Democrat Senator Chris Murphy On The Need To Protect Trans Youth: "I'm a parent"..."stop bullying these kids, they threaten no one, they hurt no one!"

Let me know if you need more.
just a couple thanks bro..
Its fine that Sen. Murphy wants his kinds to grow up to be homos.

But that's his choice.

The problem is whether or not the government schools should be grooming the children of straight parents to change their orientations.
Every gay child was created by straight parents. D'oh!

And this grooming thing is a fucking hoax, retard.

Let me know if you need more.
i spelled his name Verbeek instead of Verbeeck in the's his fault for having a name as big as a Ukrainian street...ok i shouldn't bully lol
And as for the suicides committed by trans teens, it's really not a surprise, considering that they are already mentally ill. Regular straight kids commit suicides just as much if not more, so how this is just a trans problem is beyond me.
Just because you say it does not make it true.

God luvs the little faggots? Of course he does, as his children, but you had better check the Book of Romans. God has plans for all the faggots.
Paul had more than gays in mind when he wrote Romans. He was talking about all sexual wickedness. Masturbation, homosexuality, adultery, sodomy, etc.

See you in Hell. Ask for Trump.
i made you look like a fool, didn't i? and now you're hammering and stammering...keep going...
So I am a fool for saying that God loves his children but He hates faggots and queers and will punish them with eternal damnation? True story.
Paul had more than gays in mind when he wrote Romans. He was talking about all sexual wickedness. Masturbation, homosexuality, adultery, sodomy, etc.

See you in Hell.
you should thank me for starting this thread. i gave you a platform for your liberal LGBT propaganda...must be nice

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