Democrat Strategy To Help Joe w/Impeachment Timing Backfires


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Even CNN has opined that they believe Speaker and Pelosi held on to the Articles of Impeachment to ensure both Warren and Sanders were stuck in the Senate instead of campaigning in Iowa. She succeeded in doing so ... but her plan backfired.

By taking away Warren and Sanders, the spotlight is squarely on Joe Biden - every move, every comment...the stage is his and his alone. Most people / politicians not only can handle that but SHINE in that spotlight....but we are talking about Joe Biden, the human gaffe machine.

What is Wrong with Old Joe? Joe Biden
Gets Florida and Alabama Confused (VIDEO)

"This is an ongoing problem with Joe Biden. He has no clue where he is and always gets states confused.
Biden got Florida and Alabama confused during an appearance on MSNBC while talking to Joe Scarborough."

- What is Wrong with Old Joe? Joe Biden Gets Florida and Alabama Confused (VIDEO)

INSANE: Joe Biden Says Illegal Aliens Driving Drunk

Is Not a Felony – They Should Not be Deported (VIDEO)

Joe Biden told VICE News this week that driving while drunk is not a felony and drunk driving illegal aliens should not be deported.

- INSANE: Joe Biden Says Illegal Aliens Driving Drunk Is Not a Felony - They Should Not be Deported (VIDEO)

Every day around 800 people are injured in a drunk driving crash and 30 people die as a result of a drunk driving crash.
- Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Traffic Accidents

'The Office of Immigration Statistics reported that of the 188,382 deportations of illegal aliens in 2011, 23 percent had committed criminal traffic offenses (primarily driving under the influence). Congressman Steve King (R-IA) estimates that illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that’s a death toll of 4,745 per year.[4]'

- Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims

Under the spotlight - with no Warren and Sanders to distract / deflect, Biden continues to display his disregard for the safety of the American people, how he values what is in the best interest of violent, criminal illegals who are killing Americans more than he values the lives of the American people.

Great idea, Nancy - rig the DNC Primary in Iowa to have Joe in front of the media by himself, the spotlight on everything he does and says. It's working out great so far...


The democrats are hilariously insane and stupid, but because of their Europhobic, anti-White POV low IQ savages and butthurt jewish folks will promote them.
It is impossible to decide which of the candidates of the clown cart is the worst. From bad to worse to even worse, and then you dig you will found out that it still was not bad enough.
The democrats are hilariously insane and stupid, but because of their Europhobic, anti-White POV low IQ savages and butthurt jewish folks will promote them.

Remember, DNC emails were leaked exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content....not to mention how they rigged their Primaries...and they immediately responded by painting themselves as the 'victim' of Russian hacking which was the REAL story.....'pay no attention to our e-mails...the real story is 'Russian Collusion'.

the funny thing yesterday was chuckie commenting on schitt's opening remarks yesterday, isn't he supposed to be impartial? By his own words? Since when do Jurors get to comment publicly on a prosecutors comments? Any time leftist pukes!!!
the funny thing yesterday was chuckie commenting on schitt's opening remarks yesterday, isn't he supposed to be impartial? By his own words? Since when do Jurors get to comment publicly on a prosecutors comments? Any time leftist pukes!!!

To be clear, in an impeachment trial, the jurors are also the judges.
the funny thing yesterday was chuckie commenting on schitt's opening remarks yesterday, isn't he supposed to be impartial? By his own words? Since when do Jurors get to comment publicly on a prosecutors comments? Any time leftist pukes!!!

To be clear, in an impeachment trial, the jurors are also the judges.
no, they are jurors. they vote, like any other juror does. you're confused. And the investigation is over, the evidence is being presented, no other evidence is allowed, so the fact anyone in DC is screaming witnesses, doesn't understand jurors roles. they don't get to call witnesses. That is the job of the House.
the funny thing yesterday was chuckie commenting on schitt's opening remarks yesterday, isn't he supposed to be impartial? By his own words? Since when do Jurors get to comment publicly on a prosecutors comments? Any time leftist pukes!!!

To be clear, in an impeachment trial, the jurors are also the judges.
no, they are jurors. they vote, like any other juror does. you're confused. And the investigation is over, the evidence is being presented, no other evidence is allowed, so the fact anyone in DC is screaming witnesses, doesn't understand jurors roles. they don't get to call witnesses. That is the job of the House.

Actually my friend, you are the one misinformed. An impeachment trial is not like the typical trial in our legal system.

There are no standing rules of evidence. The senators vote on the rules, which imparts the role of judge on them.

There are no legal consequences like fines or jail time. Essentially it is 100% political. If Trump is “convicted” he will lose a political job, but not pay any fine or serve any jail time.

There are no protections for due process like self incrimination or the right to an attorney.

There are no standards for proof like beyond reasonable doubt or preponderance of evidence. Again, it’s all political.

Don’t make the same mistake that many liberals on this forum do by applying legal arguments to this process. They simply don’t work.

BTW- all the senators/jurors swore impartiality, but none of them are.

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