Democratic Party: The party of USERS and MANIPULATORS

Our federal Constitution was intelligently designed to be both gender and race neutral, from Inception.
Women, Blacks, Latinos, Native Democrats / the Democratic Party they are all just sheep to be manipulated and herded at election time, as Santiago said, to be forgotten about after the election.

The Latinos are smart enough to have seen through it and seem to walking away from the DNC. There are, however, millions of 'Gruber' Democrats who will continue to follow, worship, and defend the Democrats with their last breath, despite all the evidence / facts they are forced to ignore while doing it.
this is what we are supposed to be doing:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

With the possible exception of the party’s support for worker’s rights, these issues were not the Democrats’ concern for nearly a century of the party’s existence.

Most significantly, the Democrats were hardly champions of civil rights. For much of its history, the party struggled with division over the question of minority rights. The issue of the expansion of slavery tore the Democrats apart before and after the Civil War.

It was actually the Republican Party that was founded on the idea that slavery should be abolished.

In 1864, the Republican Party platform stated, “Slavery is hostile to the principles of Republican Government. Justice and the National safety demand its utter and complete extirpation from the soil of the Republic.”

Disagreement on civil rights issues within the Democratic Party continued long after the Civil War. Because of division within the party, the Democrats were only able to hold one presidency between 1896 and 1932. In 1948, the first time the Democrats officially adopted a pro-civil rights platform, Southern Democrats walked out of the Democratic National Convention in protest.

The divide remained throughout the 1950s and 60s, with southern Democrats attempting to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In fact, 80 percent of Republicans voted in favor of its final passage in contrast to less than 70 percent of democrats who supported it.


Civil Rights Act of 1964:
The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent. House Republicans? 80 percent. In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans.

When he was running for president in 2000, former Vice President Al Gore told the NAACP that his father, Sen. Al Gore Sr., had lost his Senate seat because he voted for the Civil Rights Act. Uplifting story -- except it's FALSE - A LIE! Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act. He lost in 1970 in a race that focused on prayer in public schools.

Whitewashing the Democratic Party's History | RealClearPolitics


The Democratic party's history is pockmarked with racism and terror. The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence the Ku Klux Klan.

Does this sound like a party that has “led the fight for civil rights” for over 200 years?

*** Republicans were the party of Lincoln, of Reconstruction, of anti-lynching laws, of the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960 and 1964.

*** BTW, Barak Obama, the 1st Black US President did almost LESS than nothing for blacks as President!

"By nearly every economic indicator, blacks are worse off than when President Obama was sworn into office. During Obama’s terms, black Americans experienced record lows in small business loans, and saw their lowest home-ownership rates in 25 years. This is along with having record highs in unemployment, and experiencing large amounts of wealth loss under his administration. Since Obama took office, the racial wealth gap grew over 30 percent. President Obama wielded great power, and used little of it to help the descendants of slavery, whose centuries of suffering propelled him to his lofty position."

African-Americans Didn't Do Well Under President Obama
Funny you say that because your GOP now celebrates those Democrats and is trying to remake the country in their vision.

Anyways, here’s the link if people want to decide for themselves instead of reading the OP’s hysterical bullshit: Our History - Democrats

With the possible exception of the party’s support for worker’s rights, these issues were not the Democrats’ concern for nearly a century of the party’s existence.

Most significantly, the Democrats were hardly champions of civil rights. For much of its history, the party struggled with division over the question of minority rights. The issue of the expansion of slavery tore the Democrats apart before and after the Civil War.

It was actually the Republican Party that was founded on the idea that slavery should be abolished.

In 1864, the Republican Party platform stated, “Slavery is hostile to the principles of Republican Government. Justice and the National safety demand its utter and complete extirpation from the soil of the Republic.”

Disagreement on civil rights issues within the Democratic Party continued long after the Civil War. Because of division within the party, the Democrats were only able to hold one presidency between 1896 and 1932. In 1948, the first time the Democrats officially adopted a pro-civil rights platform, Southern Democrats walked out of the Democratic National Convention in protest.

The divide remained throughout the 1950s and 60s, with southern Democrats attempting to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In fact, 80 percent of Republicans voted in favor of its final passage in contrast to less than 70 percent of democrats who supported it.


Civil Rights Act of 1964:
The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent. House Republicans? 80 percent. In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans.

When he was running for president in 2000, former Vice President Al Gore told the NAACP that his father, Sen. Al Gore Sr., had lost his Senate seat because he voted for the Civil Rights Act. Uplifting story -- except it's FALSE - A LIE! Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act. He lost in 1970 in a race that focused on prayer in public schools.

Whitewashing the Democratic Party's History | RealClearPolitics


The Democratic party's history is pockmarked with racism and terror. The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence the Ku Klux Klan.

Does this sound like a party that has “led the fight for civil rights” for over 200 years?

*** Republicans were the party of Lincoln, of Reconstruction, of anti-lynching laws, of the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960 and 1964.

*** BTW, Barak Obama, the 1st Black US President did almost LESS than nothing for blacks as President!

"By nearly every economic indicator, blacks are worse off than when President Obama was sworn into office. During Obama’s terms, black Americans experienced record lows in small business loans, and saw their lowest home-ownership rates in 25 years. This is along with having record highs in unemployment, and experiencing large amounts of wealth loss under his administration. Since Obama took office, the racial wealth gap grew over 30 percent. President Obama wielded great power, and used little of it to help the descendants of slavery, whose centuries of suffering propelled him to his lofty position."

African-Americans Didn't Do Well Under President Obama
Funny you say that because your GOP now celebrates those Democrats and is trying to remake the country in their vision.

Anyways, here’s the link if people want to decide for themselves instead of reading the OP’s hysterical bullshit: Our History - Democrats

This is the historical facts.
Republicans and Women's Rights: A Brief Reality Check
Sigh. Again, why does your party now celebrate and emulate those Democrats of old?
Sigh. Again, why does your party now celebrate and emulate those Democrats of old?

'Spartacus' and Ellison are hardly 'Democrats of OLD'! :p

Massive FAIL on the attempted propaganda spin! Bwuhahahaha.......

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