Democratic Party in Worse Shape Than You Realize


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
Down and Out

The Democratic Party’s losses at the state level are almost unprecedented, and could cripple it for a long time to come.

DEC. 11 2014 3:03 PM - By Jamelle Bouie - Slate Magazine

The most immediate consequence of the Democrats’ midterm disaster was losing control of the Senate and ceding Congress to the GOP. For the next two years, Democrats will have to deal with conservative legislation, right-wing hijinks, and—in all odds—a vacancy crisis, as Republicans freeze confirmations and refuse to fill spots in the executive branch and on the federal bench.

That is bad for the Democratic Party. What’s on the horizon is worse. As Amy Walter notes for the Cook Political Report, Democrats lost big at all levels of government, including the states. “Today,” she writes, “about 55 percent of all state legislative seats in the country are held by Republicans. That’s the largest share of GOP state legislators since the 1920s.” What’s more, “just 11 states have an all Democratic-controlled legislature,” and Democrats hold single-party control in just seven states. By contrast, “Republicans have a legislative majority in 30 states, including the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina,” and single-party control in most of the South.

This, Walter says, is a slow-moving disaster for congressional Democrats. She’s right. Absent major gains in 2016, 2018, and 2020, Democrats will be shut out of the next round of redistricting. If, she writes, “Democrats can’t get a seat at the redistricting table in 2020, they may find themselves locked out of a congressional majority for another 10 years.” And even if they do get a seat at the table, argues Greg Sargentfor the Washington Post, there’s still the problem of population distribution; even in blue states, most Democratic voters are crammed in a handful of urban areas, which dilutes their strength in House elections. Sargent quotes David Wasserman (also of the Cook Political Report): “If Democrats were to get neutral maps drawn by God in all 50 states, they would still fall well short of winning back the House,” says Wasserman. “What Democrats really need is a massive resettlement program.”


Democratic Party losses at the state level are extraordinary The party will be at a disadvantage with Republicans for a long time.


Is this Slate editorial staffer and political commentator correct?

Are the Democrats on an unstoppable downward slide for the next few years?

Who else do they have warming-up in the bullpen?

This does not look good --- for the Democrats.
It'll probably lead to an ideology shift in the Democrats in some way. I don't really see it as the doom and gloom the article portrays though.

During the Reagan years the Republicans hardly controlled any state governments and no one talked about any disaster for them then. If anything it was the Democrats that were disorganized in the 80's, in an awkward reversal of the situation we're in today.

I've been delving into my own self-crafted theory on this actually. That as a national political party becomes more lock-step and united policy-wise (as in the case of Reagan's Republicans and certainly today's Democrats) it becomes more and more intimidating to the voters as they're seen as some intimidating "force" and message.

At the state and local level it becomes harder and harder for politicians to distance themselves from the national tide and titles of the national party. Thus when the opposing party is disorganized and doesn't have national messages and views the state level politicians can establish themselves as more independent and "closer to home" if you will to the voters. This becomes much more appealing to the voters who want some kind of power check against the "united party". I really think this is a left-over of paranoia from the Nazi and Socialist take overs of Germany and Russia and maybe even the fear against any kind of "Monarchy" from establishing in the USA.

I don't have data or sources to back this up (most of it). It's just stuff I think about.
They're paying the price for marching in lockstep with Obama. What goes around...
The feeling I get from the resident Libs on this site is that nothing really happened.
That the recent mid term ass kicking that they got was really not much of anything.

Go figure.
The feeling I get from the resident Libs on this site is that nothing really happened.
That the recent mid term ass kicking that they got was really not much of anything.

Go figure.

Michelle Bachmann on her way out, no more Darrell Issa on the Oversight Committee, almost all progressive ballot measures won nationwide, and the tea party lost pretty much everywhere and is out of power.

Not much to be down about.

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