Democrat Racism

Exactly. Whites here don't seem to get the fact they alone don't get to define a bad community. I'd feel safer in Detroit than every one of these all white "low crime" rural towns that surround where I live now.

There are encouraging signs: There’s a growing number of states and cities that prohibit questions about salary history on job applications, as a potential solution to wage discrimination. Nationally, there are increasing numbers of minorities in the managerial pipeline, greater public awareness of income inequality, and the emergence of the #MeToo movement. Many people, especially Millennials, agree and believe that black lives matter. And more corporations are acknowledging that they need to do better on diversity.

To continue to improve, we need identify corporate leaders in diversity. The Center for Employment Equity at UMass Amherst is one group that is making EEOC data easily accessible to the general public. Companies can (and should) examine their own industry performance and look for ways to improve.

Because despite the expansive growth of the U.S. economy over the past 40 years, diversity hiring has not kept pace. Bottom line, if racial and gender minorities think they perceive limited advancement opportunities — the so-called “glass ceiling” — they are right.

We already know this sealybobo.
I may be a white ignorant prejudice bigot but I'm not a racist. I too hope one day we achieve Dr. MLK's dream of equality and fairness. Why wouldn't I? The only reason I would be against those things is if I thought I couldn't compete or because I want an unfair advantage.

Even on TV we can tell there is bias against black people. Do white people see blacks as leaders? Lets use Star Trek as an example. Are whites ever going to let blacks lead? Apparently not.







nope nope

Mmm, you were saying?

What’s his name? No one knows. White people couldnt relate with the main character. See? Bias. Lol


And I had no problem relating to him. Better than I did that moron Picard.

Deep Space Nine lasted six years, hardly a failure by any reasonable definition.
Sealy just misrepresented what I said, and addressed that.

That is him refusing to address my actual position.

YOur denial of that fact is idiocy.
Equality and fairness means you white men only get the job 60% of the time. Right now you get the job 95% of the time. You want it more fair? Then you’ll win the job less times.

There is a woman coach in college in the final 4. 99% of men’s NCAA basketball coaches are white men. So why aren’t 99% of coaches in women’s basketball women?

Equality and fairnerss means that we white men are judged as individuals for the job, based on our merits, and not discriminated against because of the color of our skin.

As to the coaches, I don't know. I do know that unequal outcome is not proof of discrimination.

White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.
You think they are more qualified whites. See? Bias.

Please support that crazy statement.

I find it funny for years you told blacks they were crazy when they told you this “liberal political” class was discriminating against them. You denied, denied, denied it discriminated against black people, or women.

The Political Class, Corporate leadership, Federal and State and local governments, pretty much every large organization, has a stated policy and a program in place to discriminate in FAVOR of minorities and women.

So, yeah, I tell them they are crazy when they say that these people discriminate AGAINST them. Do you think the leadership of Google is discriminating against minorities or against whites?

But you totally see the system discriminates against your people, the people with all the money and power. You say we are the ones being hurt. Funny shit

Why is it funny? That white guy that goggle fired. They lied about what he said and fired him based on their insane delusions.
We need to stop supporting AA and it's ilk.

And we did redirect our political support. The moment we got someone who spoke to our interests.

ie Trump.

And what has he done lately for you unfortunate, disenfranchised, victimized, poor and middle class white males?
ROFLMAO! Who is "we"? And when has anyone of your kind of belief system ever supported AA?

1. We as in white Americans. And yes, we have supported "AA" is all it's various manifestations over the years. And look at the thanks we get for our sacrifice. Time to shut is down. Time to shut it ALL down.

2. As to what he has done, best labor market in decades.

Not ALL white Americans were in support of affirmative action was it was signed into law. There was not an option other than compliance.

Normally, citizens are not "thanked" for complying with the law, nor should they be.

Especially if they reap some benefits from the law as well.

Compliance with the law, does not translate to support.

Sure. It is currently an improved labor market...... for some.

The stage was set for improvement.prior to the current administration.

1. Whites in both political parties have been voting in strong majorities for pro-AA candidates for generations.

2. Best labor market in decades. Makes sense with his platform on immigration.
A recession is coming.


I'm more concerned about changing the underlying trends.

A labor market does not have to go shitty, just because of a small downturn. NOt if employers dont' have access to unlimited Third World labor.
Equality and fairness means you white men only get the job 60% of the time. Right now you get the job 95% of the time. You want it more fair? Then you’ll win the job less times.

There is a woman coach in college in the final 4. 99% of men’s NCAA basketball coaches are white men. So why aren’t 99% of coaches in women’s basketball women?

Equality and fairnerss means that we white men are judged as individuals for the job, based on our merits, and not discriminated against because of the color of our skin.

As to the coaches, I don't know. I do know that unequal outcome is not proof of discrimination.

White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.
That's a dumb ass question. Try again.
So why can’t we treat you equally

Ask other white people that.
You are the one that said it.. “stop telling blacks” lol
Why should blacks be treated differently?

Why are you a racist? When you can be honest enough with yourself to answer that question you'll learn how you treat us differently.
And if he represents what conservatives believe that’s evidence we need to force companies to be more socially responsible and diverse

“ socially responsible and diverse “ are radical-left terms. They are part of the neo-marxist ‘word-salad’ being foisted upon the public by the now leftist radical Democrat propaganda machine and their sycopant MSM.
Equality and fairnerss means that we white men are judged as individuals for the job, based on our merits, and not discriminated against because of the color of our skin.

As to the coaches, I don't know. I do know that unequal outcome is not proof of discrimination.

White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.
White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.

There is some truth to what you say. Even for blacks this is one of the best places in the world to live. Canada is nice too. Australia too.

So whatever horrible history my Greek ancestors had, it led to my parents fucking in early 1970 and me born late 1970.

Sure I was born in Detroit but I made something of myself. Step 1 was to get the fuck out of Detroit

There is no truth to what this asshole said. You don't speak for us white boy.

He’s not speaking for you boy he’s successful. Instead of complaining and sitting in shit he pick up his balls and improved his life.

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He can't speak for me. And you really need not tell us your life story. If you're sitting in shit that's your problem saltine. As for me, I am more successful than you may ever be.

Lol then you’re one of the few there’s not many blue gums more successful then me, but if you are you’re boing quite well congratulations. I’m in sales I sell mortgage loan, essentially I sell money. What do you sell?

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I don't sell anything. But I did hold a life/health/annuities license and a stockbrokers license.

It kinda helped me to plan my own financial future.

You just need to drop the ignorant assumptions white boy.

I just saw where you put “sales” under your occupation. Man you blacks are sensitive racists. Geez

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There is no truth to what this asshole said. You don't speak for us white boy.

He’s not speaking for you boy he’s successful. Instead of complaining and sitting in shit he pick up his balls and improved his life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He can't speak for me. And you really need not tell us your life story. If you're sitting in shit that's your problem saltine. As for me, I am more successful than you may ever be.

Lol then you’re one of the few there’s not many blue gums more successful then me, but if you are you’re boing quite well congratulations. I’m in sales I sell mortgage loan, essentially I sell money. What do you sell?

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I don't sell anything. But I did hold a life/health/annuities license and a stockbrokers license.

It kinda helped me to plan my own financial future.

You just need to drop the ignorant assumptions white boy.
You are so racist

I told him he a sensitive racist. He acts like I said he was selling drugs. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He’s not speaking for you boy he’s successful. Instead of complaining and sitting in shit he pick up his balls and improved his life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He can't speak for me. And you really need not tell us your life story. If you're sitting in shit that's your problem saltine. As for me, I am more successful than you may ever be.

Lol then you’re one of the few there’s not many blue gums more successful then me, but if you are you’re boing quite well congratulations. I’m in sales I sell mortgage loan, essentially I sell money. What do you sell?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't sell anything. But I did hold a life/health/annuities license and a stockbrokers license.

It kinda helped me to plan my own financial future.

You just need to drop the ignorant assumptions white boy.
You are so racist

When I get called a blue gum the white boy who said that is going to get it back. I'm sure you just couldn't see him calling me a blue gum. That's how you racist maggots operate.

That not racist I’m a “white boy” like you called me first which is correct and you have xxxxxxxx what’s the problem? Geez

Racist comment edited out. Truth1253

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I live in rural Louisiana and never seen nor knew anyone that knew a “white supremacist”. Black and white folks get along great in the rural South. It’s the City Urban Blacks who buy into the Democrat lies because they’re easily hateful and ignorant.

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Stop lying. My fathers side of the family is from rural Louisiana. Gilbert. Rural blacks and whites do not get along great. David Duke is from Louisiana.

They do where I’m from everyone are very polite and talk to each other. As a matter of fact any crime her is black on black. Do black people secretly hate each other. And one man does make a whole state racist dumbass lol

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Now who exactly do you think you're trying to lie to boy? You've just wasted 4 sentences lying.

Try again. And this time try to remember that 1/2 of my family is from Louisiana. And that I know from being there that David Duke is not the only racist in your state.

Looka here boy what did I lie about?

Oh and I know David Duke ain’t the only racist in my state we have plenty of blacks and how you’re talking your family is some of them.

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You're the racist here bitch. And everything you said is a lie.

Remember we have eyes and good schooling.

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Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?

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Equality and fairness means you white men only get the job 60% of the time. Right now you get the job 95% of the time. You want it more fair? Then you’ll win the job less times.

There is a woman coach in college in the final 4. 99% of men’s NCAA basketball coaches are white men. So why aren’t 99% of coaches in women’s basketball women?

Equality and fairnerss means that we white men are judged as individuals for the job, based on our merits, and not discriminated against because of the color of our skin.

As to the coaches, I don't know. I do know that unequal outcome is not proof of discrimination.

White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.

I keep pointing out discrimination against whites, and you, instead of addressing that, point to unequal outcomes as though that proves something.

Are you really unaware that that does NOT prove anything?

And I think you are wrong about women.

You have not presented ANY empirical evidence that supports your position. You have not even related a single personal experience that has affected you.

You have only claimed that white people are being discriminated against.

And no. I am not wrong about women.
Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.
Equality and fairnerss means that we white men are judged as individuals for the job, based on our merits, and not discriminated against because of the color of our skin.

As to the coaches, I don't know. I do know that unequal outcome is not proof of discrimination.

White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.

I keep pointing out discrimination against whites, and you, instead of addressing that, point to unequal outcomes as though that proves something.

Are you really unaware that that does NOT prove anything?

And I think you are wrong about women.

You have not presented ANY empirical evidence that supports your position. You have not even related a single personal experience that has affected you.

You have only claimed that white people are being discriminated against.

And no. I am not wrong about women.

Well, maybe your personal experience with women has been far shittier than mine. I stand by my position on women.

And please don't pretend that your problem is that you don't believe in the massive and public consensus in support of "aa" and diversity and all that shit.

You refuse to admit it, not because you are unaware of it, but because you support it, and the only way to do that is to lie about it.
I can only say one thing to NED. GET ER DONE!!!
That's our goal too. For white men to stop getting PREFERENTIAL treatment.

Dude. Seriously.

You just spent pages talking about how CEO's are so determined to hire and promote minorities based on their being minorities, not on their qualifications.

If you discriminate in favor of minorities, you are discriminating against whites.

Please stop being crazy.

My brother deals with this. It is difficult to find a woman or minority to make them a VP. Not a lot of qualified women or minorities to choose from. And when you find one they get stolen away for more money because other companies want a qualified black or woman so they can show how diverse they are.

We're just asking companies to be aware of their bias. It may account for SOME of the reasons why there are so few minorities and women in the executive boardroom.

Don't worry dude, we still dominate. TOTALLY dominate. Name the black Trump's

Seriously. My concern is not whether rich white men "dominate". It is whether middle class and poor whites are being discriminated against.

That you refuse to actually address my actual position, is an admission on your part. Do you see that?

No we are not being discriminated against. Twisted logic.

Whites have actually made gains. The workforce was a little diverse for a second but things are actually getting more white.

You talk about your brother struggling to find qualified minorities to make VP.

How many white VPs, has he passed over for a less qualified minority candidate, in the name of increasing "diversity"?

That is anti-white discrimination.

Honestly, there were no better qualified white males in the company. They were thinking about going outside the company to find someone. They ended up taking a chance on this internal woman. Had they picked a white guy internally they would have been taking a chance too.

You just don’t like it that they are trying to be fair. Fairness to you sounds like discrimination.

Don’t worry about the 6 figure white guys who didn’t get the big break. They’ve been getting them for centuries. Still are.
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Stop lying. My fathers side of the family is from rural Louisiana. Gilbert. Rural blacks and whites do not get along great. David Duke is from Louisiana.

They do where I’m from everyone are very polite and talk to each other. As a matter of fact any crime her is black on black. Do black people secretly hate each other. And one man does make a whole state racist dumbass lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Now who exactly do you think you're trying to lie to boy? You've just wasted 4 sentences lying.

Try again. And this time try to remember that 1/2 of my family is from Louisiana. And that I know from being there that David Duke is not the only racist in your state.

Looka here boy what did I lie about?

Oh and I know David Duke ain’t the only racist in my state we have plenty of blacks and how you’re talking your family is some of them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're the racist here bitch. And everything you said is a lie.

Remember we have eyes and good schooling.

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But your parents did a horrible job raising a good person
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.
If we explained how and why outcomes matter and how discrimination still exists it would be wasted time I could be doing something better.
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Dude. Seriously.

You just spent pages talking about how CEO's are so determined to hire and promote minorities based on their being minorities, not on their qualifications.

If you discriminate in favor of minorities, you are discriminating against whites.

Please stop being crazy.

My brother deals with this. It is difficult to find a woman or minority to make them a VP. Not a lot of qualified women or minorities to choose from. And when you find one they get stolen away for more money because other companies want a qualified black or woman so they can show how diverse they are.

We're just asking companies to be aware of their bias. It may account for SOME of the reasons why there are so few minorities and women in the executive boardroom.

Don't worry dude, we still dominate. TOTALLY dominate. Name the black Trump's

Seriously. My concern is not whether rich white men "dominate". It is whether middle class and poor whites are being discriminated against.

That you refuse to actually address my actual position, is an admission on your part. Do you see that?

No we are not being discriminated against. Twisted logic.

Whites have actually made gains. The workforce was a little diverse for a second but things are actually getting more white.

You talk about your brother struggling to find qualified minorities to make VP.

How many white VPs, has he passed over for a less qualified minority candidate, in the name of increasing "diversity"?

That is anti-white discrimination.

Honestly, there were no better qualified white males in the company. They were thinking about going outside the company to find someone. They ended up taking a chance on this internal woman. Had they picked a white guy internally they would have been taking a chance too.

You just don’t like it that they are trying to be fair. Fairness to you sounds like discrimination.

Don’t worry about the 6 figure white guys who didn’t get the big break. They’ve been getting them for centuries. Still are.

They took a chance on a less qualified minority candidate than hiring someone better qualified from outside.

Because of her skin color, and gender.

That is not fair. That is discriminating against white males.

Your class envy is noted and held against you.

Your pretense that this is an isolated incident and not something that is going on at all levels of society, all the time, is also held against you.

You are the one supporting this bigotry and discrimination. That you have the nerve to preach to those you are discriminating against with bullshit about "fairness", is you being not a very nice person.

Question: If someone fucked you for no reason, and had the nerve to attack you for not sucking it up like a good little bitch, how would you respond?

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