Democratic Debate: December 19, 2015


looks like it will be another barely watched "debate" due to it's scheduled day and time....... Intentionally purposed?
Being afraid of Bernie Sanders is bad for her when she has to face varsity republican. She would be better off showing what she is capable of

We'll see how Hillary withstands a billion dollars in attacks ads from the right, she's got enough baggage in tow for two or three presidential elections worth of attack ads.

Well, if all you have is a bunch of money and a bunch of lies, I guess you have to go with that.

^^^ Ah, liberal projection.
Didn't watch live, watching now. Most interesting and striking so far is the most 2nd. amendment friendly candidate on the stage is the "big socialist" Sanders. And not just in words. He has left gun owners alone in Vermont. He started off his answer about gun policy saying people have the right to guns.

He does want to tighten up some laws and I'm sure there is conservatives opposed to that and I understand their position. I just find it amazing that the "socialist" is least likely to ban or be punitive regarding guns. He voted against holding gun manufacturers responsible for gun deaths and his opponents rip on him for it.

No presidential candidate wants to ban guns you idiot.
Didn't watch live, watching now. Most interesting and striking so far is the most 2nd. amendment friendly candidate on the stage is the "big socialist" Sanders. And not just in words. He has left gun owners alone in Vermont. He started off his answer about gun policy saying people have the right to guns.

He does want to tighten up some laws and I'm sure there is conservatives opposed to that and I understand their position. I just find it amazing that the "socialist" is least likely to ban or be punitive regarding guns. He voted against holding gun manufacturers responsible for gun deaths and his opponents rip on him for it.

No presidential candidate wants to ban guns you idiot.

Semi-auto rifles are guns idiot, and O'Malley made it very clear he would like to ban them.
I was disappointed that climate change was not discussed - which is clearly a national security issue.
Didn't watch live, watching now. Most interesting and striking so far is the most 2nd. amendment friendly candidate on the stage is the "big socialist" Sanders. And not just in words. He has left gun owners alone in Vermont. He started off his answer about gun policy saying people have the right to guns.

He does want to tighten up some laws and I'm sure there is conservatives opposed to that and I understand their position. I just find it amazing that the "socialist" is least likely to ban or be punitive regarding guns. He voted against holding gun manufacturers responsible for gun deaths and his opponents rip on him for it.

The 2nd amendment is never going away.
looks like it will be another barely watched "debate" due to it's scheduled day and time....... Intentionally purposed?
Being afraid of Bernie Sanders is bad for her when she has to face varsity republican. She would be better off showing what she is capable of

We'll see how Hillary withstands a billion dollars in attacks ads from the right, she's got enough baggage in tow for two or three presidential elections worth of attack ads.

Well, if all you have is a bunch of money and a bunch of lies, I guess you have to go with that.

^^^ Ah, liberal projection.

It's not a projection, it's MATH, & recent HISTORY. The Republicans are not going to put up a candidate this year that is electable. I don't think this country is going to elect a 3rd Bush. They won't elect a far right (tea party) candidate like Ted Cruz either. This is one is already in the bucket for Hillary Clinton.

The right wing--aka Tea Party has continually chased off large voting blocks. Women in 2012, and now Hispanics in 2016. There is no possible way they can win the White House in 2016. And they only have themselves to blame for it. The party continues to shrink because of them.

You can't be the minority party in this country, and expect to win National Elections by insulting large voting blocks. (women & Hispanics)

The morning after the election the Republican party is going to have to be put on life support.
With Rubio's failure to stand in the way of the ryan's thief bill, he is toast as a presidential candidate
Boy, the Liberals are really proud of their Presidential candidates. The praise and accolades are overwhelming this morning. Bernie was on the talk shows and so was a Hillary representative. Guess what they discussed with the talk show host? Yes, you guessed it right - Donald Trump. LOL!! The Democrat debate was last night and all that is discussed is Donald Trump. Pathetic.
Substantive debate without mud slinging. No wonder you don't like it.

There is nothing any of the three can say that is going to sway me to the left, all I need to do is look back at the last seven years. What a disaster
Yeah, 5% unemployment, $1.75 gas, DOW over 17k, strong auto industry, strong economy, and bin Laden dead. The past seven years have totally sucked!
The strangest part is that the Hildabeast was late coming back on stage after a commercial break.
That was so sad it was funny. Best line of the night was when O Malley said the problem in the Middle East is that we have no human intelligence there.

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