Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

Should we expect less from the party of John Podesta, Satanic pedophile?
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.

Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)
Last edited:
Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.
It wasn't the "black" they were upset at. It was his total inexperience and his history as a radical, socialist, anti American, anti capitalist nutjob. But you should be happy how he single handedly demolished the Democrat party.
The candidate of the "demolished" party had 2 million more votes. Did you notice that the radical socialist is leaving the country in 1000X better shape than he found it? Maybe we should elect more secret Muslims from Kenya. Yes, I`m ridiculing you and your fellow know nothing ku kluxxers.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.

Nope. Wasn't running for any of the offices you mentioned, or in fact any office at all. But if you're confuserated about your own theory, check his approval numbers.

And there is no "mission to destroy the democrat party" because no such party has ever existed.

You sure you don't have some kind of brain disease?

check his approval numbers.

That will help the Dems as Trump erases Obama's legacy.
The candidate of the "demolished" party had 2 million more votes. Did you notice that the radical socialist is leaving the country in 1000X better shape than he found it? Maybe we should elect more secret Muslims from Kenya. Yes, I`m ridiculing you and your fellow know nothing ku kluxxers.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.

Nope. Wasn't running for any of the offices you mentioned, or in fact any office at all. But if you're confuserated about your own theory, check his approval numbers.

And there is no "mission to destroy the democrat party" because no such party has ever existed.

You sure you don't have some kind of brain disease?

check his approval numbers.

That will help the Dems as Trump erases Obama's legacy.
Obama`s legacy is this: Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago. There is still that big Republican debt to deal with though.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.
'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.
And make sure Obama keeps injecting his divisive, socialist, anti American rhetoric to remind people why Hillary didn't become president in the first place.
Thanks to Obama, the party lost the presidency, the House, the Senate, governorships, and state legislators. States that had not voted red in over 30 years voted for Trump on Election Day. It was a solid rebuking of Obama and a humiliation for the Democrat party as a whole. Plus they had the corrupt media banging their drumbeats against Trump 24/7. Whatever the Democrats thought they were doing, it didn't work.

Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.

Nope. Wasn't running for any of the offices you mentioned, or in fact any office at all. But if you're confuserated about your own theory, check his approval numbers.

And there is no "mission to destroy the democrat party" because no such party has ever existed.

You sure you don't have some kind of brain disease?

check his approval numbers.

That will help the Dems as Trump erases Obama's legacy.
Obama`s legacy is this: Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago. There is still that big Republican debt to deal with though.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

Obama`s legacy is this: Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago.

Help me out, the recession ended in June 2009, what did Obama do to fix things so quickly?
Be as specific as you can.
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

Should we expect less from the party of John Podesta, Satanic pedophile?

You mean Satanic Pizzaphile?
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him. want a religious test for government positions (even tho Chairman of a Political Party is not a government position)?
I don't want anything, it isn't up to me.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.

Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

I don't want anything, it isn't up to me.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.

Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Yeah....mindless because having a Racist, Black Islamic prick running the Democratic Party is perfectly acceptable.
Kind of like David Duke running the GOP.....right?
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

ummm --- who started this thread, Sparkles? A thread centered on what some guy's religion is that still has yet to tell us what religion Prince Reebus follows or, more to the point, why anybody should care?

Face it, the whole premise of this thread is as stupid as the Klan opposing Al Smith because he was a Catholic.

Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Yeah....mindless because having a Racist, Black Islamic prick running the Democratic Party is perfectly acceptable.
Kind of like David Duke running the GOP.....right?

Once AGAIN, I have no idea, or care, what David Duke's religion is.
But if you think it's a factor ----- give us all a laugh and explain why.

I think my favorite gaffe from all those is this line:

he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Got that? Muhammad, back in the 7th century, anticipated the Constitution of a country that would not exist for over a thousand years, on a continent nobody around there knew existed. :lmao:
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Yeah....mindless because having a Racist, Black Islamic prick running the Democratic Party is perfectly acceptable.
Kind of like David Duke running the GOP.....right?

Once AGAIN, I have no idea, or care, what David Duke's religion is.
But if you think it's a factor ----- give us all a laugh and explain why.

I think my favorite gaffe from all those is this line:

he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Got that? Muhammad, back in the 7th century, anticipated the Constitution of a country that would not exist for over a thousand years, on a continent nobody around there knew existed. :lmao:
Not even a decent deflection....
I think the point was both Ellison and Duke are racists and shouldn't be in charge of any part of our government. I think both David Duke and Keith Ellison would be happy to fire up the ovens and throw Jews in the fire.....along with anyone else that gets in their way.
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Yeah....mindless because having a Racist, Black Islamic prick running the Democratic Party is perfectly acceptable.
Kind of like David Duke running the GOP.....right?

Once AGAIN, I have no idea, or care, what David Duke's religion is.
But if you think it's a factor ----- give us all a laugh and explain why.

I think my favorite gaffe from all those is this line:

he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Got that? Muhammad, back in the 7th century, anticipated the Constitution of a country that would not exist for over a thousand years, on a continent nobody around there knew existed. :lmao:
Not even a decent deflection....
I think the point was both Ellison and Duke are racists and shouldn't be in charge of any part of our government. I think both David Duke and Keith Ellison would be happy to fire up the ovens and throw Jews in the fire.....along with anyone else that gets in their way.

That isn't the topic though. The title plainly moans that "Democrats are about to choose a Muslim". That's a specific reference to RELIGION. Which is why I demanded to know, back when this thread started, why his religion matters. However long ago that was, I never got an answer.

That's the kind of question I lay out there --- ones that can't be answered.

Not "Democrats are about to choose a racist" or "Democrats are about to choose a black man" or "Democrats are about to choose a Capricornian" --- a Muslim.

Who da "deflector" now, beeeeeyatch?
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.
Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

Yeah, you got it, lightbulb. Electing a radical Muslim as your party leader, in this environment, just confirms how out of fucking touch Demcrats are with Americans. It's this mindset that caused them to get pummeled on Nov. 8. I truly hope they elect Ellison the Islamist. They will never recover from it. LOL.
"A Radical Muslim"....what is it that makes Ellison a "radical"?

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Yeah....mindless because having a Racist, Black Islamic prick running the Democratic Party is perfectly acceptable.
Kind of like David Duke running the GOP.....right?

Once AGAIN, I have no idea, or care, what David Duke's religion is.
But if you think it's a factor ----- give us all a laugh and explain why.

I think my favorite gaffe from all those is this line:

he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Got that? Muhammad, back in the 7th century, anticipated the Constitution of a country that would not exist for over a thousand years, on a continent nobody around there knew existed. :lmao:
Do you have a link for that, Achmed? We know that the illiterate, caravan robbing, terrorist theif had many hallucinations, or as some have described "saranic verses".
Wasn't aware this mindless thread had come back but looking over the last page:

He's tied to and takes money from radical Islamist groups, he's anti-semitic and he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Keith Ellison is a racist Black Supremacist......

....pretty much the direction that the Democrat Party is going.

He's been on Fox and he made it very clear that he hates Whites with a passion and he has supported Black leaders that preach the killing of whites.
The only thing Keith Ellison is worth is the bullet that kills him.

Read all about it. Is this the guy that's going to save the Democrapic party from the total humiliation it suffered on November 8?
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam

The man poised to head the Democratic Party was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.

To be clear, Ellison has never genuinely repudiated his past anti-Semitism or his close association with the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or its co-founder, Nihad Awad, who has publicly supported Islamic terrorism.

For nearly a decade, from law school through his first run for state representative in 1998, Ellison openly identified with the Nation of Islam. This was not simply a question of religious observance. He was dedicated to slamming “Zionism” and Jews, while repeatedly and vocally defending Farrakhan. As a law student and proud NOI member in 1990, Ellison helped sponsor a speech titled: “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?,” according to the respected Scott Johnson of Power Line Blog, who also noted that “Ellison reject[ed] the appeal of Jewish law students to withdraw sponsorship of the lecture.” In 1995, Ellison wrote in a local Minneapolis newspaper under his nom de guerre, “Keith X Ellison,” a stirring defense of repugnant and unabashed anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, stating emphatically, “Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth.” He even went the extra step of denying decades of evidence, saying, “[H]e is not an anti-Semite.”

Acting as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a 33-year-old Ellison read aloud that he was there to “support the truth” of her alleged comment that “Jews are the most racist white people.” One of his pieces of evidence was that “in some Black areas, some exploitative shopkeepers are, yes, Jewish.”

It should be more than a little concerning that he felt the need to defend and expound upon the anti-Semitic remarks attributed to a woman who subsequently disclaimed any connection to them.

Perhaps if Ellison’s troubling judgment ended in the 1990’s, that would be one thing. But if anything, he continued exhibiting tight bonds right up until entering Congress with people whose views are, if anything, more disturbing than Farrakhan’s.

In his 2006 campaign that ultimately won him his first term in Congress, Ellison received roughly $50,000 campaign contributions that were given or raised by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was spun off of Hamas front group Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). Several senior CAIR employees have been jailed and convicted for ties to terrorism, and IAP apparently shuttered in 2004after its was found liable in a 2004 civil court case of supporting terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not casual or incidental contact. Ellison had a nearly two decade-long friendship at the time with CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who declared in a 1994 speech at Florida’s Barry University, “I’m in support of the Hamas movement.” Hamas, of course, is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the mass murder of Jews and destruction of Israel. Awad’s CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, explained his bizarre support for terrorism at the 1999 conference of IAP (both he and Awad were senior officials there before starting CAIR in 1994) by praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam”: “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam.” (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.) Ahmad glorified suicide bombers at a youth session, meaning he was addressing teenagers and perhaps even younger children.

Awad headlined a Minneapolis-area fundraiser before the September 2006 primary that, in a call at the time with this journalist that the campaign estimated raised upwards of $20,000, and he was the only speaker besides Ellison himself. A month prior, Awad also bundled $10,000 in contributions for the campaign (including his own $2,000 check). The month after my September 2006 reporting about this financial support from Awad and CAIR officials, Ellison travelled to Florida for yet another CAIR-hosted fundraiser, which netted over $20,000.

Ellison also received $500 from Esam Omeish, former president of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim American Society, who has publicly defended the “moderate” views of the Muslim Brotherhood and who reportedly pushed for the hiring at his local Northern Virginia mosque the radical cleric Anwar al-Alwaki, who later took refuge in Yemen as a spiritual leader of and recruiter for al Qaeda. (Al-Alwaki in 2011 famously became the first American targeted and killed by a drone strike.)

Democrats have got to be the dumbest organisms on this planet with the lowest learning curve in human history. LOL

KEITH ELLISON=> THE PERFECT PICK FOR DNC CHAIR - Jew-Hating Radical Who Detests Israel

Bernie Sanders and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren want Ellison to lead the party.

Who is Keith Ellison?…
In 1997, when Joanne Jackson, executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism (MIAR), allegedly said that, “Jews are among the most racist white people”, Ellison, using his religious name Mohammed, read a statement supporting her on behalf of the The Minneapolis-St. Paul Study Group of the Nations of Islam: “[We] stand by Ms. Jackson. We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”

The media and the left are suddenly interested in anti-Semitism again. As usual the “interest” is purely politically convenient. The best evidence of that is the coronation of Keith X. Ellison.

Ellison’s anti-Semitic past continues to be covered up by the media because it’s certainly very revealing that a top progressive had Nation of Islam ties. It’s also very revealing that no one will talk about it.

As a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School in 1989-90, he wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily under the name “Keith Hakim.” In the first, Ellison refers to “Minister Louis Farrakhan,” defends Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and speaks in the voice of a Nation of Islam advocate. In the second, “Hakim” demands reparations for slavery and throws in a demand for an optional separate homeland for American blacks. In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to speak at the law school on the subject “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” Jewish law students met personally with Ellison and appealed to him not to sponsor the speech at the law school; he rejected their appeal, and, as anticipated, Ture gave a notoriously anti-Semitic speech.

n a November 6, 1995, column for the Minneapolis periodical Insight News, Ellison wrote under the name “Keith X Ellison.” He condemned a Star Tribune editorial cartoon that was critical of Farrakhan as a role model for blacks because of his anti-Semitism. Ellison argued to the contrary.

Then, in February 1997, Ellison appeared as a local spokesman for the Nation of Islam with the last name “Muhammad.” He spoke at a public hearing in connection with a controversy involving Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Jackson was alleged to have said, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.” Jackson denied making the statement or insisted that it had been taken out of context. Ellison appeared before the MIAR on behalf of the Nation of Islam in defense of Jackson’s alleged statement. According to the Star Tribune and the full text of the statement published in the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, Ellison said: “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.”

Ellison has a long history of involvement with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
He’s a perfect choice to lead the DNC.

'How to Give the REPs a Super Majority in the Senate in 2018 For Dummies'
Elect Keith Ellison to chair the DNC and keep Nancy Pelosi as Minority Chair in Congress.
The 'book' is only one paragraph long.

------ not a single one of these explains why there should be a religious test to chair an organization.

Not one. Not even a hint.

Also no sign of any answer on the burning question of what religion Prince Reebus practices. I understand it's like vitally important shit.
Yeah....mindless because having a Racist, Black Islamic prick running the Democratic Party is perfectly acceptable.
Kind of like David Duke running the GOP.....right?

Once AGAIN, I have no idea, or care, what David Duke's religion is.
But if you think it's a factor ----- give us all a laugh and explain why.

I think my favorite gaffe from all those is this line:

he took office swearing on a book that puts allah's law above American law.

Got that? Muhammad, back in the 7th century, anticipated the Constitution of a country that would not exist for over a thousand years, on a continent nobody around there knew existed. :lmao:
Not even a decent deflection....
I think the point was both Ellison and Duke are racists and shouldn't be in charge of any part of our government. I think both David Duke and Keith Ellison would be happy to fire up the ovens and throw Jews in the fire.....along with anyone else that gets in their way.

That isn't the topic though. The title plainly moans that "Democrats are about to choose a Muslim". That's a specific reference to RELIGION. Which is why I demanded to know, back when this thread started, why his religion matters. However long ago that was, I never got an answer.

That's the kind of question I lay out there --- ones that can't be answered.

Not "Democrats are about to choose a racist" or "Democrats are about to choose a black man" or "Democrats are about to choose a Capricornian" --- a Muslim.

Who da "deflector" now, beeeeeyatch?
Yup, that's what the title says, Democrats are about to chose a Muslim, in an environment where the Democratic Party is being perceived as Islam apologist, Christian bashing, can't say "Islamic terrorist", and home to the Muslim Brotherhood. Not only they're electing a Muslim, but a radical, anti American, anti semtic, black supremacist one to boot.
Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... O'bama wasn't running for any of those offices.

Maybe the newspapers have a little dwell time before they reach your cave. Or maybe you're just unable to think your way out of association fallacies. Which explains why you're here.
He wasn't running? Coulda fooled me. He campaigned like no president did before in history. His legacy was on the line, he even told Americans in the rallies, and it was solidly rebuked in an electoral landslide. This president (also considered the leader of his party) came in with a majority in both houses, and he basically led his party to self destruction. In other words he was a total disaster for the country, the world, and his own party. I hope he sticks around and continues his mission to destroy the democrat party.

Nope. Wasn't running for any of the offices you mentioned, or in fact any office at all. But if you're confuserated about your own theory, check his approval numbers.

And there is no "mission to destroy the democrat party" because no such party has ever existed.

You sure you don't have some kind of brain disease?

check his approval numbers.

That will help the Dems as Trump erases Obama's legacy.
Obama`s legacy is this: Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago. There is still that big Republican debt to deal with though.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

Obama`s legacy is this: Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago.

Help me out, the recession ended in June 2009, what did Obama do to fix things so quickly?
Be as specific as you can.
You don`t know how to use Google Todd? Even George Bush knew how to use "the Google". Are you dumber than him?

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