Democrat Violence Throughout California.So What Could Happen If Trump Wins In November?,Earthquake?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:9: :flameth: is what we are seeing from Los Angeles to San Jose a preview of whats to come if/when Trump wins? Are we gonna see a replay of what happened in Baltimore again, but in multiple cities? If the Democrats keep this up, they just may turn off the rest of the country. Who wants to be associated with all of those Hillary supporters bringing on every kind of violent acts they can get away with?
What the Democrats are doing in California, may just hand Trump a few more purple states!:hellno:
All they are doing is motivating the silent majority. The Clinton News Network is doing all it can to whitewash the Democratic Thuggery and smear Trump 24/7 but real Americans see through the deception.
I dont think that the residents of Ohio/Penn and Florida appreciate what the Democrats are doing at Trump rallies.
Granny says dey's gonna be...

... flames, an' fire, an' vapors o' smoke...

... an' den Jesus comin' in his glory...

... to Rapture the Church...

... an' den all dem lefty, lib'ral Bible-hatin', terrorist-sympathizin'...

... illegal-alien supportin' yankee media types...

... gonna perish inna everlastin' lake o' fire...

... O repent ye lib'rals.
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Let's see . Out of 20 candidates (dem
N cons) how many have had issues at their rallys?

Just one . The common denominator is the Don.

One of these things is not like the other...
:9: :flameth: is what we are seeing from Los Angeles to San Jose a preview of whats to come if/when Trump wins? Are we gonna see a replay of what happened in Baltimore again, but in multiple cities? If the Democrats keep this up, they just may turn off the rest of the country. Who wants to be associated with all of those Hillary supporters bringing on every kind of violent acts they can get away with?
What the Democrats are doing in California, may just hand Trump a few more purple states!:hellno:

I wouldn't worry about the Democrats. The republicans hate Trump as much as anybody. Your pundits have been demanding an idiot for a candidate, and now you have one.
It's a travesty that anti-Trump people are violent against Trump supporters!
Those violent assholes should have their own party of neanderthals, and sent to an island.
Real Demos or Repubs are not violent, or should not be unless there's a good reason.
Expressing one's opinion is our major freedom, REGARDLESS of the opinion.
If Trump wins in November California will line up to kiss Trumps ass bank on it. They will be on their knees positioned to kiss the booty.
If Trump wins, California will be the first state to have a special election to make visits by the Commander in Chief persona non grata.
If Trump wins in November California will line up to kiss Trumps ass bank on it. They will be on their knees positioned to kiss the booty.
Even the gays will not want to kiss Donald's ass.
However, the straights would line up to kiss Mrs Trump's ass ... and then some.
If Trump wins in November California will line up to kiss Trumps ass bank on it. They will be on their knees positioned to kiss the booty.
Even the gays will not want to kiss Donald's ass.
However, the straights would line up to kiss Mrs Trump's ass ... and then some.

Could be. We know she loves having her titties all over the internet.
If Trump wins in November California will line up to kiss Trumps ass bank on it. They will be on their knees positioned to kiss the booty.
Even the gays will not want to kiss Donald's ass.
However, the straights would line up to kiss Mrs Trump's ass ... and then some.

California will kiss his ass if they want the billions in federal money they have been getting. Wait that's backwards, California wants the billions in federal money they have been getting and will kiss Trumps ass to get it, both cheeks!

The Trump Campaign Is In Full Nuclear Meltdown Mode
Sources describe the campaign as an incompetent, backstabbing skeleton crew without any coherent message. And Donald Trump is making it worse.

The Trump Campaign Is in Full Nuclear Meltdown Mode
Once Trump wins, that will end the violence across the country. Even libs can reluctantly understand when they have been defeated.

What they are trying to do is steer the election. Liberals live in la-la land, and they actually believe their violence is bringing people to their side instead of sending them to the Trump side which is what they are actually doing.

Once both candidates are officially the nominees, look for promises by the Hollywood types and musicians of leaving the country if Trump wins. Again, liberals live in la-la land, and these narcissist entertainers think they are so valuable to Americans that people will vote against Trump just to keep them here.

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