Democrat Racism

White men hold the vast majority of managerial positions in the workforce in lower,middle and upper management and are typically compensated within the middle third quartile of their pay scale.

There is no credible evidence out there that they are not being judged fairly by employers.

Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.

I keep pointing out discrimination against whites, and you, instead of addressing that, point to unequal outcomes as though that proves something.

Are you really unaware that that does NOT prove anything?

And I think you are wrong about women.

You have not presented ANY empirical evidence that supports your position. You have not even related a single personal experience that has affected you.

You have only claimed that white people are being discriminated against.

And no. I am not wrong about women.

Well, maybe your personal experience with women has been far shittier than mine. I stand by my position on women.

And please don't pretend that your problem is that you don't believe in the massive and public consensus in support of "aa" and diversity and all that shit.

You refuse to admit it, not because you are unaware of it, but because you support it, and the only way to do that is to lie about it.

I refuse to admit what doesn't exist. And actually, my experience with women overall has been great.

During my own career, I supported and endorsed women being on equal footing with men. And guess where the resistance came from that I got.....from insecure, underachieving, mediocre white males like you, who believed that by default, they were entitled.

And as far as YOU go, you need to stop blaming the existence of equality on your belief that you are somehow being marginalized.

Doing so, does not improve your chances for success.

You have yet to prove that blacks or any other minority are being favored over you personally.
Actually, even though women have benefitted most from affirmative action, a lot of them don’t realize that or even care enough to make them show up and vote over it.

Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

If you believed in the validity of statistics, or understood them, you would see that you look like Chicken Little, with you alarmist, "white males being being done wrong" whinefest.

As far as me actually stating "outcomes for blacks are shitty", stop your lying,

What I have stated and stood by is that outcomes for white males as a demographic are far better than what you claim they are.

Statistics prove this to be true.

And also proves your persecution rant to be baseless.

And for the last time, how has this alleged conspiracy affected you personally?
Sure. Other than the fact that there is a massive campaign by the political class to do so, that there is whole legal school of thought that any unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and laws and government organizations that will destroy you for that, and that we all know of examples of minorities being hired or promoted over more qualified whites, and ect ect ect.

Stating this does not make it a fact. Especially if every metric used to measure work force success by demographic indicates that there is no conspiracy by the political class to undermine equal opportunity for one demographic.

Who controls the political class? Certainly no one of color.

I think that you can rest assured in the fact that white females and non white females in BOTH political parties would shutdown any attempt to dismantle AA, because of a small percentage of white males belief that it has affected them adversely.

I keep pointing out discrimination against whites, and you, instead of addressing that, point to unequal outcomes as though that proves something.

Are you really unaware that that does NOT prove anything?

And I think you are wrong about women.

You have not presented ANY empirical evidence that supports your position. You have not even related a single personal experience that has affected you.

You have only claimed that white people are being discriminated against.

And no. I am not wrong about women.

Well, maybe your personal experience with women has been far shittier than mine. I stand by my position on women.

And please don't pretend that your problem is that you don't believe in the massive and public consensus in support of "aa" and diversity and all that shit.

You refuse to admit it, not because you are unaware of it, but because you support it, and the only way to do that is to lie about it.

I refuse to admit what doesn't exist. And actually, my experience with women overall has been great.

Then why do you believe that women want to be discriminated in favor at the expense of men?

During my own career, I supported and endorsed women being on equal footing with men. And guess where the resistance came from that I got.....from insecure, underachieving, mediocre white males like you, who believed that by default, they were entitled.

Sounds like bullshit.

And as far as YOU go, you need to stop blaming the existence of equality on your belief that you are somehow being marginalized.

Discrimination in favor of "minorities" and/or women, is not equality. That is a lie you tell yourself to justify your bigotry and racism and hatred.

Doing so, does not improve your chances for success.

Your assumptions that my motivate is based on purely selfish reasons has already been debunked and dismissed repeatedly.

You have yet to prove that blacks or any other minority are being favored over you personally.

Correct. I have not done that.

I have merely pointed the massive and widespread support and policies and campaigns of discriminating in favor of "minorities" at the expense of whites, especially white men.

Which your denial of, makes you look like not only a complete liar, but a very poor one at that, as your lies are more transparent than the vacuum of space.
Stop lying. My fathers side of the family is from rural Louisiana. Gilbert. Rural blacks and whites do not get along great. David Duke is from Louisiana.

They do where I’m from everyone are very polite and talk to each other. As a matter of fact any crime her is black on black. Do black people secretly hate each other. And one man does make a whole state racist dumbass lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Now who exactly do you think you're trying to lie to boy? You've just wasted 4 sentences lying.

Try again. And this time try to remember that 1/2 of my family is from Louisiana. And that I know from being there that David Duke is not the only racist in your state.

Looka here boy what did I lie about?

Oh and I know David Duke ain’t the only racist in my state we have plenty of blacks and how you’re talking your family is some of them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're the racist here bitch. And everything you said is a lie.

Remember we have eyes and good schooling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep we sure do. And we also have 242 years of documented white racist, violent, and criminal behavior.
He can't speak for me. And you really need not tell us your life story. If you're sitting in shit that's your problem saltine. As for me, I am more successful than you may ever be.

Lol then you’re one of the few there’s not many blue gums more successful then me, but if you are you’re boing quite well congratulations. I’m in sales I sell mortgage loan, essentially I sell money. What do you sell?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't sell anything. But I did hold a life/health/annuities license and a stockbrokers license.

It kinda helped me to plan my own financial future.

You just need to drop the ignorant assumptions white boy.
You are so racist

When I get called a blue gum the white boy who said that is going to get it back. I'm sure you just couldn't see him calling me a blue gum. That's how you racist maggots operate.

That not racist I’m a “white boy” like you called me first which is correct and you have “blue gums” what’s the problem? Geez

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're a racist and if I have blue gums you do too.
Or maybe they don't want the men in their lives to be fucked for no reason.

In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.
In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.

You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way. Your parochial

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every nin white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.
Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.

You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way. Your parochial

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every nin white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.

Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.
And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.

You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way. Your parochial

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every nin white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.

Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.

Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way. In every measurable category white households still fare better than most other minority households on an average basis.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950.

Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.
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I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.

You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way. Your parochial

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every nin white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.

Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.

Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950. Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.

You are the one defending racial and gender discrimination.

For you to call me a bigot, for wanting equal treatment is fairly disgusting of you.

You keep putting shit out there like that, someday it is going to blow back on you.

You sure you want to do that?
National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.

You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way.

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every non white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.

Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.

Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950. Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.

You are the one defending racial and gender discrimination.

For you to call me a bigot, for wanting equal treatment is fairly disgusting of you.

You keep putting shit out there like that, someday it is going to blow back on you.

You sure you want to do that?

This is an anonymous forum where everyone speaks their mind. So stay in your lane regarding what I choose to state. As far as your own racism and bigotry, I call it how I see it. If that bothers you, there is an ignore feature here that you can put to use.

Without laws in place to ensure equal treatment, you actually believe that there would be?

That in itself, is proof that you don't believe that what you claim is discrimination.

Statistics prove that there is no anti white discrimination.

It is what it is.
Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.

You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way.

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every non white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.

Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.

Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950. Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.

You are the one defending racial and gender discrimination.

For you to call me a bigot, for wanting equal treatment is fairly disgusting of you.

You keep putting shit out there like that, someday it is going to blow back on you.

You sure you want to do that?

This is an anonymous forum where everyone speaks their mind. So stay in your lane regarding what I choose to state. As far as your own racism and bigotry, I call it how I see it. If that bothers you, there is an ignore feature here that you can put to use.

Without laws in place to ensure equal treatment, you actually believe that there would be?

That in itself, is proof that you don't believe that what you claim is discrimination.

Statistics prove that there is no anti white discrimination.

It is what it is.

There is no "racism or bigotry" from me on this.

There is you, falsely spouting lies and smears against me, and white Americans in general.

You are the one supporting racial discrimination here, not me.
You are really off of the rails. I have no reason to be grateful for anything.

Having lived during an era when the average minority could not land a job that would fund a college education, I was qualified to have two jobs which paid my way.

So no one has "given" me anything.

The reason that AA even got any traction was because of those like you, who are greedy and self serving enough to believe that even a microscopic crumb that is served on the table of ANY minority, especially someone black is somehow taking from you.

You would like nothing better than for every non white on this planet to bow and worship even the lowest of low white people.

And that the fact that this is NOT going to happen makes you crazy.

If anyone here is a hateful racist, it is obvious that you embody those traits.

You're welcome for what you suffer from.

Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.

Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950. Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.

You are the one defending racial and gender discrimination.

For you to call me a bigot, for wanting equal treatment is fairly disgusting of you.

You keep putting shit out there like that, someday it is going to blow back on you.

You sure you want to do that?

This is an anonymous forum where everyone speaks their mind. So stay in your lane regarding what I choose to state. As far as your own racism and bigotry, I call it how I see it. If that bothers you, there is an ignore feature here that you can put to use.

Without laws in place to ensure equal treatment, you actually believe that there would be?

That in itself, is proof that you don't believe that what you claim is discrimination.

Statistics prove that there is no anti white discrimination.

It is what it is.

There is no "racism or bigotry" from me on this.

There is you, falsely spouting lies and smears against me, and white Americans in general.

You are the one supporting racial discrimination here, not me.

Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.
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Your calling discrimination against whites, "microscopic crumb" is not welcome. No walking it back, buddy.

YOu cant' deny something happened for generations, AND minimize it.

You have to choose one or the other.

And you already went with utter denial.

And, your support of racist discrimination makes YOU the racist, not me.

Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950. Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.

You are the one defending racial and gender discrimination.

For you to call me a bigot, for wanting equal treatment is fairly disgusting of you.

You keep putting shit out there like that, someday it is going to blow back on you.

You sure you want to do that?

This is an anonymous forum where everyone speaks their mind. So stay in your lane regarding what I choose to state. As far as your own racism and bigotry, I call it how I see it. If that bothers you, there is an ignore feature here that you can put to use.

Without laws in place to ensure equal treatment, you actually believe that there would be?

That in itself, is proof that you don't believe that what you claim is discrimination.

Statistics prove that there is no anti white discrimination.

It is what it is.

There is no "racism or bigotry" from me on this.

There is you, falsely spouting lies and smears against me, and white Americans in general.

You are the one supporting racial discrimination here, not me.

Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.

I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.
In most cases they are not, unless they are totally inept.

Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.
No they aren’t. I’m doing great competing on the playing field we are on now.

You better hope poor whites don’t realize that it’s not poor blacks and illegals who have been screwing them. It’s the people who pay Fox News and rush Limbaugh to lie to you.
Of course. All those Diversity campaigns and programs, I guess that was all just talk.

Despite the Supreme Court cases where various institutions and governments have been found discriminating against whites.

Just talk.


And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.
No they aren’t. I’m doing great competing on the playing field we are on now.

You better hope poor whites don’t realize that it’s not poor blacks and illegals who have been screwing them. It’s the people who pay Fox News and rush Limbaugh to lie to you.

The playing field is not level. People like you, who support the rules that discriminate against poor whites, are the ones screwing them.

And again, you are the one bringing up blacks. Not me. AGAIN.
And you have not posted a single case that really is credible. If "anti white" discrimination was as rampant as you claim, you would have plenty of proof.

And you still have not explained how YOU personally have been affected by it.

This kind of follows the same logic applied by those here who state ""you've never been a slave" I have not, but I am old enough to have been affected by Jim Crow.

When was the last time that you were denied use of a public restroom?


I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.
No they aren’t. I’m doing great competing on the playing field we are on now.

You better hope poor whites don’t realize that it’s not poor blacks and illegals who have been screwing them. It’s the people who pay Fox News and rush Limbaugh to lie to you.

The playing field is not level. People like you, who support the rules that discriminate against poor whites, are the ones screwing them.

And again, you are the one bringing up blacks. Not me. AGAIN.

You just won’t acknowledge the bias that exists. White hiring managers hire people who remind them of themselves. They have a sort of good old boy network. Good people realize this is unfair and we are trying to change this unfair thing that white men are doing to the rest of America.

Let’s forget race for a second. We all know it sucks when someone who goes to college for marketing can’t find a marketing degree. We think it’s bullshit that companies only hire people with experience. Do you agree this happens and it sucks? How’s a guy gonna get any experience if no company will hire someone without experience?

Well white hiring managers have missed out on some great employees because the same negative feelings they have about someone with no experience they have about blacks.

You have a completely different problem. You already have a job and you feel like blacks and women are wrongfully getting jobs you deserve. You completely ignore you may have got the job you got in the first place over a Black who was more qualified than you because some white hiring manager thinks like you do. So to save the white race he only hires whites like you.

Most hiring managers are white. They must be smart if they got to where they are. Right? So how many of them are like you and worried about the white male?

I’d say that’s a lot of hiring managers fucking over black people.

You however don’t even want blacks or women to have a fair share of power. I can’t believe women vote republican. And I know why blacks dont
I've pointed out the national consensus and wide spread campaigns and programs that openly and actively and loudly state that are there to discriminate in favor of blacks and other minorities.

Your response has been to talk about the fact that despite that, that outcomes are still shitty for blacks.

As though that is a rebuttal.

Considering that level of thinking, why would any number of specific examples of the above, be relevant?

If you ignore the whole, why would looking at a part matter?

Oh, and you can shove your desire to make this about me.

National consensus? By who? There is no "national consensus".

Both national parties, for generations, have both supported the various polices of "AA" and the goals of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and such shit.

THey have done so with the nearly unanimous support of the nations voters.

This has spread, both though voluntary and "voluntary" means into all aspects and levels of our society and economy.

That you deny this fact, is FUCKING GREAT.

My position, that this massive effort has not only failed, but been a fool's errand, has been a very lonely one.

But, people like you, with your utter ingratitude, and the demands for ever more, AND, your obvious racism and hatred,

you are waking up white voters, more than I ever could.


It cracks me up, to imagine what twisted thinking white liberals must employ when they read your shit, to hide from the obvious truth that their actions are suicidal.
No they aren’t. I’m doing great competing on the playing field we are on now.

You better hope poor whites don’t realize that it’s not poor blacks and illegals who have been screwing them. It’s the people who pay Fox News and rush Limbaugh to lie to you.

The playing field is not level. People like you, who support the rules that discriminate against poor whites, are the ones screwing them.

And again, you are the one bringing up blacks. Not me. AGAIN.

You just won’t acknowledge the bias that exists. White hiring managers hire people who remind them of themselves. They have a sort of good old boy network. Good people realize this is unfair and we are trying to change this unfair thing that white men are doing to the rest of America.

Let’s forget race for a second. We all know it sucks when someone who goes to college for marketing can’t find a marketing degree. We think it’s bullshit that companies only hire people with experience. Do you agree this happens and it sucks? How’s a guy gonna get any experience if no company will hire someone without experience?

Well white hiring managers have missed out on some great employees because the same negative feelings they have about someone with no experience they have about blacks.

You have a completely different problem. You already have a job and you feel like blacks and women are wrongfully getting jobs you deserve. You completely ignore you may have got the job you got in the first place over a Black who was more qualified than you because some white hiring manager thinks like you do. So to save the white race he only hires whites like you.

Most hiring managers are white. They must be smart if they got to where they are. Right? So how many of them are like you and worried about the white male?

I’d say that’s a lot of hiring managers fucking over black people.

You however don’t even want blacks or women to have a fair share of power. I can’t believe women vote republican. And I know why blacks dont

Exactly. And thank you. No need for me to say another word.
Own your psychosis Correll.
Just like you and your ilk refer to per capita as the end all to every argument, it also invalidates your claim of mass anti white discrimination, and your insistence that it does exist, is foolish at best, because there is no evidence that the existence of AA has displaced or marginalized the white population in any way.

If there was no AA, selfish bigots like you would return society to what it was in 1950. Women would never be in a position of authority, and intelligent black men would be shining the shoes of the lowest and dumbest white man in society.

So yes indeed, if there is legislation that prevents this and it bothers you, that is too bad.

It's backward thinking people like you that require laws like AA to be in effect.

As you have already been told, after a long standing history of privilege ends, equality feels like oppression.

You are the one defending racial and gender discrimination.

For you to call me a bigot, for wanting equal treatment is fairly disgusting of you.

You keep putting shit out there like that, someday it is going to blow back on you.

You sure you want to do that?

This is an anonymous forum where everyone speaks their mind. So stay in your lane regarding what I choose to state. As far as your own racism and bigotry, I call it how I see it. If that bothers you, there is an ignore feature here that you can put to use.

Without laws in place to ensure equal treatment, you actually believe that there would be?

That in itself, is proof that you don't believe that what you claim is discrimination.

Statistics prove that there is no anti white discrimination.

It is what it is.

There is no "racism or bigotry" from me on this.

There is you, falsely spouting lies and smears against me, and white Americans in general.

You are the one supporting racial discrimination here, not me.

Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.

I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

Nope. I have no need to lie. I was around when this nation endorsed laws which mandated deference to even the most marginal of white males.

Without such laws in place, egotistical, arrogant individuals like you would not believe in fairness to others.

What you refer to as discrimination is in fact in place to ensure that past discrimination does not happen again.

Your issue is that you see, ANY positive gain by ANY minority(especially blacks) or even ANY female, as discrimination against white males.

And the nation is not being "torn apart". And there is NO ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

Your "commander in cheeto" is making America great again and is coming to your rescue.....isn't he?

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