Democrat Success on Poverty and Welfare..

This started off a very good thread about why, after a half century of the War on Poverty and the Great Society can they still not feed themselves in Detroit and Chicago---and there are more on the dole than ever.

The great grandchildren of the first Welfare Queens are now an Army, and they are birthing a new generation of Welfare Queens...the only thing that has changed is you can't call them Welfare Queens any more...due to the Political Correctness Police.

I do believe it is a calculated policy of the Democratic Party to keep people on the Government tit and recruit more, and simply take over this country by the force of the votes of people getting a government check.

Somewhere, Marx is smiling.

Demarxist want to collapse the US Economy Cloward Piven Style
You people are fucking amazing. Do you guys really believe this shit? "Liberal policies hurt America." Really?

Not one mention of RECORD CORPORATE PROFITS? While people get poorer and have to depend on government assistance, the "job creators" are making more money than ever.

Why do Republicans hate poor people who are struggling to get by without resorting to crime, while honoring the greed of the super-rich who hoard the majority of the world's wealth?

If corporations spend those record profits on higher wages, then American workers wouldn't need as much government assistance. Why is that unacceptable?

Liberal policies are geared toward destruction and theft and ultimately poverty, destitution and finally collapse. The Democrat Section of Detroit are simply a Third World hellhole, like every other place Progressives have ruled
You people are fucking amazing. Do you guys really believe this shit? "Liberal policies hurt America." Really?

Not one mention of RECORD CORPORATE PROFITS? While people get poorer and have to depend on government assistance, the "job creators" are making more money than ever.

Why do Republicans hate poor people who are struggling to get by without resorting to crime, while honoring the greed of the super-rich who hoard the majority of the world's wealth?

If corporations spend those record profits on higher wages, then American workers wouldn't need as much government assistance. Why is that unacceptable?

^^^^^^^^Obama - a Corporations best buddy^^^^^^^^**

Do you read what you type??????

We're supposed to do that?


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