patriot Prayer member and current Proud Boy member, Russell Schultz, along with five others, was indicted for rioting following a fight outside the Cider Riot bar in Portland.

On January 6, 2019, self-proclaimed Proud Boy Buckey Wolfe allegedly murdered his brother with a samurai-style sword, claiming that “God told me he was a lizard.” The Proud Boys released a statement saying that Wolfe had never been approved as a member, but according to the Daily Beast, Buckey’s Facebook profile included pictures of him with other members of the group. At the time of the murder, Buckey reportedly subscribed to the QAnon conspiracy theory. Prosecutors say that Buckey demonstrated signs of mental illness.
There is no way to prove your ancestry, the records simply do not exist. So its a bullshit assignment that will be rife with fraud. No thanks.

Sure they do. We've been keeping birth certificates for generations.

Check out ancestry.com. It's run by the Mormons, but they do a fantastic job of helping you find birth records of your ancestors.

EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Trump did not create the covid virus, Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do that. So technically Dr. Fauci killed 600,000 Americans, not Trump.
Trump expedited the vaccine development and saved millions of lives, you're welcome.
Trump did not lose 65m jobs. The US economy came out of the shutdown just fine, except maybe in blue states.

Fauchi didn't just fund the Wuhan lab, they brought the bat lady here to train her to run it.

Fauchi being the government lead to it's response would be like FDR putting Tojo in charge of the US military in WWII
I keep wondering if Fauci and China planned the pandemic to get rid of Trump??
Was it "released" or did it escape?
Three folks ended up in the Wuhan hospital, so it looks like an accidental release, but still, why develop a deadly human pathogen with US taxpayer dollars???
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist

I'll condemn fascists. I condemn you and the Democrat party who are endlessly using threats, intimidation and violence to silence your opposition.

You have never condemned fascists, what about it? You want to start turning over a new leaf and move away from your racism and hate?

Trump recently tried to stop the publication of the book "Landslide". Do you have a double standard?
You mean Globalists like yourself trying to stop MAGA Trump?

Trump paid $750,000 in taxes in China.. That kind of globalist?

That makes no sense. You literally don't know what a globalist is, not remotely. If you did you'd laugh at your own sentence and ask WTF that has to do with globalism

Globalism has been rwith us since the Bronze Age.

Dude, you're embarrassing yourself. You seriously have no clue what globalism means. None

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates declined in May for teenagers (9.6
percent), Whites (5.1 percent), and Hispanics (7.3 percent). The jobless rates for adult
men (5.9 percent), adult women (5.4 percent), Blacks (9.1 percent), and Asians (5.5
percent) showed little change in May. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.
Affirmative action does not appear to be hurting whites
Of course it hurts whites. What would be the point of it if it didn't hurt whites?
The black jobless rate is typically twice as high as the white jobless rate
Sure, because blacks are much more likely to have criminal records and don't try as hard to be employable as non-blacks. Immigrant blacks don't seem to have the employment problems than native blacks have.
so true-----in fact lots of immigrant blacks do not have a positive opinion of
uhm........OUR BLACK POPULATION (Jamaicans all but SPIT)
There is no way to prove your ancestry, the records simply do not exist. So its a bullshit assignment that will be rife with fraud. No thanks.

Sure they do. We've been keeping birth certificates for generations.

Check out ancestry.com. It's run by the Mormons, but they do a fantastic job of helping you find birth records of your ancestors.

EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Trump did not create the covid virus, Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do that. So technically Dr. Fauci killed 600,000 Americans, not Trump.
Trump expedited the vaccine development and saved millions of lives, you're welcome.
Trump did not lose 65m jobs. The US economy came out of the shutdown just fine, except maybe in blue states.

Fauchi didn't just fund the Wuhan lab, they brought the bat lady here to train her to run it.

Fauchi being the government lead to it's response would be like FDR putting Tojo in charge of the US military in WWII
I keep wondering if Fauci and China planned the pandemic to get rid of Trump??
Was it "released" or did it escape?
Three folks ended up in the Wuhan hospital, so it looks like an accidental release, but still, why develop a deadly human pathogen with US taxpayer dollars???
So it must not be a hoax

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
Criminal Activity

Oath Keepers members have not limited their activities to spouting extreme anti‐government conspiracy theories as a number of people associated with the Oath Keepers have been involved in criminal incidents since its founding in 2009.

Some of these incidents include:

Washington, D.C., January 2021: At least nine people associated with the Oath Keepers have been charged with conspiracy in connection with the January 6 attack, with prosecutors alleging that the defendants coordinated to travel to Washington, D.C., breach the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.

Bay County, Florida, October 2018: A group identifying themselves as Oath Keepers were arrested after violating curfew and for openly carrying a firearm. The five members were driving around Mexico Beach “patrolling” the aftermath of Hurricane Michael in a Ford automobile that was decorated to look like a patrol cruiser; every member wore military-style clothing, including one vest that read “tactical officer.”

Peoria, Arizona, January 2016: Jon Ritzheimer, a former member of the Oath Keepers, voluntarily surrendered to local authorities. He subsequently pleaded guilty in August 2016 to a felony charge of federal conspiracy to impede federal workers for his prominent role in the 2016 armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. In November 2017, Ritzheimer was sentenced to spend a year and a day in federal prison.

Springdale, Washington, December 2015: Schuyler Barbeau, who was filmed in at least one video while wearing Oath Keeper attire and shared several posts in favor of Oath Keeper Charles Dyer (see below), was arrested after he tried to sell a short-barreled rifle he had converted into an illegal machine gun to an individual secretly working with law enforcement. Barbeau pleaded guilty to possessing a machine gun and was sentenced to 27 months in prison in September 2017.

Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2015: Nevada Oath Keeper (and Bundy standoff participant) Richard Lee Cook was arrested and indicted on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Cook had previous convictions for possessing stolen property, grand larceny and attempted possession of a controlled substance.

Greenwood, Delaware, February 2015: Oath Keeper Matthew Opaliski was charged with three counts of dealing firearms without a license and two counts of unlawful transfer of firearms after he allegedly sold, traded or gave firearms to a person who was not a Delaware resident. Opaliski subsequently pleaded guilty to one count of dealing firearms without a license and was sentenced in July 2016 to one year and one day in prison.

Brentwood, New Hampshire, February 2013: Federal authorities charged open carry activist and Oath Keeper Johnathon Irish with five felonies stemming from an investigation into the alleged sales of homemade assault rifles to undercover agents. As part of a December 2014 plea agreement, Irish admitted to lying to authorities. He also admitted to persuading his girlfriend to purchase assault rifle parts for him in order to avoid a background check. In return, prosecutors agreed not to re‐impose the other three charges, which had been recently dropped, against Irish. In February 2015, Irish was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Herndon, Virginia, July 2013: Gun rights activist and Oath Keeper Adam Kokesh was arrested in Washington, D.C., on weapon charges after a search warrant on his Virginia home turned up firearms and illegal drugs. In a separate incident, the U.S. Park Police arrested Kokesh for bearing arms at the Freedom Plaza in violation of Washington D.C. law by loading a shotgun. A District of Columbia judge sentenced Kokesh to two years’ probation on the shotgun charge in November 2013. In September 2014, following an Alford plea by Kokesh, a Fairfax County, Virginia, judge ordered a suspended sentence for the warrant‐related felony drug and gun charges. In cases of an Alford plea, a defendant does not admit guilt, but acknowledges that prosecutors have enough evidence for a conviction. Prior to his arrest, Kokesh claimed to be an Oath Keeper and promoted the Oath Keepers through his radio talk show, “Adam vs. the Man.”

Westfield, Massachusetts, March 2011: Oath Keeper David M. Phillips was arrested in Massachusetts on charges of possession of ammunition without the required Firearms Identification Card and four counts of possession of a large capacity firearm feeding device. The charges followed a March 2011 vehicle stop by the Worcester Police Department due to an invalid license plate and driving with excessive speed. When questioned, Phillips allegedly told the officer that he was exempt from having to register or insure his vehicle. The officer towed the vehicle after a check revealed that the vehicle registration and insurance had been cancelled. During an inventory search of the vehicle’s trunk, police found nine large‐capacity ammunition magazines along with 2,156 rounds of ammunition. Phillips was eventually convicted and sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

Dallas, Georgia, and Madisonville, Tennessee, April 2010: Darren Huff, a Georgia militia member and Oath Keeper, traveled to Tennessee with an AK‐47 and a .45 caliber Colt handgun in order to make “citizens arrests” of government officials who had refused demands to indict President Obama. He was charged with carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with intent to use it for civil disorder, as well as a second count of using a firearm in relation to another felony. He eventually reached a plea deal on local charges against him, pleading no contest to one charge in exchange for the state dropping other charges. A federal jury convicted him on the carrying a firearm charge but acquitted him of using a firearm in relation to another felony. In May 2012, a federal judge in Knoxville sentenced Huff to four years in prison.

Cleveland, Ohio, April 2010: Matthew Fairfield, president of the local Oath Keepers chapter, was arrested on a large number of explosives (and other) charges, including child pornography allegations. When executing a search warrant, law enforcement officers discovered a live napalm bomb and dozens of other explosives in a storage locker; he eventually was indicted on 97 different charges, including 18 counts of unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, 23 counts of receiving stolen property, 23 counts of possession of criminal tools, 10 counts of failure to secure dangerous ordnance, one count of perjury, and 21 counts of pandering obscenity involving child pornography. Following a 2011 no contest plea, Fairfield received a 16‐year sentence. In January 2019, Fairfield had an additional four years added to his sentence after officials determined that he interfered with another investigation.

Duncan, Oklahoma, January 2010: Charles Dyer, an Oklahoma Oath Keeper, was arrested by local law enforcement on charges of raping a young child; during his arrest, authorities also discovered an unregistered grenade launcher in his residence that had been stolen from a military base in California. Dyer failed to show up in court for his trial, becoming a fugitive. He was tracked down and arrested the following week in Houston, Texas, extradited back to Oklahoma, where (after several abortive attempts) he finally stood trial, was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Prior to his arrest, Dyer had posted a YouTube video in which Dyer, a former Marine, said, “Join the military? Depends on what you want to do with it. Me? I’m going to use my training and become one of those domestic terrorists that you’re so afraid of from the DHS reports.” He still has many supporters within the “Patriot” movement.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 2009: Daniel Knight Hayden, an Oath Keeper supporter, was arrested by the FBI after posting a series of Twitter messages threatening to attack Oklahoma officials (including police officers) on April 15 (Tax Day). He was subsequently convicted of knowingly transmitting a threatening communication and received an eight‐month sentence

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
Another evasion

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
Yes, even in the Americas. White slavery was widespread in the Muslim world. Slave raiders operated as far north as the English Channel and there are still fortifications in Italy and France erected to defend against slave raiders from North Africa. White slavery wasn't widespread in the Americans (especially North America) because blacks did better under the environmental and health conditions in the American South, Latin America and the Caribbean.
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
What about fascists like the oath keepers and proud boys?
I do not know their agendas. Do you know of any violence and
crime organized by either group? I live in an epicenter of the
fascist filth of BLM. I have never had conversation or interaction
with a "proud-boy" or an "oath keeper"
Criminal Activity

Oath Keepers members have not limited their activities to spouting extreme anti‐government conspiracy theories as a number of people associated with the Oath Keepers have been involved in criminal incidents since its founding in 2009.

Some of these incidents include:

Washington, D.C., January 2021: At least nine people associated with the Oath Keepers have been charged with conspiracy in connection with the January 6 attack, with prosecutors alleging that the defendants coordinated to travel to Washington, D.C., breach the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.

Bay County, Florida, October 2018: A group identifying themselves as Oath Keepers were arrested after violating curfew and for openly carrying a firearm. The five members were driving around Mexico Beach “patrolling” the aftermath of Hurricane Michael in a Ford automobile that was decorated to look like a patrol cruiser; every member wore military-style clothing, including one vest that read “tactical officer.”

Peoria, Arizona, January 2016: Jon Ritzheimer, a former member of the Oath Keepers, voluntarily surrendered to local authorities. He subsequently pleaded guilty in August 2016 to a felony charge of federal conspiracy to impede federal workers for his prominent role in the 2016 armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. In November 2017, Ritzheimer was sentenced to spend a year and a day in federal prison.

Springdale, Washington, December 2015: Schuyler Barbeau, who was filmed in at least one video while wearing Oath Keeper attire and shared several posts in favor of Oath Keeper Charles Dyer (see below), was arrested after he tried to sell a short-barreled rifle he had converted into an illegal machine gun to an individual secretly working with law enforcement. Barbeau pleaded guilty to possessing a machine gun and was sentenced to 27 months in prison in September 2017.

Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2015: Nevada Oath Keeper (and Bundy standoff participant) Richard Lee Cook was arrested and indicted on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Cook had previous convictions for possessing stolen property, grand larceny and attempted possession of a controlled substance.

Greenwood, Delaware, February 2015: Oath Keeper Matthew Opaliski was charged with three counts of dealing firearms without a license and two counts of unlawful transfer of firearms after he allegedly sold, traded or gave firearms to a person who was not a Delaware resident. Opaliski subsequently pleaded guilty to one count of dealing firearms without a license and was sentenced in July 2016 to one year and one day in prison.

Brentwood, New Hampshire, February 2013: Federal authorities charged open carry activist and Oath Keeper Johnathon Irish with five felonies stemming from an investigation into the alleged sales of homemade assault rifles to undercover agents. As part of a December 2014 plea agreement, Irish admitted to lying to authorities. He also admitted to persuading his girlfriend to purchase assault rifle parts for him in order to avoid a background check. In return, prosecutors agreed not to re‐impose the other three charges, which had been recently dropped, against Irish. In February 2015, Irish was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Herndon, Virginia, July 2013: Gun rights activist and Oath Keeper Adam Kokesh was arrested in Washington, D.C., on weapon charges after a search warrant on his Virginia home turned up firearms and illegal drugs. In a separate incident, the U.S. Park Police arrested Kokesh for bearing arms at the Freedom Plaza in violation of Washington D.C. law by loading a shotgun. A District of Columbia judge sentenced Kokesh to two years’ probation on the shotgun charge in November 2013. In September 2014, following an Alford plea by Kokesh, a Fairfax County, Virginia, judge ordered a suspended sentence for the warrant‐related felony drug and gun charges. In cases of an Alford plea, a defendant does not admit guilt, but acknowledges that prosecutors have enough evidence for a conviction. Prior to his arrest, Kokesh claimed to be an Oath Keeper and promoted the Oath Keepers through his radio talk show, “Adam vs. the Man.”

Westfield, Massachusetts, March 2011: Oath Keeper David M. Phillips was arrested in Massachusetts on charges of possession of ammunition without the required Firearms Identification Card and four counts of possession of a large capacity firearm feeding device. The charges followed a March 2011 vehicle stop by the Worcester Police Department due to an invalid license plate and driving with excessive speed. When questioned, Phillips allegedly told the officer that he was exempt from having to register or insure his vehicle. The officer towed the vehicle after a check revealed that the vehicle registration and insurance had been cancelled. During an inventory search of the vehicle’s trunk, police found nine large‐capacity ammunition magazines along with 2,156 rounds of ammunition. Phillips was eventually convicted and sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

Dallas, Georgia, and Madisonville, Tennessee, April 2010: Darren Huff, a Georgia militia member and Oath Keeper, traveled to Tennessee with an AK‐47 and a .45 caliber Colt handgun in order to make “citizens arrests” of government officials who had refused demands to indict President Obama. He was charged with carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with intent to use it for civil disorder, as well as a second count of using a firearm in relation to another felony. He eventually reached a plea deal on local charges against him, pleading no contest to one charge in exchange for the state dropping other charges. A federal jury convicted him on the carrying a firearm charge but acquitted him of using a firearm in relation to another felony. In May 2012, a federal judge in Knoxville sentenced Huff to four years in prison.

Cleveland, Ohio, April 2010: Matthew Fairfield, president of the local Oath Keepers chapter, was arrested on a large number of explosives (and other) charges, including child pornography allegations. When executing a search warrant, law enforcement officers discovered a live napalm bomb and dozens of other explosives in a storage locker; he eventually was indicted on 97 different charges, including 18 counts of unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, 23 counts of receiving stolen property, 23 counts of possession of criminal tools, 10 counts of failure to secure dangerous ordnance, one count of perjury, and 21 counts of pandering obscenity involving child pornography. Following a 2011 no contest plea, Fairfield received a 16‐year sentence. In January 2019, Fairfield had an additional four years added to his sentence after officials determined that he interfered with another investigation.

Duncan, Oklahoma, January 2010: Charles Dyer, an Oklahoma Oath Keeper, was arrested by local law enforcement on charges of raping a young child; during his arrest, authorities also discovered an unregistered grenade launcher in his residence that had been stolen from a military base in California. Dyer failed to show up in court for his trial, becoming a fugitive. He was tracked down and arrested the following week in Houston, Texas, extradited back to Oklahoma, where (after several abortive attempts) he finally stood trial, was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Prior to his arrest, Dyer had posted a YouTube video in which Dyer, a former Marine, said, “Join the military? Depends on what you want to do with it. Me? I’m going to use my training and become one of those domestic terrorists that you’re so afraid of from the DHS reports.” He still has many supporters within the “Patriot” movement.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 2009: Daniel Knight Hayden, an Oath Keeper supporter, was arrested by the FBI after posting a series of Twitter messages threatening to attack Oklahoma officials (including police officers) on April 15 (Tax Day). He was subsequently convicted of knowingly transmitting a threatening communication and received an eight‐month sentence
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
What about fascists like the oath keepers and proud boys?
I do not know their agendas. Do you know of any violence and
crime organized by either group? I live in an epicenter of the
fascist filth of BLM. I have never had conversation or interaction
with a "proud-boy" or an "oath keeper"

Violence has been a key component of the Proud Boys since the group’s creation.

On August 22, 2020, members of the Proud Boys fought with counter-protestors in Portland, Oregon. This clash between right-wing and left-wing activists was one of many in Portland and other American cities throughout the summer, and Proud Boys had been a fixture at most of them.

Ahead of the August 22 brawl, one prominent member of the group, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, who is barred from taking part in any protest in Portland as a condition of his probation following his sentencing for assault, explained that the Proud Boys were in the streets because they were “pissed off and didn’t want to see this country burn.” This is part of a trend of far right vigilantism where Proud Boys self-deputize in order to “assist” law enforcement. Armed with bear mace, clubs, paintball guns and in the case of one Proud Boys member, an actual gun, the Proud Boys engaged in multiple acts of violence against counter-protestors and members of the media. One journalist suffered a broken finger when Proud Boys member Travis Taylor allegedly attacked him with a club.

Patriot Prayer, frequent Proud Boys collaborators, organized another protest that turned violent, on August 15, 2020. The event was attended by Proud Boys, including Alan Swinney, who would later brandish a revolver at the August 22 protest, and who came to the August 15 event armed with a paintball gun, which he used on counter-protestors. One person was injured after being hit with a paintball pellet, although it is unknown if Swinney was the shooter. At least two gunshots were reported during the protest; the shooter remaining unknown. One day earlier, Proud Boys clashed with counter-protestors in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

No members of the Proud Boys were arrested in the aftermath of these protests although a Multnomah County judge issued a new warrant for Tusitala Toese following his appearance at the August 22 protest.

McInnes has repeatedly advocated brutal tactics when dealing with the Proud Boys’ sworn enemies -- anti-fascist counter protestors, otherwise known as antifa -- and leaked chats from social messaging app Telegram reveal a clear pattern of inciting violence. In a June 2016 episode of the “Gavin McInnes Show”, McInnes warned his enemies, “We will kill you. That’s the Proud Boys in a nutshell. We will kill you.”

And yet, the group’s leaders have repeatedly attempted to distance themselves from violence, both threatened and actual. In the aftermath of the 2018 brawl in Manhattan, McInnes stated in an interview with NewsmaxTV that he does not “control these guys” and described himself as “the founder, not the leader.” Similarly, Tarrio has repeatedly insisted that the Proud Boys organization is nonviolent.

Again, real world events belie the claims made by various Proud Boys leaders. Not only have there been several instances where Proud Boys have engaged in unprovoked violence, their social media conversations also demonstrate how inciting violence and responding to small slights with brutal force is key to the Proud Boys’ strategy. In fact, while the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK) was formed to serve as a “tactical defense arm” (italics ours) of the Proud Boys, its leader, Kyle Chapman AKA Based Stickman, is a violent felon who has repeatedly encouraged violence against anti-fascist activists, and whose persona stems from his history of threatening counter-protestors with a heavy iron stick. Similarly, Proud Boys and their allies purposefully organize and act in a manner that will all but guarantee violence. In advance of the August 2019 “End Domestic Terrorism” rally in Portland, Oregon, organizer and outspoken Proud Boys ally, Joe Biggs, posted videos of himself holding a spiked baseball bat with the words “Make America Great Again” emblazoned on it, telling the camera that “We’re going to put this to good use.” He also posed wearing t-shirts reading, “I’m Just Here for the Violence” and “Death to Antifa.”

Screen shots of conversations on Telegram reveal how members of the Proud Boys consider any provocation to be a direct assault that legitimizes any use of force as acceptable retaliation. In advance of an April 2019 rally in Rhode Island, a poster wrote, “If any contact is made with you, that’s assault. If they take your hat, spray you with silly string, spit, push… It’s assault. We need to have all our guys there before we retaliate though if we can. The cops aren’t going to let us fight long. We need to inflict as much damage as possible in the time we have.” In the same chat room, a Proud Boy member using the name “Jason Cardona” posed with a hatchet, writing, “Group, meet Kindness.” Later he posed with a large knife and wrote, “If they want to meet wisdom all they have to do is ask.” Poster “Col. Kish” wrote, “It’s a prior service Marines [sic] to get out and continue beating the fuck out of communists, semper Fi ooh ra.”

At the rally in Rhode Island, among others, there have been instances of Proud Boys engaging in unprovoked attacks, as well as groups of Proud Boys attacking single counter-protestors.

In January 2020, Proud Boy member, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge for an attack on a man in Portland. Fellow Proud Boy Donovon Flippo had earlier pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault for the same incident.

In August, 2019, former Patriot Prayer member and current Proud Boy member, Russell Schultz, along with five others, was indicted for rioting following a fight outside the Cider Riot bar in Portland.

On January 6, 2019, self-proclaimed Proud Boy Buckey Wolfe allegedly murdered his brother with a samurai-style sword, claiming that “God told me he was a lizard.” The Proud Boys released a statement saying that Wolfe had never been approved as a member, but according to the Daily Beast, Buckey’s Facebook profile included pictures of him with other members of the group. At the time of the murder, Buckey reportedly subscribed to the QAnon conspiracy theory. Prosecutors say that Buckey demonstrated signs of mental illness.
ok----so you ADMITTED that "proud-boys" got involved in ONGOING RIOTS and somehow
YOU DECIDED that they were "unprovoked" assaulters and vandalizers-----try again and
proofread your posts. FINALLY you cited a psychotic samurai sword wielder
This will surprise many, but I’m fully in favor of a one-time Reparations payment to every family that can prove direct lineage to a verifiable slave.

However, at the same time ALL Federal, State and Local affirmaoaction programs are permanently disbanded.
If we follow your ideas as stated, I too, would be willing to pay a bit of the reparations tab.

Anyone got change for a nickel? That's what I think they're worth.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
Another evasion
Wrong. Whether any blacks owned whites is utterly irrelevant to the question of whether I'm obligated to pay reparations to anyone.
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
What about fascists like the oath keepers and proud boys?
I do not know their agendas. Do you know of any violence and
crime organized by either group? I live in an epicenter of the
fascist filth of BLM. I have never had conversation or interaction
with a "proud-boy" or an "oath keeper"

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
Another evasion
Wrong. Whether any blacks owned whites is utterly irrelevant to the question of whether I'm obligated to pay reparations to anyone.
Reparations is a pipe dream
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
Criminal Activity

Oath Keepers members have not limited their activities to spouting extreme anti‐government conspiracy theories as a number of people associated with the Oath Keepers have been involved in criminal incidents since its founding in 2009.

Some of these incidents include:

Washington, D.C., January 2021: At least nine people associated with the Oath Keepers have been charged with conspiracy in connection with the January 6 attack, with prosecutors alleging that the defendants coordinated to travel to Washington, D.C., breach the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.

Bay County, Florida, October 2018: A group identifying themselves as Oath Keepers were arrested after violating curfew and for openly carrying a firearm. The five members were driving around Mexico Beach “patrolling” the aftermath of Hurricane Michael in a Ford automobile that was decorated to look like a patrol cruiser; every member wore military-style clothing, including one vest that read “tactical officer.”

Peoria, Arizona, January 2016: Jon Ritzheimer, a former member of the Oath Keepers, voluntarily surrendered to local authorities. He subsequently pleaded guilty in August 2016 to a felony charge of federal conspiracy to impede federal workers for his prominent role in the 2016 armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. In November 2017, Ritzheimer was sentenced to spend a year and a day in federal prison.

Springdale, Washington, December 2015: Schuyler Barbeau, who was filmed in at least one video while wearing Oath Keeper attire and shared several posts in favor of Oath Keeper Charles Dyer (see below), was arrested after he tried to sell a short-barreled rifle he had converted into an illegal machine gun to an individual secretly working with law enforcement. Barbeau pleaded guilty to possessing a machine gun and was sentenced to 27 months in prison in September 2017.

Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2015: Nevada Oath Keeper (and Bundy standoff participant) Richard Lee Cook was arrested and indicted on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Cook had previous convictions for possessing stolen property, grand larceny and attempted possession of a controlled substance.

Greenwood, Delaware, February 2015: Oath Keeper Matthew Opaliski was charged with three counts of dealing firearms without a license and two counts of unlawful transfer of firearms after he allegedly sold, traded or gave firearms to a person who was not a Delaware resident. Opaliski subsequently pleaded guilty to one count of dealing firearms without a license and was sentenced in July 2016 to one year and one day in prison.

Brentwood, New Hampshire, February 2013: Federal authorities charged open carry activist and Oath Keeper Johnathon Irish with five felonies stemming from an investigation into the alleged sales of homemade assault rifles to undercover agents. As part of a December 2014 plea agreement, Irish admitted to lying to authorities. He also admitted to persuading his girlfriend to purchase assault rifle parts for him in order to avoid a background check. In return, prosecutors agreed not to re‐impose the other three charges, which had been recently dropped, against Irish. In February 2015, Irish was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Herndon, Virginia, July 2013: Gun rights activist and Oath Keeper Adam Kokesh was arrested in Washington, D.C., on weapon charges after a search warrant on his Virginia home turned up firearms and illegal drugs. In a separate incident, the U.S. Park Police arrested Kokesh for bearing arms at the Freedom Plaza in violation of Washington D.C. law by loading a shotgun. A District of Columbia judge sentenced Kokesh to two years’ probation on the shotgun charge in November 2013. In September 2014, following an Alford plea by Kokesh, a Fairfax County, Virginia, judge ordered a suspended sentence for the warrant‐related felony drug and gun charges. In cases of an Alford plea, a defendant does not admit guilt, but acknowledges that prosecutors have enough evidence for a conviction. Prior to his arrest, Kokesh claimed to be an Oath Keeper and promoted the Oath Keepers through his radio talk show, “Adam vs. the Man.”

Westfield, Massachusetts, March 2011: Oath Keeper David M. Phillips was arrested in Massachusetts on charges of possession of ammunition without the required Firearms Identification Card and four counts of possession of a large capacity firearm feeding device. The charges followed a March 2011 vehicle stop by the Worcester Police Department due to an invalid license plate and driving with excessive speed. When questioned, Phillips allegedly told the officer that he was exempt from having to register or insure his vehicle. The officer towed the vehicle after a check revealed that the vehicle registration and insurance had been cancelled. During an inventory search of the vehicle’s trunk, police found nine large‐capacity ammunition magazines along with 2,156 rounds of ammunition. Phillips was eventually convicted and sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

Dallas, Georgia, and Madisonville, Tennessee, April 2010: Darren Huff, a Georgia militia member and Oath Keeper, traveled to Tennessee with an AK‐47 and a .45 caliber Colt handgun in order to make “citizens arrests” of government officials who had refused demands to indict President Obama. He was charged with carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with intent to use it for civil disorder, as well as a second count of using a firearm in relation to another felony. He eventually reached a plea deal on local charges against him, pleading no contest to one charge in exchange for the state dropping other charges. A federal jury convicted him on the carrying a firearm charge but acquitted him of using a firearm in relation to another felony. In May 2012, a federal judge in Knoxville sentenced Huff to four years in prison.

Cleveland, Ohio, April 2010: Matthew Fairfield, president of the local Oath Keepers chapter, was arrested on a large number of explosives (and other) charges, including child pornography allegations. When executing a search warrant, law enforcement officers discovered a live napalm bomb and dozens of other explosives in a storage locker; he eventually was indicted on 97 different charges, including 18 counts of unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, 23 counts of receiving stolen property, 23 counts of possession of criminal tools, 10 counts of failure to secure dangerous ordnance, one count of perjury, and 21 counts of pandering obscenity involving child pornography. Following a 2011 no contest plea, Fairfield received a 16‐year sentence. In January 2019, Fairfield had an additional four years added to his sentence after officials determined that he interfered with another investigation.

Duncan, Oklahoma, January 2010: Charles Dyer, an Oklahoma Oath Keeper, was arrested by local law enforcement on charges of raping a young child; during his arrest, authorities also discovered an unregistered grenade launcher in his residence that had been stolen from a military base in California. Dyer failed to show up in court for his trial, becoming a fugitive. He was tracked down and arrested the following week in Houston, Texas, extradited back to Oklahoma, where (after several abortive attempts) he finally stood trial, was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Prior to his arrest, Dyer had posted a YouTube video in which Dyer, a former Marine, said, “Join the military? Depends on what you want to do with it. Me? I’m going to use my training and become one of those domestic terrorists that you’re so afraid of from the DHS reports.” He still has many supporters within the “Patriot” movement.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 2009: Daniel Knight Hayden, an Oath Keeper supporter, was arrested by the FBI after posting a series of Twitter messages threatening to attack Oklahoma officials (including police officers) on April 15 (Tax Day). He was subsequently convicted of knowingly transmitting a threatening communication and received an eight‐month sentence
So you've managed to come up with a total of 23 individuals associated with what you claim is large group that have been arrested for various crimes most of which were not political related. You could very probably come up with more members of the ACLU who have been arrested over the same period.
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
What about fascists like the oath keepers and proud boys?
I do not know their agendas. Do you know of any violence and
crime organized by either group? I live in an epicenter of the
fascist filth of BLM. I have never had conversation or interaction
with a "proud-boy" or an "oath keeper"
EXACTLY!! No one is guaranteed success. Everyone needs to work hard for it. Compare the racism when Trump was president to now with Xiden as president. Trump was color-blind and gave generously to black colleges. Xiden has CRT and the 1619 Project promoting racial animosity.

Uh, did you live in some ALternative reality where Trump didn't kill 600,000 people and lost 65 million jobs?
Why are Asian leaders murdering their citizens with COVID?
Especially India where the Best and the brightest are dying by the second?
China and India downplayed corona too
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Do try to stick to the current context.
We had 17 MDs in Congress, 15 of them were Ds, and we had Falsee, and not one of them said a damn word about COVID.
Trump wanted to close the border and the 15 Democrat MDs Congress called Trump a racist.
I should stay current while you talk about the past
You mean you aren't upset that 15 Democrat MDs in Congress and Dr. Falsee allowed 500,000 to die?
What kind of animal are you?
I see that you are saying that but fascists lie a lot
What does facism have to do with a fact?
It's obvious you're emotionally disturbed and mentally ill because you can't respond to a fact.
Do you condemn the oath keepers and proud boys?
Answer my question first.
I believe you are a fascist and fascists tend to make things up as they go. No morals
There are 2 groups of people I cannot tolerate [1] Liberals, [2] Neo-Cons.
You are the former and cannot address the fact that Ds and Rs are scum.
In your world, all Ds are angels; they suck as much as the Rs.
There are many honest Republicans who stood up to fascist trump
The topic you started is COVID; stick to the topic.
One of the things I hate about liberals is their lack of focus.
Do live you in a mental institution?
You failed to condemn fascists. So you are a fascist
I condemn fascists and their supporters-----like BLM.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
Go through this board. Count how many people here claim white people are victims of something being done by or for black people. Including this OP. Victimhood is claimed, day after day, BY PEOPLE SUPPORTING THE GOP. These issues that are brought up ad nauseum are like catnip FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
We are victims, asshole. What do you call Affirmative Action if not persecution of white people?
On average, Black households in the U.S. with heads who have completed a college degree have less net worth than white households headed by someone with less than a high school education.

Why it matters: It is only after completing advanced post-college work that the median Black household surpasses the median white household's net worth for a head with only a high school degree.

Even then, the average Black earner has about half as much wealth as the average white earner with just a college degree
I take it that you believe that's proof of racism.
Does racism exist?
Wether it exists or not, your post isn't evidence of it.
Do you believe racism exists?
racism exist(ed)(s) thruout the world and thruout human history
agreeing with that ^^^ statement does nothing to render your "blame it
on racism" obsession credible
Your two comrades here have not answered the question
the question about the Jan 6 nonevent? I survived the 60s and several
riots in other eras. Jan 6 was a NONEVENT----it was rendered an event
POLITICALLY by DA LEFT. I am a registered democrat
You don't think the President of the United States asking his supporters to stop the certification of the election win of his opponent something they did by breaking into the capitol is an event?
I BELIEVE that he wanted a demonstration in that direction but NOT violence and riot
Criminal Activity

Oath Keepers members have not limited their activities to spouting extreme anti‐government conspiracy theories as a number of people associated with the Oath Keepers have been involved in criminal incidents since its founding in 2009.

Some of these incidents include:

Washington, D.C., January 2021: At least nine people associated with the Oath Keepers have been charged with conspiracy in connection with the January 6 attack, with prosecutors alleging that the defendants coordinated to travel to Washington, D.C., breach the Capitol and disrupt the certification of the 2020 election.

Bay County, Florida, October 2018: A group identifying themselves as Oath Keepers were arrested after violating curfew and for openly carrying a firearm. The five members were driving around Mexico Beach “patrolling” the aftermath of Hurricane Michael in a Ford automobile that was decorated to look like a patrol cruiser; every member wore military-style clothing, including one vest that read “tactical officer.”

Peoria, Arizona, January 2016: Jon Ritzheimer, a former member of the Oath Keepers, voluntarily surrendered to local authorities. He subsequently pleaded guilty in August 2016 to a felony charge of federal conspiracy to impede federal workers for his prominent role in the 2016 armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. In November 2017, Ritzheimer was sentenced to spend a year and a day in federal prison.

Springdale, Washington, December 2015: Schuyler Barbeau, who was filmed in at least one video while wearing Oath Keeper attire and shared several posts in favor of Oath Keeper Charles Dyer (see below), was arrested after he tried to sell a short-barreled rifle he had converted into an illegal machine gun to an individual secretly working with law enforcement. Barbeau pleaded guilty to possessing a machine gun and was sentenced to 27 months in prison in September 2017.

Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2015: Nevada Oath Keeper (and Bundy standoff participant) Richard Lee Cook was arrested and indicted on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Cook had previous convictions for possessing stolen property, grand larceny and attempted possession of a controlled substance.

Greenwood, Delaware, February 2015: Oath Keeper Matthew Opaliski was charged with three counts of dealing firearms without a license and two counts of unlawful transfer of firearms after he allegedly sold, traded or gave firearms to a person who was not a Delaware resident. Opaliski subsequently pleaded guilty to one count of dealing firearms without a license and was sentenced in July 2016 to one year and one day in prison.

Brentwood, New Hampshire, February 2013: Federal authorities charged open carry activist and Oath Keeper Johnathon Irish with five felonies stemming from an investigation into the alleged sales of homemade assault rifles to undercover agents. As part of a December 2014 plea agreement, Irish admitted to lying to authorities. He also admitted to persuading his girlfriend to purchase assault rifle parts for him in order to avoid a background check. In return, prosecutors agreed not to re‐impose the other three charges, which had been recently dropped, against Irish. In February 2015, Irish was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Herndon, Virginia, July 2013: Gun rights activist and Oath Keeper Adam Kokesh was arrested in Washington, D.C., on weapon charges after a search warrant on his Virginia home turned up firearms and illegal drugs. In a separate incident, the U.S. Park Police arrested Kokesh for bearing arms at the Freedom Plaza in violation of Washington D.C. law by loading a shotgun. A District of Columbia judge sentenced Kokesh to two years’ probation on the shotgun charge in November 2013. In September 2014, following an Alford plea by Kokesh, a Fairfax County, Virginia, judge ordered a suspended sentence for the warrant‐related felony drug and gun charges. In cases of an Alford plea, a defendant does not admit guilt, but acknowledges that prosecutors have enough evidence for a conviction. Prior to his arrest, Kokesh claimed to be an Oath Keeper and promoted the Oath Keepers through his radio talk show, “Adam vs. the Man.”

Westfield, Massachusetts, March 2011: Oath Keeper David M. Phillips was arrested in Massachusetts on charges of possession of ammunition without the required Firearms Identification Card and four counts of possession of a large capacity firearm feeding device. The charges followed a March 2011 vehicle stop by the Worcester Police Department due to an invalid license plate and driving with excessive speed. When questioned, Phillips allegedly told the officer that he was exempt from having to register or insure his vehicle. The officer towed the vehicle after a check revealed that the vehicle registration and insurance had been cancelled. During an inventory search of the vehicle’s trunk, police found nine large‐capacity ammunition magazines along with 2,156 rounds of ammunition. Phillips was eventually convicted and sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

Dallas, Georgia, and Madisonville, Tennessee, April 2010: Darren Huff, a Georgia militia member and Oath Keeper, traveled to Tennessee with an AK‐47 and a .45 caliber Colt handgun in order to make “citizens arrests” of government officials who had refused demands to indict President Obama. He was charged with carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with intent to use it for civil disorder, as well as a second count of using a firearm in relation to another felony. He eventually reached a plea deal on local charges against him, pleading no contest to one charge in exchange for the state dropping other charges. A federal jury convicted him on the carrying a firearm charge but acquitted him of using a firearm in relation to another felony. In May 2012, a federal judge in Knoxville sentenced Huff to four years in prison.

Cleveland, Ohio, April 2010: Matthew Fairfield, president of the local Oath Keepers chapter, was arrested on a large number of explosives (and other) charges, including child pornography allegations. When executing a search warrant, law enforcement officers discovered a live napalm bomb and dozens of other explosives in a storage locker; he eventually was indicted on 97 different charges, including 18 counts of unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, 23 counts of receiving stolen property, 23 counts of possession of criminal tools, 10 counts of failure to secure dangerous ordnance, one count of perjury, and 21 counts of pandering obscenity involving child pornography. Following a 2011 no contest plea, Fairfield received a 16‐year sentence. In January 2019, Fairfield had an additional four years added to his sentence after officials determined that he interfered with another investigation.

Duncan, Oklahoma, January 2010: Charles Dyer, an Oklahoma Oath Keeper, was arrested by local law enforcement on charges of raping a young child; during his arrest, authorities also discovered an unregistered grenade launcher in his residence that had been stolen from a military base in California. Dyer failed to show up in court for his trial, becoming a fugitive. He was tracked down and arrested the following week in Houston, Texas, extradited back to Oklahoma, where (after several abortive attempts) he finally stood trial, was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Prior to his arrest, Dyer had posted a YouTube video in which Dyer, a former Marine, said, “Join the military? Depends on what you want to do with it. Me? I’m going to use my training and become one of those domestic terrorists that you’re so afraid of from the DHS reports.” He still has many supporters within the “Patriot” movement.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 2009: Daniel Knight Hayden, an Oath Keeper supporter, was arrested by the FBI after posting a series of Twitter messages threatening to attack Oklahoma officials (including police officers) on April 15 (Tax Day). He was subsequently convicted of knowingly transmitting a threatening communication and received an eight‐month sentence
So you've managed to come up with a total of 23 individuals associated with what you claim is large group that have been arrested for various crimes most of which were not political related. You could very probably come up with more members of the ACLU who have been arrested over the same period.
Same excuse used by BLM

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