Democratic Debate - Notable Parts


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
1. Juan Carlos asked Sanders why Latino voters should trust him when he voted against amnesty (my word) - what gives Juan the idea that Latino voters all want votes to be FOR amnesty ? Ever occur to him that maybe Latino voters don't like losing jobs, having wages reduced, having tax$$ & services reduced, + other harms of immigration ?

2. Hillary said > "My mission is to raise incomes for middle class families." Really ? When she supports wage REDUCTION from immigration, and millions are losing jobs entirely ?

3. O'Malley, when asked about Obamacare for illegal aliens (my words), he said "We're all in this together."
EARTH TO O'MALLEY: No we're not. Americans are in this. Aliens are not part of America, and have nothing to say about our policies, nor should they be extended to aliens. What does O'Malley think we are ? A country or a continent ?

4. Hillary said she has a 5 point economic plan. That's nice. How about telling us what it is ?

5. Notice that the moderators weren't instigating the candidates to attack each other, like they did at the GOP debate.

6. Not mentioned - Gun-free zones, birthright citizenship, anchor babies, voter ID, affirmative action, Huma Abedin - Muslim Brotherhood, Islamization, Al Sharpton/race hustling, Pakistan's nukes, fetus parts sales, religious freedom vs gay coercion, death penalty.

7. I will give Hillary credit for 2 things. Although she didn't mention Pakistan, she did say the most important issue we face, is keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists. She also mentioned the importance of helping low income seniors dependent on Social Security. And Bernie mentioned giving more help to disabled veterans. Webb started talking about border security & gun rights, but they cut him short.

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