Democratic Party now HATED by most Americans

Sorry, Meathead, but the fact is that the GOP makes as shitty a car as the Democrats. If you make a great car, it does not matter how many ads your competition runs saying what a shitty car you make. The consumer is smarter and savvier than you think.

Republicans make a shitty car, too. It's that simple.

Make a better car, and there is nothing the competition can do about it.

Just ask Ronald Reagan.

and what was the rating for Congress as a whole ?
That has always amused me. Congress gets something like a 9 percent approval rating, and yet incumbents have a 98 percent re-election rate when they run for re-election.

People hate Congress, but they like THEIR Congressman. It's all the other Congressmen who are the problem.

We like our guy when he brings home the pork. All those other guys bringing home the bacon to their districts are assholes.:laugh:


Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.
Approval of Congress at 16%; national satisfaction at 23%

the chips are on the table and the chumps now control the floor.
Of course you can, and you must. Otherwise you construct a Composition fallacy.

"I drive cars to get places. Cars generally run on gasoline. Therefore I can only get somewhere using gasoline"... Doesn't work. The poll doesn't ask about government; it asks about parties. They're two different things.

You cannot say we don't need gasoline because all cars don't need it to run.

No, and that would have zero to do with the point. Does not follow. At all.

Composition Fallacy:
Inferring that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.
Logical Form:

A is part of B;

A has property X;

Therefore, B has property X.

Example #1:
Each brick in that building weighs less than a pound. Therefore, the building weighs less than a pound.

Example #2:
Hydrogen is not wet. Oxygen is not wet. Therefore, water (H2O) is not wet.

Example #3:
Your brain is made of molecules. Molecules do not have consciousness. Therefore, your brain cannot be the source of consciousness. (more ovah heah)

You're pushing A (political parties) into the realm of B (government). The poll did not ask about government; it asked about political parties.

"Political parties" means all that posturing pandering grandstanding bullshit we have to sit though while PPs try to get themselves into government. "Government" is what they do with the 2% of the time they have left over. Not only different things but very different things.

I looked it up ... And my assessment was supported by data compiled by the Pew Research Center.

It is interesting where the graph indicates the greatest drop in favorability couple with a serious increase in unfavorability occurs at the Federal level and reduces at the state and local levels accordingly.

All levels show an increase in unfavorable ratings.

Perhaps so, and no doubt --- but your conclusion from the cited source was still invalid. It had no bridge.

They are no more invalid than the conclusions you made regarding data not expressed in the questions asked on the original graph ... And in your comments I responded to.

The only difference is that I took the time and effort to find some data that supported my conclusions versus simply arguing with you through misdirected diversion tactics.

--- and you had to go outside the source to try to bolster a causation fallacy. Your point was that the unlinked poll in the OP says something about perceptions of government. But it does not. It says something about perceptions of parties.
I think "hate" is too strong a word. However, I do think Democrats have finally been perceived as having overplayed identity politics which in turn has led to disenfranchisement of a significant number of centrists and independents.
Let's paint the whole picture. You have stated what you believe is the reason most Americans dislike the Democrats.

What do you believe is the reason most Americans dislike the Republicans? Why do you think Americans have disliked Republicans more than Democrats most of the time for the past 20 years?
Approval of Congress at 16%; national satisfaction at 23%

the chips are on the table and the chumps now control the floor.
so nothing has changed.....just a different group of chumps....
They don't like either party.

True, but they dislike your party more than they dislike the Republicans.


There's the won the battle thinking you won the war stupidity. Well done.

I don't have a party. Nice try.

For the past 20 years, Americans have disliked the Republicans more than the Democrats.

I have bad news for you. The fact I dislike both parties puts me in the majority! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

He pulls the same shit on me. Poor Pothead... can't find a point, reduced to trolling...
You cannot say we don't need gasoline because all cars don't need it to run.

No, and that would have zero to do with the point. Does not follow. At all.

Composition Fallacy:
Inferring that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.
Logical Form:

A is part of B;

A has property X;

Therefore, B has property X.

Example #1:
Each brick in that building weighs less than a pound. Therefore, the building weighs less than a pound.

Example #2:
Hydrogen is not wet. Oxygen is not wet. Therefore, water (H2O) is not wet.

Example #3:
Your brain is made of molecules. Molecules do not have consciousness. Therefore, your brain cannot be the source of consciousness. (more ovah heah)

You're pushing A (political parties) into the realm of B (government). The poll did not ask about government; it asked about political parties.

"Political parties" means all that posturing pandering grandstanding bullshit we have to sit though while PPs try to get themselves into government. "Government" is what they do with the 2% of the time they have left over. Not only different things but very different things.

I looked it up ... And my assessment was supported by data compiled by the Pew Research Center.

It is interesting where the graph indicates the greatest drop in favorability couple with a serious increase in unfavorability occurs at the Federal level and reduces at the state and local levels accordingly.

All levels show an increase in unfavorable ratings.

Perhaps so, and no doubt --- but your conclusion from the cited source was still invalid. It had no bridge.

They are no more invalid than the conclusions you made regarding data not expressed in the questions asked on the original graph ... And in your comments I responded to.

The only difference is that I took the time and effort to find some data that supported my conclusions versus simply arguing with you through misdirected diversion tactics.

--- and you had to go outside the source to try to bolster a causation fallacy. Your point was that the unlinked poll in the OP says something about perceptions of government. But it does not. It says something about perceptions of parties.

The subsequent data I provided includes appendices that correlate with the data in the original graph posted. On the other hand ... You have done nothing the refute the assumptions I made.

So just get over it ... No cashews for you!

No, and that would have zero to do with the point. Does not follow. At all.

Composition Fallacy:
Inferring that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.
Logical Form:

A is part of B;

A has property X;

Therefore, B has property X.

Example #1:
Each brick in that building weighs less than a pound. Therefore, the building weighs less than a pound.

Example #2:
Hydrogen is not wet. Oxygen is not wet. Therefore, water (H2O) is not wet.

Example #3:
Your brain is made of molecules. Molecules do not have consciousness. Therefore, your brain cannot be the source of consciousness. (more ovah heah)

You're pushing A (political parties) into the realm of B (government). The poll did not ask about government; it asked about political parties.

"Political parties" means all that posturing pandering grandstanding bullshit we have to sit though while PPs try to get themselves into government. "Government" is what they do with the 2% of the time they have left over. Not only different things but very different things.

I looked it up ... And my assessment was supported by data compiled by the Pew Research Center.

It is interesting where the graph indicates the greatest drop in favorability couple with a serious increase in unfavorability occurs at the Federal level and reduces at the state and local levels accordingly.

All levels show an increase in unfavorable ratings.

Perhaps so, and no doubt --- but your conclusion from the cited source was still invalid. It had no bridge.

They are no more invalid than the conclusions you made regarding data not expressed in the questions asked on the original graph ... And in your comments I responded to.

The only difference is that I took the time and effort to find some data that supported my conclusions versus simply arguing with you through misdirected diversion tactics.

--- and you had to go outside the source to try to bolster a causation fallacy. Your point was that the unlinked poll in the OP says something about perceptions of government. But it does not. It says something about perceptions of parties.

The subsequent data I provided includes appendices that correlate with the data in the original graph posted. On the other hand ... You have done nothing the refute the assumptions I made.

So just get over it ... No cashews for you!

Oh you are cruel. You know I love cashews... :crybaby:

I don't disagree with where you got to. I'm just saying you can't get there from where you were. You had to take another logical train. So to speak.

The fact remains, the poll in the OP is about parties, not government. You'd need another poll for that, which you fetched, but it doesn't make them related.

And btw you erred in your original comment in saying all levels showed a trend in unfavorability. Actually your link shows consistent favorability in state and local gummint along with a consistent unfavorable trend in federal. And there can be all kinds of reasons for that, starting with media.
I looked it up ... And my assessment was supported by data compiled by the Pew Research Center.

It is interesting where the graph indicates the greatest drop in favorability couple with a serious increase in unfavorability occurs at the Federal level and reduces at the state and local levels accordingly.

All levels show an increase in unfavorable ratings.

Perhaps so, and no doubt --- but your conclusion from the cited source was still invalid. It had no bridge.

They are no more invalid than the conclusions you made regarding data not expressed in the questions asked on the original graph ... And in your comments I responded to.

The only difference is that I took the time and effort to find some data that supported my conclusions versus simply arguing with you through misdirected diversion tactics.

--- and you had to go outside the source to try to bolster a causation fallacy. Your point was that the unlinked poll in the OP says something about perceptions of government. But it does not. It says something about perceptions of parties.

The subsequent data I provided includes appendices that correlate with the data in the original graph posted. On the other hand ... You have done nothing the refute the assumptions I made.

So just get over it ... No cashews for you!

Oh you are cruel. You know I love cashews... :crybaby:

I don't disagree with where you got to. I'm just saying you can't get there from where you were. You had to take another logical train. So to speak.

The fact remains, the poll in the OP is about parties, not government. You'd need another poll for that, which you fetched, but it doesn't make them related.

And btw you erred in your original comment in saying all levels showed a trend in unfavorability. Actually your link shows consistent favorability in state and local gummint along with a consistent unfavorable trend in federal. And there can be all kinds of reasons for that, starting with media.

Forgive me ... I once made a profitable business out of the ability to look at specific trending data that asked one question and making qualified decisions regarding questions not asked. The important part often resides in what further questions need to be asked ... Over simply figuring out what doesn't work.

Oversimplified example ... You don't have to stick your hand in the fire to accurately assume it is hot.

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