Democratic Socialist Party Has Embraced End of Civility, Lack of Ethics, Morals, and Open Hostility


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Progressive Liberals have for decades pushed the acceptable moral, ethical, civil, and legal established boundaries in this country, dragging the country farther and farther to the Left while the Republicans / Conservatives manage to stop or slow the progression but have never been able to bring the 'center' back to what it used to be. We have been dragged so far to the Left that the new 'center' is now where the 'original Left' used to be. As an example to prove this to be the case - we have been told that allowing males into the same bathrooms as females is supposed to be the 'new norm'. Sorry - the Progressive Liberals, a minority in many issues like this, have declared such issues to be the new 'center'. According to them, anyone who opposes it is now accused of being a 'Right Wing Extremist'...when not long ago the very idea of allowing males to enter the same bathroom as females was considered 'Extreme' left of center.

Over the past few decades the Left - Democrats - have become more and more unethical, immoral, corrupt, and flat-out CRIMINAL.
- Concerns over illegals, pets, and dead people voting were the biggest issues regarding election fraud / corruption; however, in 2016 the Democrats set a new record for unethical, immoral, and straight-up criminal elections by Obstructing Justice to protect a proven felon - an icon, the 'Godmother', of the Democratic Party from prison so she could run for President. During that campaign - according to the DNC's own Chairwoman - this candidate rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated Election Laws and Campaign Finance Laws...and still could not win her party's nomination. According to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile, after President Barak Obama left the DNC some $20 million in debt Hillary Clinton stepped in and 'bought' the DNC, after which she began taking and using donations intended for other candidates on her own campaign. In the end, again, according to Brazile, the DNC cheated candidate Bernie Sanders - and his supporters - out of an earned DNC Presidential nomination and GAVE it to Hillary Clinton.

After being given the nomination Hillary did not stop there in her all-out, desperate, criminal campaign to win the White House. Hillary reportedly paid groups to send THUGS to beat and bloody Trump supporters AT TRUMP rallies while claiming to want to be the President of EVERY American (even the ones she was paying to have beaten up). She colluded with and paid foreign spies (who were also working for the FBI) and Russians for their help in trying to win the election.

During the campaign, after hacked and released DNC e-mails exposed the cheating and corruption within the DNC nomination process, Donald Trump voiced his possible reluctance to accept the outcome of the election based on the factual accounts of Hillary cheating. Hillary responded by declaring, "ANYONE who does not accept the results of elections is a threat to our democracy"...words she proved later were easily issued as a challenge when she thought she would win but impossible to live up to after she lost the election. Barak Obama smugly stepped up and declared that Trump should worry less about someone cheating and hacking the election and more about getting votes. 'It is not possible to hack US elections," Obama declared.

Already we had seen for the 1st time an almost arrogant, open, care-free attitude from the Left about having been caught cheating and rigging elections. They offered little, aside from attempts to distract while the Liberal propaganda pushers focused on other stories, to defend or to hide it.

Evidence shows now that the Obama administration did not just Obstruct Justice to protect Hillary but also waged an entire Counter-Intelligence Operation that successfully deceived Congress into opening an investigation into non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion involving Trump, the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel, and the deceiving of the FISA courts allowing them to illegally acquire warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential nominee and his team - an act that can not be considered an over-exaggeration by calling it a 2nd Watergate.

All charades, all attempts to mask their true intentions and actions, all attempts to hide their growing volatile intolerance, and all attempts to hide their complete and utter hatred for Conservatives, Donald Trump, and anyone who opposed their ideology, beliefs, and opinions died when Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump, after running undeniable one of the worst campaigns in US history. Hillary's declaration that anyone who did not accept the results of elections was a threat to our democracy was violently rejected by her and the left, as she raged against the loss while blaming everyone and everything for her loss - even her own party and the Liberals / Obama administration that had kept her out of prison to begin with.

Their rage, their open hatred / hostility, has burned like a wildfire out of control, unchecked. Party leaders spewed violent rhetoric to the point where followers / democrats attempted the assassination of GOP politicians while liberal extremists from DC to Hollywood voiced their wish that the President and 1st Lady's son would be ripped from hi smother's arms, put in a cage, and raped by pedophiles, that women in the Trump administration would be kidnapped, beaten, caged, and raped on video tape 'for posterity'. The ferocity and intensity of their hatred and rage - fueled by the rabid liberal fake news left - who is insane with rage over a Conservative refusing to cow tow to them and instead has stood up to them and have exposed them for who they are - has never been seen to this level in the US / US politics before. (Snowflakes will attempt to deny this, but never did Americans so openly called for such hostility against Barak Obama and his children as they have done towards Donald Trump.)

Integrity, morality, ethics, honesty, decency? GONE! Diane Feinstein going extremely public with an unsubstantiated RUMOR - betraying the woman involved in the rumor and her desire for none of this to come out - for political party gain was a new historic low for the Democrats. Snowflakes try to claim 'how badly' Garland was treated by not being given an up-or-down vote by a GOP majority Congress is equivalent to what the Democrats are doing to Kavanaugh, but they are ridiculously demonstrating their blind partisanship for an immoral, unethical, valueless, desperate political party. Democrats have not simply attempted to deny a good man an up-or-down vote, they have viciously, without evidence, personally attacked a good man, attempting to destroy - burn down to the ground - his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, and his marriage...all for political revenge for Hillary losing and for their own party's political gain.

I have come to call this specific tactic of falsely accusing someone of sexual misconduct, part of the bigger Democratic preferred strategy known as 'The Politics of Personal Destruction', as 'Herman Cain'ing. When Herman Cain ran for President, he offered American an alternate black man as President...a good, honest man, which was a threat to Obama's re-election. So the Democrats marched out a line of bimbos to falsely accuse Cain of sexual misconduct while numerous associated law suits were filed against him and the Liberal media declared Cain to be the #1 threat to women in America, one that had to be dealt with. When his wife convinced him that going through such deplorable attacks was not worth running and Cain dropped out, the women disappeared, the lawsuits were dropped, and the media seemingly forgot they ever knew the name 'Herman Cain'...over-night. Having proved this tactic works to achieve their goal, the Democrats - who OPENLY declared their 100% commitment to Obstructing anything the new Presidential administration attempted to do for the American people, vowed to undermine it, and promised to do WHATEVER they could to block any and all actions on the new President....disgustingly proving again, with Kavanaugh this time, that means even attempting to completely destroy a good man's life.

is no word, IMO, in existence capable of describing how truly disgusting, immoral, unethical, and down-right evil what they are doing - OPENLY - is.

Again, in the aftermath of losing the House, losing the Senate, and their hand-picked felon candidate - who violated any law she had to in an attempt to win and who compromised our national security for personal gain - liberals / snowflakes LOST THEIR MINDS. The are no longer trying to hide their anger, hatred, and intolerance, no longer trying to hide their crimes or conspiracies, no longer trying to disguise their all out negative war on Conservatives and the GOP in order to regain power at all cost.

If one looks back over the last few years they will notice the Democrats have offered the American people except for hatred, anger, division, and proposed platforms, goals, and objectives that do not continue building upon the successes we now have had but ones that seek to reverse course, cause America to move backwards, and that hurt this country and its people:
- Higher taxes
- Driving manufacturing jobs back overseas, businesses they said would never return to the US
- Eliminating jobs, eliminating full-time jobs
- Eliminating higher wages, pay raises, and bonuses
- Eliminating the strongest economy in DECADES
- Eliminating the lowest unemployment rate in decades
- Eliminating the lowest unemployment rate for minorities in recorded history
- Eliminating the most Americans working at 1 time ever
- A return to Obama-era unemployment rates
- A return to Obama-era dependency on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment...the govt / the DNC
- Impeachment of the President, evidence of crime/corruption or not, reversing the results of the democratic election they refuse to accept

The Democratic party and its leaders have become a threat to our civility, decency, morality, unity, and democracy.

How Liberal Democrats Are Threatening Democracy

"Such flagrant disregard for principles governing civil conduct is just as real a threat to our Republic. The effort by the liberal elite—from a few small, but densely populated urban enclaves—to thwart the express will of the people erodes public trust in our system of government. Confidence in the rule of law should never be undermined, especially by those whom we have given our trust, and our votes. After all, what does it say when people we have elevated to the position of “lawmaker” express so little respect for it?"
Communist democrats know that this is a real Bloodletting war. Republicans are pretending that these are solvable social hiccups.
The Progressive Liberals have for decades pushed the acceptable moral, ethical, civil, and legal established boundaries in this country, dragging the country farther and farther to the Left while the Republicans / Conservatives manage to stop or slow the progression but have never been able to bring the 'center' back to what it used to be. We have been dragged so far to the Left that the new 'center' is now where the 'original Left' used to be. As an example to prove this to be the case - we have been told that allowing males into the same bathrooms as females is supposed to be the 'new norm'. Sorry - the Progressive Liberals, a minority in many issues like this, have declared such issues to be the new 'center'. According to them, anyone who opposes it is now accused of being a 'Right Wing Extremist'...when not long ago the very idea of allowing males to enter the same bathroom as females was considered 'Extreme' left of center.

Over the past few decades the Left - Democrats - have become more and more unethical, immoral, corrupt, and flat-out CRIMINAL.
- Concerns over illegals, pets, and dead people voting were the biggest issues regarding election fraud / corruption; however, in 2016 the Democrats set a new record for unethical, immoral, and straight-up criminal elections by Obstructing Justice to protect a proven felon - an icon, the 'Godmother', of the Democratic Party from prison so she could run for President. During that campaign - according to the DNC's own Chairwoman - this candidate rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated Election Laws and Campaign Finance Laws...and still could not win her party's nomination. According to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile, after President Barak Obama left the DNC some $20 million in debt Hillary Clinton stepped in and 'bought' the DNC, after which she began taking and using donations intended for other candidates on her own campaign. In the end, again, according to Brazile, the DNC cheated candidate Bernie Sanders - and his supporters - out of an earned DNC Presidential nomination and GAVE it to Hillary Clinton.

After being given the nomination Hillary did not stop there in her all-out, desperate, criminal campaign to win the White House. Hillary reportedly paid groups to send THUGS to beat and bloody Trump supporters AT TRUMP rallies while claiming to want to be the President of EVERY American (even the ones she was paying to have beaten up). She colluded with and paid foreign spies (who were also working for the FBI) and Russians for their help in trying to win the election.

During the campaign, after hacked and released DNC e-mails exposed the cheating and corruption within the DNC nomination process, Donald Trump voiced his possible reluctance to accept the outcome of the election based on the factual accounts of Hillary cheating. Hillary responded by declaring, "ANYONE who does not accept the results of elections is a threat to our democracy"...words she proved later were easily issued as a challenge when she thought she would win but impossible to live up to after she lost the election. Barak Obama smugly stepped up and declared that Trump should worry less about someone cheating and hacking the election and more about getting votes. 'It is not possible to hack US elections," Obama declared.

Already we had seen for the 1st time an almost arrogant, open, care-free attitude from the Left about having been caught cheating and rigging elections. They offered little, aside from attempts to distract while the Liberal propaganda pushers focused on other stories, to defend or to hide it.

Evidence shows now that the Obama administration did not just Obstruct Justice to protect Hillary but also waged an entire Counter-Intelligence Operation that successfully deceived Congress into opening an investigation into non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion involving Trump, the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel, and the deceiving of the FISA courts allowing them to illegally acquire warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential nominee and his team - an act that can not be considered an over-exaggeration by calling it a 2nd Watergate.

All charades, all attempts to mask their true intentions and actions, all attempts to hide their growing volatile intolerance, and all attempts to hide their complete and utter hatred for Conservatives, Donald Trump, and anyone who opposed their ideology, beliefs, and opinions died when Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump, after running undeniable one of the worst campaigns in US history. Hillary's declaration that anyone who did not accept the results of elections was a threat to our democracy was violently rejected by her and the left, as she raged against the loss while blaming everyone and everything for her loss - even her own party and the Liberals / Obama administration that had kept her out of prison to begin with.

Their rage, their open hatred / hostility, has burned like a wildfire out of control, unchecked. Party leaders spewed violent rhetoric to the point where followers / democrats attempted the assassination of GOP politicians while liberal extremists from DC to Hollywood voiced their wish that the President and 1st Lady's son would be ripped from hi smother's arms, put in a cage, and raped by pedophiles, that women in the Trump administration would be kidnapped, beaten, caged, and raped on video tape 'for posterity'. The ferocity and intensity of their hatred and rage - fueled by the rabid liberal fake news left - who is insane with rage over a Conservative refusing to cow tow to them and instead has stood up to them and have exposed them for who they are - has never been seen to this level in the US / US politics before. (Snowflakes will attempt to deny this, but never did Americans so openly called for such hostility against Barak Obama and his children as they have done towards Donald Trump.)

Integrity, morality, ethics, honesty, decency? GONE! Diane Feinstein going extremely public with an unsubstantiated RUMOR - betraying the woman involved in the rumor and her desire for none of this to come out - for political party gain was a new historic low for the Democrats. Snowflakes try to claim 'how badly' Garland was treated by not being given an up-or-down vote by a GOP majority Congress is equivalent to what the Democrats are doing to Kavanaugh, but they are ridiculously demonstrating their blind partisanship for an immoral, unethical, valueless, desperate political party. Democrats have not simply attempted to deny a good man an up-or-down vote, they have viciously, without evidence, personally attacked a good man, attempting to destroy - burn down to the ground - his word, his reputation, his life's work, his future, his family, and his marriage...all for political revenge for Hillary losing and for their own party's political gain.

I have come to call this specific tactic of falsely accusing someone of sexual misconduct, part of the bigger Democratic preferred strategy known as 'The Politics of Personal Destruction', as 'Herman Cain'ing. When Herman Cain ran for President, he offered American an alternate black man as President...a good, honest man, which was a threat to Obama's re-election. So the Democrats marched out a line of bimbos to falsely accuse Cain of sexual misconduct while numerous associated law suits were filed against him and the Liberal media declared Cain to be the #1 threat to women in America, one that had to be dealt with. When his wife convinced him that going through such deplorable attacks was not worth running and Cain dropped out, the women disappeared, the lawsuits were dropped, and the media seemingly forgot they ever knew the name 'Herman Cain'...over-night. Having proved this tactic works to achieve their goal, the Democrats - who OPENLY declared their 100% commitment to Obstructing anything the new Presidential administration attempted to do for the American people, vowed to undermine it, and promised to do WHATEVER they could to block any and all actions on the new President....disgustingly proving again, with Kavanaugh this time, that means even attempting to completely destroy a good man's life.

is no word, IMO, in existence capable of describing how truly disgusting, immoral, unethical, and down-right evil what they are doing - OPENLY - is.

Again, in the aftermath of losing the House, losing the Senate, and their hand-picked felon candidate - who violated any law she had to in an attempt to win and who compromised our national security for personal gain - liberals / snowflakes LOST THEIR MINDS. The are no longer trying to hide their anger, hatred, and intolerance, no longer trying to hide their crimes or conspiracies, no longer trying to disguise their all out negative war on Conservatives and the GOP in order to regain power at all cost.

If one looks back over the last few years they will notice the Democrats have offered the American people except for hatred, anger, division, and proposed platforms, goals, and objectives that do not continue building upon the successes we now have had but ones that seek to reverse course, cause America to move backwards, and that hurt this country and its people:
- Higher taxes
- Driving manufacturing jobs back overseas, businesses they said would never return to the US
- Eliminating jobs, eliminating full-time jobs
- Eliminating higher wages, pay raises, and bonuses
- Eliminating the strongest economy in DECADES
- Eliminating the lowest unemployment rate in decades
- Eliminating the lowest unemployment rate for minorities in recorded history
- Eliminating the most Americans working at 1 time ever
- A return to Obama-era unemployment rates
- A return to Obama-era dependency on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment...the govt / the DNC
- Impeachment of the President, evidence of crime/corruption or not, reversing the results of the democratic election they refuse to accept

The Democratic party and its leaders have become a threat to our civility, decency, morality, unity, and democracy.

How Liberal Democrats Are Threatening Democracy

"Such flagrant disregard for principles governing civil conduct is just as real a threat to our Republic. The effort by the liberal elite—from a few small, but densely populated urban enclaves—to thwart the express will of the people erodes public trust in our system of government. Confidence in the rule of law should never be undermined, especially by those whom we have given our trust, and our votes. After all, what does it say when people we have elevated to the position of “lawmaker” express so little respect for it?"




This, from the party of the most vulgar, pugilistic, vindictive, arrogant, childish President in the history of the country.

Absolutely incredible. I'm sure this is just an ironic joke.

Tell us again how Biden missed all of the Generals recommending that we leave 2,500 troops in Afghanistan
The middle has always been and will always be the best place the nation can be in. Indisputable

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