Democrat Racism

Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.
Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.
Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.

Dismissing truth as 'bullshit", makes YOU dishonest.

There is no evidence of any discrimination. There is not a mass scale displacement of whites happening in the workforce or in colleges.

Unemployment rates, average pay rate, average college admission rate, and student body numbers, align or even exceed representation based on relative size of the white population compared to other groups on average.

Especially the black population, whose presence seems to disturb you.

Until you prove otherwise, your point is moot.

Yes....this is equality. Just not the version of what equality should look like to some individuals.

If you consider that a slap in the face of the 'hundreds of millions' of whites who supposedly have supported, "me and mine for generations", then get a tissue and start naming who they are, because "me and mine" have taken care of OURSELVES, for as far back as I can trace in my family tree.

Just what do you propose to "stop"? There is nothing that you nor those in the same financial bracket or less than you, can do to stop anything.

As you have implied, you are powerless because of "favoritism of "minorities by the left".....roflmao.

As far as whites participation in supporting AA, my parents nor did any of their siblings benefit from it, nor did I. I did not get a free education, or free shelter or any other "free shit", like you stereotyping bigots on this site often imply about the majority of black people.

I worked two jobs to pay for my education, and put my own kids through college, and plan on doing the same for my grandchildren.

I don't owe anyone shit, as far as gratitude and most people that I know don't either.

In fact, just as many, if not more white households have likely benefited from AA, due to the rise in white females earning more and having equal access to more management positions on average now than in past generations.

Former military personnel have benefitted from AA and the handicapped have benefitted from AA.

AA is not just a black and white initiative.

The initial benefits from AA that SOME blacks received at its introduction were received decades ago. And no, both political parties do not currently support the initiative.

I have said to you before, that you believe any positive gain by any black citizen in America, is at the expense of a white citizen, which in turn should be viewed with gratitude by every black citizen.

That is not equality either, that's self serving, egotistical bullshit

And It's really just a coded way of you stating a much different belief than you claim that you have.

You think that poor white and middle class people are victims who are getting screwed?

Going back to per capita yet again:

The AVERAGE white household in America has a higher net worth than nearly every other demographic except for Asians. So, on a relative basis, the people that you believe are victims, are far better off than the average family when compared side by side.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Addressing America's Most Pressing Epidemic

If you really believe that poor and middle class whites are getting screwed, then perhaps you should consider redirecting your political support towards voting out the very same fat cats that you voted in?

We need to stop supporting AA and it's ilk.

And we did redirect our political support. The moment we got someone who spoke to our interests.

ie Trump.

And what has he done lately for you unfortunate, disenfranchised, victimized, poor and middle class white males?
ROFLMAO! Who is "we"? And when has anyone of your kind of belief system ever supported AA?

1. We as in white Americans. And yes, we have supported "AA" is all it's various manifestations over the years. And look at the thanks we get for our sacrifice. Time to shut is down. Time to shut it ALL down.

2. As to what he has done, best labor market in decades.
Last month he only added 33,000 jobs. In 2016 obama added 200,000 jobs in March and you guys said that wasn’t good enough.

Great example of how you judge blacks and democrats more harshly that you do whites conservatives. 200 k jobs obama added, not good enough. Trump adds only 33,000, what’s your excuse?
Dismissing truth as 'bullshit", makes YOU dishonest.

There is no evidence of any discrimination. There is not a mass scale displacement of whites happening in the workforce or in colleges.

Unemployment rates, average pay rate, average college admission rate, and student body numbers, align or even exceed representation based on relative size of the white population compared to other groups on average.

Especially the black population, whose presence seems to disturb you.

Until you prove otherwise, your point is moot.

Yes....this is equality. Just not the version of what equality should look like to some individuals.

If you consider that a slap in the face of the 'hundreds of millions' of whites who supposedly have supported, "me and mine for generations", then get a tissue and start naming who they are, because "me and mine" have taken care of OURSELVES, for as far back as I can trace in my family tree.

Just what do you propose to "stop"? There is nothing that you nor those in the same financial bracket or less than you, can do to stop anything.

As you have implied, you are powerless because of "favoritism of "minorities by the left".....roflmao.

As far as whites participation in supporting AA, my parents nor did any of their siblings benefit from it, nor did I. I did not get a free education, or free shelter or any other "free shit", like you stereotyping bigots on this site often imply about the majority of black people.

I worked two jobs to pay for my education, and put my own kids through college, and plan on doing the same for my grandchildren.

I don't owe anyone shit, as far as gratitude and most people that I know don't either.

In fact, just as many, if not more white households have likely benefited from AA, due to the rise in white females earning more and having equal access to more management positions on average now than in past generations.

Former military personnel have benefitted from AA and the handicapped have benefitted from AA.

AA is not just a black and white initiative.

The initial benefits from AA that SOME blacks received at its introduction were received decades ago. And no, both political parties do not currently support the initiative.

I have said to you before, that you believe any positive gain by any black citizen in America, is at the expense of a white citizen, which in turn should be viewed with gratitude by every black citizen.

That is not equality either, that's self serving, egotistical bullshit

And It's really just a coded way of you stating a much different belief than you claim that you have.

You think that poor white and middle class people are victims who are getting screwed?

Going back to per capita yet again:

The AVERAGE white household in America has a higher net worth than nearly every other demographic except for Asians. So, on a relative basis, the people that you believe are victims, are far better off than the average family when compared side by side.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Addressing America's Most Pressing Epidemic

If you really believe that poor and middle class whites are getting screwed, then perhaps you should consider redirecting your political support towards voting out the very same fat cats that you voted in?

We need to stop supporting AA and it's ilk.

And we did redirect our political support. The moment we got someone who spoke to our interests.

ie Trump.
It’s not called that anymore. CEOs are pledging to be more diverse. And to recognize bias does play a role.

Don’t worry white men still dominate

I dont' care about other "white men" dominating or not.

I want equal treatment for me and mine.

Why are you refusing to address my actual position?

No one is refusing to address your position. Up to now, you have not really illustrated in a way that is clearly defined how YOU personally are not receiving equal treatment.

Sealy just misrepresented what I said, and addressed that.

That is him refusing to address my actual position.

YOur denial of that fact is idiocy.
Equality and fairness means you white men only get the job 60% of the time. Right now you get the job 95% of the time. You want it more fair? Then you’ll win the job less times.

There is a woman coach in college in the final 4. 99% of men’s NCAA basketball coaches are white men. So why aren’t 99% of coaches in women’s basketball women?
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..

But Democrats made slavery an institution.

No, WHITES made slavery an institution.

If I where black these days I’d be grateful one of my ancestors was sold, by the strong blacks in Africa who had them already had them enslaved, because Africa is a shity place to live.

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There is some truth to what you say. Even for blacks this is one of the best places in the world to live. Canada is nice too. Australia too.

So whatever horrible history my Greek ancestors had, it led to my parents fucking in early 1970 and me born late 1970.

Sure I was born in Detroit but I made something of myself. Step 1 was to get the fuck out of Detroit

Unfortunately you where correct because Detroit was a thriving hub for America and the 1000’s of jobs that supported family. It’s a total shit hole at this point.

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We need to stop supporting AA and it's ilk.

And we did redirect our political support. The moment we got someone who spoke to our interests.

ie Trump.
It’s not called that anymore. CEOs are pledging to be more diverse. And to recognize bias does play a role.

Don’t worry white men still dominate

I dont' care about other "white men" dominating or not.

I want equal treatment for me and mine.

Why are you refusing to address my actual position?

No one is refusing to address your position. Up to now, you have not really illustrated in a way that is clearly defined how YOU personally are not receiving equal treatment.

Sealy just misrepresented what I said, and addressed that.

That is him refusing to address my actual position.

YOur denial of that fact is idiocy.
Equality and fairness means you white men only get the job 60% of the time. Right now you get the job 95% of the time. You want it more fair? Then you’ll win the job less times.

There is a woman coach in college in the final 4. 99% of men’s NCAA basketball coaches are white men. So why aren’t 99% of coaches in women’s basketball women?

They could be transgenders you 'racist.'
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..

But Democrats made slavery an institution.

No, WHITES made slavery an institution.

If I where black these days I’d be grateful one of my ancestors was sold, by the strong blacks in Africa who had them already had them enslaved, because Africa is a shity place to live.

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There is some truth to what you say. Even for blacks this is one of the best places in the world to live. Canada is nice too. Australia too.

So whatever horrible history my Greek ancestors had, it led to my parents fucking in early 1970 and me born late 1970.

Sure I was born in Detroit but I made something of myself. Step 1 was to get the fuck out of Detroit

There is no truth to what this asshole said. You don't speak for us white boy.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..

But Democrats made slavery an institution.

No, WHITES made slavery an institution.

If I where black these days I’d be grateful one of my ancestors was sold, by the strong blacks in Africa who had them already had them enslaved, because Africa is a shity place to live.

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There is some truth to what you say. Even for blacks this is one of the best places in the world to live. Canada is nice too. Australia too.

So whatever horrible history my Greek ancestors had, it led to my parents fucking in early 1970 and me born late 1970.

Sure I was born in Detroit but I made something of myself. Step 1 was to get the fuck out of Detroit

Unfortunately you where correct because Detroit was a thriving hub for America and the 1000’s of jobs that supported family. It’s a total shit hole at this point.

And I bet you don't know how that happened but I am sure you have an opinion. Sealybobo lives there and doesn't know.

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Exactly. Whites here don't seem to get the fact they alone don't get to define a bad community. I'd feel safer in Detroit than every one of these all white "low crime" rural towns that surround where I live now.

There are encouraging signs: There’s a growing number of states and cities that prohibit questions about salary history on job applications, as a potential solution to wage discrimination. Nationally, there are increasing numbers of minorities in the managerial pipeline, greater public awareness of income inequality, and the emergence of the #MeToo movement. Many people, especially Millennials, agree and believe that black lives matter. And more corporations are acknowledging that they need to do better on diversity.

To continue to improve, we need identify corporate leaders in diversity. The Center for Employment Equity at UMass Amherst is one group that is making EEOC data easily accessible to the general public. Companies can (and should) examine their own industry performance and look for ways to improve.

Because despite the expansive growth of the U.S. economy over the past 40 years, diversity hiring has not kept pace. Bottom line, if racial and gender minorities think they perceive limited advancement opportunities — the so-called “glass ceiling” — they are right.

We already know this sealybobo.
I may be a white ignorant prejudice bigot but I'm not a racist. I too hope one day we achieve Dr. MLK's dream of equality and fairness. Why wouldn't I? The only reason I would be against those things is if I thought I couldn't compete or because I want an unfair advantage.

Even on TV we can tell there is bias against black people. Do white people see blacks as leaders? Lets use Star Trek as an example. Are whites ever going to let blacks lead? Apparently not.







nope nope

You're really not any of those things. But you are not black. Therefore you should stop trying to tell blacks your age how things are for blacks. There are some things we happen to know about being black that you just might not.
everything you say makes sense.

I just wish you would acknowledge that for the poorest Americans regardless of race a few things seem to be a consistent denominator.

1. Fatherlessness. Regardless of color we see most poor people or criminals didn’t have fathers. Please stop denying fatherlessness is a key problem for poor kids. We all know it is. Hell it even fucks up middle class and rich kids so of course it really fucks up a kid born into poverty.

2. Lack of education. Ben Carson proves a naturally talented black can make it in America. But what about the poor black kids who go to bad inner city schools? I went to a Detroit public school. When I moved to a white neighborhood my counselor told my mom the only thing I learned was what she taught me. I may as well been homes schooled. So I personally know blacks aren’t being given an equal education but half of the blame is on the parents, right?

I don't have to acknowledge anything that doesn't consider racism when we talk about blacks. There are way more black people out there with talent than Ben Carson. You keep trying to make me admit to things as you see it. School funding formulas are based on property value. Black kids in the inner city are going to get an inferior education if they have mom, dad, grandma and grandpa there with them as long as schools in the inner cities get less funds than those in the suburbs. Thank redlining and continuing racist housing policy for that.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..

But Democrats made slavery an institution.

No, WHITES made slavery an institution.

White Democrats

White people.
We already know this sealybobo.
I may be a white ignorant prejudice bigot but I'm not a racist. I too hope one day we achieve Dr. MLK's dream of equality and fairness. Why wouldn't I? The only reason I would be against those things is if I thought I couldn't compete or because I want an unfair advantage.

Even on TV we can tell there is bias against black people. Do white people see blacks as leaders? Lets use Star Trek as an example. Are whites ever going to let blacks lead? Apparently not.







nope nope

You're really not any of those things. But you are not black. Therefore you should stop trying to tell blacks your age how things are for blacks. There are some things we happen to know about being black that you just might not.
Do you consider your self not equal to whites??

That's a dumb ass question. Try again.
So why can’t we treat you equally

Ask other white people that.
I don't blame poor blacks for conditions that are the root cause of the problem.

Everything you say is the problem isn't. Blacks are in the ghettos working while their money sits in backs and used for loans to develop white communities or suburbs. You can call bullshit all you want but whites make up 70 percent of all arrests nationally every year. It's funny, but when I lived in Portland, I'd watch the local news. I would watch multiple crimes happening in the suburbs nightly. Rapes, assaults battery's, robberies, vandalism, and sometimes murder. There were suburban gang fights, all of it. Then you get a killing on the NE side with 2-3 days of coverage until they got to show clips from the funeral then back to normal coverage.

When I left Portland and moved to KC, I saw the same type of coverage. There was all kinds of crimes going on in the burbs. No outrage, why their communities were all safer than the ghetto even though the local news showed a different picture.

So I did something crazy with some friends. We stood for 24 hours in what was then one of the supposed top 10 unsafe hoods in this country. The media even covered some of it. Nothing happened, it wasn't even close. I've walked late nights in hoods in KC, Portland, DC, New Orleans, Dallas, LA, and St. Louis during my life, never any harm. My best friend went to visit his daughter in Detroit. At the time he had a brand new car. He went clubbing in the hood and got so drunk he passed out in his car. He woke up in the morning and drove to his daughters house. He and his car unscratched. So you call bullshit all you want, but what I see in those places are people trying to survive on little or nothing. And all they need is for you fucked up whites with banks, cash registers, and government coffers filled with our money in them to use some of it to redevelop these communities utilizing the people in it. Not like Detroit who paid young white entrepreneurs to come in out of the suburbs.

Ditto. I felt safer when I used to travel on business in black neighborhoods after sunset than I did in rural areas of different states. Since you live in the midwest in Kansas City, I'm.sure you've heard of sundown towns like Cape Girardeau and Sikeston Missouri.

I would not be in either of those places for a minute after nightfall.

But I've been on the streets of Oakland, Fillmore, parts of Brooklyn, Harlem, Philadelphia, and the southside of Chicago very late at night and never had a problem.

Exactly. Whites here don't seem to get the fact they alone don't get to define a bad community. I'd feel safer in Detroit than every one of these all white "low crime" rural towns that surround where I live now.

Then you’re an idiot

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No, because you don't have to deal with rural white supremacists.

I live in rural Louisiana and never seen nor knew anyone that knew a “white supremacist”. Black and white folks get along great in the rural South. It’s the City Urban Blacks who buy into the Democrat lies because they’re easily hateful and ignorant.

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Stop lying. My fathers side of the family is from rural Louisiana. Gilbert. Rural blacks and whites do not get along great. David Duke is from Louisiana.
I don't blame poor blacks for conditions that are the root cause of the problem.

Everything you say is the problem isn't. Blacks are in the ghettos working while their money sits in backs and used for loans to develop white communities or suburbs. You can call bullshit all you want but whites make up 70 percent of all arrests nationally every year. It's funny, but when I lived in Portland, I'd watch the local news. I would watch multiple crimes happening in the suburbs nightly. Rapes, assaults battery's, robberies, vandalism, and sometimes murder. There were suburban gang fights, all of it. Then you get a killing on the NE side with 2-3 days of coverage until they got to show clips from the funeral then back to normal coverage.

When I left Portland and moved to KC, I saw the same type of coverage. There was all kinds of crimes going on in the burbs. No outrage, why their communities were all safer than the ghetto even though the local news showed a different picture.

So I did something crazy with some friends. We stood for 24 hours in what was then one of the supposed top 10 unsafe hoods in this country. The media even covered some of it. Nothing happened, it wasn't even close. I've walked late nights in hoods in KC, Portland, DC, New Orleans, Dallas, LA, and St. Louis during my life, never any harm. My best friend went to visit his daughter in Detroit. At the time he had a brand new car. He went clubbing in the hood and got so drunk he passed out in his car. He woke up in the morning and drove to his daughters house. He and his car unscratched. So you call bullshit all you want, but what I see in those places are people trying to survive on little or nothing. And all they need is for you fucked up whites with banks, cash registers, and government coffers filled with our money in them to use some of it to redevelop these communities utilizing the people in it. Not like Detroit who paid young white entrepreneurs to come in out of the suburbs.

Ditto. I felt safer when I used to travel on business in black neighborhoods after sunset than I did in rural areas of different states. Since you live in the midwest in Kansas City, I'm.sure you've heard of sundown towns like Cape Girardeau and Sikeston Missouri.

I would not be in either of those places for a minute after nightfall.

But I've been on the streets of Oakland, Fillmore, parts of Brooklyn, Harlem, Philadelphia, and the southside of Chicago very late at night and never had a problem.

Exactly. Whites here don't seem to get the fact they alone don't get to define a bad community. I'd feel safer in Detroit than every one of these all white "low crime" rural towns that surround where I live now.

Then you’re an idiot

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Well now lets consider how the white cops will treat him after dark in our nice neighborhoods. You can't deny police target young black males after dark. It actually keeps criminals in Detroit from coming to the suburbs where there is a lot more money. They are afraid of the cops.

DWB is real and a part of me is glad because it keeps the black on white crime lower than it would be if it were not a thing. You dig?

Police target blacks in white neighborhoods at night, so would I that’s common sense, just like I wouldn’t walk in the black neighborhoods at night because the blacks would rob or kill me. Also police would target white people in a black neighborhood at night because they’re probably looking for dope. Nothing personal just business it’s call common sense. You dig?

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Whites don't have to go to the hood to look for dope. Whites supply the dope. If I walk in a white neighborhood, I could get beaten and killed by cop just for walking. Whites commit more crime, so police should not be targeting blacks in white communities.
There is no truth to what this asshole said. You don't speak for us white boy.

Racist garbage....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That's what you are.

No that's what you are. You hate skin color, that's racist. Unless, of course, you are racist enough to declare one skin color more 'entitled' than another. Either way it's racist.
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..

But Democrats made slavery an institution.

No, WHITES made slavery an institution.

If I where black these days I’d be grateful one of my ancestors was sold, by the strong blacks in Africa who had them already had them enslaved, because Africa is a shity place to live.

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And that's why you ain't black these days. Because we know the truth.
Whites don't have to go to the hood to look for dope. Whites supply the dope. If I walk in a white neighborhood, I could get beaten and killed by cop just for walking. Whites commit more crime, so police should not be targeting blacks in white communities.

Oh please, I lived in a black area and they supplied the dope. I had a white friend beat to a pulp by a bunch of blacks after dark on the main drag in town because he ordered a hamburger at the restaurant in their 'hood'.....Blacks used to walk down the middle of the street in the adjacent predominately white neighborhoods and no one did anything or said a word. I have lived on both sides. Black home owners are just like white home owners, they have a job a family and take pride in their neighborhood. I lived in one of those neighborhoods as a white. Everyone was kind and caring. The main streets, however, were populated by drug pushers and whores. I liked living there actually. I just avoided the main drag after sundown.
There is no truth to what this asshole said. You don't speak for us white boy.

Racist garbage....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That's what you are.

No that's what you are. You hate skin color, that's racist. Unless, of course, you are racist enough to declare one skin color more 'entitled' than another. Either way it's racist.

When you find where I have said I hate whites let me know. Because me telling a white person they don't speak for us is not racist.
Whites don't have to go to the hood to look for dope. Whites supply the dope. If I walk in a white neighborhood, I could get beaten and killed by cop just for walking. Whites commit more crime, so police should not be targeting blacks in white communities.

Oh please, I lived in a black area and they supplied the dope. I had a white friend beat to a pulp by a bunch of blacks after dark on the main drag in town because he ordered a hamburger at the restaurant in their 'hood'.....Blacks used to walk down the middle of the street in the adjacent predominately white neighborhoods and no one did anything or said a word. I have lived on both sides. Black home owners are just like white home owners, they have a job a family and take pride in their neighborhood. I lived in one of those neighborhoods as a white. Everyone was kind and caring. The main streets, however, were populated by drug pushers and whores. I liked living there actually. I just avoided the main drag after sundown.

No those blacks get the dope from someone. And the drugs enter our country by means of shipping. So you name me a black owned ship line, black owned airline, Freight Train company, bus line or trucking line. We all can tell stories but one friend of mine was found drowned in a all white town. Another set on fire, another murdered by a white man in another small all white town. Look son, we all know the record. Whites are responsible for millions of killings and beatings since this has been a country. So all this psychosis on display here by whites like you is pitiful.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..

But Democrats made slavery an institution.

No, WHITES made slavery an institution.

If I where black these days I’d be grateful one of my ancestors was sold, by the strong blacks in Africa who had them already had them enslaved, because Africa is a shity place to live.

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There is some truth to what you say. Even for blacks this is one of the best places in the world to live. Canada is nice too. Australia too.

So whatever horrible history my Greek ancestors had, it led to my parents fucking in early 1970 and me born late 1970.

Sure I was born in Detroit but I made something of myself. Step 1 was to get the fuck out of Detroit

There is no truth to what this asshole said. You don't speak for us white boy.

He’s not speaking for you boy he’s successful. Instead of complaining and sitting in shit he pick up his balls and improved his life. Plus Gilbert has a population of 531 70% white, 30% black. 82% crime done are black. I would like them either that high numbers in such a small village.

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Ditto. I felt safer when I used to travel on business in black neighborhoods after sunset than I did in rural areas of different states. Since you live in the midwest in Kansas City, I'm.sure you've heard of sundown towns like Cape Girardeau and Sikeston Missouri.

I would not be in either of those places for a minute after nightfall.

But I've been on the streets of Oakland, Fillmore, parts of Brooklyn, Harlem, Philadelphia, and the southside of Chicago very late at night and never had a problem.

Exactly. Whites here don't seem to get the fact they alone don't get to define a bad community. I'd feel safer in Detroit than every one of these all white "low crime" rural towns that surround where I live now.

Then you’re an idiot

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No, because you don't have to deal with rural white supremacists.

I live in rural Louisiana and never seen nor knew anyone that knew a “white supremacist”. Black and white folks get along great in the rural South. It’s the City Urban Blacks who buy into the Democrat lies because they’re easily hateful and ignorant.

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Stop lying. My fathers side of the family is from rural Louisiana. Gilbert. Rural blacks and whites do not get along great. David Duke is from Louisiana.

They do where I’m from everyone are very polite and talk to each other. As a matter of fact any crime her is black on black. Do black people secretly hate each other. And one man does make a whole state racist dumbass lol

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